• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 38: Unfolding Events PT2


The season finale was freaking awesome, but there is something is odd, I had an idea for this story and it appeared in the season finale, and even more odd is that the setting in the finale is perfect for this story, but I am not going to say what, and also didn't anyone else get a image of a bear when they saw Shining Armor? I did, well anyway here is part 2, enjoy the story.

End A/N

Arcana's POV

Ten minutes earlier

As I lay on the cot, occasionally sneezing from the dust that makes its' way into my nose and the tingling sensation at the base of my horn growing, I thought, let see here, I am framed for stealing something that I didn't steal at all, and I am locked up in the Canterlot dungeons, how long have I been in here anyway? If Nightmare could see me now, I bet it would laugh at me, cause of this justice system, and then something drawn to me, wait a minute, we haven't see Nightmare for a long time, but before I can go any farther, I heard a series of hoof steps coming to my cell. I sat up on the cot and waited for them to appear. Before they appeared at my cell, I smelled something really good wafting into my cell.

Two guards walked into view of my cell, with one of them levitating a tray of food in front of him, if one of them is Breaker, then I don't know cause I can't tell the deference between them, and then one of the guards spoke indicating that it was Breaker, "here you go miss…," he trailed off as he doesn't know my name.

"Sorry Breaker I didn't tell you what my name was didn't I?" I said apologizing, "it's Arcana."

"Well, Miss Arcana, here is you meal, but eat it fast, cause we have to get you to your Hearing," he said as he used his magic to make the cell bars intangible for the food to pass through, and float it towards my lap.

"Wait, what hearing?" I asked as I heard that, and then I saw the other guard produce chains and shackles, "and what is up with the chain accessory?" I asked nervously.

"It is to decide your punishment," the other guard said in a flat monotone, "and these are to make sure that you don't get any funny ideas."

I looked away from the guard and towards the food. I saw that is was a French toast breakfast with maple syrup, and with diced fruit on top of it, and then I realized something, this food looks great, maybe it is from the lack of prisoners here, but for some reason, this makes me feels I am having my final meal before I get executed.

"Is something wrong?" Breaker asked, as he saw that wasn't eating the meal.

"Oh nothing," I answered, burying my sinking feeling, "it is just that it looks so good, and I am hungry from eating anything," I said as I dig into my meal.

After I finished with my meal and set the tray on the cot, indicating that I am finished, "thank you Breaker, that was delicious."

Breaker nodded in acknowledgement, but the other guard wasn't that understanding in my thanks, "ok, that's enough, we need to go right now," he said annoyed, that I took so long in eating meal, "stand up and face the wall," he ordered me, like I am some kind of common criminal.

"Alright geez," I said getting up from the cot, "you could've at least say please," I added, mumbling under my breath as I faced the wall, his name must be Sergeant or something similar, I thought as I heard the door to my cell opened and heard the guard walking into the cell.

I hear the sound of metal on metal as the guard open up the shackles and locked them on my legs, completing its' job; to restrict those that wears them.

"Alright let's go now," the guard said walking out the of the cell, I followed as much as I can without tripping over myself, "hurry up," the guard called back at me with impatience lancing through his voice.

"You try walking with these on," I said feeling my rage rising as I caught up to him and Breaker.

The guard looked back at me, but before he can say something, Breaker intercepted, "forget about it, we need to go right now," and with that his horn started to glow, and we disappeared in a light blue flash.

We appeared in front of set of double doors, "is this the prisoner?" I voiced asked behind us.

I turned my head as much as I can and saw a white unicorn in a set of purple armor, but the first thought that came to mind was, why does he look like a bear?

"It is Captain Armor," Breaker confirmed.

Wait this is Shining Armor? "why is the prisoner awake?" Shining Armor asked, "The nullifier ring should have her still asleep."

"Well sir…," Breaker started, "…Miss Arcana here explained that the ring doesn't drain her magic, but it still functioning, so her magic is restricted and cannot be accessed."

