• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,564 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 59: Meeting the Folks


Okay folks, there comes a time when a thought comes into the head of every writer, "I should post my story on Equestria Daily." Which I did, but a few minutes later I received an Email saying that I have been denied from the site due to a lot of errors in the older chapters, but oh well, even though I was denied to have my story on the site, that was only strike one, so it means that I have to more chances to get my story on that site.

Also I am sorry in advance for the typos, for my computer's "I" key is all screwy. Oh and before I forget, Happy (late) Birthday Lauren Faust and thank you for creating this show.

Alrighty now, enough chitchat, here is chapter 59; Aceiro meeting Fe's parents.

End A/N

"Are you sure about this Fe?" I asked her as I put my heavy coat into my locker and shut it, "because I am a little nervous about this," I clarified as I looked towards her and saw her taking out her saddlebags out of her locker and closed it.

It has been a few days after Fe and I checked my dad out of the hospital and got him acquainted with his new house, which is nearby the castle grounds making it easier for him to get to his new job. Now I am asking her about meeting her parents in the prep station at the Iron Heart, feeling slightly worried about them.

"Yes Aceiro," she said as she walked up to me and gave me a peck on my cheek, "all my parents really wants is just to meet you, and besides you did said that you'll do this for me," she added, bringing up the promise I made.

"Sigh, you're right I did," I established, "fine, let's get this over with."

"Excellent," Fe happily said as she started to drag me out of the prep station, "and don't worry, I am pretty sure that my parents would like you."

Pretty sure… why don't I like the sound of that? I questioned in my head as Fe led me out of the Iron Heart.

After we both left the castle grounds, Fe flagged down a taxi for us and the told the driver her parents' address just as soon as we got in the taxi, we were then on our way. As we made our way away from the castle grounds and towards the residential area, Fe spoke up sounding nervous, "I forgot to mention something that you should know," we then entered the residential area and passed fancy-looking houses, "my parents are a couple of successful ponies."

"And how successful are they?" I nervously asked, worried about my chance to make an impression with her parents.

"Well…" she started as the taxi the pull up to an extremely fancy-looking house that made me drop my mouth in amazement, "… my mom owns some of the high class hotels here, while my dad owns most of all the press media here in Canterlot," when she mentioned that her dad owns the press media, I remembered the time I did to the reporters that were hunting me and my friends at the time in Ponyville and what I did and said to get them to stop pestering us, ah shit there goes my chance of making an impression, I had probably pissed him off before I even know him, let alone met him.

"Well, are you coming?" I heard Fe asked, bringing me back to reality.

I looked to where I heard her and saw that she has already got off the taxi and was looking back at me at the gate leading towards her home, "oh right, sorry I was thinking about something," I explained as I stepped off the taxi.

"And don't worry about the paying the driver, I already paid him," Fe called out as she opened the gate and made her way up the path to the front door. I thanked the driver and made my way up the path and stood beside Fe as she pulled out a key from her saddlebag and inserted it into the door, and then a doomed feeling descended on me as she opened the door and swung it opened.

"Mom, dad, are you home?" Fe called out when we both entered through the door and into a spacious foyer. Damn, I thought as I saw that it is quite large, with a staircase in front of us and a hallway branching off to our left and right, and the walls filled with family pictures. When Fe didn't get an answer as we waited there for five minutes, she looked at me, "we're in luck my parents aren't home yet," I release a breath of relief that I had been holding knowing that I am safe… for now anyway. I hear sniffing noises, which caused me to look up and saw Fe wrinkling her nose as if she smelling something that wasn't supposed to be in the house.

"What?" I asked as I took a sniff of the air and not smelling anything.

"Well, if you want to make a good impression with my parents, I suggest that you should do something about that smell, because you smell like sweat and melted metal," she answered and then proceeded to smell herself, "and as do I," she added with a aversion look.

"Then where do I clean myself?" I asked her, not wanting to make things worse due to the way I smell with her parents.

"There, down the hall that way, is a bathroom behind the second door on the left," she answered as she pointed to the hallway to my right, "and I am going upstairs to my own bathroom," she said with a wink as she started going up the stairs. When reached the top of the stair she looked down at me and said, "And don't worry about towels, there are already some in the bathroom," and with that she walked away from my view.

