• Published 25th Dec 2012
  • 6,767 Views, 259 Comments

Balance of the Mind and Body - Swift Blaze

Ever wonder if that Mayan Calendar prediction actually came true? What the world be like if everyone panic? Then come and read the following tale of a human that this happens to.

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Chapter 29: Royal Guard Training, Part 6

Blaze woke up the next morning before dawn. The others did as well. He looked over and saw Al was still sleeping. The ponies snuck out and started to do the morning stretches. Shining Armor soon showed up just after dawn and headed over to the group.

"Where’s Al?" the Unicorn asked.

"Still sleeping,” replied the red stallion. “We thought he shouldn’t miss your wake up call."

"I do so enjoy doing it."

The Captain went inside as everyone else stayed quiet to listen.


The trainees rushed inside. Once through the threshold, all ground based ponies started to float in the air. Any Pegasi that was flying slammed into the ceiling. Everyone was bumping into each other as they were trying to figure out what’s going on. Shining Armor was spinning out of control as he was trying to right himself. Blaze used his ki in small pushes to float over to Al, which he was still sleeping.

"Al! Wake up! You need to control your powers!" the Earth pony shouted as he shook the human’s body.

"Huh? What?" Al said as he started to wake up.

The gravity came gradually back and the ponies righted themselves as they landed. The Pegasi used their wings to stay in the air. Blaze continued using his ki him floating.

"Morning sleepy head. What were you dreaming just now?" he asked.

"That I was sleeping on a cloud and it was floating through the sky," Al replied.

The red stallion concluded that Al’s gravity powers work negatively as it did positively.

"Well, it’s time to wake up, get changed, and we’ll meet you in the mess hall."

Al got up and grabbed the clothes Blaze gave him last night. He then saw the other ponies were giving him strange looks.

"I thought the awkward stare was done yesterday?"

"Let's just say you need to work on your gravity controlling powers."

"I can control gravity!?"

Oh, this is going to be fun. Blaze thought as he facehoofed himself. The Earth pony left with the others and they went to the mess hall. As they started to eat, Al walked in and headed to us.

"Morning. What kind of grub are they serving today?" he asked.

Blaze replied, "Fruits, veggies, hay, and flowers. Pony food."

"No meat? Why is it that the meat is always gone."

"Because ponies don't eat meat. Go get something now before we have to head to the tracks."

Al walked off and grabbed several fruits. Then came back and sat next to the red stallion. Each pony went around and introduced themselves and gave a quick thing about themselves and what they can do. Both Colorful Sparks and Lightning Trails got Al when he went to shake their hooves. Everyone laughed when Al got zapped. Al reached behind himself to grab something, but pulled nothing out. A surprised look went on his face.

"Blaze! We have to go back to the ruins. I left my stuff there!" Al said.

"Calm down. We’ll have plenty of time to get your things. I don't think any creature will mess with them in the castle ruins,” he said.

"Fine. But that will be the first thing we do."

The group finished eating and made their way to the tracks. Again, Princess Celestia and Shining Armor were waiting there. The ponies got in line and stood at attention. Al followed and stood at attention the military would on Earth.

"Good morning recruits and hello to our new one, Al is it?" Princess Celestia said.

"Yes, your highness. Sorry about my first introduction. It was not how I really wanted it to be," Al said.

"I’ve read Captain Shining Armor's report so you don't need to fill me in. I’m just glad you are back to your true self."

"Me too, Princess."

"Seeing you had to break away from your survival exercise for an emergency. You’ll restart your survival exercise. Have fun."

The Alicorn used her magic and they were teleported away. Where they arrived, it looked different from where they traveled the day before.

"I think the Princess sent us to another location,” said Blaze. “I don't recognize anything around."

"I agree. Looks like we have to start all over and find water and shelter," Fang said.

"What about my stuff?" Al asked.

Blaze replied, "We’ll get that too, but it’s more important we find water and shelter to survive."

"I need to defend myself if we get attacked."

"You can use these then." The red stallion summoned the kunai knives that he brought to this world from his homeworld. "You should be able to use these."

"Nice! These will definitely work!"

Al picked them up and began to spin them around to get the feel for them. Swift Blaze had Fang take point as he covered the rear. The group walked through the forest yet again to find a water source. They also kept an eye out for Fang's tree marks.