"But that is not possible," Shining Armor exclaimed at that information.

"You have no idea how many times I heard that from everypony else," I said rolling my eyes in exasperation.

Before Shining Armor can say something else we all heard a booming voice call out, "quite, the hearing shall begin."

"Bring in the accused," we heard another voice call out.

Shining Armor looked at me and said quickly, "Alright just walk to the center and sit down in the chair, and don't stop," with that he opened the door with a red glow and I and both of the guards started walking into the room, but the guards stopped at the doorway, while I made my way to the center of a oval room with benches lining up around the edges, with three pedestals in front of the chair, each of them taken by a unicorn, a pegasus, and a earth pony. As I reached to the chair, I saw there in the gloom of the room ponies here and there, I also saw Aceiro, Star and the two princesses sitting there, but Star had a look of troubled on his face.

As I finally reached the chair in the middle of the room and sat down in it, "let the Hearing begin," the Earth pony cried out slamming down his gavel.

"First off, why is the nullifier ring is still on you?" the earth pony asked, "and why are you still awake?" But as I was about to answer, there was a flash of red and a scroll appeared in front the judges. The unicorn picked it up and opened it, after he read it, he started a hushed conversation with the pegasus and earth pony, after a while they stop and turned towards me.

"Alright let's start the questioning, are you Arcana the unicorn?" the unicorn asked me.

"I am," I answered him, "but, may I ask, who are you three?" this caused murmurs to spread throughout the ponies in the room.

The pegasus slammed his gavel down and ordered, "silence," everypony fell silent at his command, and then he looked at me and added, "you really don't know who we are?"

"Nope, I don't, should I?"

The Earth pony leaned towards me and said, "You are not from around here, aren't you?" I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard that question, "Cause everypony should know the Three Judges of Law when they are foals, so answer you are not from around here aren't you?"

"You're correct I am not from around here."

"Enough," the unicorn said, "we are not here to question the origin of this unicorn, we are here to determine the punishment for stealing one of the dangerous magical secrets from the Royal Canterlot Archives, and the revealing and retrieval of the Time Distortion Spell."

"Well then, you are wasting your time, because I didn't steal anything from the Archives, in fact I was in Ponyville the whole time," I made my statement.

"Silence," the unicorn bellowed at me, "speak when spoken to."

"We also have a witness that saw you doing what describes the beginning stage of the spell," the pegasus added.

"What really?" I asked, questioning his declaration, "what are the warning signs anyway?"

The unicorn glared at me for my questions, "sorry," I said putting my head down.

"Yes we have a witness," the Earth pony answered, ignoring the glare coming from the unicorn, "and he described you using a spell that didn't leave any magical residue, and earlier the day the ponies saw you enter the Archives, and also said that you arrived late for a breakfast meeting."

When he said mention the breakfast meeting, I drawn it together, "does the witness have to be Prince Blueblood," I said with a smile.

"How do you know that?" the pegasus said amazed.

"Well, I remember that breakfast meeting, and let me tell you, the reason I was late was because I had two rough weeks before that morning, so I slept in, oh and did he also add that I stuffed his face full of fruit."

The group of ponies in the stands started to chuckle, even the Earth and the Pegasus smiled at that, but the unicorn just frowned, "and also that was a little month, what took you this long to just to convict me?" I added.

This completely broke the unicorn's grim face, "w-w-well, you see we didn't realized that the Time Distortion Spell was missing until the Royal Guard received an anonymous tip about the Vaults contents."

An anonymous tip, I don't like the sound of that, "wait a minute," the unicorn said while levitating a sheet of paper and looking at it, "you said you were gone for two weeks, but you were checked out of the hospital the day earlier before the breakfast meeting, care to explain that."

"Well you three won't believe me, but I time traveled to the beginning of Equestria."

