• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 11,014 Views, 587 Comments

Two Weeks - NotARealPonydotcom

One day, Spike woke up in a world filled with dragons. Uh-oh.

  • ...

Absolutely Bucking Crazy

Absolutely Bucking Crazy


I enter the dream world again, expecting the blue. And I get it, too. But something's different this time. There's no smile, no frown, no eyes. Just the blue, like the first dream. So I just float there, staring at one spot, then another, then another. Every spot's the same. I'm so bored.

So the blue decides to entertain me with a trap.

Something below me, sucking me down. Waitwaitwait, what? Can't fight it, going down, ground level coming up to meet me. Looking through the blue, I see what's pulling me in: a part in the blue, something gray, with a blinding white pool directly below me. And I can't fight it. There's nothing I can do except squirm and scream except no sound comes out because there's no air anymore because I've hit the pool and I'm going down down down, into the light, it's surrounding me (it's so sticky!) and I take a deep breath and let my head sink in and then I'm gone

"After you, ladies."

Six "Thank you"s and a kiss on the cheek, from who, he didn't know. Spike opened his eyes when the sound of his friends climbing into the carriage stopped, and, with no time to lose, he slammed the door shut. Spinning around, the young drake made his way over to the driver's seat, hopped in, and snapped the reins, ready to head off to Canterlot.


"What the-"

"Oops." Purple changed to red as Spike blushed. "Sorry, guys. Let's go!"


Inside the Canterlot Castle, the six mares we're led to their suites, each supplied with a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and, in Rarity's case, a dressing room. Spike did not have a room, but that was fine by him: he could sleep with Twilight, like when he was younger. He waved off Celestia's apologies and told her it was fine and that he was cool with sleeping in a bed meant for Philomena.

But it wasn't, and he wasn't.

During the day before the fashion show, he was free to tour the castle he'd learned to treat as his second home and revisit old memories. He toured the Hall of Stained Glass (and admired a lovely depiction of a certain purple drake restoring the Crystal Empire to its former glory), the garden (which seemed a little emptier without its famous statue of Discord), and his favorite place in the entire castle: the Royal Kitchen. When he entered the familiar room, he was so intoxicated by the smells that he didn't notice the fearful looks of the ponies in the area until after he'd been tackled to the floor by the sous-chef and punched squarely in the chest. Fortunately, there was a janitor there who recognized him as the little whelp who would always sneak in at night asking for emeralds. All of the others working in the kitchen were either new recruits, had never seen him, or had (somehow) forgotten him since he'd last come begging. They offered him a bowl of rubies in apology, and said they thought he was a monster that had broken into the castle looking for a bite to eat. He cracked a joke involving the bowl of rubies, took them out of kindness, and left the kitchen limping (he'd twisted his ankle in the fall), thanking them for the rubies and assuring them he was good to go.

But he wasn't, and the rubies tasted like pebbles.

He went into town with Rarity, to pick up supplies, and they were the most watched pair in the city. Mares whispered gossip to other mares, kids giggled (or screamed and hid), and stallions simply gave them odd glares. Rarity either didn't notice, or didn't care. Spike liked to think the latter was the truth. Throughout the day, they completed their errands, usually with little or no trouble. Then Rarity decided to treat Spike to lunch. The cafe she chose had been her favorite out of the ones Fancy Pants had shown her during her previous stays at Canterlot, and the head waiter recognized her immediately. He offered her her usual seat, but she insisted that she sit outside, so as to have more room for Spike. The waiter was not expecting this: pets weren't allowed to enter the eating establishment, he explained. Spike, having heard this, apologized to Rarity for putting her at a disadvantage and offered to take their purchases back to her suite at the castle while she enjoyed her lunch. He left with the supplies before Rarity could answer, not wanting to take "No" for an answer. As he walked away, he heard the waiter compliment her on her training him to be so obedient. He didn't hear her reply.

Spike could only imagine that it was a slap to the face.

The night came swiftly after that, mostly because Spike spent the rest of the day cooped up in the library, hidden away in the Starswirl the Bearded section. The only measurement of how much time had passed was the chiming of a clock somewhere in the library. Two chimes turned to four to six to nine to eleven, and suddenly it was tomorrow. He realized how tired and hungry he was, and marked his spot in the section where he'd read up to. He'd managed to sort through an entire half of a shelf, one that stretched back into the recesses of the library. In it were books on spells that Twilight would kill to learn (quite literally: one of the books was entitled Black Arcanic Rituals on Griffons, circa 198-267), and some that she had already mastered. Everything, from heating spells to freezing jinxes, from potions of love (he'd bookmarked that one) to poisons for only the worst of enemies, from the written spells of the griffons to the voodoo magic of the zebras.