After an hour of walking, Al asked me, "So, Bob, is Swift Blaze your pony name? How did you come to Equestria?"

"I chose that name after I arrived and have been using it since,” he replied in a whisper. “As for the arrival, I was one of the people that did pass God's test and got to choose where I want to go. I chose here and for those abilities from the show. As for my actual arrival, God was very funny by having me appear way up in the sky falling to my death. Had to think fast and used the Kamehameha blast to break the water surface before I dove in. I did break some bones but with Fluttershy's help and a healing spell from Princess Celestia, I was better in a few minutes."

"So, this world is like the episodes then?" Al asked in a softer voice.

"I believe so, but I can say it’s not in the order of the episodes. We won't know exactly when they will happen," he replied back softly too.

"What elements of jutsu have you learned so far. I would imagine only one, maybe two as you said you only have been here for less than a month."

"I’ve actually learned all five basic elements from my mind space and shadow clone usage within."

"All five! You must have gone sage by now then."

"No, I haven't. I have been busy with my pony friends by doing stuff with them and this Royal Guard Training."

There was a loud roar nearby. The group stopped and started to watch the area. The forest was still. Everyone stayed silent to not give themselves away. Blaze looked at Al and saw his mood had changed. One minute, he was friendly and silly. Now, he looked serious and focused, like he went through military training on Earth. The human had two kunai at the ready. Another roar blasted through the area, and this was closer. The trainees tensed up, waiting for the creature to show up.

The next roar came from another direction. Each time they heard it, it was somewhere else.

"Al, you spent a few weeks here. What do you think the creature is?" Star Dust asked in a whisper.

The human replied, "Sounds like a Manticore. It sounds pissed."

"We haven't done anything to them," said Cancer.

"I might have killed one the second day I was here."

"Why did you kill one?" Dragon asked.

"I was hungry. I haven’t eaten for over a year while I was in hell. Sue me."

"Will you keep it down!” said Lightning Trails. “It probably found us because of Al's scent. There’s nothing we can do about what happened, except make sure it does not kill us."

The roar now sounded really close. They spotted some leaves starting to move around them in a circle. The group watched the path and waited for the creature to come out. Without a sound, the Manticore jumped out of a bush and went towards Al.

Blaze pushed the human out of the way and Star Dust shot a bright flash at the creature, blinding it. Al quickly recovered and sent the blades flying. They hit the creature in both of its shoulders. It cried out in pain. Dragon used his magic and slowed the creature down. Cancer, Fang, and Colorful Spark start to run around the creature and hit it in vital spots. The red stallion used his jutsu and encased the Manticore feet and claws in a stone earth to immobilize it. With the creature not able to move, everyone backed away.

"What should we do with it now?" Colorful Spark asked.

"It’s still going to chase Al till it kills him," replied Fang.

"Then I guess we have to kill it. Lightning Trails, would you care to help me?" Blaze asked.

The two ponies walked up to the creature and stood in front of it. The Manticore was still angry and had the thirst to kill anything in its way. The Earth pony gathered his chakra as the Pegasus built up his lightning energy. They both sent bolts of lightning that struck where the kunai had dug in. The electricity went through its body and quickly killed it.

"Now what do we do with it?" Star Dust asked.

Al looked to the red stallion and asked, "Blaze, do you have a dagger or short sword in your arsenal of weapons?"

"I do,” he replied. “Why do you ask?"

"I’m not going to let this meat go to waste."

"You are going to cut up the body!" Dragon shouted.

"If I don't, the other creatures in this forest are going to tear it apart for the meat."

"Fine. But I’m not going to drag the meat around with me to entice others to come and kill us.

"You won't have to,” said Blaze. “I’ll send it to the meat locker under my house. No pony can get in there."

"Well, get me a knife so I can get this done quickly," Al said.

The red stallion summoned his short sword and the human went to work. "Save the pelt and the bones too. I can do something with them back home," he said.

Al nodded and started to carve. Star Dust, Colorful Spark, Lightning Trails, Cancer, and Dragon left the area so they don't have to see or smell what is going on. Fang stayed behind with them.

"This does not bother you Fang?" Blaze asked.

