• Published 5th Dec 2012
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Mastering the elements: the Earth pony chronicles - Eriku719

An alicorn from the past becomes the 7th element of harmony,but must learn about the other elements.

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9
As they all stared at the deity hovering above them, they slowly walked away from it to escape, but soon the owl started to attacking. As they began running towards the bridge that took them to the lab, a black blur passed by them and destroyed the only way out.

“Look like there’s nowhere to run, and now I’m going to stop the only thing in my way for complete domination of this world.” Said the owl.

Erick stood there for a while, “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, I need you two to carry your friends to safety.”

“But what about you?” said the rainbow mane pony?

“I’m going to buy you gals some time” he responded as ran back to the lab before anyone had time to respond to him. As the owl was about to strike down the mane six, Erick found some rocks and tubes and climbed his way to the roof of the lab. As soon as he aimed at Nocturne, he started throwing the rocks and tubes at him and kept making fun of him to get his attention. “Hey Nocturne, it looks like your losing some feathers, maybe you should try a comb over for those bald spots.”

The owl then turned his head towards Erick’s direction and was now going to attack him. “I’ll make you an example of what’s to come for your friends.” In one wing flap he was already in front of Erick and tried to grab him with his talons. Almost out of good luck he kept on missing his target.

As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash kept on taking their friends from one side to the other side of the everfree forest, they were concerned about what’s happening to Erick. “Come on girls, we have to think of something. Anything.” said Applejack.

“I agree, there must be something we can to help him.” Said Rarity.

As they were brain storming, Erick was finally got caught by nocturne. “Looks like I finally caught my snack.” Said the owl.

“It doesn’t matter as long as the others got away.” Said Erick as he tried to free himself from Nocturne.

“Oh don’t worry, why should your friends miss out on all the fun.” Said Nocturne. He then opened his wings and flapped them at the mane six, when he did, three of his giant feather came off him and landed near the ponies. The feathers soon let out dark magic and transformed into smaller forms of Nocturne, they were three times bigger than them when they stood upright and started to attack them by clawing at them.

“You beast! Stop hurting them!” Erick said, but he was cut short as Nocturne tighten his grasp to leave Erick Breathless

“Last time I remember, food doesn’t talk. Now down the hatch!” He said as he was about to eat him.

“Not today you foul bird!!!” said a voice from a far distance. The owl turned to see who said that and he caught sight of a dark chariot being pulled by Pegasi in dark colored armor going as fast as it could and it rammed against his leg which caused Nocturne to drop his meal and it was caught by the chariot master. As soon as he recovered from his slight injury, Nocturne’s feathers on his head was scraped off by other chariot being pulled by white pegasi wearing golden armor. Both chariots landed to where the mane six were and the pegasi that were pulling the chariots took off their ropes and grabbed their spears and started to fighting the owl solders and coming off the chariots were princess Celestia levitating a box and princess Luna carrying Erick on her shoulder. The mane six soon took Erick off Luna’s shoulder and placed him down on the ground.

“Princess Celestia, what are you doing here?” Asked her faithful student.

“That’s not important now. What is important is we stop Nocturne here and now.” Said the princess as she opened the box and gave them their elements of harmony.

While they were all preparing to fight, Luna went to check on Erick who was still knocked out. “Sister, I need you to protect me while I enter Erick’s mind, I’ll see if I can get him to wake up.” She said as her horn started to glow and she touched his forehead to enter his mind, but his mind had mental locks that were not made by him. “If this wasn’t his magic then whose is it?” she said to herself as she tried to enter his mind again.

As the sisters were busy with Erick the mane six had their elements on and were getting ready to attack Nocturne. “Nocturne! We give our first and only warning, leave this realm or face defeat.” Said Twilight. The owl stood there with no emotion.

“Very well.” Said Twilight as she concentrated all her magic along with the elements of harmony and shot a magic beam at him. Just at the last moment the owl raise his wing and block it. There was smoke, but out the smoke came out the owl perfectly safe and not effected at all by the elements of harmony

Everyone pony was in shock, “How could the elements have no effect on him!?” said Rainbow Dash.

Nocturne then began laughing evilly, “You fools, the elements don’t harm me because you are incomplete. You’re missing one last element and without it, I win.”