Everything, except for a permanent transformation spell.

He crept back to his room (he would not risk a visit to the kitchen again) and into bed. He was exhausted, emotionally, physically, mentally. But he couldn't sleep. So he spent five-plus hours lying in bed, thinking about how great it was to be back in his old room in the castle again, with Twilight snoring peacefully next to him. The sapphire on the gold chain twirled in his fingers as he thought about Rarity, and her eyes, and her mane, and her voice and her laughter and her charm. He thought of how much help he would be at the show the day after tomorrow, and he imagined how impressed the audience would be with her work and how much money she would make from the event.

And, of course, he thought about his own plans. The sapphire spun on its chain.

After a while, the sun came up again, and with it Twilight. She mumbled a good morning, nuzzled him, and went off to find some breakfast. Spike didn't follow her, despite the now constant nag of hunger in his stomach. He didn't want to leave his room, or even his bed: he was just too tired. It was only after he'd fallen asleep and been woken up by an angry Twilight at three in the afternoon, and once his head was clear, that he realized why he didn't want to leave the room:

He was afraid of what ponies would do to him out there.


They were all mocking him now, without reason. He'd done nothing wrong, not on purpose, but still, they were insulting him, calling him an animal, a monster, a failed experiment. He simply stood there, staring at the broken thing on the ground. He wanted to bend over to get it, but he knew better. They'd take advantage of his position, knock him to the ground. But he had to get it back, even if it meant he would get hurt in the process. Besides, Twilight and the others wouldn't let him get hurt, especially not Rarity. Oh, but Rarity wasn't there at the moment. She had important business to attend to, she told him when one pony (who was now one of the mockers) had asked where she'd bought Spike. But that was alright: when she wasn't with him, she wasn't in danger of getting hurt. But the rest of his friends would help him, he was sure. Now, where were they? He couldn't see them in the room.

Somepony asked him when Celestia was going to take him back to his homeland, and he replied that he was born and raised here. A chorus of laughter met his reply. His gaze returned to the broken thing on the floor. He really needed it now, so he could get out of there before things got really bad. He heard somepony say something about him only wanting the gem, and he almost said they were right. But that wouldn't help him, so he remained silent. Where were Twilight and the others? He needed them, too. They were probably all talking with the princesses, who would be reported to about the mess he was in any moment now. He could almost imagine Celestia bursting through the doors to the main room, pushing the crowd aside with her magic, and chastising them with her words while Twilight comforted him. A smile appeared on his face.

Then somepony spat in it. He felt the glob of saliva slide down his face, wetting an eye, then the bridge of his muzzle, then the corner of his mouth, and in the time it took for the spit to reach the tip of his nose, he decided that the ponies here all refused to see a civilized creature for one simple reason: they didn't want to. They didn't want to see a dragon that could play piano for a dancing couple, or cook up breakfast for a sick pony in bed, or help a mare make dresses for a fashion show she'd been invited to join. That would mean that dragons and ponies were equal in everything but shape, size, and diet, and they couldn't have that. They couldn't be the same as those disgusting, over-sized lizards. What they wanted to see was a thing that could only be described as a beast, a demonic creature, a monster. So that's what he showed them.

Spike showed them a monster.

until I appear on the other side of the pool. It's flat, just a white, sticky window, and I've only passed right through it. Now I'm not falling anymore, and the pool floats above me, whispering lines from the scenes it's shown me. Who was that, in those scenes? He looks familiar, I know the face from somewhere. Some TV show, I think...

"Spike." It's the blue. She's back. Wait, the blue's a she? How did I not notice that?


"Can you see me?"

Of course I can. The blue's everywhere, and actually, now that I know, it makes sense that the blue's a she. I tell her this, but she doesn't answer me. Quite suddenly, the white pool expands and turns pitch black. I'm going to hit it again, and then I'll be watching more scenes from that sad, sad play. I try to remember where I was when I left off: there was a party, our hero was getting mocked, then he did something...

The blue's black now. I'm not going to be seeing anymore scenes, I don't think, so I try to leave. And I go plummeting down into the abyss.