"No. I’ve been around death and blood before,” replied the black zebra. “This doesn’t bother me. I even hung out with some Griffins during meal times and they ate meat every time."

So, Al finished the butcher job for the important items. Blaze sent everything to the meat locker under his house. The Earth pony also sent the sword back after Al cleaned the blood off of it. The three teammates met back up with the others a few yards away.

“Alright, let’s get back to finding that water source and shelter,” Star Dust said.

The group continued the search for water when they finally stumbled across Fang’s marks on the trees. Now that they found a spot they went through yesterday, the ponies and single human headed for the water first to get a drink.

When the water was in sight, Al ran ahead and jumped into the air and shouted, “CANON BALL!” He landed in the water and caused it to go everywhere.

Lightning went behind the tree quickly to avoid getting splashed on and short out again. Blaze just looked at Al as the human was joking around. He soon saw the red pony’s stare and realized this isn’t the time. He got back out and dried himself off the best he could. Blaze sent a low heat wave jutsu wind to help out.

After the time by the stream and pond, the trainees headed towards the castle. They knew it was currently the safest place to be after dark. About halfway there, Al took off running towards the castle ruins.

“AL! WHERE IN EQUESTRIA ARE YOU GOING!” Blaze yelled at him.

“I’M GOING TO GET MY STUFF! SEE YOU THERE!” he replied without looking back and continuing to run.

“Cancer, go after him and make sure he does not get into trouble.”

The Zebra Unicorn activated his magic and took off like a bullet. The remainder of the party kept their normal pace. They didn’t want to draw out the attention of the creatures in this forest. The ponies made it to the bridge and saw all the fog that was not there normally. They could see what the castle ruins looked like. They crossed and entered the castle. When the group entered, Cancer was saying something.

“You’re never going to hit me when I can use my ability,” he said.

“True, but I always want to test out to see if the hand is quicker than the eye. Oh, hi guys,” Al said.

As he said that, Cancer turned his head toward those who showed up. At that moment, the human sent a knife towards the speedy Zebra. Cancer dodged it, like he hardly moved.

“I like the saying moving faster than the blink of an eye. You taught me that Blaze,” Cancer said.

“That I did. Now then, put those away before you poke someone’s eye out,” he replied.

“Hey, I’m just glad everything is still here. I still wonder why there was so much wood in this grand hall when I first showed up,” Al said.

“That’s not normal wood. It was Timberwolves dead bodies. As to why they were here, you were not the only one who has had a rage release. I killed all of these while in my Rage Mode. I will tell you the story later. Let’s go and find a big enough room to stay in.”

“I agree. Don’t want to be at the front door when any creature might show up,” said Colorful Spark.

“I think I saw a place when I was looking for where Al had gone. Follow me,” Cancer said.

The group followed him through the castle and over the rubble and came to a big set of doors. The twins pushed them open and everyone saw the space was a library. They looked around from the entryway, most of the bookshelves were empty.

“I think this will do. Al, would you like to go and get the firewood you already cut up so we can start a fire?” Blaze asked.

“No problem. I know the way like the back of my hand. Hey, that’s new,” Al said as he joked around and left.

“So, now that we have shelter, Al has gone to get the firewood, we need to find food that is safe to eat. Also get some containers that can hold water so we don’t always have to go back to the stream.”

“No problem, Dragon and I will find something to carry the water and be back in a couple minutes,” said Cancer. “Ready to race brother? First one back gets to kick the other in the balls.”

Dragon replied , “Oh you are so on. Ready. Set. GO!”

They took off like bullets and were gone with a dust cloud forming behind them.

“Fang and I will go and find some food for us. But I don’t know if we will find something Al can eat,” Colorful Sparks said.

“I think Al has some left over cooked meat he will reheat back up in that tower,” replied the red pony.

“Alright. See you in a little bit.”

Fang and Colorful Spark left through a busted window.

“What is the rest of us going to do?” Lightning Trails asked.

“My body for some reason is telling me there is something in this library that was left behind for some reason. I don’t know what it is.”

“Then let’s split up and look for it,” Star Dust said.

Lightning Trails, Star Dust, and Blaze headed off in separate directions in the library. In the back of the red ponies mind, something was somewhat informing him that there was something here that needed to be found. He didn’t have this the past several times he was here, but it was now nagging him to find it.

