• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 8: Diamonds and Anger Issues (NV)


Hello everypony thank you all for reading now enjoy.

End A/N

Chapter 8

"What do you mean pony-napped by diamond dogs? What happened?" I asked freaking out.

"Well, Arcana came over and asked me to help her with a spell, because she said that she came up with a spell that can accelerate the growth of gems. So I joined her because I can easily find them," she took a breath and continued, "Well, anyway the spell worked and here is the proof."

Her horn started to glow and the saddle bag on her back, that I failed to noticed, unclasped and a sapphire the size of a handball came out of her bag.

"Holy moly, that's a big rock, and you said that Arcana did this," Spike said looking at it and I think I see a bit drool forming around his lips.

"You should see its original size, it was about the size of a flower petal," Rarity explained mildly impressed about something.

"That's impressive, but focus here, you said that Arcana was taken by diamond dogs, what happened?" I said getting worried for Arcana's safety.

"Oh right, well as you can see, the spell was a success, but there was quake and diamond dogs that took me came out of the ground and grabbed her, disappeared down the hole they came from, I tried to follow, but the hole quickly filled up, I am so sorry that I couldn't do anything Star," she said apologetically.

"It's ok, "I said reassuring her, "let just go and get her back safely." Twilight and Rarity nodded in agreement with me and we all left the library and made our way to where Arcana was last seen.

As we got to the field where Arcana was pony-napped, I saw that the ground was all turned up and broken, like it was just dug upped. "Okay let's find that hole and get down underground to rescue Arcana," I ordered to the others.

"That won't be necessary," said a voice behind me.

I turned around and said, "and why is tha-" but I was stunned into silence for I saw Arcana there standing there with a grin on her face.

"What the, how did yo-, when did yo-," I said stammering.

"Oh please, do you really think that a bunch of dogs can keep me captured for long," Arcana said giggling at my shock state to see her standing there.

"Oh Arcana I'm so sorry that I let those brutes take you, are you ok?" Rarity asked clearly upset about this whole ordeal.

"Now don't be like that, they took me by surprise as much as they took you by surprise and I'm alright, although I do need a bath from all that dirt and to get rid of the stench those dogs gave," Arcana said with a wrinkled nose as she patted herself off making dust fly everywhere.

"But what happened to the diamond dogs and how did you get away from them?" Twilight asked.

"To answer both of your questions look that way and tell me what you see," Arcana instructed as pointed to her left with her hoof.

We all turned our eyes to the direction she is pointing at and there in the distance, I saw that there seems to be a tower in the distance.

"Does it have something to do with that tower over there?" Spike said confused.

"Yes it is, but that is no tower, that's a gem."

I felt my mouth drop, when I realized that for a gem to look like a tower from here in the distance, then that must means... "holy crap, now that's a big rock, but are you worried about the diamond dogs coming back though?"

"Nope, I say that they are going to be busy for a while and now for that shower..."


Thirty minutes later after we made it back to Rarity's home and for Arcana to wash up, we all sat in the kitchen waiting for her to tell us her story.

"So Arcana, will you tell us what happened when you got pony-napped..." ha I was right, "... and how you got away?" Twilight asked, seeing the gleam of learning new knowledge in her eyes.

"Ok, it all started about several hours ago…"

Several Hours Earlier

Arcana's POV

After Star left saying he will be back later today, I resumed back to reading the book that was in front of me, which I have found in my recent spelunking for more knowledge;

Gems are used in the old and new days to help with ponies with their spells and maintain them. Gems were also used to store magical energy, but different size gems can hold different amount of energy. The most effective way for unicorn ponies to get out of their gems if their gem matches their magical aura coloring, but never the less different color gems can still be used. Though gems can grow by being in the ground for long periods of time, or by fire, it usually takes months for a gem to grow to a noticeable size.

Hm, I wonder, I thought as I finished reading text in front of me.

After about an hour of collecting more books about magic and studying them, I closed my eyes thinking over what I learned from the books. What can I do with this new knowledge? I thought to myself and then an image formed inside my thoughts and I saw that it looked like another transmutation circle, but different than the others in the past.

I opened my eyes and quickly summoned a piece of parchment and a quill and hastily drew the image in my head onto the paper, before I lose the image completely. After I completed the transmutation diagram, I looked it over and then I started to feel really excited to try out this spell, I hope it works.

I quickly grabbed the spare saddlebag that Twilight let me borrow and hurried to the door, but I stopped when I opened the door and looked behind and saw the big mess I made. Oh boy, I am just like Twilight maybe worse, I better leave a letter, I thought as I summoned another piece of parchment and a quill and quickly wrote a note and tacked it to the door, for Star to see when he comes back home.