I was so emotionally exhausted when I returned from Rarity's that I simply trudged down to the basement and fell over into bed. I was not expecting what I get in my dreams. Finally, some light shed upon my amnesiac mind! But there has to be more than what I saw, without a doubt. But that'll have to wait until later: I am awakened by a booming noise above my head just as I am about to dive back into my locked away memories. There's the sound of unfamiliar voices upstairs. Somepony's having a party in the library. I check the time: two hours since I fell asleep. Good, I can get more later. For now, though, the sounds above me have piqued my interest, so I get up and head up the stairs. When I reach the top of the stairs, I am met by an explosion of greetings.

"SURPRISE!!!" Pinkie pops out of the surging crowd of dragons and hugs me (don't look at her tail, you perv!) before presenting me with a ruby-topped cupcake. "Welcome to Dragonsville, Emerald!" Oh yeah, I forgot about the welcoming party. I take the cupcake and look around at the familiar-unfamiliar faces as I chew on it. Some I recognize from my first minutes in town, like Lyra and Bon-Bon. Others are familiar because they're unmistakable, even as dragons. The various sizes of them all astound me: it seems that those who would be pegusi are larger as dragons than those who would be earth ponies or unicorns, though I spot Big Mac towering over Cheerilee as they chat in the corner. Must be an Apple Family gene, or something. The thought occurs to me that it would be in my best interest to socialize, so it doesn't seem as weird when I can name anypony(dragon) in the town. I start to head towards a pair of young drakes (Snips and Snails?) when Pinkie grabs my tail and spins me back around. She's grinning mischievously. Super not good. She guides my body and brings me over to one end of a snack table that stretches all the way across the room, and points to the other end gleefully. I follow her pointed claw, and spot Rarity pouring herself a glass of punch. Next to her is Spike, who looks happier than a clam. Just seeing the two together makes me growl without meaning to.

"What are they doing together?" I ask, as if I didn't already know.

"I can't tell you!" Pinkie covers her mouth with both hands, looks around as though we aren't safe speaking here, and leans in close: "I made a Pinkie Pie Promise."

"Oh." I remember that. So, I "guess."

"Does Spike have a crush on-"

Pinkie's hands fly off of her mouth and onto mine, silencing me before I can finish.

"Don't say anything! Do you want everydragon in Dragonsville to hear you?" She removes her hands after I shake my head, and she makes me Pinkie Pie Promise (draconic version: "Cross my hearts (use both hands), hope to fry (here one puffs smoke from their nostrils), stick a diamond in my eye (claws are much sharper than hooves, I learn)) not to tell anydragon about Spike's crush.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Because, silly frills!" She shakes my arm violently. "I put in a good word for you, and Rarity thinks you're gonna ask her out tonight!"

If I had a drink in my hand right now, I would probably be doing a spit take. I settle for screaming: "YOU DID WHAT?!?" I ignore the dragons that give us startled looks and grab Pinkie by the shoulders. "Why would you tell her that? We've known each other for, like, a day!"

"Yeah, but the Summer Sun Celebration's coming up, and she'd need time to make herself a dress, and I can tell you really really really like her, and she told me she likes you back, and-"

She keeps talking, but after "she likes you back," my hearing shuts down. I stare through her at the unicorn and dragin having a friendly chat over at the other end of the table. Rarity likes me. I've known her for a day, and she has a crush on me. Years of trying to win the unicorn-Rarity over in vain (mostly), and when we're the same species it only takes a day. Holy buck. What was it that made her fall for me? Was it my amazing sense of humor? Was it my impeccable physique? Was it fate? Please be fate!

"...and that's why you should go over there and ask her to the Festival!" Pinkie breathes for the first time in ages, and I nod as if I had been listening. I push her aside and begin walking along the table. My gaze falls onto Spike, and I feel unreasonable anger and disgust well up in me again. I've got to get her away from that smooth-talker, before he ruins everything. Not that that's possible: Rarity's interested in me, not him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Whoever's talking to me has an echoing voice that doesn't sound real. I turn to find its owner, and I almost scream again. It's a drake that looks exactly like me, though the purple scales and green spines are faded, standing on the other side of the table and giving me the dirtiest look I've ever made (I think). He is translucent, I realize, and somedragon reaches through him to grab a cupcake. The shock wears off when I realize I'm hallucinating. I turn away and ignore him. We converse as I walk along the table.

"Did you hear me? What are you doing?"

What's it look like I'm doing? I'm gonna ask Rarity out.

"Are you for real? After you promised you wouldn't intrude on Spike's territory?"