This caused a major exchange of talk to appear among the ponies in the stands, "silence, Silence!" the unicorn demanded while slamming down his gavel, and eventually silence fell.

"You expect us to believe that you time traveled all the way to the beginning of Equestria," the unicorn said in disbelieve.

"Um… yes," I said grinning.

"Not even the most powerful of unicorns can go that far back," the unicorn opposed to my truth.

"Well Arcana here is no normal unicorn," Star called out from the crowd.

The pegasus looked towards him, "who are you?"

"I am Star Streak and Arcana here, is telling the truth," he said getting up from his seat.

"Do you have any proof?" the unicorn asked.

"Well there is a giant spell diagram in the middle of the ball room back at the palace," Star said excited.

"Unfortunately, it disappeared Star," Celestia regretted to say.

"Damn it," Star said frustrated.

"Sit down mister Streak," the Earth pony said, "this is a Hearing, unless you have proof, that Miss Arcana here is telling the truth, sit back down."

"Wait I have proof right here," Aceiro exclaimed getting up and shuffling in a pair of saddlebags, wait a minute, is that my saddlebag? Wait the black box!

"Who the hoof are you?" the earth pony asked.

"I am Aceiro," Aceiro answered, as he is trying to unbuckle the saddlebag, until finally he had unbuckled it, "finally, ok here is the proof."

But before he can pull the proof out, the room started to shake as if it was in a earthquake, at the same time I felt a pain in my heart as if it was being pressurized by some unknown force; I fell out of the chair and onto the floor, gasping from the pain, "Arcana!" I heard Star cry out.

From the floor I saw Star take off from his seat, but before he can reach me, he was stopped in midair as he collided with a barrier surrounding the main floor from the stands momentary stunning him, Still in pain and on the floor, I saw the unicorn's horn glowing with a dark blue aurora.

When Star got over his stunned experience, he started pounding the barrier, "let me in, can you see that Arcana is in pain right now?"

"No," the unicorn said firmly, "this Hearing is still in progress and it is not coming down until we get answers."

"If you are not going to let me in, then I will come in myself," he demanded.

"Unlikely, this is a class three defense barrier," the unicorn stated, " so breaking in is near impossible, and also you are a pegasus, so you can't teleport inside."

"Who said I was coming in by force?" Star said, "And you sure about that?" I saw him lower his goggles down and putting himself a few feet away from the barrier's wall, he then flew towards the barrier, getting gasps from the crowd.

"What are you going to-," but before the unicorn can finish his question Star disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared inside the barrier, and next to me.

This display broke the unicorn's concentration and the barrier shattered, "are you ok Arcana?" Star asked as he helped me get up.

"What you just did," the pegasus said stumped, "shouldn't even be possible."

"Well, Arcana and I can do things, that nopony shouldn't be able to do," he said to them, and then he turns towards me, "are you ok? What happened?"

"I'm ok right now, but I don't know, it felt like I was under great pressure, but I don't know what it was though," I answered him, and then I turned towards the Three Judges, "and you three," I said to them a bit ticked, "what was the big idea to do that to Star, when he is trying to help me?"

"You have just have became dangerous to yourself and others around you," the unicorn explained, "cause you just felt is the effects of the Time Distortion Spell."

But before anything else can be said, the door burst opened, causing heads to turn towards the door and there we all saw a worn out Shining Armor, with him missing his helmet and his armor showing scratches and dents in it.

"Princesses are you alright?" he asked as he gasped for air.

"What is wrong captain Armor?" Luna asked concerned as she sat up from her seat.

"Arcana had…," he looks towards me and suddenly confusing lanced through his face, "… escaped?"

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked also to getting up from her seat, "Arcana haven't moved from since she arrived."

"Then we have trouble, for there is a unicorn outside wreaking havoc on the Hall and the unicorn looks just like Arcana," as soon he said that, we all felt the earth trembling again, it then ceased as soon it started.

