• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 46: Wake Up Calls


I only have this to say, boo-ya the two part chapter is a success. Ok enough chanting on with the story, and also thanks to ketcham1009 for editing this chapter. Remember please leave your comments at the end of the chapter please.

End A/N

Star's POV

I opened my eyes, filling them with soft light. I closed them and let out a hearty yawn and opened them again, and looked around to see where I was this time. I appeared to be in a hospital bed, "ok I bite, how in Equestria am I keep on waking up in the hospital?"

At that moment, the door to my room opened and a doctor with a clipboard in front of him walked, in talking to himself, "ok let see how this patient is doing."

"Eh, what's up doc?" I called out startling him, causing him to loss his magical grip on the clipboard and it falling to the ground, revealing the same doctor that was in charge of us three after the framed Arcana fiasco, indicating that I am in the Canterlot Hospital, "how long have I been in here?" I asked casually to him, "Because that was the best sleep I had in weeks."

"But this is impos-," the doctor started as he picked the clipboard, and then he seems to realize something, "you know what? Forget about it…" he said tossing the clipboard away, "… impossibilities seem to be a reality around you and the other two," he said as walked towards the door. You have no idea, I thought at how close to he's being right. The doctor stuck his head out of the doorway and called out into the hallway, "hay you can come in now, your friend seems to be alright now."

He stuck his head back in and Arcana, Twilight, and the others walked into the room, "and as for how long you stayed in here," the doctor added as he was about to leave the room, "you have been in here for about two days," and with that he left the room, immediately I was barraged by questions from everypony.

After listening to the jumbled up voices of everypony talking, I clamped my hooves over my ears and yelled out, "everypony, please be quite."

"… and then I said oatmeal, are you crazy?" Pinkie still talking randomly, and then she noticed that she was the only one that was still currently speaking, "oh," she said giving a sheepish grin.

"Please, one at a time," I instructed.

"What happened?" Arcana asking first, "we all heard from the princess that Nightmare attacked Ponyville and that you defeated it."

"Alright I will tell you all…" I then started to explain what happened when Nightmare made its move, and how I broke free of Nightmare's creature, which caused me to be in a fantasy, I skipped over the part of when Arcana and I were married, I then told them Nightmare's appearance and we both fighting, and how Nightmare tried to drown me in the infinite darkness of despair, "…but something happened to cause me to break free of Nightmare's spell, but after that, I can barely remember, because I had stayed up all night."

"That will explain that pleasant dream I had," Twilight said, "I was the head Librarian at the Canterlot Royal Achieves."

"Of course," Dash said rolling her eyes, "an egghead dreaming of an egghead dream, at least for me, I was the captain of the Wonderbolts," Dash happily said.

"Well I dreamed that my dresses, were proudly worn in Canterlot," Rarity full of glee.

"I dreamed about my wedding," Pinkie happily supplied hers, getting looks of amazement to the party pony, when she noticed the looks she was getting, she added, "What, can't I dream about having a family of my own someday?"

"Well, shoot Pinkie that was just unexpected," Applejack explaining, "I dreamt that I won all the blue ribbons in a rodeo contest in Canterlot."

"I had a wonderful dream that Shadow and I are married," Fluttershy happily said, and then she realized at what she said and started to blush.

"What about you Arcana?" I asked Arcana, whom started to look nervous.

"Oh, well um…" Arcana started, but then the doors slammed opened, interrupting me, as a mare rushed in; it was Fe and she had the look over joy on her face about something.

"Quick everypony, Aceiro is waking up," and with that she quickly left just as she arrived.

"After we see Aceiro," I finished for Arcana as I removed the sheets, which are covering me, and got out of bed, I heard gasps of astonish as I made my way through the room, but I didn't take notice as I left the room and saw Fe's tail disappear into a doorway a little down the hallway. I walked towards the doorway where Fe disappeared and entered, "whoa, didn't see this coming," I said at what I saw.

Aceiro's POV




Oh god not the beeping, I thought as I heard the beeping coming into my dream and then the smell of sterilized air drifted in as well, I must be in the hospital, but why? But before anymore thoughts can be made, I felt the familiar pain in my chest and sides, indicating that I am currently on my stomach and that I have been on it for a while.