I can't not intrude on my own territory.

"Oh, don't pull that bullcrap. There's no excuse."

Yeah there is. It's called "I love her."

"So does Spike, and he belongs in this world, not you!"

Well, buck that guy, he couldn't grow the balls to ask her out in a million years.

"Then what makes you think you can do it?"

I stop, closer to Rarity's end than mine now (it's a really long table), and think. I have a point: if unicorn-Spike can't manage to work up the nerve to ask Rarity out, then can I? I mean, I feel pretty confident now, but the moment Rarity sees me, there's the chance my nerve will up and leave right then and there. On the other claw, she's expecting it. So sooner or later, I'll be having a talk with her. On the same claw, for the first time in my life, my feelings towards the mare(dragin) of my dreams doesn't appear to be one-sided. If Rarity really has a thing for me, there's no way in Tartarus I'm going to let that opportunity slip away. Spike can have her when I'm done. I start walking again.

"What the buck, man?!? What happens when you have to leave?"

What are you talking about?

"Oh, like you don't know!"

I don't know. What are you talking about?

"Stop it, you're embarrassing yourself. You know you can't stay here forever."

What makes you think I can't?

And instead of a line from the ghost on the other side of the table, I see out of the corner of my eye a gesture. He's got something in his claw: a piece of parchment. He waves it in my face.

"This does."

Once more, I stop. If Rarity turns around, she'll see me. She and Spike are absorbed in their conversation, though, and they clearly love each other's company too much to notice me. I think about the parchment. I think about where it's from. I think about what's written on it.

"Two Weeks" it said.

"Indeed. Any clue as to what that means, or must I lecture you further?"

You don't need to. Gears in my mind are already turning, and the meaning of the only piece of home I have with me begins to form in the clockwork. Before I answer, though, a claw taps my shoulder. I almost don't feel it, but a kind, gentle, familiar voice pulls me out of my own head.

"Um, excuse me? Are you alright, sir?"

The ghost disappears, still grimacing at me. I turn around slowly.


The dragoness covers her mouth with her hands and blushes. Several lengthy pink spines curl down from the top of her head and cover part of an aquamarine eye. She moves away from me, and bumps her tail against a couple flirting by the punch bowl. After apologizing to them profusely, she turns back to me, her face red against her pale yellow scales. Her wings are folded tightly against her. She stands about nine feet tall, when she walks on all fours like she's doing now.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed!" Fluttershy whimpers. "I didn't mean to disturb you, I just wanted to get some pears for Angel, and I-" She stops herself, blushing more, covering her mouth again, and a muffled sound comes from between her claws. She looks absolutely adorable. "And now I'm just babbling. I'm sorry!" Positively irresistible.

"Hey, don't worry about it." I reach across the table and snatch a pear from a bowl that used to have my imaginary conversation partner in it. When I hand it to her, she blushes more, but lowers her hands from her face. Some of the pink spines lift away from her face. Something's itching near my leg.

"Oh, thank you. I'm sorry about disturbing you, Mr..."

"Emerald. You must be Fluttershy." Quick, excuse! "Pinkie's told me about you."

Thankfully, she smiles. "Oh, Emerald! Of course, you're the one that Pinkie's thrown this party for! Rarity talked about you on our spa date earlier."

What? "What?"

"Oh!" More blush. She shakes her head, and the pink spines shake back and forth with it. She clearly wasn't supposed to say that. She stumbles over her words: "Erm, I mean..."

"Rarity talked about me? When? What about? Tell me!" Good Luna, I'm scaring the poor dragin! What's the matter with me? I try to brush off my outburst, but before I can get another word out, Fluttershy's spines part to reveal a familiar white ball of fluff that gives me a death stare I've seen plenty of times before. The bunny hops from her spines to mine and starts yanking them, which, much to my surprise, hurts like a-

"Angel! Stop it!" Fluttershy's commanding voice breaks free from its chains, and the rabbit stops. He bends over and stares me down from the top of my head, gives me a finger sign that says "I'm watching you, bub," and then hops back to his owner, who hides him back in her spines.

"I'm so, so sorry about that! Angel can be very protective of me sometimes." She notices that my look isn't quite forgiving enough and takes a step back. "Maybe I should just go..."

No! I have to hear about Rarity! Once more, though, our conversation is interrupted, this time by another dragon.

"Emerald! Wonderful to see you!"