"What was that?" Aceiro asked as he made his way to us.

"That was the unicorn," Shining Armor answered him, "and she has the Time Distortion Spell."

"Then let's go and stop her," Star announced, determine to stop the assailant, "but first, let's get these chains off, " I saw Star close his eye in concentration.

There was a flash of light, causing me to close my eyes as well. Then I felt the restriction around my legs disappear, as well as the tingling sensation at the base of my horn, and then I felt a surge of energy rush back into me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the chains and the nullifier ring in his hoof, "now let's go," he said, I nodded in agreement, as we both made our way to the door, but we heard the unicorn cry out, causing us to stop.

"Stop, the Hearing is still in session."

Star and I looked at the unicorn, but then another quake reverberates through the room once again, "you really going to do this?" Star asked the unicorn in disbelief, "Because you have a crazy unicorn outside with one of the most dangerous spells ever written, and all you are worried about is law."

This stopped the unicorn dead in his argument, "but what can you two do about it?" the earth pony asked.

"We might be the only ones able to stop her," I answered to the earth pony, I then turn towards Star, "alright let's go now."


Star and I turned towards Aceiro who was running up to us, "I want to help as well."

"But Aceiro, Star and I have abilities that can match to this unicorn's magic, we are not even sure that you can do anything," I said trying to keep him safe.

"I don't care, if my friends are going to be in battle then so I am," he stated.

"Then we will clear the civilians…" Celestia said.

"… While you three take care of the rogue unicorn," Luna added.

"Alright then let's go," Star then rushed out of the doors and Aceiro and I followed after him.

As we three were running down the hall, I looked out the large windows and saw ponies running around in fright and then there was another quake, causing a piece of a nearby building to fall off and land among ponies narrowly avoiding them, I hope nopony is hurt, cause of this, we then heard Celestia's voice resonance into the air, "all ponies, please evacuate the city and make you way to the castle," the panicking crowd outside then suddenly turn towards the castle.

"Alright without any civilians out and about, there is no chance for them to be injured," Aceiro observed.

We all made it to the front doors and saw that they had been blasted in, with scorch marks and groves that showed that the door had craved through the floor with great force. And then we heard a voice call out, that I will never forget, "come out little ponies, I want to play."

"Ok now that is just creepy," Aceiro said as we made our way outside, and there standing at the base of the stairs, was… another Arcana.

End Chapter

Nah just kidding

Aceiro's POV

I saw that the other Arcana looked exactly like our Arcana, she even had the same necklace as well, at the bottom of the steps with a hateful look on her face and glaring daggers at Star and Arcana, "who are you, why are you here?" I called out to the imposter at the bottom of the steps.

The imposter looked at me and said with a creep smile that sent shivers down my back, "oh, I see that we have another playmate."

"Just answer his questions," Star said infuriated at the imposters dodging.

The imposter looked at Star and said, "come on Star, it is me Arcana, and I am here to have fun."

"Enough games, show who you are, or I will," Arcana threaten as she took a step forward.

"Oh you're no fun, but you surely must remember me, after all we did have a nice dance at the Gala," the imposter hinted.

I saw Star and Arcana get the look of realization to who it is, for they called out at the same time, "NIGHTMARE!"

Nightmare smiles and then she started glowing in a dark blue glow and she started changing into a different form, she started growing bigger, and then the glower disappeared revealing Nightmare, with wings made of shadows, and also in dark armor, but the only thing that didn't change was the gem necklace around its neck.

"Aw, finally I am able to shed that horrible form."

"Don't think you can try the trick again, and don't think you will be able to take me by surprise, because I know what to expect from you two."

"Oh ya let's see about that, I then saw Arcana's horn glow and the gems on the necklace started to grow and creep on her back, until they eventually formed into wings. Arcana took off and flew towards Nightmare, at the same time Nightmare's wisps turns back into wings and she took off towards Arcana.

