• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 2,418 Views, 102 Comments

Cheerilee's Date for the Grand Galloping Gala - Blackbelt

Cheerilee doesn't have a very special somepony. A few students in here class will attempt to remedy that. Hilarity ensues.

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Cheerilee's Day Part 1

“I hope you all enjoy your weekend class, don’t forget to do your homework and stay safe, bye!”

Cheerilee ran out of the schoolhouse as fast as her hooves could carry her. She was vaguely aware of the fact that she probably shouldn’t have left her class alone in the classroom, but she was confident that, since it was a Friday, they wouldn’t hang around too long. And soon she found herself back at her house, quickly opening the door and heading in.

The school teacher breathed in deeply, exhausted from her run. She shrugged her saddlebags off of her back, and grabbed her copy of Daring Do and the Secret of Shetlan-Da from the pack. She grumbled quietly to herself as she flipped through the pages, trying to find her place, since her bookmark had failed in its sacred duty. She finally found her spot, and began to read...


Cheerilee’s eyes filled with tears as she continued reading “Poor guide colt......why do good ponies always die so young.......” the magenta mare dried her tears, putting the book down, ticket/bookmark put into its rightful place within the book.

She glanced at the clock (made and bought in Trottingham) that sat upon her wall: 5 O’Clock. Feeding time for Cheerilee’s various fish. She got up, walking to the kitchen, and opened her cupboard. She grabbed the box of fish food that lay inside, and noticed it was rather light.

Opening the box confirmed her worry: She was out of fish food.

Which would mean she would have to go buy some out in the town.

And so, the unsuspecting schoolteacher walked out of her nice safe house of solitude, books, and fish. And she wandered into a town full of foals and potential dates.


Cheerilee walked along happily, a nice big box of fish food sitting in her saddlebag to feed all her cute little fishies.

She was about to head home, confident she would be able to finish her story and start a nice, relaxing weekend.

“Hey Cheerilee!” A familiar voice rang out. Cheerilee turned and spied the source of the voice across the street.

“Hi Raindrops!” Cheerilee waved. As the two mares walked towards each other so they weren’t constantly yelling across the street, Cheerilee noticed something was...off about her jasmine coated friend. Hey hair was styled into some kinda bulbous bouffant, her fur was freshly cleaned and combed, she was carrying a bouquet of delicious looking violets. And for some reason, her eyes kept shifting upon a bush that was placed just outside a nearby cafe. Cheerilee’s suspicions were only deepened when Raindrops began talking some more.

“Hey, have I ever told you how...” Raindrops eyes began shifting again. “....incredible you are?”

Cheerilee glared at Raindrops, wondering what kind of substance she was imbibing to make her act like this. “Raindrops, do you want to come back to my place and lie down? I think you need some relaxation.”

It occurred both mares what that sentence could mean in different circumstances, causing both of them to blush heavily. And Cheerilee could swear she heard some snickering......

“A-are you sure you wanna move that fast? I mean, w-we could always have a drink first.....” Raindrops stammered, her blush deepening.

“.....Raindrops.” Cheerilee whispered just loud enough for Raindrops to hear, “What are you doing?”

The jasmine mare’s eyes shifted once again. And this time Cheerilee followed them.

Both mares eyes rested upon the snickering bush, which immediately went silent. Cheerilee approached the bush, and a poorly disguised voice sprung from it. “Approach not the bush of might, lest ye be cursed!”

“Snips, what are you doing?” The teacher said sternly.

A slightly different, but equally poorly disguised voice, rang from the bush. “Heed our warning, or suffer the bush of might’s wrath!”

“Snails, you’re not fooling anypony. Now both of you get out of that bush.” Cheerilee stated in a tone of voice she liked to call ‘Do as I say, or you’re getting extra homework.’

And sure enough, two guilty looking colts stepped out of the bush. “....we can explain?” Snips offered weakly. The very frustrated looking teacher could only sigh.

“Just...go home. And don’t forget about your homework.” Cheerilee said tiredly, trying to fight off the headache she knew she would get if she tried to think about this any further. Luckily, the two colts took the chance to makes their escape. Which only left one other thing......

The magenta mare turned to her jasmine coated friend.

“I was blackmailed!”

“....you were blackmailed by your little brother to hit on his teacher?”


Cheerilee groaned. “We’ll talk more about this tomorrow Raindrops. Right now, I just wanna get home.” And Cheerilee walked off, not in the mood to hear her friend’s response.


Cheerilee walked down the road right outside the Ponyville market. This road would eventually lead to her house, where she would be free to feed her fish, and read her book, and relax. Thoughts of the perfect way to start a nice, relaxing weekend were broken by a tree.

A tree that seemed to be yelling at her.

“Miss Cheerilee!”

Cheerilee was slightly alarmed at the fact her latent earth pony magic suddenly decided to give her the capability to speak to trees. Also more worrisome was the fact that this tree knew her name. I really hope I never carved something into this tree.

“Up here!”

huh? Cheerilee thought as she directed her gaze upwards, and beheld a sight that was familiar but all the same alien to her.

A filly, stuck in a tree, hanging upside down. Usually Cheerilee would also spy a scooter hanging in a separate tree, though the scooter seemed to be the thing holding the filly in place via a clever looking harness.

Of course, the most obvious thing was the fact that it was not an orange pegasus up in the tree, but rather a white unicorn.

“Sweetie Belle? How did you get up there?”

“I was driving Scootaloo’s scooter and I ended up here.”

“...does Scootaloo know you have her scooter?”

“It was her idea that I use it!”

“Oh.....wait, how did you even go fast enough to end up in a tree in the first place? Doesn’t Scootaloo use her wings to go so fast?”