The Earth stallion was letting his body lead him where to go as the feeling grew stronger. He weaved through the empty bookcases as if he knew where he was supposed to go. Blaze finally ended at a blank wall. His eyes showed him nothing but a stone surface, but he somehow knew there was something more at this spot.

In another part of the library, Star Dust shouted, “Blaze! You find something?”

“Not sure,” he shouted back. “I’m going to send up an energy ball so you can see where I am.”

The stallion did so and had it hover above the bookcases. “I see it! We’ll be over there in a minute,” Lightning Trails said.

They caught up with Blaze as he continued to look at the wall. “So what is it?” Star Dust asked.

“I don’t know as my body led me here,” he replied. “The other odd thing is this is the only wall without a bookcase.”

“That is odd. Do you think there is a secret switch somewhere?” Lightning Trails asked.

“Maybe, or there is a phrase or spell to reveal whatever is here.”

“Hey guys. I brought the firewood and some meat for me,” said Al. “No one was by the door and then I saw that orb floating above and headed for it. Why are you all staring at a door? Watching paint dry?”

“What door? We only see a stone wall. Blaze is the one that led us here,” Star Dust said.

“Well, I see a door there. I don’t know why you can’t see it.”

“Maybe because we’re ponies and there is some enchantment to hide it from our eyes. Care to open it?” Blaze asked.

Al walked over to the wall and began to grab nothing from the view of the pony eyes. Suddenly, a black opening showed up as the invisible door swung inward.

“Now that’s creepy,” said Lightning Trails.

“You two should return back to the main area and inform the others what’s going on. Al and I are going to go in and see what is in here,” said the red stallion.

Star Dust asked, ”Why only you two are going to venture in and not the rest of us? We’re teammates.”

“This was hidden away from any ponies, including the princesses, to see. I need Al for his eyes and I’m going as well to give him back up. This can’t be part of the survival training as I’ve been here for only a month and Al showed up a week ago.”

“Be safe,” replied the Unicorn, then he and the Pegasus left.

“So, what do you think is in there Blaze?” Al asked.

“I’m not sure ,but my body is saying something is in here. I have found out humans were here in Equestria during the Medieval Ages so that might explain why a human can see the door and a pony can’t,” he replied. “Let’s go inside, carefully. I don’t want to trigger a boulder or blow dart traps.”

Al nodded. The Earth pony lowered the energy ball and had it stayed in front of them as they entered the doorway. The two walked through and saw they entered a long hallway, with lots of twist and bends. There were no other doors or other hallways that branched off that either of them could see. After fifteen minutes of walking, the pair came up to another door. This one was metal and rusty. Al tried to open it, but it would not budge.

“Guess all this moisture down here has built up a thick layer of rust that we cannot open it,” he said.

“I have not let my body tell me to come this way to be stopped by a rusty sealed door,” said Blaze. “Back away from it.”

Al quickly did. The red stallion stuck one hoof out and shot a thin continuous energy beam. It acted like a laser cutting through the metal. Once Blaze went around the parameter of the door, it fell inward, into the room. A rush of stale air escaped.

“Guess we now know this room was sealed tight,” Al said.

The Earth pony walked in and looked around. He saw the space was like a cave with no windows, nor another way to gain entry. Inside were more bookshelves. These were also empty. Both of them went down each row to look for a clue in this room or why Blaze was drawn to find it. Neither of them found anything.

“This doesn’t make any sense. Why would my body want to come down here to an old, empty room?” asked the Earth pony.

“I don’t know. Maybe to let you know about it and ask the Princesses if they know anything about it?” replied Al.

“If that is the case, then why do I feel something is still here. I can’t pinpoint it either. It feels like it's everywhere in this room. There must be another enchantment active hiding it.”

“How do we release it then?”

Blaze was thinking. He thought because the door was hidden by an illusion, so no ponies could see it, this must be another one here. The stallion looked around the room for anything that could be out of place in the arrangement. But it’s tough to see with everything covered in centuries of dust.

“Wait a sec,” said the Earth pony. “Al, cover your face. I'm going to try something.”

Al quickly did. Blaze went to the center of the room and channeled his chakra. Thinking of the signs, he touched his hooves together and said, “Wind Style! Tornado Jutsu!”