They meet in the air and started flying around, trying to get hits at each other getting higher and higher in the air. Arcana eventually got the upper… hoof, in this fight, for she disappeared and reappeared behind Nightmare and wrapped her forelegs around Nightmare's wing, forcing them to be shut closed, causing them to fall to the ground. Nightmare started to thrash about trying to get away. They neared the ground, but before they both hit the ground, I saw a flash of back light, and then they hit the ground causing dirt and dust to fly into the air.

I ran down the stairs and towards the hole, full of concern, but as I was approaching the hole, something black shot out of the hole, and I realized that it was Nightmare and that it had came out of the situation without a scratch, when I got to the edge and looked in it, I saw Arcana lying at the bottom of the hole moaning.

Nightmare landed a few yards away and said, "now that was exhilarating, I haven't have fun like that for a long time," Nightmare stated as she shook dust off of its coat.

"Arcana!," I heard Star call out, I turned towards the store that Star crashed through and saw him rushing out and towards Nightmare, but Nightmare's horn started to glow and encased Star in a magical grasp and brought him up to her face, "hum, now what should I do with you?"

"How about I give you some fine china," Star answered, and then there was multiple flashes of light as china started to fall from the sky and was about to hit Nightmare, but they were all stopped as she deployed a barrier over her head.

"Can you do better than that?" Nightmare said annoyed.

"How about a new house then," Star said, I saw him closing his eyes and a white vortex appeared above them, and out came what looks like a building, Nightmare looked up and saw the building coming towards them, "see ya later," Star said, and then disappear in a white flash.

The piece of building landed on Nightmare, covering the square with rubble and dust, Star appeared next to me, "Did I get it?" he asked as he dropped to the ground tired, as the dust settled revealing a pile of rubble where Nightmare is

"Ya you did," I answered him, but I spoke to soon, for the rubble burst apart kicking up dust and dirt again in the air and then a wisp of shadow shot out the rubble and smacked into Star causing him to be airborne and over some buildings.

I picked up a piece of rebar in my mouth, immediately filling it with the taste of dust and dirt, I rushed at Nightmare, but I wasn't able to reach her, for Nightmare used her magic to lift me and tossed me away like a rag doll, I hit the ground and turn head over hooves, the rebar wrench from my mouth as well felt the saddlebag ripping off and flying off to somewhere, and my back being scrapped up as I slide across the ground. While I was slowly pick myself off the ground, wincing as I felt my back started to slowly bleed, I heard Nightmare started to laugh, "You are really pathetic, an earth pony, with no magical abilities, trying to take on a great magical being, like me, head on."

I saw Arcana get out of the hole and galloped towards Nightmare. As she neared Nightmare, her wings changed into spears, levitating near her, and I also saw that they were aimed at Nightmare's necklace, but Nightmare materialize a barrier in front of her stopping Arcana's spears inches away. I saw Nightmare's eyes widen in alarm, her horn glowed black and Arcana then was flung back and embed into the ground near me, with her spears landing around, embedding themselves into the ground.

"Are you ok?" I asked concern for her," I saw her nodded as she tried to get out of the ditch she was in, "What was that about?"

Arcana shakily stood up from the ground and answered, "I sensed a lot of magic resonating from that necklace of its, I think it is the Time Distortion Spell," and all of a sudden there was a explosion of light as Star appeared hurtling straight at Nightmare, "Star, aim for the necklace," Arcana called out to him, "I am sensing a lot of magic coming from it."

"Got it," Star called back as he hurtle straight at Nightmare, but Nightmare disappeared before Star can reach it, Star immediately pulled up to avoid hitting into the ground, but as Star was pulling up, Nightmare appeared above him and blasted him with beam of dark light, shooting him into the ground near us.

