• Published 14th Feb 2013
  • 9,106 Views, 202 Comments

The TwiDash Project - bats

A series of vignettes depicting the budding romance between Twilight and Rainbow Dash behind the scenes of season two and onward

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Busy, Busy (Putting Your Hoof Down) by bats

“So Rainbow…what is this?” Twilight’s voice was quiet and timid. She slowly shut the thick book floating in front of her and set it on the floor next to her pillow. Their private reading nook just off the main room of the library suddenly felt massive.

Rainbow Dash glanced up from her own book, dragging herself from a low recline to a sitting position. “Whassat, Twi’?”

The unicorn inhaled deeply through her snout. “…This. Us. What are we?” Frowning slightly, she scooched herself around to face her mare…to face Rainbow Dash. “It’s been three weeks since you asked me to dinner on Hearts and Hooves Day. We’ve been out a few times since then...,” her face flushed warm and a small smile broke through her stern expression as memories of a picnic flashed through her head. “Now…what are we?”

A shiver of apprehension raced up the pegasus’ spine. She swallowed thickly and laid her ears flat. “Well, Twi’, uh…what do you want us to be?” She ran a hoof through her mane and took a tentative step off the floor pillow, the five feet separating the ponies an almost unfathomable distance. Her heart thundered in her chest and her mouth ran dry. She cleared her throat and forced her breathing to even out. ‘C’mon, Rainbow Dash,’ she berated herself, ‘You weren’t this nervous when you asked her out.’

Rainbow steeled her nerves and took another step. She inhaled sharply and forced the air through her voice box, words spilling out in a torrent. “’Cause I’ve had a great time with you and wanna keep seein’ you like this. You’re awesome, and funny, and smart, and cute, and-and, Twilight will you be my special somepony?” The mare gulped in a breath of air and smiled earnestly.

Twilight climbed to her hooves. “Rainbow Dash,” she said breathlessly, a warm grin spread across her muzzle, “I’d love to be your special somepony.” In two steps they were hugging each other around the middle, muzzles pressed together in a relieved kiss. Twilight giggled and nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek. “I’ve never had a special somepony before.”

Coughing nervously, Rainbow’s face grew hot. “I…haven’t had one either. Not really.”

Twilight’s smile widened and she stepped back from the hug, her forelegs clacking to the floor. “Well then, it’ll be a new adventure for the both of us!”

“Oh barf.” Rainbow rolled her eyes heavily, shooting Twilight an impish smirk. “Let’s just keep doin’ what we’ve been doin’. Only we’re marefriends now.” A flash of recognition flashed across her eyes and her jaw went slack. A dopey grin pulled at her lips. “We’re marefriends now…”

Shaking her head slowly, Twilight socked Rainbow in the shoulder. “Oh barf.” Their shared chuckle slowly resolved into fond grins, quietly regarding each other in the cozy little reading nook. Twilight’s smile slowly faded and she laid her ears flat, glancing at the floor. “So, uh…should we tell the girls? I mean, if we’re a couple now…”

Rainbow Dash inhaled sharply, a crease forming in her brow. “…Y-yeah, alright.” Twilight opened her mouth to respond, concern written across her features, but Rainbow talked over her. “I’ve been slowly comin’ out to some ponies. I told AJ, Pinkie, and a few of my co-workers a little while ago when we set up that big rain for the farm. I think all that fillyfooler stuff really was just a Cloudsdale thing.” She tried to smile, but Twilight thought it looked a bit closer to a grimace.

“Only if you’re comfortable. We could wait if you’d rather.”

A brief pause was followed by a resolute shake of her head. “They’ll all understand. Ponyville’s different than Cloudsdale. Lyra and Bon Bon have been together for years and nopony bats an eye at them.” A genuine look of happiness cut through the pegasus’ face. “This’ll turn out awesome, I know it.” Confidence radiating from her frame, Rainbow Dash strutted to the door.

Grinning, Twilight grabbed a saddlebag. She arrived at the door and kissed her marefriend’s cheek. Opening the door in a glow of magic, the unicorn said, “Who should we go see first?”

“Let’s go to Fluttershy’s. She’s known about my sexuality since I was a filly.”

The pair set off across the town, avoiding the busy market, on their way towards the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Their quiet trot turned to playful shoulder-checks and giggles. They almost walked past the cottage, too wrapped up in their game. Twilight knocked on the door and waited.

“Hmm…I don’t think she’s home.” Twilight frowned, knocking again. Rainbow Dash peered through the window. “D’you see her?”

“No, but it looks like Angel’s gone off the deep end. He’s throwing food pellets at a beaver and snuggling a book.” The mare’s eyes widened and she quickly ducked her head. “Oh man, I think he saw me! Let’s go; we can tell Fluttershy later!” She scrambled away from the door and threw herself into a bush.