I groaned as I started to push myself up, but then I heard a familiar voice calling out, "he's awake," and with sounds of running hooves followed by a door slamming shut.

"Fe, is that you?" I asked as I opened my eyes and found out that that was a bad idea, "ah crap," I said as I felt pain hack into my eyes from the lights. I sat up straight and immediately I felt myself being pulled back, like I was wearing a backpack full of weights, "whoa," I said as I opened my eyes in surprise and hurriedly grasped the edge of the bed in front of me.

Before I can see what's on my back that almost pulled me off my bed, the doors once again slammed opened and Fe burst in, with the look of joy on her face. Fe rushed at me and then did something I would never think she would ever do; she leaped at me and braced me into a hug. This act stunned me, "Fe you're hugging me."

And then Star walked in and saw us in an embrace, "whoa, didn't see this coming."

"Quiet you," I said to him, as I saw Fe blush a little, and then I turn towards Fe, "but Fe, your tradition says that contact is not a good thing unless it is with very close friend, and also where am I?"

"Of course, when you were unconscious, I stayed here waiting for you to wake up, because I was so worried for you," she said with a smile, "and you are in the Canterlot hospital."

"D'awww," I looked up with a startled face and saw the others there in the room as well, with a sweet look on their faces, indicating that they had heard what Fe said, "quiet you," I repeated to them, and then their looks of sweet turns to the look of distress, except for Star.

"What?" I said to them confused about their expressions, but then I saw that they were looking at me, but whatever is behind me, "what are you looking at?" I asked as I turn my head and saw the cause for their looks of distress. On my back was a pair of twisted and burned pieces of metal that resembles the flight wings Fe and I made. When I examine them closer I saw that the wings had somehow been infused in my back, where exactly like a pegasus wings are. I also saw that around the base of the wings it looked like somepony used a hacksaw to remove the frame that held the wings in, "what happened to me?" I asked, "Because all I remember was flying and then a fireball coming at me and hitting me."

"I can explain that," a voice called out from behind Star and the girls. The doctor from the last time I was in the hospital walked from behind them and walked towards Fe and I, "you see Aceiro it was a dragon that was a bit enthusiastically playing target practice with you and fire, well…" the doctor said a bit unsure what to say next, "… well the dragon scored a bull's-eye."

When he didn't even get a chuckled from that bad joke, he started to get a bit edgy, "well anyway…," he said breaking the tension as he walked behind me and tapped the burned pieces of metal on my back, creating a short ding, "…the dragon's fire melted the wings into your back, so we had to cut away the framing that held the wings and controls, and after that is where impossibility decided to come in and knock common facts out of the window."

"Huh?" Fe asked confused, "why is that?"

"Well, just about as we were about to remove the wings, we noticed something odd happening to the wings," the doctor said as he came up from behind me, "on closer examination, we detected a faint pulse in the wings, at first we all just thought it was the pulse of magic from the flight spell, but then we all noticed that the pulses matches like those to a pegasus."

"What a minute," Arcana trying to understand something, "are you saying that the wings…"

"… Yes, Aceiro's body had somehow integrated a pair of metal wings into his body, and that is not all," then he looked unsure about something, "somehow his body even made and install a fully functioning circulatory system in the wings, and it also appears that a nervous system is starting to grow in, from the last time we check on him," the doctor said shaking his head in bewilderment, "will somepony, please care to explain to me about these three? I get a headache just from looking at them."

"All you need to know doctor is that these three are very special ponies," a familiar tone a voice called out behind Star and Arcana. We all looked to where the voice originated and saw both Princess Celestia and Luna there with calm looks and soft grins, scaring Star, Arcana and the others, from their sudden appearance," now would you please be so kind to depart, so we can have a word, doctor?"

"Of course, princesses," he said, with a bow to them, he left the room, mumbling something about craziness.

"Dang," Star said astonished as he finally got over from the princesses sudden appearing, "how did you two even get here? I didn't hear you come in."

"Many years of practice, but now…" Princess Luna said as soon as the door to the room was fully shut, "… we would like to discuss what happened to you during the Nightmare incident Star.