"Fools, I am much stronger now than I was ever before, all thanks to a certain mage that created a spell thousands of years ago," Nightmare gloated as Star weakly tried to get out of the hole, "Do you know why that spell was so dangerous?" when neither of us answered it, it continues, "it absorbs the time streams, but at the same time it weakens the barriers across time, eventually destroying it," Nightmare said fiddling with the necklace, "and I am going to use it to take revenge on those that overwhelmed me the last time."

The necklace started to glow in a black light that it appeared to sucking in the light around it, "now behold the power that was sealed away, until now," Nightmare swung a leg and the ground in front of us exploded causing us to fly back from the shockwave it created. I made contact with a wall, feeling myself sink into it, nearly causing me to black out from the pain, I fell out of the notch I made and hit the ground.

It is a good thing earth ponies are resilient, I thought as I gritted my teeth and force my way up on my hooves and felt pain in my chest, dang I must have broken a few ribs. When the dust cleared I say that the blast that Nightmare had created made a fissure in the ground. I glanced around looking for my friends, I saw Arcana a little way with her crystal wings wrapped around her to my right, I continue to look for Star, and ended up founding a pegasus shaped hole in a wall to my left, dang that has to hurt, I thought wincing at the sight.

I then heard a little whimper behind me. I turned around and saw there in a alcove was a frightened child scared at the sight it was seeing, oh crap a kid, "I want my mommy," the child said and then started to cry.

"I see that we have a bystander this whole time," I heard Nightmare said, I twirled around and tried to block the child from Nightmare's gaze with my body, "don't try to hide that sniveling brat, I already saw her, unfortunately she saw me as well, and I can't allow my presence be known," he necklace started to glow black. I realized what it was about to do, and then I saw Nightmare swung a leg at the child.

"No!," I quickly got up to my hooves and dashed to the alcove that the child was hiding in, as if time was slowing down, I felt the intense energy of the spell coming our way, I reached the child and brought her close to my chest and embraced her, I am not going to let Nightmare do this, I thought as the blast was getting nearer and nearer, I will protect this child, I am not going to let Nightmare do this, I will stop it, I will, I will, I WILL.

And then I felt something stir in the center of my being, you are willing to sacrifice yourself to save a child you don't even know, a voice that sounded like Fate's rang through my head, you have awaken something in yourself, use it well, and then as if time speed up the burst of energy reached us I closed my eyes and braced for the hit.

I felt the shockwave hit us, after an earth shattering quake, I opened my eyes and saw the child staring at me with wonder, "are you an angel?"

"What?" I asked confused at the child's question, she raised her hoof and pointed behind me. I looked behind me and saw a pair of shining wings, that had somehow appeared to blocked Nightmare's attack. On closer examination I saw that they had metal like qualities to them, and I saw that they are also connected to my back, I moved them and felt that I have a little sensation to them, ok this is weird, and then there was a light emitting in front of me and the child, I looked towards it and saw that it was the saddlebag, but it was ripped up, with papers and other stuff poured out.

There, lying among the papers was the black box, but it was wide open, and inside I saw what was making the light, inside were three bracer like items, all lined up in a neat row. The one in the middle was giving off a white light, while the other two was giving off a golden color and other silver.

Take upon one of the new Elements, the Element of Will, I heard Fate instructed, as if I knew what to do, I reached out and touched the middle one, as soon I touched it there was a flash of light when the light faded away I saw that the bracer was now on me and I felt myself gaining strength from some unknown source.

"Wow you really are an angel," the child said.

I pushed myself up and moved myself away from the alcove and saw that the surrounding area was completely destroyed, except for the alcove that I protected, I looked back at the child and replied in a hurried tone, "I am not an angel, now get out of here, get somewhere safe," the child nodded and ran off.

All of sudden, a gold and silver orbs of light shot out from behind me. The gold orb neared Arcana, there was a flash of gold and I saw that it had attached to Arcana in the same way mine did to me. The silver one, went into the hole that Star made, there was a flash of silver, but nothing else.

