• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 14: Zap Mah Apples

Chapter 14

It's been weeks since the competition and the days have slowed down and I was bucking apples when I saw Applejack walking in the distance and it looks like something troubling her.

I stopped my bucking and walked up to her and asked, "What's wrong Applejack?"

She looked up and answered me, "oh hi Star, it's just that it is nearing zap-apples harvesting and we are a bit low on helping hooves around here."

"Sap apples?"

"Zap-apples, "she corrected me.

"What are those?"

"They are magical apples that only come once a year and they only stay for about a day or two if lucky, and Granny Smith can make them into delicious zap-apple jam."

"Alright then so when is the harvest?"

"In six days."

"Holy pie, that close I can see why you need help then."

"That just it, Caramel is sick with the equine flu, and Granny Smith is a bit…"she trailed off looking for the right word to describe Granny Smith.

"Elderly, frail, withered, sleepy, "I said supplying words for Applejack.

She smiles at that.

"Ah it's good to smile once in awhile AJ, now I may now know much about zap-apples, but I am willing to help you with the harvest."

AJ answer was to give me a tight hug and said, "oh thank you Star for helping us with the harvest."

"Glad to, "I said barely able to breathe, "now if you can let me go please?"

AJ realized that she was squeezing me in her bearlike hug, so she let me go and said, "sorry there partner."

Dang Earth ponies are way tougher than any of the other classes of ponies, I took in a huge breath of air and said, "it's ok AJ, let's just get back work shall we?"

"Ah Star there are some things you need to know."


"It takes five days until the harvest and those days are going to be the weirdest days you are going to see."

"Oh come on, it can be that weird, "little did I know she is going to be right.

First Day

I was sleeping with Big Mac in his bedroom at the farmhouse, because AJ said that I need to be nearby so they can have a great harvest this year and so they put me here in his room because they didn't have any room.

I heard howling in distance in my sleep, and then all of a sudden I heard clanking and banging of metal on metal, which made me fall out of the bed.

I grumbled as I went to the window and saw that Big Mac was already there and looked outside, and saw that it was still dark out, "you got to be kidding me."

Then I heard, "the timber wolfs are a howling, timber wolfs are a howling."

I looked out the window and Granny Smith running around banging pots around and then I heard howling coming from the forest.


"The zap-apples are coming, the zap-apples are coming."

After a moment of silence I heard, "yay the zap-apples are coming, "from Big Mac and from next door.

"That's what I said, "Granny Smith called to the house and started banging the pots again.

After I went back to bed and caught a few more hours of sleep, I was up and about.

"Morning, "I said as I made my way downstairs and sat down at the table, "What's for breakfast?"

Immediately an assortment of apple food appeared in front of me.

I ate a breakfast made of apple oatmeal, apple slices and of course apple juice.

"Alright all let get to work, "Applejack said.

We went outside to the barn and Big Mac and I got hitched up to carts full of baskets and took them to field of waste barren trees.

"Ah where are we? "I asked Big Mac.

"We are in the zap-apple fields Star, "he answered.

When we got to the fields I unhitched myself and took a breath, dang these carts are heavy.

Hay silly goose, quit your qawking and move your caboose, "yelled Granny Smith from the house.

"Alright I'm moving, happy now?"


"I wasn't taking to you, "I said to Big Mac.

He didn't say anything, he just smiles at me.

After we set up a cart worth of the baskets under the trees for now I asked, "so what now?"

"Now we don't do anything, "Applejack answered as tossed a basket under a tree.


"There's nothing to do now, because the harvest is in four days, so let's buck apples to pass the time.

Well nothing weird yet.

Second Day

Applejack, Big Mac and I were once again out in the Zap apple fields apparently waiting for something.

"So what now? "I asked to no pony in particular as I leaned against a tree.

I got my answer and it came in the sound of thunder that scared me.

"Ah what was that?"

And once again I didn't get any answer.

I noticed that everypony was staring towards the forest.

I looked at what they were staring and saw thunder clouds coming in our direction.

"Wow that's ominous."

