Rorschach’s Journal
November 1st, 1985
I wake up on cool grass, staring up at blank blue sky, confused and disoriented. I breathe in cool, humid air. Refreshing compared to abrasive winds of ice, left more questions in mind. My right hand moves first to be sure ground was real, tugged on grass and dirt, felt real. Moved hand further and found this book with pencil in it. Much like old journal I dropped off in New York before leaving for Antarctica to stop Adrain Veidt’s plans. I recall quickly what had transpired: the fight, arrival of Dr. Manhattan, Veidt’s ‘victory’, and leaving. Just moments ago I stood before Dr. Manhattan, stood before own death, unwilling to compromise to Veidt’s plans. The name alone should cause anger, yet as I lay there on grass I feel unabashed, rather confused for what happened next. Recall the confrontation with an eerie clarity. “Do it!” I screamed, expecting it to be my final word in cold tundra of conspiracy.
Saw for fraction of moment the indestructible man hesitate, the next I felt a warmth start in my gut and envelop my whole. Yet here I was, under a peaceful sky that somehow looked different from the harsh blueness that hung over the arctic ice. I could have sworn, as the fire overtook me, that Dr. Manhattan had spoken. I heard his voice in my head, perhaps as final farewell, “Find peace, Rorschach.”
A blackness. Then here.
My hands rose first from the grass, leaving journal on ground. Touched face and found familiar fabric, yet I remember, had taken it off so that it would be Walter Kolvac who stood there to die. I wore my true face now. Slowly I get up from the ground, aches and pains from the fight with Veidt rose with me. Find self in forest but one I have never seen before. Am reminded of films of Vietnam, how the trees seemed to hang against each other and the vegetation grew thick in every direction. In strange way it looked beautiful. It occurs to me this might be heaven. I knew that was not true though. Men like me don't go to any heaven. No, I still felt alive and I could feel everything like the natural world, for some reason Dr. Manhattan had spared me. Out of pity perhaps? No, no matter how human he pretends to be I doubt he understands the emotion anymore. The indestructible man left me alive for a reason yet I did not plan to give him the satisfaction of complying. The world must know what Veidt did, had to tell what happened up there in cold ice on top of the world.
I stumble through forest in elevator shoes, not meant for rough terrain but would have to do. Progressively a feeling over takes me. Something feels different. I expected myself to be in Asia or South America when first awoke, some remote part of the Earth where I could not get back to civilization. Things did not add up though. Flowers were different, plants I did not think existed dotted the forest floor in large frequency. The air too, smelled too clean and fresh. Played havoc on my senses, more accustomed to smog of filthy alleyways and slums, said slums and city likely no longer exist thanks to Veidt. Little time to question such things, I have my purpose. I trudge on through thick forest, no direction in mind. Thought crosses mind that I am going further into the forest, second thought questions if there was ever a real direction to go.
Night overtakes the forest. I hear large creatures begin to stir from their daytime slumber. Figure best shelter at top of tree, not on forest floor. I climb nearest one with large enough branches to support me. I will spend the night here until I can gather my bearings in the morning.
Rorschach’s journal
November 2nd, 1985
Little sleep last night. Mind still questioning further existence. Does not make sense for Dr. Manhattan to leave loose ends in affair. Had to keep the peace by hiding Veidt’s plan from new peaceful world in his mind, forced to keep the horrific lie for safety. I wonder what became of Dan, and to some extent Laurie. Weak, both of them, probably ran away together and plan to keep Veidt’s dirty secret among their own other perverse secrets, still hope Dan is safe, was partner after all. Ozymandias probably on his way now to New York to set his plan in motion to further rebuild city on lie, he expected peace, love and harmony to take the place of cesspools and millions of dead innocent lives.
Spent morning walking west. Rising sun helped point me in right direction. Walked for hours before something in the sky caught my attention. Sounded like small jet from afar, but went by too fast and was too far to see. Cyan streak, left a… rainbow trail, as far as I could see. Refraction of light perhaps, did not matter, first sign of other civilized life so far. Was headed west, same as me, will continue to travel in that direction.
I walked further with no sign of jet from before. Knew I was on right track now after finding path. Followed path out of forest and spot strangely colorful signs of civilization.
Rorschach’s Journal
Former November 2nd, 1985 entry. Now Day 1 entry in unknown place.
I know now that the Godlike man did not send me to some foreign part of the world that I knew. Would have preferred if he did though, I would have known what to do. Not the case here.
I approached signs of town as before but found no town in the sense I am familiar with. Town infers people, I found no people here. Moment I realized that these were not humans that lived in town I hid myself well. Buildings were familiar, similar architecture but vastly different in an almost cartoonish way. Each building was unique and painted in bright warm colors that hurt my eyes. Not one was the drab grey concrete I knew and hated. Used these buildings as cover, observed situation to understand where I was.
What I found were creatures I can only describe as ponylike in physiology yet held human like characteristics. Referred to each other as ponies but understand now that they were not all the same. Some were unicorns, I hesitantly write this, idea of said creature existing ludicrous. Will need to make note of reading Book of Genesis, if ever possible again, for other things that might have been missed by Noah and his ark but turn out to be true. Second were pegasi, writing the word down leaves bad taste in mouth. Somehow seems less realistic than unicorns. Explains so called jet I saw earlier, saw again later but realized it was a cyan pegasus with rainbow mane. Will need to make note of watching skies to stay hidden. Finally normal, wingless and hornless ponies but I use term normal very lightly, for just the same as the other two, all looked like they had been colored in pastels. Bright colors that remind me of neon lights. Each one had marking on flank, from deductive reasoning believe this somehow reiterates talent or job (Noted orange, blonde pony with mark of three apples selling apples, likewise another pony with a rosebud on her flank was selling flowers- especially roses).
Will continue to observe and work way through town called Ponyville. For now will return to forest and find base of operations. Will stay hidden for now from intelligent creatures. Mind strangely calm though despite implications of what this all meant. Somehow made sense, Dr. Manhattan had refused to kill me- instead he sent me to another world.
Somehow seems crueler fate than death. On Earth, had a purpose and a goal, now was lost in some strange world so very different from the cold, cruel streets of Manhattan.
Rorschach in Equestria?