"You're still alive?" Nightmare asked as I emerged from the alcove, "but how, there is now way you could've survive that, and how come I am sensing a lot of energy radiating from you? You are just a normal earth pony."

"I am anything, but normal Nightmare," I said as a made my way towards it, "and the reason I am still alive is because I willed it so," I am getting closer and closer towards it.

"Stay back I say," Nightmare released another blast at me, but as if my wings have a mind of their own, they formed a shield around me, cause the blast from Nightmare to hit them and ricochet in the air.

"That is not going to work anymore Nightmare," I alleged as my wings uncovered themselves around me.

"We'll see about that," Nightmare opposed, I saw its necklace glow once more, but before it can release it, an idea came to me, I hope this works. Nightmare released the spell at me, and wings went in to anticipate it, but instead of reflecting it, they caught the spell, "that is not possible, that is most destructive spell ever made."

"I guess it is not now," I tossed the active spell back at Nightmare, it made contact with Nightmare, causing an explosion to occur, my wings once again sheltered me from the shockwave. When the dust cleared I saw that Nightmare's barrier had protected it from most the harm and it looks like it is unconscious, for now.

Then I remembered that Arcana said that the necklace is the Time Distortion Spell, I need to destroy it now, and I rushed towards Nightmare and when I was close I jammed my wings at the necklace, but Nightmare's eyes fluttered opened before I can stab its necklace. Nightmare quickly put up a barrier stopping my wings inches away from the main jewel.

"I am not going to allow you to take away this great power," Nightmare strained from the pressure I am putting on her barrier.

"This power doesn't belong to you," I countered as my wings slowly forced themselves into Nightmare's barrier, causing it to ripple like a surface of a lake, "you were going to use to hurt others, even an innocent child," I felt the barrier being ripped in two, as my wings started to tear the barrier, "now release Trixie for your control."

"Never, she is mine," Nightmare's horn then glowed black and it shot a spell at me, I quickly brought up the leg that held the bracer to block the attack, but then I saw it shift into a shield, disrupting the spell.

"I said, let her go," I commanded, I brought up my leg to slam into the necklace, I need something sharp, as if the bracer heard me I saw it shifted into a blade. I slammed the bracer-blade into Nightmare's necklace, the blade sunk into it and I saw it started to crack and splinter.

"No!," Nightmare cried out, and then the necklace completely shattered, the necklace must have been holding vast amounts of energy, for it released all of its' energy, causing me to be hurled back a couple feet and land on my back, even though my wings protected me from most of the damage I created when I broke the necklace.

When I stood up shakily and there standing in the middle of blackened and burned area was Nightmare. I weakly walked up to Nightmare, "release Trixie now Nightmare," I demanded as I raised my wings in anticipation, and then Nightmare did one thing I wasn't expecting; it started to laugh.

Nightmare looked at me after it finished laughing, "you think you defeated me, well think again, I am not really Nightmare, I am just merrily a mixture of a being and Nightmare's magic," and then like a sand castle, Nightmare features started to fall away revealing a pony-like creature with twisted looking features.

"What are you?" I asked to the creature, "and what happened to Nightmare?"

"I am a changeling," the creature answered, it voice sounding like a bunch of insects buzzing together, "as for my master, The Great and Powerful Nightmare Moon, wasn't even here, my master is safe from the likes of you," and then it started to turn into dust, but before it totally became to dust, "also beware, Nightmare will soon return, and my master will take revenge to those who gets in my master's way," the changeling warned, before I can say anything else, it completely vanishes into dust.

Then the toll of the battle become visible as I collapsed to the ground feeling faint, and then I felt something land on my head. I looked up and saw my wings turning into the color rust red and then they fell apart into specks of particles as they fell apart and landed into piles on each of my sides. Then the veil of sleep descended on me as I heard hoof steps coming towards me.


Finally after days of non-stop interruptions from my family, am I finally finished with part two, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, now if you'll excuse me, I am going to start writing the next chapter.

End A/N

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