• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 32: The Eclipse


Well you know the deal please leave you reviews and thanks for reading this story.

Oh and if any of you still have questions about this story or anything else, then you can ask me anytime, and I will answer them by these author notes or by PM your choice.

End A/N

Star POV

"So do you care to tell us what this is all about Twilight?" I heard Arcana, while I was ordering some food, asked towards Twilight as she and the others all sat at a table in Sugarcube Corner, because Twilight has something important to say to all of us.

"Right you see this morning I received a letter from Princess Celestia," Twilight informed, "And this letter is very important."

"Aren't all letters for the princesses important," I said as I sat down between Arcana and Twilight with food and drinks for everypony else, with a cinnamon roll for me of course, "Even though you do tend to overact over a simple response," I said with a grin as I lifted the cinnamon roll to eat it.

Twilight's response that was to yank the cinnamon roll out of my grasps and stuff it into my mouth, causing me to painfully swallow the roll, "Gasp, ok I'll shut up now," causing everypony to laugh.

"As I was saying, this letter is important, because Princess Celestia said a special occasion is going to happen."

"What's this special occasion?" Dash asked.

"Oh is it a party," Pinkie asked happily, "Because I love parties, oh I want to help to plan the party."

"Well sort of Pinkie," Twilight, but then she immediately regretted those words, for Pinkie started bouncing in her seat excited, "Oh pony-feathers, " I heard her whispered as she facehoof herself at her slipup, and with that Pinkie zipped away upstairs in a blur to plan for whatever this occasion is.

"Ok aside from the craziness what's the occasion?" I asked.

"Well you see, the special occasion is a solar eclipse," Twilight explained, causing gasps to be made, except for Arcana and I.

"So what's the big deal?"

Twilight looked at me, completely shocked, "Star, this is a rare occasion, for the last one was years before the Nightmare Moon banishment."

"Wow that long huh," Arcana said amazed, "We also get them back on Earth too and they are not that far apart in years."

"Really, now that's interesting," Rarity said, lightly sipping her drink.

"Is there anything else, beside the rarity of an eclipse, special about this occasion?"

"Yes," Twilight going into one of her lecture tones, "This is time when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's celestial embodiments are in the sky at the same time, for usually when the sun and moon's magic causes magical disturbance, but at this time their magic is weaker and thus can be in the sky at the time."

"That's interesting, so when is all the eclipse?" I asked,

"Tomorrow around noon," she answered and then a shiver ran down my spine and all of a sudden Pinkie appeared between me and Arcana.

"Tomorrow, that soon! Then I better I better get my A-game on," Pinkie said shocked and then she disappeared as soon she appeared.

We looked confused at what just happened.

The next day

I woke up to the sounds of clinging and clanking from upstairs, must be Twilight, who else will be up at, I looked at the clock, nine in the morning, actually that's perfectly ok.

I got up from bed and put on my goggles, I also saw that the sunlight was streaming into my room, indicating that it was a nice and sunny day. When I opened my door I saw that I wasn't only one that Twilight woke, for Arcana walked out of her room with a serious bed mane.

"Hay Arcana how was your sleep?"

"It was fine, until it was ruined by noises."

"It wasn't the only thing it ruined."

"What do you mean?"

I pointed to her mane, she looked up and saw the rat nest that was her mane, "oh," she replied and went back into room. Few minutes later she came back out with her mane in order.

"Now let's see what Twilight is up to," Arcana said walking towards the stairs that leads upstairs with me following behind her. When we reached top of the stairs we saw Twilight rushing around with telescopes and other astronomical instruments whirling and clanking pointing through windows and pointing into the sky, with Twilight zooming and zipping around checking the machines.

"Hi Twilight," I said to her she looked at us and greeted, "Hi you two sorry that I woke you up this early."

"Um Twilight I don't know what time you think it is," Arcana said to her, "But it is close to nine ten."

"Wow time sure can fly when you are excited for something, right huh?" Twilight said giving us a smile.

After a few minutes of talking with Twilight and founding out that the mayor gave an announcement that the solar eclipse was happening at noon. Arcana and I left the library and made our separate ways. I walked into the park and sat down on a bench in front of a gorgeous scene of flowers arrangements of lilies, daisies, and roses giving off a pleasant aroma, causing me to relax and think of what to do while waiting for the solar eclipse to start. As I was pondering this I heard somepony call out next to me.

"And I thought I was the only one that sat like that."