You have my attention..
...I am intrigued.
Rorschach's journal, January 31, 2012
That's all.
Wait, if it's 1985 does that mean he gets to meet all the G1 ponies?
Okay. This is fucking AWESOME. For the love of god MOAR
Curious... The writing style feels similar to the journals from the graphic novel, so that's a plus.

Also, what's Rorschach going to eat? If he tries snacking on some poison joke, I will just laugh so hard.
Interesting. Please, do go on. "Munches popcorn"
Will it be continuously through "journal vision" or will the POV shift to normal narration once he starts talking to the ponies?
The streets fill with cake and punch, and the ponies will look up and shout "Come party!" and I will whisper "No".
inital reaction:
*sees title*
..........get the f*** outta here.
This pleases me...
oh god this is awesome but....
Tread carefully. Very carefully.
The accumulated cute of all their parties and apples will foam up about their withers and all the ponies and unicorns and pegasuses will look up and shout "Love us!"... and I'll whisper "d'aaawwwww."
174767 Originally I came up with the idea a week ago with a single event in mind, the hard part was making a story to go along with it but I finally have a rough draft of what I'm going to do.
174872 I've thought about that and really came to the conclusion that it wold be mixed. I felt it would be better if it wasn't all in Rorschach's rambling journal but it will still all be from his perspective for the sake of continuity.
174929 I assure you I have every pony's safety in mind! Of course that doesn't mean terrible things aren't going to happen- quite the opposite- but still!
174937 Well its hard to say if Rorschach is penitent or not. He lived his life without compromise breaking fingers and throwing people down elevator shafts in order to cleanse the city of its criminal underbelly. Still you'll just have to read on and see
Wow, you guys have really put me in a better mood! I literally just overslept through a class before I checked my page here.
My mind is ready
Hmmmm.... intrigued I am. Please go on.
All right... I'll bite.
Tracked. :3
I like it :D... You get 5 stars for the idea alone!
Seems's just....after so many "(insert important person from a game/book/movie) is in Equestria" they all look the same and get boring, like reading a Story about a popular shipping. Seen it 10+ times now and it's not interesting anymore.
0_0 i am interested
Rorschach is about to become a brony. I'm a huge fan of The Watchmen - I've read it a dozen times or so and still find new things. I think you present Rorschach very authentically.
Just... Eh... Don't make Rorschach kill a pony unless it's Snips or Snails.
You have my attention.
Will track to see where this goes.
Please, don't derail this. Rorschach wouldn't like it.
I'm also holding off on rating this, but you write Rorschach quite well. I'm with everyone else in waiting to see where this goes. The premise sounds so absurd, but as a huge fan of Watchmen and now MLP this could be the most amazing fic ever if done right.
Some class-A trolling by Dr Manhattan there.
You, sir, just got yourself a track.
However I find myself curious, did Dr. Manhattan simply send Rorschach to Equestria? Or, like he said at the end of the comic, is Equestria the simple, peaceful world he intended to create for himself far away from humanity?
Like many others, I have to say, this is very interesting. You have written Rorschach very well so far, but tread carefully, my friend. You could either have hundreds of fans screaming your name in praise or hundreds of fans trying to burn down your house in anger.
Good luck!
This looks interesting. Very well written, and it seems to be taking an interesting direction. Two thumbs- er, hooves- up!
**Sits back into my chair and stiples my fingers togeather** go on
*Read the tags*
This is not going to end well for the ponies.
What I am hoping for here can be summed up quite simply as follows.
Choose Your Deity: Player 1, Dr. Manhattan
Choose Your Deity: Player 2, Discord
Manhattan vs Discord, Battle 1, Fight!!!
175255 I can see how you feel about that and in a lot of cases I would agree with you. What I've found though besides who the character is that matters but rather what they are, what they represent. I find a crossover fiction for MLP must have a character who is vastly different to the main storyline's mood or one who is quite similar and can be played off (or rather made fanon). If you just pluck some random guy out of reality, like say Ezio from Assassin's Creed without reason and without purpose and put him in some place that isn't really interesting, just sort becomes a 'what if this guy was there for this event and did this thing'.
175413 You sir are thinking quite ahead of yourself. I will say this though, that does get addressed some time later in the story but don't hold your breathe for it... cause you'll probably just pass out and miss the other stuff in between.
This could be the best crossover ever, tracking
Greatest. Unexpected crossover. Ever.
Wow, this is really good. Keep Rorschach's character on track and this will make a great story. The only thing I have to say is that Rorschach isn't really a sociopath like you said in the description. He cares too much about other people, has standards, and feels guilt (when he confronts his landlady and sees her kids, he backs off). He's violent and unpredictable, but those alone don't make for a sociopath. The Comedian fits the criteria much better.
175743 I actually regret using the word sociopath a few hours after making the description because honestly you're right that he isn't really a sociopath or a psychopath either.
Seriously, you wrote this amazingly. When I started reading this, I was expecting the standard, "Mr. X gets plucked up, and dropped off in Ponyville. Blah blah blah happens," but the way you did it by using his "journal speak,"... just... wow...
Rorschach's Journal. October 12th, 1986: Unicorn lying in alley this morning, stomach full from the salt lick no doubt. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended troughs and the troughs are full of sugar and when the drains finally scab over, all the ponis will drown. The accumulated sweetness of all their sunshine and rainbows will rise up about their waists and all the bakers and princesses will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "neigh."

