• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 24: A Tear Shed


Wow everypony must have really enjoyed that last chapter, for I didn't get any negative reviews about it, well anyway here is the next chapter.

End A/N

Star's POV

I appeared in a flash in front of the castle gates, startling the guards that were stationed there, but I didn't care. I started to make my way up the gates, but the guards halted me by putting out their wings, "Halt, state your business, "one of them demanded.

"I need to see Princess Luna, "I answered him, then the other guard asked, "do you have an appointment with the Princess?"

"No, but-, "but I was quickly cut off by the first guard saying, "Nopony is allowed to see the Princess without an appointment, I will have to ask you leave now sir."

"Sorry sirs, but I have to see Princess Luna right now, "I concentrated to warp, "nopony is allowed to-, "but I never heard the rest from the guard for I had disappeared in a flash of light, after the light faded away I saw that I was in the main entrance hall of the castle, "Arcana where are you? "I shouted out in the hall, making it echo down in the empty halls.

"Star, there is no need to shout, "a voice called out from the top of the stairs. I looked up and saw Luna and Celestia there standing with gloom looks on their faces.

"Sorry princesses, but I need to know. Tell me, what happened to Arcana?"

Luna looked at her sister and then to me and said, "its best that I show you instead, follow me, "and with that she walked down a hallway that leads towards the ballroom.

I flew up the stairs and landed on the landing and started to follow her, after we walked down the hall and entered the ballroom. When I looked around and saw the state that the room was in I though, dang we seriously did a number on this place.

I saw Luna walked to the center of the room, she looked back at me, "this is the cause of Arcana's disappearance, "she said pointing down to the ground.

I walked up to her and looked down. In a depression in the ground, were a transmutation circle, and a big one at that, "what does it do and what happen to Arcana?"

"I don't know, this is probable here since the castle was built, and Arcana was studying this diagram, then something got into Arcana, like she went into a trance, and then like I explained in the letter Arcana was sealed in the spell, I tried to break the spell but before I can, she disappeared in a flash, I used a location spell to find her, but I can't she just disappeared, I'm sorry."

I couldn't say anything for I was stricken with worry for Arcana, after a while I looked up to Luna and said to her, "Luna if you'll mind, can you leave please? I need to be alone right now."

She nodded and she made her way back to the doors with me watching her, as soon she left the room, I turned my attention back to the diagram in the floor. I sat down and with a tear forming in my eye I thought, please wherever you are Arcana, come back, and then I thought I heard Arcana's voice saying, Star, I miss you, and with that the tear fell unto where Arcana once was.

Arcana's POV

Arcana come back

I woke up and found myself staring into a pair of violet eyes, "Aahhh, "I said in a panic, this caused the owner of the eyes to scream indicated that it is a mare moved away from my vision.

"Clover, what did I say about doing that to other ponies?"

I looked over and saw that the old unicorn was at the table eating some stew, with a fire roaring in the fireplace, and then I looked down and saw a purple unicorn with a light purple mane and wearing a light brown wool cloak getting up from the ground, she looks like Twilight.

After she righted up she then turned her attention to the old unicorn, no Starswirl, I thought correcting myself, "sorry master, it's just that I am really interested in that piece of jewelry that she is wearing, because I sense strange, yet oddly familiar, magic coming from it."

"Yes I too sensed it, but you should have asked her not study it without her permission, "Starswirl said to Clover.

Clover looked down ashamed and said, "Sorry master."

"It's not me you should apologize to, that would be her, "he said pointing to me. Clover looked at me and said bowing down to me, "sorry that I was examining your magical item without your permission."

"It's ok, just don't do that again, ok? "I said excepting her apology.

She looked up at me with a smile and said, "deal."

Then Starswirl spoke up, "alright then, now that is done let me introduce you to-"

"Your student Clover the Clever, "I quickly said. I got surprised looks from both of them, "how do you know that? I didn't tell you about my student, "Starswirl exclaimed, "and what is with the fainting this afternoon?"

"Well to how I know about your student is kind of hard to explain so I will get back to that, as for the fainting, well I was just caught by surprise that is all."

"What's there to be surprise about? "Clover asked

"Well I am about to say, is going to unbelievable to you and make me sound crazy, because the Cantorlot I know was a great city, "I explained to them.

Starswirl got a puzzling look on his face and had a hoof on his chin, "how can Cantorlot be a great city? We only were able to raise a town here about a month ago, "Clover said disbelieved at what I said, "I had theories, but to think that this possible, "Starswirl speaking up, "what master, what is possible? "Clover asked apparently feeling left out, Starswirl looked at her addressed, "time traveling, "this got an extremely confused looked from Clover.

"You're from the future are you? "Starswirl asked looking at me, I let out a breath and nodded that somepony was able to piece it together, "but m-master, that is n-not possible, "Clover stuttered nervously at what her mentor said, "then how do explain that she knows who you are Clover."

Starswirl looks back at me and continues, "that will explain the magic residue, that is probable from the time traveling, but do you care to explain how you came to be here."

"OK, you see in the-, "but then I was interrupted by stomach growling out of hunger, "um sorry, but can I have something to eat first though.

Starswirl nodded in agreement and said, mentioning to come to the table, "sure, come to the table and eat, then after you can tell us more how you come here in this time, and also tell us about yourself, I am sure we would like to get to know you."