Big Mac step forward and sniffed the air, I sniffed and my mouth got a metallic taste.

My fur stood on end as the air got ionized and then all of sudden lighting started striking the trees.

All of sudden the tree I was leaning against shocked me, causing to yelp out in pain and jump away from the tree and land with my face in the ground.

I heard laughing and snickering.

"What was that? "I asked as I pick myself up from the ground.

"Just look, "AJ said as she pointed to the tree that shocked me.

I looked and saw that the trees were sparking and shaking.

All of a sudden the trees started bursting leaves on the branches.

"There's the zap-apple leaves, right on schedule, "Applejack said happily.

"Now Star can you get the cart of watering can from the barn.

"Sure AJ."

As I was walking back to the farm I saw a brown Earth pony with black mane and tail with three money bags for his cutie mark, and was dressed in fine clothing.

At his side he there is a pink filly that looks familiar.

I took a closer look and saw that it was… Diamond Tierra

And they were making their way to the house.

As I got the house I saw something that kind of weird me out.

There jumping around milk cans and singing nursery rhymes, was Granny Smith and Applebloom in bunny costumes.

Applebloom looks so cute in that costume, adorableness level increasing. I just want to say Daaaawww at this sight.

Granny Smith saw him and said, "well howdy do there Filthy Rich."

Ok this is getting a bit weird for me, but also really cute, I thought as I went to the barn to get the water cans.

Third Day

Again we were all out in the zap-apple orchard watering the trees, when I heard a voice calling me out.

"Hay Star, you hungry."

I turned around and saw Arcana with a bag floating in the air.

I spit out the watering can that I had in my mouth and said with a smile, "like a horse."

She laughs and says, "well here you go then, it's your lunch, "she floated the bag towards me and I took it in my mouth."

"Thanks, "I said through my mouth full of my lunch.

"What are doing?"

"Just watering the zap-apple trees."

"What are zap-apples?"

"I don't know, all I know that they are magical fruit that only comes once a year and that you only have a day to pick them, "I explained.

"What about you?"

"Well the other day, I saw Granny Smith and Applebloom the other day in the market and when they were getting honey Granny Smith was wearing a bee beard."

"That's… interesting."

"Well, see ya later Star."

"See you later too."

She left and I walked back passing a down looking Applebloom and I saw AppleJack with a sorry look.

"What's wrong with Applebloom? "I asked.

"Oh she wants me to come to her family appreciation day at her school, but I can't go because of the zap-apples harvest, "she spies the bag I was holding, "what's that?"

"Lunch, "was all I said as I sat down to eat my lunch.

I opened the bag and I saw that my lunch was of a sandwich a bottle of… apple juice (like I haven't had enough of that drink and a container.

I quickly finished the sandwich (which was tulip and daisy) and chugged down the juice and I was at the container.

I opened the container and the smell of cinnamon quickly filled the air.

My mouth watered at what I saw inside it, it was cinnamon roll and it looked delicious.

I was about take a bite out of it, when it suddenly got dark and I heard cawing and flapping of wings.

I looked up and saw storm clouds coming in and a freaking huge flock of crows also coming in.

"Oh, the third sign, "Somepony cried out.

I looked over and saw that it was Granny Smith, what the hay? How did she get here so fast.

"Right on time, ah diggity."

I was too busy staring at Granny Smith in awed, to notice that a crow came down and swiped my cinnamon roll out of my hooves.

"Hay give that's mine you rat with wings or is that seagulls, "I said shaking my hoof at the thieving bird, "well any give it ba-, "I trailed off as I saw the birds were flying in the shape of an apple.

All of a sudden the trees started to crackle and shake from electricity, and then the zap-apple trees started forming glowing dots in the trees which into bloomed flowers.

And then the skies cleared up as if they weren't there in the first place.

There was series wow and whoa coming from us.

"Alright you lazy daisy's cool you cahoose, "and with that we all sent back to work.

Ok it's getting weird.

Fourth Day

After a morning of pulling carts and watering the zap-apple trees, I walked into the house with a hungry stomach.

I walked into the kitchen and saw something that looked really odd.