"Huh, what?" I asked as I was shaken out of my thinking, I looked over to my left and saw the famous human crazed unicorn herself, Lyra Heartstrings, sitting next to me, with what looks like a bad of groceries next to her.

"That sitting position you are in," she said motioning my sitting arrangements, "I thought I was the only one to be able to sit like that."

I looked at how I sat and saw that I was sitting like a human would, oh boy there's goes my cover, "Usually when other ponies sit like that, they say it hurts their backs. Doesn't yours hurt?" Lyra asked me.

Play it cool man, "Nope, not at all, in fact I found that it feels normal to me."

"It does to me too," Lyra agreeing with me and then she started to look embarrassed about something, "Um can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?" I bet if I know anything about humans.

"I know that this sounds crazy, but um, do you know anything about humans?" nailed it.

"Aside that they look like shaved chimps, and wears clothing because they don't have any fur, and they have to use their brain power, because they lack magical or flight capabilities and they use machines to help them, then no sorry," I said to waiting for the look of disappointment.

Instead of disappointment look that I was bracing for, I got a thankful look and turned to look at the flower arrangements, "glad to know that I am not the only one what humans are and what they are capable of."

Then after a moment of silence she spoke up, "These flowers are beautiful, the flower trio sure knows how to arrange the flora perfectly," she got up from the bench and walked to the flowers and started picking them, "Bon-Bon will enjoy these, lilies and daisies are her favorite."

"What are you and Bon-Bon going to do during the eclipse?" I asked her as she finished picking the flowers and put them in the bag.

"Well she and I are going to enjoy a nice meal in the candlelight."

"Oh I get it, because it will be dark by then," I said in understanding, she happily nodded and said, "Well I need to go, I have some things to get for my meal," and with that she started walking away with the bag of groceries floating next to her, but after a few feet she stopped and looked back at me, "I am terrible sorry, but I get your name, mine's Lyra, what's yours"

"Star, and don't worry about it, it was pretty interesting to meet you," I said with a smile, she smiled back and continues to walking until she was out of my sight.

Half an hour later I saw Fluttershy and Shadow Breeze entering the park walking along with each other, and I also saw that Shadow had a wing over Fluttershy, whom was carrying a basket in her mouth, way to go buddy and it all took was for me to get slammed through a wall by Pinkie, I thought happy for him.

I got off the bench and walked up to them, "Hi you two how are you both doing today? Any plans?"

"Hello Star," Fluttershy greeted after she put down the basket, "We are doing fine, Shadow asked me if I wanted to go on a picnic with and I said yes, so now we are going to have a picnic during the eclipse."

"Hay congrats Shadow for finally asking Fluttershy out," I praised him, causing him and Fluttershy to blush. I chuckled at the sight, "Well see you later you two," and walked away, those two are just made for each other, and then I felt a shiver as a sudden breeze whipped up, ok that was weird.

As I made my way back into town, was still thinking what I should do before the eclipse, let's see Lyra is having a meal with her friend, Fluttershy and Shadow are going to have a picnic, I know maybe I can set a picnic up for Arcana and me, but I don't know though if she'll say yes. I looked towards the sky and thought, oh Celestia, Trollestia, god, or the universe whatever, give me a sign that I should so through with this. And then my answer fell from the sky and hit me, in form of three little fillies.

I felt immense pain as something big and hard landed on me, "I told you not go off that ramp Scootaloo," I heard somepony scowl Scootaloo, "Now we landed on Star," great the universe answered me with the CMC, "Will you please get off of me please," I groaned underneath.

After the CMC removed themselves and their transportation off of me I asked, "What are you three in such a hurry?"

"Well you see Star," Applebloom said nervously under my gaze, "The reason we are in a hurry is because we planned for a picnic during the eclipse…"

"And we need to get supplies for it," Sweetie Belle finished, "What are you going to during the eclipse?"

"Well I was thinking about taking Arcana for a picnic too, but I am not too sure about that."

"You should do it," Sweetie Belle said happily, "I think it is romantic if you take Arcana for a picnic."

"Ya you should, in fact I know where a great spot is," Applebloom said excited, "it's just outside of Ponyville underneath a tree. Do you know where it is?" I nodded, "Good."

And then Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at Scootaloo, who didn't say anything while they were talking, Scootaloo looked at them, "What? I am not the interested in that lovey-dovey stuff," and then she did a gagging motion, she then jumped back onto her scooter and motion for the others "Now come on crusaders, we have a picnic to set up," and with that the rest of the crusaders jumped into the wagon that was attached and put on their helmets and zipped off, with the sound of Scootaloo's wings buzzing.