I then made my way down the right hallway, following Fe's instructions. When I entered the corridor, I hear the sound of running water coming from upstairs, I paid now mind and continue on my way. I passed the first door, at first glance it appeared to be just one your normal doors, but then noticed that there appears to be a door flap, like those that dogs and cats uses, set into the bottom of the door, which caused me to pause at the oddly placed pet door. Huh, Fe must have a dog or cat, I concluded as I resumed my way to the bathroom.

I reached the second door, and then opened it as well as then walk inside. I soon as I took a step inside the bathroom I saw it was dark. I reach out with my hoof and started feeling around on the wall, looking for a light switch. I eventually found the switch and flicked it on and what I saw made me take a step in surprise , dang if this is a guest bathroom, then I don't want to see what the private bathrooms are, I thought as I looked around the bathroom as I was immediately meet with marble tile flooring, a large-scale mirror and a large bathtub that can probably fit two ponies at the same time comfortably, but the thing that caught my attention was a flap set into the left wall, huh, it must be a laundry chute.

I turned my attention away from it and made my way to the giant bathtub to get rid of the stink I carry. After I had turned on the water and making sure it is just right, I stepped into the shower, pulled the shower curtain around and started cleaning myself with the less fancy bottle of soap that I found among the other bottles that are set up besides the tub. I rinsed the soap off of my body under the spray of water, causing the sound of rain hitting a tin roof to be caused as the water hit my wings. As I was rinsing off the soap, some of it leaked into my eyes, causing me to let out winces of pain as the soap stung my eyes. I quickly shut off the water, removed the curtain and blindly stepped out of the tub, careful not to slip on, what I am sure is now, the wet marble floor, and blindly reach out for a towel that I remember seeing hanging on towel rack beside the tub.

I felt something soft make contact with my hoof, which I then recognize it as one of the towels I then grasped it and started rubbing it in my face, which caused the stinginess to lessen and then started working on the rest of my body. After I've finally completed drying my coat, I stretched out my wings and awkwardly started wiping them down, I don't know if these wings can form rust or not, but I am not going to take that chance and find out later during some activity, and then I felt pain in my shoulder as a cramp formed in it, causing me to drop the towel. "Ah dang it," I uttered as I rubbed my shoulder, I then picked up my towel, "it is always a pain to dry these wings," I stated as I about to resume the task on my wings. As I am finishing up at drying my wings, I heard something being swung on hinges behind me and soon followed by the sounds of something clicking across the floor.

I slowly look behind me and there I saw a black form moving about behind me, but I couldn't see it well due to the blurriness in my eyes from the soap, but the way it moves reminded me of that of a rat. I saw the odd form then started to moved towards me, without thinking I jumped up and quickly rushed out of the bathroom in a rush, "Fe, I think you have a giant rat in the house," I called out to Fe as I rushed down the hallway and into the foyer, where I saw Fe leaning over the banister, with a towel wrapped around her head and looking down at me with a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean, there's a giant rat in the house?" she asked me.

I took a breath and repeated what I saw in the bathroom, "alright, I just finished taking a shower and when I finished drying myself off, I heard something walking behind, so when I looked to see what it was, I saw a black form moving against the wall and then it started to move towards me."

Then a look of understanding appeared on her face, she then started to giggle for some reason, "oh, that wasn't rat, that was Olli."

"Olli, what's an Olli?" I asked her, and then I hear the sound of something clicking against the floor, coming right up to me from the behind, I look behind and saw the last thing I would expect in this house; an otter. The otter walked past me, giving me a nod and look that said "what's up?" and then continues its way towards the hallway on the other side of the foyer, "what's up with the otter?" I asked Fe as I look back up at her, all confused about this situation.

She just giggle at my confusion and answered me, "silly that's my pet otter, Olli."

I am learning more and more about this girl, "why do you have an otter?" I asked her, feeling the shock I received from the otter, fading away, "in fact, where did you even get one?" I added.

"Well you see. When I was little and before my family and I moved her to Canterlot, we lived across the sea…" Fe started to explain as she made her way down the stair, "... we were all having a nice picnic at a beach and we found him all alone, injured and scared. I convinced my parents to take him home and took I care for him, and when he had fully recovered he had became part of our family and he didn't want to leave, neither did we want him to go anyway," she finished as she walked up to me, "so he has been with us every since."

"Wow, that's amazing… you're amazing" amazed at what I learned more about my marefriend, and then I realized what I said at the end, making me blush from embarrassment, which Fe just giggles.

"I have said this before, you are really cute when you are embarrassed," and then she proceeded to kiss me. I held the kiss for a few seconds, completely unaware of my surroundings, but the sound of somepony clearing their throat making me alert that we both weren't alone anymore.