I will be needing some help for this spell, maybe rarity can help me, she is good with gems, I thought as I made my way to the home of the fashionista, Carousel Boutique. After making my way through town, I finally arrived at the boutique. I walked through the front door, causing the bell overhead to start ringing, announcing that somepony has arrived, "coming~," I heard Rarity sing from the back room. A few moments later I saw her left the back room, "welcome to Carousel Boutique where every- oh," Rarity stopped in her introduction, "hello Arcana, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you can help me with a spell, but if you are busy then I will come back later," I said as I turned around and made my way to leave the store.

"No it's okay, I don't have much work going on right now, so yes I can help you with this spell, may I ask what it is?" Rarity inquired.

"Well you see Rarity, I might have created a spell that can accelerate the growth and alter their color and molecular structure as well, but I ran into a slight problem; I don't know how to locate gems, that's where you come in," I explained to her, "so can you help me?"

"Why darling of course I will help you," Rarity answer me, with her eyes started to gleam and glitter from the possibility of seeing a lot of gems, "so shall we get going so we can put this spell of yours to the test?" she asked me and I answer her with a nod, and with that, we left the store after Rarity gathered her saddlebags and put up the "Sorry We're Closed" sign up on the door.

We made our way to the fields outside of Ponyville and wander around, looking for a gem, to be the used in my experimental spell with the help of Rarity's gem finding spell.

"Found one," Rarity announces, but she quickly added in a slight hesitant tone, "but it is really small."

"It's okay, I just need a gem, so it doesn't matter how big it is," I pointed out to her.

"True, I just wish it could be at least a little bigger for your first time use of your new spell," Rarity clarified as she lifted the gem out of the ground and brought it over to me, "here you go."

"Thanks Rarity," I thanked her as I took it in my magic, "and thank you for helping me with this spell," I added as I took out the parchment with the transmutation spell on it, and took a look at it, memorizing it so I won't make any mistakes.

"It's no problem, now let's get this spell of yours started."

"Alright, but you might want to get back, because I don't really know what will happen," I warned Rarity as I put the parchment back into my saddlebag, while Rarity took a few steps back until she is about a yard away. I hope this works, I thought as I placed the petal size gem on the ground in front of me and concentrated, picturing the transmutation circle in my head. My then horn became enveloped in a white aura and I was immediately surrounded by the diagram. I felt the spell started to take its effect on me, but not by much, and then I noticed that the little sapphire petal was surrounded by a white haze.

As the white haze of my aura continues to surround the gem, I felt the ground beneath me started to shift, like I am at a beach, and then it started to grow. When I saw that it was growing, I grew excited as well from the success of my spell. I continue to watch the gem until it was golf ball-sized, maybe I should put a little more power into the spell, I put a little energy into my concentration and then there was a bright flash and where the small gem was, is now a handball size sapphire gem, gleaming in the sunlight.

"Oh my darling, that gem is absolutely marvelous," Rarity observed as she came up to me, "normally it would have taken decades for that gem to grow into something at least half that size."

"Yes it would have taken decades to grow gems this size, pony," a creepy voice said around us both.

"Who said that?" Rarity asked looking around for the source of the voice.

The ground started to shake and rumble and hole appeared and out came three of those diamond dogs and they surrounded us, "not you three again, "Rarity said with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"We are not here for you miss Rarity, we are here for the other pony," one of them said as he look towards me, and then he and his friends rushed at me and grabbed me. One of them then proceeded to lifted me onto his shoulder and started back to the hole they came from.

"Let me go you dogs, and what is that smell?" I questioned as they carried me to one of the entrances they made earlier.

A diamond dog came right up to my face and said, "no, you're going to help us, and what smell?"

As he breathed into my face, I got a whiff of rotting food and other disgusting smells, causing me to start coughing and getting dizzy, "oh my goddess, two words for you pal, breath mint," I said as I slumped down and fainted as the diamond dog jumped into the hole.


I became aware of water dripping on my face, bringing me out of my dazed state, ok that dog needs one of those breath fresheners chew toys, I groggily thought as I lift myself from the hard ground and rubbing out the sore spots in my back, and have they ever heard of beds. After I finished messaging te aches out of back, I proceeded to look around, trying to get my bearings and I saw that I was in a cave-like cell with the only light source was coming from a torch outside of my bar cell door.

I wonder how long I have been out, I hoped that Star and the others would come and look for me. No! I can easily look after myself, now how do I get out of here, but my thinking for an escape plan was interrupted by sounds footsteps coming outside of my cell, one of the diamond dogs that pony-napped me and a couple of guards with spears came in view and said with a smile, "hello pony, glad to see you awake."

"Well I'm not," I countered, feeling my anger rising, "so will you please tell me why you took me?"

"We saw you doing your pony magic making that pitiful gem get bigger and more beautiful, so we want you to make our gems a lot bigger and more beautiful as well," the leader of the group explained why they pony-napped me.