“I DON’T KNOW!!!......um, could you please get me down now? The blood is rushing to my head.”

Cheerilee quickly studied the tree. The tree was a wee bit too high to just jump to the top, and a bit too slick to climb up without the use of a ladder. That, and it would be difficult to actually get Sweetie Belle down, thanks to Scootaloo’s apparent obsession with proper safety gear ever since she climbed that wall.

Cheerilee looked around for a solution. One was not readily apparent. “Just sit tight Sweetie Belle, I’ll be right back.” And Cheerilee ran off.

“....my head hurts.....” Sweetie lamented.

But thankfully quickly, the teacher came back, with a black furred pegasus in tow. “You know, I thought you were kidding when you said it was someone other than Scootaloo stuck in a tree.” Thunderlane remarked casually before flying up and releasing the trapped filly and her borrowed scooter.

Sweetie was able ignore her headache once she was free. Cheerilee and Thunderlane are here. Together! Now’s my chance.

“Miss Cheerilee, isn’t Thunderlane great? I bet he would be the perfect stallion to take to the gala with you.”

Cheerilee stared at the little filly for a second, then stared at the so called perfect stallion.

Thunderlane opened his mouth to say something, but before he got the chance, Cheerilee uttered one single word.


Thunderlane froze for a moment, shrugged, and said “Ok. See you later ladies.” And he took to the skies and flew off. And then the teacher looked at her student.

“Sweetie, why?”

“....I just thought you two would make a cute couple.....”

Cheerilee wanted to argue, but thought better of it. She’s been hanging upside down in a tree for awhile. She’s probably just dizzy....in fact, she did mention the blood was rushing to her head....she probably just needs a drink.

Cheerilee picked up Scootaloo’s scooter, slung it over her back, and then placed a hoof upon Sweetie’s shoulder. “Come on, you were stuck up there for awhile. Let’s get something to drink.”

And Cheerilee found herself heading back into the Ponyville market.
A quiet giggle emanated from the large stallion that was in charge of selling the Apple Trust’s wares that afternoon. He stood solemnly at his cart, selling apples and apple products to the fine ponies of Ponyville, all the while trying desperately to suppress the laughter that he found himself afflicted by ever since his sister had suggested something truly insane.

Me and Cheerilee...Big MacIntosh stifled yet another laugh at the thought of it, burying his head into his hoof.

“Hello Big MacIntosh, could we get a bottle of apple juice please?” a very familiar voice, one of the last voices Mac thought he would hear that day, spoke to him.

He looked up, and came face to face with the local teacher, only vaguely aware of the young filly next to her, who looked like she’d been attacked by a wild lamb.

It took all of his immeasurable strength to not laugh, as he very calmly picked up a bottle of juice, very calmly handed to the magenta mare, and then very calmly muttered “On the house” in the hope that it would get the teacher to walk away faster, before his strength gave out.
Cheerilee, instead of taking the juice and walking away, carefully hoofed it to Sweetie Belle and had her drink slowly. And then, to Mac’s horror, Cheerilee began to do the worst possible thing.

Make small talk.

“So has your day been going well?”

“...eeyup.” It’d go better if I could just laugh....

“...say, has anything....strange happened to you today?”

“...eenope.”except for Applebloom trying ta set us up...

“.....nothing like, say, your sister trying to set you up with anypony?”

“...what?” GET OUTTA MY HEAD

“.....I’ve....been noticing a few things today.....”

is.....is she going to suggest what I think she’s going to? “Cheerilee, as nice as it would be to give it another go, I don’t think it would work. There’s.....too much baggage.”

The teacher blinked, a look of confusion coming to her face, before realization hit her face, along with a light blush. “Nonononononono, I-I didn’t mean....no. It’s just that I’ve been set up with two different ponies today by my class, and I was worried that one of them would get to you.”

Honesty is the best policy..unfortunately. “Applebloom and Twist tried, but I...politely said no.”

“I am so sorry Big Mac.”

“Ain’t no problem. Sides, I know it wouldn’t work out.”

‘Well why wouldn’t it?” A high pitched voice chimed in.

Teacher and farmer both turned to the young unicorn filly, empty bottle of apple juice sitting at her hooves. She looked up expectantly at the two grown ups.

Both adults thought back to their school days......


Deep in a dark basement, two ponies found themselves chained to a wall. In any other situation, there would be hopelessness and despair. For now, the two were speaking of a touchy subject.

“All I know is that whenever you choose the date, we always find ourselves fighting the mafia, getting shot at, and more often than not we end up stewing in a basement somewhere while some goons figure out what to do with us.” A magena mare, with more then a few piercings, and a wild haircut said to the stallion hanging on the wall next to her.

“Well whenever you choose the date, we end blacking out, having to make apologies to foreign ambassadors, end with our faces on the front page of the paper, and then we can never return to certain restaurants for reasons I don’t remember properly!” A hulking red stallion, a stetson hat sitting upon his head argued back.

“Well at least I don’t put our lives in danger!”

“Least I keep our dignity in check!”

“...this relationship isn’t gonna work out, is it?”


“Ah well, fun while it lasted.....”

It was at that moment a stallion, wearing a fedora and a particularly baggy trench coat walked into the room. The moment he closed the door behind him, the two former daters put their plan into motion. The mare casually slipped her hooves out of the chains, as if they had never been locked at all, while the stallion broke the chains as if they were made of paper. Before the goon could react, he found himself knocked out.

“By the way, I want my cart back”

“As soon as you return my scarf.”
“We’ll tell you when you’re older.” Cheerilee and Big MacIntosh both answered simultaneously in a totally non suspicious manner.

Author's Note:

Yeah. The previous chapters?

Merely setting the stage.