I broke the kiss and looked to the now open door and saw a pony couple standing there, and the stallion didn't look happy and he is also as large as Big Mac, maybe bigger, damn he's huge… I am so dead, "so this is the stallion that holds my daughter's love in his hooves," he spoke with a mild of abhor in his tone, "a rough and gruff, ill-mannered stallion."

"Now you stop it Printing," the mare said to the stallion, "I am sure there are more to his characteristics then that that got our daughter to put her trust into him, so give him a chance to prove himself."

When they mentioned about their daughter, I realized who these ponies are; they are Fe's parents. Oh shit, there goes my chance to make a good impression, I grimly thought, worried for my wellbeing, "fine then, I will give him a chance Caupona," Printing agreed with his wife, making me more worried about my well being.

"Great," Caupona happily said, "now, who's up for dinner?"

Oh boy.

After being led down the other hallway by Fe's parents and into a dining room and settled at it, Printing and I sat across of each other at the dining table in awkward silence, while Fe and her mother are in the kitchen preparing dinner for all of us. I tried to think of conversation starters, but I couldn't think of any that makes me sound like an idiot. So I said nothing and just sat there doing nothing, with Fe's dad observing me and the sounds of dinner getting ready in the kitchen next door.

I ruffled my wings to get a forming cramp out of my shoulders and noted Printing's gaze shift to them, making me more uncomfortable under his gaze. Please, let dinner come and so I can get this over with, I pleadingly thought to anything that can hear me, and as if my prayers have been answered I heard Fe call out from the kitchen, "alright everypony dinner is ready."

Oh thank you, Fe and her mother entered the dining room through the swinging door that connected the two rooms together, with platters of food that smelled delicious and tableware balanced on their backs. Fe and her mom quickly set up the table with food and plates, when they finished setting up Fe's mom went over to Printing and sat down next to him and Fe walking over to me and sitting by my side.

"Alright everypony," Fe's mom announces, "Let's start eating," we all then dug into the food and start eating it.

At first it started out as a quiet meal with only the sounds of silverware hitting the china, but then about halfway through the meal, Fe's dad spoke up, "so tell me, how did you and Fe met?" Printing asked me casually making me choke on the food that was going down my throat at the time when he asked me that.

I painfully swallowed the obstructive victuals and took a breath, "well, you see sir, I met Fe when I was working at the Iron Heart and had just finished unloading a cart of scraps and was taking it back, when I heard her in distressed," this got a worried look from her mom that was aimed towards Fe, "so I followed where it was coming from and saw her surrounded by a group of dragons."

"Oh Fe," her mom said, troubled at what I said, "I knew that place isn't going to be a good place for you, I should have never let you work at the place."

"So I was right, he is just a brute who loves to fight," Fe's dad confirming his own believes, I'm a brute? I questioningly thought, but he's bigger than me.

"Mom, please, you don't have to worry, Aceiro here came in and started defending me from the dragons," Fe explained to her mom and dad, "in fact he did it even when his own safety was at risk, and dad he is not a brute."

This calmed her mom down, but I am now getting a wary look from her dad, "well glad to know that you helped our daughter, now go on and tell us more about yourself Aceiro," Caupona requested of me, wanting to know more.

"Well… I moved here from Ponyville after all of the… excitement that had happened down there and actually got to meet the princesses, but after Princess Celestia left for some business, I had little… mishap with their nephew Blueblood and Princess Luna saw it all, but instead of punishment, she gave me a job at the Iron Heart because she saw my talents, and don't worry Blueblood is all okay," I think.

"And what is this talent of yours?" Fe's mother inquired.

"It involves with metal-like materials," I supplied, "if it has metal, I can make anything out of it."

"That is amazing, but what those wings of yours," she asked as she pointed to the wings folded o at my sides, "I remember Fe saying that she meet a extraordinary earth pony, but I see that you have wings, what is up with that?"

"Well mom," Fe picking up the story, "Aceiro and I had spent some time after the dragon incident and we came up with a thought; detachable wings. So we both put in our resources and created a pair of wings, and then got a unicorn to enchant them with a flight spell and Aceiro volunteered to be the tester, but as Aceiro was making his way back from completing the trail run, he was struck by a fireball, which we then learned that it was one of the dragons that Aceiro beaten."