Twilight frowned and followed the rapidly retreating pegasus. “What’s the matter?”

Poking her head out of the bush, Rainbow said, “I may have called Angel a puffy rat the last time I saw him…and he may have thrown a kitchen knife at my head.” Twilight snorted. “Let’s go back into town. AJ should be in the market, Pinkie and Rarity are probably working, and maybe we’ll run into Fluttershy.”

“Alright then. Get out of that bush and let’s go.”

For a moment the bush shook but no daredevil emerged. “Um…” Rainbow’s eyes darted back and forth. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “…my tail’s stuck.”

After several minutes of magical help, a red-faced Rainbow Dash marched solemnly alongside her marefriend back into Ponyville. They stopped by an empty Carousel Boutique and were told Pinkie Pie was on lunch break by Mrs. Cake. Thankfully, Applejack was right where she was supposed to be and they joined the queue.

The farm pony grinned when they got to the front, tipping her hat. “Well howdy, you two! Y’all need some apples?”

Twilight’s refutation was preempted by a growl from Rainbow’s belly. “Er…sure!” She eyed Rainbow Dash with amusement and floated a few bits from her bag. “You got a minute, Applejack? Rainbow and I have something we want to share with you.”

Applejack grimaced apologetically, her eyes darting to the twisting line of ponies behind the pair. “I’m afraid I’m a might bit busy at the moment, Twi.’ I don’t s’pose it could wait a few hours?” Rubbing her face with a hoof, Rainbow huffed and slowly cantered away. Applejack raised a brow. “She alright?”

“We’ve just been having trouble finding anypony today.”

“Well, I saw Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity wanderin’ around the market earlier.” Eyes narrowed, she scanned the streets. The mare standing behind Twilight cleared her throat pointedly. “I’m sorry, Twi’, I really need to be workin’. See ya later?”

Twilight nodded ruefully and cantered over to her sulking marefriend. “Applejack said she saw Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy earlier. Wanna go look for them?”

Sighing heavily, hoof still massaging the bridge of her muzzle, Rainbow shook her head. “Let’s just go back to the library. We’ll try again tomorrow.” With a nod from Twilight, they set off at a sedate pace. A sly smirk edged out Rainbow Dash’s exasperation. “…Plus, I hear kissing your marefriend’s even better than kissing your date.”

The pace became a lot less sedate.

“Nopony pushes new Fluttershy around! Nopony!” The cab driver grimaced and took off like a shot. Twilight and Rainbow Dash blinked rapidly at the top of the hill.

Twilight scratched the back of her head. “Was that…Fluttershy?”

“It…kinda sounded like her. Hey look, there’re Pinkie Pie and Rarity.” They hurried down to meet their friends currently talking in hushed tones, Rainbow flying a few feet above and to the left of her marefriend. “Hey guys, what’s up?”

Rarity turned and gave them a smile tinged with concern. “Oh hello Rainbow, Twilight. Fluttershy seems to have taken our advice about standing up for herself a bit too far.”

Rainbow snorted derisively, folding her forelegs across her chest. “Fluttershy? Standing up for herself too much? What’d she do, forget to say ‘excuse me?’” Pinkie Pie and Rarity exchanged a worried look.

Clearing her throat, Twilight stepped forward. “Anyway, do you girls have a minute? Rainbow and I wanted to talk to you.”

Pinkie nodded vigorously, then paused. The line of terrified ponies had reformed in Sugarcube Corner and were all facing her expectantly. “Uhh…actually, I need to get back to work.”

Rarity started. “My goodness! I came down here to get a muffin before finishing a dress order! I must be going. Another time dears?” The two ponies departed at a gallop. Rainbow Dash’s exasperated cry made the ponies in line jump. They breathed a collective sigh of relief; for a moment they thought Fluttershy had come back.

Grumbling pegasus in tow, Twilight headed out towards Sweet Apple Acres. They found their friend hard at work in the orchards. A warm greeting died in their throats when the farm pony distractedly waved them off. Rainbow Dash scowled and flew up to a bare tree. Frowning, Twilight pleaded, “Come on, Applejack, we just need a minute; this is important to us.”

Applejack huffed. “Listen you two, I’m sorry for beggin’ off on ya yesterday, but I’m just too busy to stop right now.” A powerful pistoning of her legs sent a shower of apples raining into buckets. “If I don’t finish buckin’ this orchard the apples are gonna start turnin’ on the branches. Can’t it wait?”

Twilight massaged her aching forehead. “I understand that this is a bad time of year for you, Applejack. We’ll just…come back another time?”

“Oh for crying out loud!” Rainbow Dash leapt from the branch she was using as a couch and landed heavily on the packed dirt. “Twilight and I are dating okay!”