"Wait Nightmare, like as in Nightmare Moon?" Fe asked worriedly as she looks at Princess Luna, I saw Star give himself a hoof to the face while whispering, 'oh shit'.

"Do not fret little one," Luna said to Fe, "be reassured that it is not I who is Nightmare Moon, but an unfortunate pony that was forced into its service."

"But isn't Nightmare going to create an eternal night though?" Fe asked as she finally let go of me.

"Fortunately no, for only I have the power to do that," Luna explained.

"But then if Nightmare is back, why wasn't it attack already?"

"Oh it has," Celestia answered, "in fact it has attacked three times already, but it was impeded, by these three every single time," Celestia said pointing to Star, Arcana and me. Fe gave me the look of wonder as she understood what the princess of the sun said.

"I didn't exactly defeat Nightmare," I said explaining to her, "I just defeated a look-a-like of Nightmare that was just as powerful as the real thing."

"Yes," Luna said nodding her head, "Arcana stopped Nightmare on the first attack, and Star with the third, in fact…" Luna then got interested with Star, "… Star here was able to make a new star in my sky."

"Really," Twilight getting all interested, "interesting."

"Indeed it is Twilight Sparkle," Luna agrees, "he created it using his power."

"Would that explain why his wings are silver now, instead of white?" Arcana asked.

"Whoa, really," Star said, he then stretched out his wings, and true to Arcana's word, his wings are indeed now colored silver, "ok I'll bite, why are my wings silver now?"

"I don't know," Luna answered just a clueless as Star, "but if I have to guess, I say it might have something to do with your star, hum I wonder…" Luna trailing off, and then she put a hoof on her chin thinking about something.

"I say that they make you twenty percent cooler now," Dash said as she got a closer look at Star's wings.

"Oh can we all call you Silvery, no wait Silver Wings…" Pinkie happily talked trying to pick out a nickname for Star.

"Ok would everypony please stop talking about," Star announced, "I am getting slightly uncomfortable from all of this attention I am currently getting… so what are going to do about Aceiro?" Star asked, turning all the attention to me, making me feeling awkward now, "because he is going to turn heads with those set of wings."

"Can we just remove them?" Applejack asked.

Twilight shook her head in disagreement and explained, "We can't do that Applejack, the doctor said that he has now a working circulatory system in them, so it will be like removing wings off a real pegasus, the shock might kill him."

"Oh dear that is not good…" Fluttershy vexed about the situation, "but what can he do about it?"

"Wait a minute," Fe made known that she just got an idea, she then turns towards me, "can you just do what you can do with metal? You know make it less smoldering and sooty into something else," Fe suggested.

"I think it will work, hold on," I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and concentrated to feel the wings on my back, and then I felt something diminutive at the base of the wings, "I'm feeling something…" I explained then without opening my eyes, "… but it is really insignificant. I will give it a try," I concentrated on the diminutive feeling from the wings and then I thought about the first time my wings appeared. I felt some movements coming from my back, and then I heard gasps of amazement from my friends, but I still concentrated on the task at hoof.

When the feeling of movement ceased from my back, I opened my eyes and saw that everypony were staring me with wonder in their eyes. I follow their gaze and saw that instead of a pair scorched, heat warped pair of metal wings I saw a pair of gleaming metal wings that looks just like a pegasus wings, "wow, I didn't do such a bad job," I said as I tried to move them, but only was able to get a little movement at the base of the wings, "huh, can only move them a little, maybe until the nerves grow in."

"It doesn't matter," Fe said as she hugged me again, "I still like you no matter what you look like now."

"D'awww," everypony in the room said in unison at the sight they are seeing.

"Quiet you."

Arcana's POV

When Aceiro told us all to be quiet from the D'awww we all gave him when Fe said that she likes him no matter what, we all started to laugh, but my heart wasn't into it, for I kept on thinking about the dream I had when I was under the influence of Nightmare's creature; of me being kissed by Star.

And I liked it… a lot, I thought as I remember the kiss.


Well I am sorry that this chapter took some time to be posted, but real life has been calling more often than usual, but don't worry, the next chapter is already underway.

End A/N

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