"Next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital with the wings attached to my body and the doctor said that they couldn't remove the wings, because my body had integrated them into itself with my talent," I finished the tale.

"Does it hurt?" Caupona asked me.

"Nah, in fact they feel as they belong there anyway," I answered as I took a bite out of my dinner, and with that the conversion died down and we all resumed our meal. When all of the food disappeared, Fe's mother spoke out, "well I guess it is now time for dessert," and with that she and Fe stood up and started to clear the table.

"I'll help," I suggested as I stood up to help and to get away from Fe's father, unsettling observing gaze.

"No…" Fe said to me assertively, which caused me to sit back down in the chair from her assertiveness,"…you stay here. My mother and I will get this," and with that she and her mother gathered all the dishes and went into the kitchen, but before she left the room, she looked back at me and added, "and please, try to get to know him," and with that she entered the kitchen, leaving me with her dad once more.

A few minutes of the familiar awkward silence, he spoke up, "you know Aceiro, you are really interesting," Fe's dad said to, "but there is something about you that have been bothering me, do you mind if I ask you what it is?"

"Sure, what is it?" I asked as I nervously took a sip from my cup.

"Well all of the things that you said happened to be in almost synch with all of the events that have happened here in Canterlot and Ponyville, so answer me this, are you one of the Unsung Heroes?"

When he asked me that, I choked on the water and saw a grin form on Printing's face, "I will take that as a yes, and I have to say, you have some guts if you are going to "shove my story down my throat"."

"Look sir," I said in a panicky state, "in my defense, your reporters were driving me and my friend nuts," but then I heard the last thing I would not have expected from him, due to his serious nature; laughter. "Huh, what's going on here?" I asked completely confused from this ordeal.

Printing finally calmed down enough and replied back, "sorry kid, but I just need to make sure that you are one of those ponies that will do good things."

"Wait, so you're not mad about that threat I made?"

"Oh, no, no, no, in fact I have to say congratulations, because you have something that other stallions doesn't have; guts, because other ponies are usually intimidated of me due to my large size. So I have this to say, you can date my little girl."

I was surprised by this turn of events, "so you're not going to kill me?" I dumbly asked.

He let out hearty laugh and then said, "no I am not," all of a sudden he stopped laughing and leaned in close, coldly staring at me and said in an equally as cold tone as his gaze, "But, if I ever find out that you harmed my little girl in any way, I am going to make you wish that you never have set your eyes on my daughter." I gulped from his sudden change in behavior and threat. All of sudden the door swung opened, making Printing's expression to rapidly change into one of that of a cheery one and sit up straight, and Fe and Caupona walked into the room with bowls of what looks like ice cream topped with an assortments of toppings.

Fe set a bowl in front of me along with a spoon, while her mother did the same for her husband, and then proceeded to sit next to me with her bowl of dessert and silverware, "so, were able you get to know him better?" she asked me as she leaned in closer.

"Oh yes, I have and him as well, and he said it is okay for us to be together," otherwise I am going to wish I wasn't born, I thought as I looked towards her dad and saw him staring at me, which caused me to take a gulp again.

"That's great news," Fe happily said, unaware that her happiness is the key for my wellbeing and safety from her dad, "well enough talking let's dig in," she announces and with that we all dug into the bowl of dessert. When I was about halfway through the desert, feeling the constant presence of my marefriend's dad eyes focused on me, Fe leaned in close again and said, "What's wrong? You look kind of stressed."

"Oh nothing," I smiled to her, reassuring her that nothing is wrong and that I am okay… for now, "just feeling overworked is all."

"Well, we do have some vacation time stored up," Fe pointed out one of our many perks of working in a workplace where the very air is poisonous; lot's of vacation time, "so let's go somewhere for a while, what do you think?"

"Sure that will be great," I agreed as I shift my gaze over to Printing and saw that he is giving a look that is saying "I am keeping an eye on you", "how about we go to Ponyville?" I suggested for a nice, quiet, and safe location.

"I am okay with that," Fe agrees with my suggestion, "after all I have never been to Ponyville, and I always wanted to see the quaint normal little town."

There is nothing normal about that town, I thought as I unconsciously brought my spoon back into the bowl and heard it hit the bottom of the now empty bowl instead of the delicious dessert, "are there any seconds?" I sheepishly asked as I raised my bowl for seconds.


Well folks sorry about the delay, but life is really getting on my butt here and also of the detail I put into this chapter, but I will try to get the next chapter up soon... I hope.

End A/N

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