A tornado started to form around me and began to collect all the dust. He then sent it out the door and dissipated in the hallway.

“All clear, Al. You can look now,” said the stallion with a small cough.

“That is one way to remove dust. Why did you do that?”

“I thought that the dust was hiding something so I did that jutsu to save time.”

“Everything alright in there?” asked Colorful Spark. “We saw a dust cloud come out of the door.”

“Everything is fine. Had to do some spring cleaning,” Blaze replied back.

He looked around the cleaner room. Some details he overlooked were now visible. There were four posts in the room, but not in the corners. The stallion looked down and saw lines engraved in the floor connecting them.

“Al, give me a hand and move these bookcases against the walls.”

They worked together on moving them out of the way. With them all cleared, the two of them could see what they were making.

“It’s a cross. These four posts are at the points,” said Blaze.

“Hold up, a cross usually has something in the center. Why isn’t there a post there?” Al asked.

The Earth pony went and looked at each post and saw a different symbol carved into the top of them. “You need to activate these four to reveal the fifth.”

"How do we activate them?"

Just then, Blaze’s head was rushed and filled with new knowledge. He didn’t know where it came from. The stallion felt a little dizzy for a moment from the process.

"You alright, Blaze? You don't look so good," Al said.

"I think I’ll be fine. Just a blood rush to the head. I think these symbols are the four elements. We need to display the elements on top of the pillars."

"So, do the things they did in the Fifth Element movie, correct?"

"Not exactly."

Blaze walked to the center of the cross. Once he touched the center, his body was consumed with a surge of energy. He cried out in pain from the initial shock.

"Blaze!" Al screamed out.

The red pony, through the pain, heard the others coming down the hallway. The ponies entered and saw their comrade in the center of the room. Before they could make another step, Blaze shouted, "STAY BACK! THIS ROOM WANTED ME HERE FOR A REASON!"

They nodded and stood back. The energy was still flowing into the red Earth pony. It was less painful now than it started. His body started to have a white glow around his form. This was getting brighter. His cutie mark started to spin and generate a sphere of pure white. The stallion’s body was soon floating off the ground and was engulfed by the light. The sphere then shot different color beams at each pillar and displayed different symbols in the form of the element it corresponds with.

The earth element has a small mountain with snow.

The air element has a mini tornado spinning.

The water element has a geyser shooting up.

The fire element has a brilliant flame.

The others were eye struck by what was happening. They suddenly hear a voice come from the sphere, but it didn’t sound like their friend. It spoke these words:

I am the Air that blows in the trees

I am the Water that swirls in the sea

I am the Fire that gives us light

I am the Earth, one too strong to fight

Elements gather in this sacred place

Around the 5th, which has no face

Bring me your honor

Bring me your grace

Come now, I call you

Come now in haste.

And as it is spoken, So shall it be!

The white sphere shined out and blinded everything in the room. When the others could see again, the four pillars were no longer showing the elements. A fifth one had appeared at the center. On top of it was an old book on it with five gems slots in the cross formation.

"Blaze!" Al shouted and ran to the pony.

He was laying next to the center post. As the human picked him up, the stallion started to open his eyes.

"Ugh, my head. Remind me not to do that again," he said as he rubbed the side of my head. "Did whatever happen cause the fifth pillar to appear?"

The other joined him as he sat on the ground. "Yes. The fifth one has shown up,” said Lightning Trails. “But, it looks like something else has happened."

"What? You all look the same to me."

"We didn’t change, it was you who did," Cancer said.

The stallion looked at his fore hoof and saw it was still the same coat color.

"What! Did my mane change color? I won't look good as a blond! What changed! Please tell me!"

"You’re umm . . . no longer an Earth pony. You’re . . . a Unicorn pony," Star Dust said.


His hoof suddenly shot to the top and bang against something that wasn't there before, a horn. Blaze felt the pain when he banged against his new equipment. With the throbbing in his head, he wasn’t expecting that sort of thing to happen.

"I’m afraid you are,” said Al. “Just don't mess with it, or it might fall off."

The new Unicorn thought, Oh, I just wish I can send a lightning bolt at Al right now.

His horn started to glow and a lightning bolt struck Al.

"What was that for!"

"I don't know! I just thought of something and the horn did it," he replied.