It's Rarity. Apparently, she wasn't too absorbed in her talk with Spike to not see me. Or maybe it's been over for a while. Whatever happened, all I know is that Rarity is now standing next to me with a wonderful smile on her face and a fancy-looking drink in her hand. I glance past her and spot Spike. He's standing at the foot of the stairs, with a suave-looking jacket and small red bow tie adorning his neck, and he's staring me down. I think I interrupted their talk, accidentally. He raises his eyebrows, as if to say, "Well? The lady's talking." I turn my attention back to Rarity.

"And you, milady." Try not to sound like him, idiot! She blushes, and I look away from her to see Fluttershy trying to blend into the rest of the party-goers. I drag her back into the conversation, desperate not to be alone with Rarity.

"I had just met Ms. Shy here, and her... companion, Angel." Fluttershy blushes (again) and nods. The bunny peeks out from behind a spine and sticks his tongue out at me.

"Oh, Fluttershy!" Rarity hugs her friend's neck (the size difference in this town must be frustrating to no end!) and pats Angel gently. She withdraws her hand when the rabbit punches it away, and she gives Angel an odd look before turning back to me.

"So, have you met anydragon else here?"

"Well, if you mean anydragon you talked about in your story earlier, then no. But, I'm sure Rainbow Dash won't be hard to spot if you weren't lying about that bridge thing."

Fluttershy is interested now, and stops trying to get away from us. "What story?"

"Oh," Rarity says, "I told him about the Night Fury incident. Nothing serious."

"Serious? You saved the world! How is that not serious?" I gesture to Fluttershy. "I mean, this dragin right here, she saved you from an Ursa Major! That's pretty serious, if you ask me!"

I don't think that Fluttershy's face has been yellow since I met her. "Oh, no, that? That was-"

"-amazing, from the way Rarity told me." I look back at Rarity, who's smile has faltered only just enough to notice. "All of you," I add hastily, "were amazing, from the way you made it sound." Man, I wish I had a drink!

"Well, I suppose..." Fluttershy mumbles, twirling her fingers around nervously. She notices Rarity's look, gets the hint she's putting across, and backs away a little. "Well, it's been nice meeting you, Mr. Emerald." She shakes my hand (which is half the size of hers) and turns to leave. "See you at the spa next Saturday, Rarity!" Aaaaaaaand, she's gone. It's just me and her, now. And Spike's eyes, watching us from the stairs (why has he not moved from his spot yet?).

"So..." I try to make idle chat to ease out of the awkward silence between the two of us. "Spa dates on Saturday, huh?" My tone's extremely suggestive, as Rarity's reaction points out.

"Whatever makes you think that, hmm?"

"Er, I didn't mean it that way. Really. You don't look like you'd, uh, swing that way."

Something about her next words makes a shiver run down my spines and another itch form near my legs:

"I should hope not, for your sake." Is that a smirk?

"I-I'm sorry?"

She gives a smile that could make a drake's heart soar (oh look!) and replies, "Only a joke, Emerald. Nothing to be worked up about."

"Oh." I'm sweating, I know I am. I spot the punch bowl, only a few feet away, and my throat chooses to dry up in that moment. "Uh, listen..." I cough dryly. "...it's a bit stuffy in here, don't you think?"

"Oh, yes. My spines have been bent more times than I can count in the mere minutes I've been here! Perhaps we could continue our conversation out on the balcony?" She points up the stairs. Spike is no longer there, and suddenly I'm desperate to know exactly where he is and what he's doing.

"Sounds good." Celestia, why am I so nervous right now? I gulp, and gesture behind me at the punch bowl. "Just let me get a drink, and I'll meet you up there."


I don't spot Spike in the time it takes to get my drink and go upstairs (though I do see a familiar orange dragin and a light gray drake giggling in the corner of Twilight's room by the telescope; better warn her to sanitize later). I do meet with Pinkie Pie at the bowl, though, and I tell her what's happened. She thinks it's fantastic. Her advice is that I should, "just put on some of that classic Emerald charm" for her, a tip that isn't very helpful, as classic Emerald charm is the same as classic Spike charm, and that' sure to get me a few suspicious looks. So, when I step out onto the balcony to find Rarity alone, I'm a nervous wreck. She doesn't seem to notice, though, and she greets me kindly when I step up to the edge next to her.

"So," I begin, "You came up to me. What did you want to talk about?"