I sat myself at the table and was immediately served some of that stew by Clover. I then thanked her and started eating. After I had finished eating I explained to them how I got here, "… and then there was a bright flash, next thing I knew I woke up here, "I told them little about my own time, because the number one rule in time traveling is that is mess with the past you mess with the present and then the future.

Clover was in thought when I finished and then after a while she said, "but if you traveled through time to this time, there must be a reason for you to be here then?"

"Ah observant as ever Clover, there must be a reason for you to be here, "Starswirl said, praising Clover, "but what is that reason? "he soon gave up and said to me, "now that we know how you came to this time, can you tell us about yourself?"

"Well um let's see… "I said giving that question some thought, "well I like to study magic-, "I was interrupted by Clover, "Really I like to study magic too, "defiantly like Twilight.

"Clover what did I say about interrupting others, "Starswirl scowled her, "Sorry Arcana, please continue, "Clover said apologizing.

"Well I like to study magic and I am really good at it, but I also have… strange magic too, "I said not to reveal that I am a human to them.

Starswirl got a puzzled look on his face, "strange magic, how is it strange?"

"Well I can't really explain it really well so I guess I have to show you, "I saw the fire and I hold out my hoof and concentrated on what I want to do. A red transmutation circle the size of my hoof appeared over my hoof and then the flames from the fire flew over to the spell and there it stayed, I then noticed that there were a couple of unlit candles on the table. I manipulated the flame in my hoof to the candles lighting them up, I then let go of the spell and flames faded away.

I looked at the other two and saw that had looks of wonder on their faces, I noticed that in the mage's eye it looks like he remember something, "that's amazing, "Clover said excited, "I never saw magic like that before."

"Ya, you see in my time, there is another pony that also has the strange magic as me, his name is Star Streak."

"Really, is this unicorn able to do what you can do too? "Clover asked with her eyes gleaming, "ah, no he can't, you see he is not a unicorn, he's a pegasus."

This got the mage's attention really quick, "but only unicorns are able to use magic, how is he able to use magic? "

"I don't know ether, he just does, he's magic seems to advanced teleportation, but he can do it over long ranges, sigh, and I'm starting to miss him too, "I said a bit sad, Clover and Starswirl took this to stop asking questions about Star, and asked questions about my other friends.

I told them about Twilight and her other friends, and the adventures they all go on around their town, "and together they formed the Elements of Harmony."

"What are the Elements of Harmony? "Starswirl asked, intrigued at what he was hearing, "well they were stones that magical properties in them, but know they are necklaces with gems set in them in the shape of cutie marks of the bearers that holds them."

"Do the Elements represent anything?"

"Yes in fact, there are six as you know. They represent kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty, and loyalty, the six, magic, was a mystery but then it was discovered during when… um, crap I can't' tell them or I might ruin the future, a crisis caused it to be revealed."

"What was the crisis? "Clover asked, shoot.

"Clover she can't tell you, me or anypony for that matter, "Starswirl said to his student, "Why master, I just want to know what happened, "Clover pouted, "because it might ruin the future, "he then looks at me, "am I correct? "I nodded, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that, "Clover said a bit ashamed.

"Hay there's no need to be sorry, after all this is all new to you, at least you are learning something new, right. "

"You're, yawn, right, I am learning something new."

And with that infectious yawn, everypony started to pass out yawns, "yawn, I think it is time to go to bed, don't you agree? "Starswirl asked.

Clover and I nodded in agreement, "luckily I have a spare room for you Arcana, now if you'll follow me, "he got up from the table, he levitated one of the candles that I had lit earlier and then headed for a door at the far wall of the room, I got up and followed him. As I neared him, he opened the door, revealing a short hall with a door on the left, another on the right. He walked towards the door on the right and said, "This is where you are staying, and sorry in advance for the mess, I was after all had a short noticed."

I walked up to him and went through the door to see a room filled with scrolls on every available space, except for the floor and bed, I saw that there was a window above the bed letting in the moonlight, "holy moly, that's a lot of scrolls, "I said in amazement, but Starswirl chuckled at that and said, "no, this is just only a fraction of what I have, most of it is back in old Unicornia in our old land, now get some sleep, for tomorrow, we have some work to do, and we need all the help we can get, after all this is a recently made settlement, "and with that he started to make his way back to the main room, but before he entered the main room, he looked back at me and said, "Clover is in the room across the hall if there is anything you need."

"Thank you, for helping me, "I said giving a small bow to him, he smiled and retuned the bow to me and said, "it was nothing, I just like to help others in need, "and with that he left the hallway, dousing it in shadows. I closed the door and carefully made my way to the bed, avoiding the piles of scrolls with the light from the moon, not wanting to make mess.

I got to the bed without tipping anything over. I pulled a nice and warm blanket over myself and laid there, waiting for sleep to come, but I was feeling at unease so I couldn't fall alseep. I looked out of the window and saw the moon, I then calm and relax as i stared at the moon, I then felt water building up in my eyes as sleep was overcoming me. As I closed my eyes close, I let the tear run down my face as I gave one last thought before I fell asleep, Star, I miss you.


I hope everypony enjoyed this chapter, will see ya all later.

End A/N

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