Granny Smith was walking up and down in front of glass jars like general does for troops, she even has a military helmet also.

"Attenhut, now listen here troops, I don't want any whiening, or crying, or cracking under pressure, now do I make myself clear. "and then she slam her hoof down on the counter, causing one of the jars cracked.

She looked at it and then yelled out, "Court marshaled, "and throw the jar into the trash.

I shook my head and grabbed an apple fritter and left the kitchen.

Few hours later

Applejack, Big Mac and me were sitting in the field looking into the sun setting sky.

"Why are staring at the sky?"

"Why we are watching for the fourth sign."

"And what is the fourth sign?"

"Watch, "Big Mac just said.

I looked into the sky and then the sky let up with shooting stars.

"Wow, that was unexpected."

All of a sudden the trees flowers started popping like popcorn and gray apples appears in its place.

"Well let's take these carts back to the barn and call it a night."

I was pulling carts with Applejack and Big Mac, bring back the water cans back to the barn.

I am so tried right now, I thought as I pulled the heavy cart.

In the corner of my eye I saw a bush move, when I turned my head to look at it, it looked like it didn't move at all.

Dang I must be more tried then I thought, I thought as I shook myself clearing my senses, this is getting to weird now, as I made my way back to the farmhouse.

Fifth Day

Today is the last day for zap-apple harvesting.

I saw Applebloom looking really upset.

"What's wrong Applebloom?"

"I am really worried for tomorrow, because Granny is going to talk in front of my whole class and I am a bit embarrassed about it."

"Well it's not like you can tie ropes to Granny's legs while she is napping and get your friends to puppet her, while your teacher is asked to come here and you impersonate her voice and tell her that you can't make it, "I said jokingly, "now if you don't mind, I don't really think straight when I am hungry."

After I got a big breakfast and I went outside and saw Miss Cheerilee leaving with a confused look and I looked up and saw Granny being lifted into the air by ropes, and thing are just getting odd for me, later I saw Granny Smith painting pink poke-a-dots in the kitchen.

I walked outside trying to make sense just from this morning.

There was a bright flash and I heard thunder afterwards.

I looked up and saw that there was a thunderstorm happening above the zap-apple fields.

Applejack and Granny Smith walked up to beside me and looked at the storm

After the storm passed and cleared, a rainbow appeared above the magical fields and then the trees started to crackle with energy.

One of the apples became rainbow and it started shooting rainbow beams (this sounds cheesy) at other apples, soon the whole fields became one giant rainbow northern lights show.

"Yeehaw, "Granny called out and jumped with joy.

"The zap-apples harvest has begun, "Applejack announces.

And then Granny landed on me flatting me to the ground, she quickly got up from me and said walking back to the farmhouse.

"Are you ok Star?"

"Ya I'm ok, just let me sleep here awhile, "I said.

"No you are not, now get up and start bucking them zap-apples or I'll buck you, "she threaten.

"Alright then, "I said getting up and started heading to the zap-apple fields.

After a hours of bucking and picking the zap-apples Applebloom and Granny Smith came back and the filly has the look of pride in her face.

"So how was the presentation?"

Applebloom answer with much excitement, "it was fantastic, did you know that Granny Smith was one of the reasons why Ponyville is here today?"

I looked at her in amazement then at the old mare and back at the little filly, "really? Wow I would like to hear that story sometimes then."

Applebloom just smiles and walk with Granny back to the farmhouse, and I went back to work collecting the zap-apples.

After a whole day of zap-apple collecting and into the night, when all of a sudden the zap-apples disappears in small flashed of light, until the only thing left were just the trees.

"Hay Applejack? "I asked Applejack that was next to me.

"What is it?"

"You're right."

"About what?"

"That these last five days have been the weirdest days I ever had."

"I told ya, "Applejack said and then giggles.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed, "I said as I made my way back to the farmhouse with the sound of laughing coming from behind me

End Chapter


Wow this chapter took a lot out of me and I can't wait to write more, but for now I am going to sleep enjoy this chapter and please Read and Review.

End A/N

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