Very nice, I love how the story isn't grimdark (yet?) but being told from the point of view of a man of questionable sanity like Rorschach leaves a definitely grimdark and definitely delicious taste in my mouth. I also think you did a great job of mimicking Rorschach's writing/speaking style, it definitely helped to build the atmosphere. I'm very intrigued by this story, I'll be waiting for more. You've just won a track and fave, my good sir. I'll wait for subsequent chapters before I rate it, but expect my rating to be high. Great job, keep it up!
My body is ready...
next chapter
Wow. This is going to end up really good. I read the watchmen as well as watched the movie. Brilliant idea.
Trolling? Hell, Manhattan gave him something better than death to end his "pain" if we can stay that. He sent him to the most peaceful place in all realities so he could heal those psychological and emotional scars from earth. Thats not trolling, that's compassion right there. A glimpse of humanity is still present in manhattan apparently.
Love the concept of a Journal but I hope it breaks off into story soon !
If I could make a recommendation? I love the way you've emulated Rorschach's self-narration style almost perfectly, but it's kind of hard to read for long periods of time. It'd be a good idea to switch to story mode soon, perhaps with only a paragraph of journal entry to start each chapter.

Now this looks interesting. Love the graphic novel (Movie: meh), so I couldn't resist.
Glad I didn't. Keep this up.
Am very curious as to where this new journal came from, or how his mask returned to his mug.
Nice piece of work. At first someone could ignore this only for the title, but at the end the ponies besides their innocence and purity they have the enough humanity to accept any cruel escene or situation.
Anyway, nice piece of work.
It's taking forever, but I'm reading it in Rorschach's movie voice.
Okay, this is really interesting. My only gripe, I would expect a hell of a lot more swearing from Rorschach. Still though, looks really cool *tracks*
I have to say.
That this is the fan fic that made me start to write my deadpool one
I thank you good pony.
whoa whoa whoa!

im liking this
Geeky nitpicking here
, Rorschach's civilian name is Walter Kovacs:
Came here from EQD and it looks good so far.