"Looks like you need to find a teacher to learn how to use that new horn," Dragon said as he laughed.

"Watch it or I’ll send fireballs at you."

The Zebra quickly shut up.

"So, what about this book here?" Colorful Sparks asked as he pointed to it.

The red pony got up and went over to take a look at it. As he got closer, several of the pages started to pulse a white aura.

Fang said, “That can't be good.”

The book opened up and passed several pages before stopping. Al carefully went over to look at what is on the pages it opened to.

"What’s on these pages?” he asked. “I can't read this chicken scratch shit. Can anyone else here read it?"

The human picked up the book and held it open. Most of the ponies shook their head no as they viewed it.

When he showed it to the new Unicorn, he said, "Um, I don't know what language it’s in, but I can somehow read it."

"What does it say?" Lightning Trails asked.

"Let’s worry about this later. That energy transformation left me hungry and tired. I think we should finish our survival exercise. Then, we’ll bring this to Princess Celestia and let her know what we’ve discovered.”

Blaze stood up and stretched his limbs. The others followed some of the motions.

“Let's head back to the main library and get some food. What did you find by the way, Fang and Colorful Sparks?"

"We got some juicy leaves and berries." Fang said.

"Yuck,” said Al. “I’ll stick to the meat. Thank you very much.”

The human picked up and carried the book with him as the group headed back to the main library. Some of the wood was gathered and the red stallion was grateful as he’s still able to use his jutsu to create fire.

As he stared at the flames, he thought, I’m going to need to see Twilight about this horn. I can hear her voice right now, about being so happy to teach me magic. Oh, thinking of her enthusiasm is already giving me a headache.

They ate all the food and replenished their thirst. Once everyone’s belly was full, the trainees stayed around the fire to stay warm. They scheduled to have two of them, stand watch for four hours, while the others slept. The first two up for it were Star Dust and Dragon.

As the others were falling asleep, Blaze grabbed the book to look it over. This development was a complete mystery to him. The stallion couldn’t make sense as why he was the only one that could read it. One thought was it might be tied to why only he was drawn to the secret room. But his Earth pony form now becoming a Unicorn is another topic that didn’t have a clear answer.

Al sat next to the red pony as he was looking the book over. He whispered, “Blaze, I never hear of this in any of the episodes, nor in some of the fanfiction I’ve read. What do you think this is all about? From the secret room, that book, and how you’re somehow connected to them. Any thoughts?”

“I’m not sure,” he replied back in a whisper. “Remember, we’ve only seen a small piece of this world. That has changed since we’ve arrived. We can never trust what happened in those episodes to happen exactly the same with us here. I have a feeling the humans that used to live here left this book in that secret room and set it up for only a human to find. As to why I’m connected, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe once we talk with the Princesses in private, we’ll be able to get some answers.”

“So, what have you found about the book so far?”

“Not much. Only the first few pages have allowed me, somehow, to read what’s written. The rest of them are still locked in mystery.”

“What’s in the first section?”

“According to the book, it talks about something similar to the Elements of Harmony. This is a human version called the Elements of Order. The humans of the past somehow managed to create them by harnessing the actual elements.”

“We’d only seen four in that room. What’s the fifth? Also why are there gem slots on the cover of the book?”

“I don’t know what the fifth could be. As for the missing gems, I guess the humans must have split them off and hidden them so it does not fall into the wrong hands.”

“But ponies don’t have hands,” the human said with a slight chuckle.

Blaze looked at him with an annoyed look as his horn was slowly lighting up.

“Okay, okay, bad joke. You don’t need to blast me with that to express your point. Back onto the topic, how are we, mainly you, supposed to find them?”

“Again, I don’t know. Let’s sleep on it and discuss it with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna when we get back.”

“Alright. Good night, Blaze. Sweet dreams,” he said as the human got comfortable as best he could and went to sleep.

“Good night, Al,” the Unicorn replied. With what’s rattling in his head, no sweet dreams were going to come to him tonight. He needed to gather his thoughts and try to understand what this book wanted. The red pony got comfortable and entered his mind space, but not for training tonight.

Author's Note:

Here's the latest chapter. It was proofread by Darksoul85.

Artwork in this chapter was done by antigone-annwn on DeviantArt

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