She leans forward on the balcony, swirling her drink in one hand. "Oh, I don't know. Anything, really. What you plan on doing these next few days, perhaps? Get acquainted with the townsfolk? Find a full-time job, or a place to live?" She slides closer to me, not discreetly enough for me not to notice. Her next sentence is stressed, clearly for me to pick up on as a hint:

"Do have any idea what to do for the Summer Sun Celebration?"

I've been staring into my drink since I stepped up to the balcony, so when I look her in the eye I'm surprised by the serious expression on her face.

Wow, Pinkie wasn't kidding: she really is expecting me to ask her out.

"Um..." I freeze up. A decade, Spike, a decade of this, and you still can't talk to her about relationships or dating or anything! I gulp down half of my drink, to stall, and pray for a distraction. Nothing comes up, but when I glance at the balcony doors I swear I can see Pinkie Pie looking through the curtains. A shuffle of fabric confirms my suspicion: we're being watched.

"Emerald?" The sound of that name doesn't register in my mind, so I only return my attention to Rarity when she taps my arm. From the look she's giving me, I must look like a mess. A sweaty, nervous mess.

"I asked you if you had any plans for the Festival?"

"I heard you." I hope I said that politely enough.

"Well, do you?"

"...No." This makes her smile. I know why, and for a second I consider lying and saying I'm going out with Twilight Sparkle. But I don't want to destroy their friendship, especially if I want Spike to have a chance with this dragin (do I, though?). So, I stay on path, and ask, "What of it?"

The moment the question leaves my lips, the most incredible thing I've ever seen happens: Rarity begins to stumble over her words. She never does this, ever. Not the Rarity I know and love. She pretends to find something of interest in her glass, then gulps most of it down, then, finally, looks at me, as collected as she can manage.

"I was...hoping...if you would...care to..."

I can't watch this anymore, so I interrupt her, as though I had no idea she was talking: "Do you want to go to the Festival with me?" I say these words by accident, and cover my mouth as soon as they leave my lips. Rarity doesn't notice: she's too excited to.

"YES!" I jump back at her outburst, and she blushes deeply. Collecting herself, she tells me, in a much calmer and more collected voice, that it would be wonderful if we go together. Then she hugs me, unable to contain all of her excitement, and I hold her tightly in my arms as the enormity of what I've done sinks in: for the first time, I've asked her out, and she's said yes. Enthusiastically. A second later, I realize how close we are, hugging. Her scales are practically pulsing with warmth; her spines are smooth and perfect. Of course, I can't resist making the most of this moment: I shut my eyes, and for a moment everything is perfect. I smell lilac and vanilla from her mane-spines, and her face is buried in my shoulder. I can even feel her lips, pressed against my collar bone...

Then we separate, and it's just us two dragons again, standing at the balcony, smiling at each other. I hardly notice that her glass is emptier than before she hugged me, or that something is slowly running down my back. I'm just too excited.

"I've been meaning to ask you that for a while." How dumb I must sound, and yet she doesn't notice!

"Well, consider your question answered, Emerald. I'll gladly accompany you to the Festival." Her smile evaporates suddenly, and her hands fly up to cover her mouth (the glass has been moved to her magical grip). "Oh my goodness! I have to make a dress for myself, along with all of the orders that could come in in the next few days! I have to start now!" She turns to go, stops herself, and turns back to say goodbye. That's when I do something I know I'll regret: before she can get the words out, I give her a peck on the lips. I meant to kiss her cheek, but her head turned, dammit! The drumroll I heard earlier pounds out its beat. As I pull away from her, it fades. She blushes, the drumroll stops, and there's silence on the balcony. There's a pause. Neither of us does anything. Her eyes are wide with...something. Terror? Awe? I don't know, I've got to go...

"Good night, Rarity," I say, and then I leave her at that balcony. I walk, at a pace I didn't even know I could reach while walking, across the room, down the hall, down the stairs, through the crowd, and out the door of the library. I need air, alone. Now.

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Do you know what's fun? What's really really reeeeeeeeally fun? Flashbacks and dream sequences. If I could, I'd live my life in dream sequences. Going to the store would be so much cooler.

From this point forward we'll be diving into the events leading up to Spike's transportation to Dragonsville. Side-by-side with that, we'll see just how hard it is for him to keep a hold on himself as his relationship with Rarity...develops. Wonder what Spike will have to say about it. Oh well, save it for next time. The final member of the mane group, several angry conversations, a disastrous slip-up caused by cider, and a particularly vicious set of stairs all play a part in the next installment of our favorite dragon's tale.

On a different note, Flutter is best pony-turned-dragon.