"Will you let me go if I make some of your gems bigger and prettier?" I questioned the appeared alpha dog of the group.

"Yes, I promise."

"Fine then, let's get this over with," I agreed the alpha dog's terms, "but no funny business and could you at least tell me you did something about that dragon breath of yours," I added as they unlocked the door and stepped inside, waiting for me, I moved towards them and they followed me as we stepped out of the cell and escorted me deeper into the caves. They led me through tunnels that I quickly lost my sense of direction, after a while we entered a large cavern with more diamond dogs guards.

"Okay bring out the gems and let's get this over with," I demanded, trying to get through this deal quickly, immediately I was responded as few diamond dogs brought out some gems the size of pebbles and piled them in front of me.

"Now pony use your magic, I want my gems now," the alpha diamond dog greedily said, anticipating.

"Okay let's get some things straight here dog, first my name is Arcana, not pony, second you can try to be polite once in a while and I might do what you ask, and third I'm not really happy that you dragged me down here, so you better listen to suggestion two, got it?" I declared as I angrily glared at the alpha diamond dog.

The alpha diamond dog gulped and replied back to me, "yes pon- ah I mean Arcana, now make, er um, can you please make these gems bigger?"

I heard one of the dogs whispering, "that pony..." I quickly turn towards where I heard that and glared at the dog who said that, "ah I mean Arcana, is just like miss Rarity," he nervously correctly himself.

"That’s much better, and yes I would, now if everyone here take a couple steps back, please," I instructed every diamond dog in the cave, which they all complied as they took a couple steps back as ordered, I then turn my attention to the small pile of gems and focused my magic on the them and was soon followed with the appearance of the same transmutation circle from before.

As the spell started to take its effect, I noticed that I wasn't getting tired like earlier, but I ignored it and resumed my focus on the gems in front of me and was soon followed with a flash of white light. When the light faded away, I saw that results of the gems were now the size of a basketball, "am I done here now?" I asked out loud as looked at every diamond dog there that have a look of amazement on their faces, "Alrighty then, I will take that as a yes," I concluded, "okay I will be leaving now," I added as I started to make my way towards one of the exits in the cavern.

"Stop her," I heard the alpha diamond dog cried out, and was immediately swarmed by diamond dogs and picked up before I can even react.

"What the hey? What is the meaning of this?" I quickly asked demanding for answers as they held me over their heads and carried me back to their alpha.

"Well pony, we cannot just let you go now that we saw what you can do," the alpha explained to me as the diamond dogs dropped me in front of him, he then turns his attention to the guards that stopped me from leaving and said to them, "now get more gems."

"I thought we had a deal," I said upset, as I saw the diamond dogs leaving the cavern, "and my name is Arcana."

"Well I'm alternating the deal," the alpha said with a creepy smile and ignoring the remark I made, "and this is what I want you to do; make all of our gems bigger and more beautiful than ever," at that moment the guards came back with more gems and put them in front of me.

"Now pony, make them bigger," the alpha said right in my face giving me another dose of his breath, but I quickly hold my breath not wanting to faint again.

"No I won't," I said feeling my anger raising.

"Yes, you will," the alpha diamond dog responded back, clearly getting upset.

"No I WON'T!" screaming the last part, I felt my magic release itself and surrounded the gems, increasing their size dramatically in till they hit the ceiling, bursting through it, causing rocks and rubble to fall.

The diamond dogs quickly scattered, exiting the cavern in frenzy and causing them to drop me unto the ground. After all the diamond dogs left and everything became calm, I noticed that the gem was still growing and that I growing tried, I quickly stopped the spell and the gem ceased to grow.

I looked around and saw that the giant crystal had gone through layer of levels and had made itself way into the air outside.

Damn, I did that?, I thought was I stared at the giant gem amazed at what I did and then I heard whimpering coming from behind me.

I turned around and saw the alpha diamond dog there in the fetal position, scared. I smiled at the sight and made my way towards the diamond dog that started all of this mess, and when he saw me coming towards him and he started to speak in a panicky tone, "ok, ok, you can go now pony."

I glared at him and he started to whimper again, "ah, Miss Arcana."

"Gladly, now where is the exit?" I asked him and great feeling of joy at seeing the once daring diamond dog, now whimpering on the floor.

He pointed towards a tunnel and said, "that tunnel will lead you straight to the surface, just please don't come back and do anymore damage to our home."

I went down the tunnel…

Back to the Present

"And now here I am," I said as I finished my story. I looked around and saw that everypony's face has the look of shock and bewilderment, "what?"


This chapter was a bother, but at the same time fun to write, so please read and review to tell me what you think, because from the lack of reviews I say that I am doing a great job, so for now goodbye and see you all later.

End A/N

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