“Oh!” The farmers eyes went wide. “…Oh? Ohhh….” She cleared her throat. Rainbow grabbed Twilight around the middle with a wing and they put on matching forced grins. “Well, alright then. Y’all do make a mighty fine lookin’ couple.” Hesitantly, she pulled the two into an awkward hug. “This weren’t over that whole readin’ thing last month, was it?”

“No,” they answered together. The two exchanged a sheepish glance then said in tandem, “Well, sorta.”

“Dangit. I owe Pinkie Pie ten bits.” She turned back to the orchard. “I’m sorry, but I really gotta get back ta buckin’. I’m happy for y’all; don’t do nothin’ I wouldn’t do.” She smirked at the matching blushes that crossed her friend’s faces. “Y’all are even startin’ to look alike.” She bucked the next tree. “Now git, you lovebirds.”

Cantering back towards the road, Twilight said, “Well, that wasn’t so bad.”

Smirking, Rainbow Dash bumped the unicorn gently. “Speak for yourself, I wanna nap.” Twilight giggled.

“Try for the others tomorrow then?”

“Can’t. Gotta go out to Cloudsdale and bring in a bunch of clouds for the day after. Orders call for dark and moody.” She frowned. “Dunno why.”

“Well, day after tomorrow then?”

Rainbow grinned and winked. “It’s a date.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Why is Fluttershy’s house all boarded up?”

“And why are Rarity and Pinkie hugging her and laughing?”

“We missed something.”

“We totally missed something.” Rainbow glided through the air and landed in front of the embracing mares. “Hey guys.”

Fluttershy grinned. “Hi Rainbow Dash! Hi Twilight! I haven’t seen you two in days.” Rainbow glared venomously. “What brings you around?” Twilight opened her mouth only to be cut off.

“Oh, yes!” Rarity chimed, “You’ve had news to share, haven’t you?” Twilight nodded, opening her mouth to—

“Ooh! Is it a surprise?! I love surprises! Is it a surprise party?! Oh, wait, if you told me it was a surprise party then it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, silly me! Is it a—”

“Gaaaaah!” screamed Rainbow Dash, falling to the ground and covering her face with her hooves. “You ponies are gonna kill me!”

Pinkie fell silent and the three stared expectantly at the grumbling mare. Twilight cleared her throat, brow furrowed and pawing the ground nervously with a hoof. “Well, uh…you see girls, Rainbow Dash and I have kinda been…well…”

Rainbow Dash sat up, looking more annoyed than apprehensive. “Twilight’s my special somepony.”

Rarity and Pinkie Pie instantly began babbling animatedly, talking over each other as they swarmed the pair, hugging tightly, pinching cheeks, and fussing with manes, darting back and forth between the couple. Rainbow and Twilight became more bewildered as they went on.

“Oh, that’s simply marvelous news—”

“I totally knew it! I think I’m getting ten bits outta AJ! Oh, this totally calls for a party! I’ll need to get a cake and—”

“And I’ll make matching dresses! You’ll look simply darling in them—”

“And streamers and balloons and punch and cookies and—”

“Rainbow, have you considered getting a perm? These locks would be to die-for done up in curls! Oh you have to let me—”

“And cotton candy and ice cream and pie and we’ll invite everypony and—”

Rainbow Dash hugged Twilight in terror. “Twilight! Make it stop!”

In a glow of magenta magic, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were scooped off the ground and deposited somewhat roughly next to Fluttershy. They both chuckled with embarrassment and slunk back a step. The meek pegasus had been silent, a thin and neutral line on her lips. Rainbow, still hugging Twilight cheek to cheek, gave her friend a hopeful look. “…Are…are you alright with it, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed sharply. Shoulders squared, back straight, and head lowered, she huffed, “No, I’m not alright with it!” Rarity and Pinkie exchanged worried, but knowing glances. Eyes glared, Fluttershy marched straight up to the pair and shoved her muzzle in their faces. “I’m thrilled!” She hugged them both fiercely around their necks, a brilliant smile on her face. Her quiet voice was filled with excitement. “I’m so happy for you two! I thought that maybe, I mean, when I heard Dashie was finally coming out to everypony, and, maybe she’d found somepony, and, oh this is wonderful!”

Pinkie and Rarity expelled held breaths and joined the outside of the hugging pile. Twilight and Rainbow Dash, now squashed cheek to cheek, read the bewilderment in each other’s too-close gaze. “Totally missed something,” Rainbow wheezed.

Author's Note:

Here we go, more Twidash Project from bats. Not sure who's covering In Time, though. If you're interested, I've started posting production blogs on Sundays that give a status update on the assorted things I'm working on, including The Twidash Project. You can check my user page on Sundays, the spiffy new blog roll on the side of these stories that's all cool and junk, or follow me if you so desire.

Peace out.