Well two out of three, not bad. I guess it's an official, I thought and made my way to Sugarcube Corner to get some food and drinks for the picnic. I walked into the store and saw Pinkie there looking tired with empty rolls of duct tape on the counter. I walked up to the counter, "Hi Pinkie can I get some food for a picnic?"

"Sure thing Star," she walked into the kitchen and then walked back out with a picnic basket on her head, "here you, that will be ten bits please."

As I paid for it I asked Pinkie, "Hay Pinkie, what is up with all of the empty duct tape rolls?"

"Oh I have used them fix something that somepony broke," she said looking at me.


"Oh nothing," she said returning to her usually self.

"Thanks Pinkie," I said thanking her, now I just need to find Arcana. As if the universe heard me again Arcana walked into the store.

"Oh for cupcakes sakes," Pinkie cried out, she reached underneath the counter and pulled out a fresh roll of duct tape, with a ripping sound of the tape being unrolled and Pinkie mumbling something about fixing a certain wall again, she stomping off to who knows where.

Arana and I stood there wondering what was all that about, after we shook off the daze, Arcana turns towards me and said, "Hello Star, how are you so far?"

"I am doing fine, just had a run in with them, what about you?"

"Oh I'm doing fine, just came here to get something to eat, what's the basket for?"

"Well I was going to ask you if you'll like to join me for a nice picnic," I asked sheepishly.

"Of course I will, where are we going?"

"Well it's outside of Ponyville, but Applebloom says it has a perfect view of the eclipse," feeling my confidence rising.

"Well then let's go, because it is about to start in ten minutes."

"Alright then hold onto me," I said lowering my goggles over my eyes, I then lifted a hoof for Arcana, she reached out and grasped it and I concentrated at the location Applebloom describe, and we disappeared in a flash.

We both appeared on the hill in a flash, we were imbalanced for a moment from the sudden change of terrain, but we soon righted ourselves and I saw that Applebloom was right, for it was indeed the perfect view. We both sat down next to each other and got comfortable under the tree; ready for sight we are about to witness that was last seen hundreds of years. Then the time came we saw the sun in the sky with a shadow of another celestial embodiment slowly moving across its surface.

As the moon had made halfway across the face of the sun we saw the light turning silvery and gold, "It's beautiful," Arcana observed the sight.

"Not as beautiful as you," I said unconsciously, after a few seconds later I then realized what I said. I looked at Arcana and saw that she was blushing, and looking down.

"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean it, actually I did mean it, but- oh I'm sorry," I apologized, making myself a fool in embarrassment, "Stupid, stupid, stupid," I said to myself while repeatedly hitting my face in my stupidity. As I was about to whack myself again, my hoof suddenly stopped about an inch away from my face.

I looked back at Arcana and smiling at me, I also saw that her horn is glowing, indicating that she was the cause for stopping me, "That's ok Star, thanks for that," her horn stopped glowing and my hoof was released.

We looked back at the eclipse and saw that moon had almost reached the zenith, as we watched the making its way I slowly extend my wing and wrapped it around her, she didn't flinch away, but instead she drawn it closer, she looked up at me and smiled, causing me to smile back at her.

We both slowly came closer and closer as the moon and sun are about to become one, as we were about to make contact they sun and moon had finally became one.

"Aaaahhhh," Arcana cried out as she drew back and holding her head in what looked like pain.

"Arcana what's wro-aaahh," and then I cried out too in pain, for I felt great pain spike in my body as felt magic lanced through me. I cower in pain with my eyes forced shut from the pain.

What's happening? I tried to get up but the pain was too much. I opened my eyes and saw the slivery pulses of space intermingling with strands of gold, those must be time streams, but what's causing our powers to react like this?

I looked up and saw the eclipse and then I remembered what Twilight said about the eclipse, it's the eclipse! Our powers are reacting to it.

I looked over to Arcana and saw that time streams were coming off of her and mixing with the pulses, and then the streams and pulses merged into one. I felt my energy being drained, oh no, I know what's happening, we are being warped, but my abilities are being mixed with Arcana's.

And then I felt another spike lance through me, in the corner of my vision I saw Arcana cower and I heard her cry out in pain and then passing out, with me soon following her. My vision was then filled with a silver and gold flash as I passed out.


Well tell me what you think, I love to know, and thank you.

End A/N

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