The ponies fell to the ground in fear. Without this unknown element, they will lose, Nocturne will rule Equestria and they couldn’t stop him. Meanwhile this was all happening, Erick’s body maybe out of commission, but his mind is still working.
Erick finally opened his eyes, but he didn’t see his friends or anypony anywhere. All there was is an empty room with white walls and he was in it. “Why does this place seems…. Familiar?” he said to himself. His question will be answered by a familiar voice. It sounded elderly

“Erick, you’re in your mind, it’s where I took last time you escaped near death.” Said the voice.

Erick looked around to see where the voice was coming from. “If you’re real, please show yourself.” He asked to the voice. Soon enough, the voice agreed with him and show itself. It was none other than his step-father, Starswirl the bearded. Erick just couldn’t believe what he was seeing, His step-father in front of him. “D-D-Dad? Is it really you?”

“Yes my son, it’s me.” Said the Bearded unicorn as he opened his front hooves for the upcoming hug from his step-son.

“I can’t believe it. I get to see you again…. But wait, if you’re here does that mean I’m dead again?” Asked Erick

“Well no, your unconscious, but that’s not important, what is important is that you wake up and helped your friends defeat Nocturne.” Said Starswirl.

“Wait, how do you know about Nocturne?” Erick his step-father.

“I’ve always known about him son. You see many years ago I took in a secret assignment from his highness; to find out of this Nocturne creature he had visions about. Eventually with enough research I figured out who Nocturne is and the destruction he brings. I did find out his weakness, the elements of harmony, but at the time the element of harmony research team only found six when the king’s dream had seven elements. Then came your sentence to the mines, I wanted to quite the job, but he forced me to stay. Years passed and I the kings final vision was the seventh element could only be wield by a male alicorn and I think that alicorn… is you.”

“Me?” said Erick. “But I don’t even know where it could be.”

“Look deep inside yourself and let your will guide you.” He said as he started to fade away “Well son, it looks like it’s time for you to return to the world again, but remember I’ll always be with you.” Starswirl waved good-bye to him as Erick was leaving his mind. He wakes up and sees everypony in fear. He turns to see what they were scared of and he sees the same owl that tried to eat him.

“Luna what’s happening?” he asked to her.

“Darkness has won. The elements couldn’t stop him.” Luna said in fear.

When she said that, Starswirl’s words came back to him. He thought long and hard and he came with one conclusion, to go all out. “It is over until the very end.” He told as he started galloping towards Nocturne.

Princess Celestia then tried to warn him, “Erick don’t do it. It’s suicide.”

“Well well looks like my lunch came back to me” The owl then flew backwards and flew forward at high speed. He then stuck his claws forward and let out a loud screech.

Erick kept on running towards him with a serious look on his face. Everything went slow, as if time was following his own pace. He said to himself quietly “Follow my will and I shall find the way.” Time then went back to its normal pace and out of nowhere he felt a strange power source came within him, not any he has felt before and he embraced it.

The moment Nocturne came into contact with Erick his talons suddenly broke and he crashed down. “That power… it’s impossible.” Inside the talon was a helmet.

“I don’t fear you Nocturne, for I have the willpower to fight, the determination to see you fall and the power of courage!” Erick said as he put on the helmet. The helmet fitted him exactly and his eyes turned white and he started to float.

“No! I won’t let you win.” The owl said as he tried to hurt him, but the helmet created a barrier of light.

Erick began to charge his magic into an orb that will banish the dark beast “Elements of harmony, lend me your strength.”
The moment he said those words, the necklaces and crown of harmony removed themselves and went to Erick. As they got closer to him they changed shape and attached themselves to Erick as body, wing, and leg armor At that moment Erick’s orb became fully charged and His cutie mark appeared before him. A flower with six petals all around each petal a different color and a picture inside them.

“With the elements of harmony: Honesty, Laughter, Generosity, Magic, Loyalty, Kindness and now Courage; I bring forth your demise.” He threw the orb at nocturne and it expanded itself and engulfed his body. “Equestria’s light!”

“No!!!” were Nocturnes final words as he disappeared into the light. His solders disappeared as well with their master gone. The ponies looked up to the sky and saw Erick hovering down and the elements laid his unconscious body on the ground and went to their owners. Erick woke up, but it wasn’t really him. He spoke with a familiar voice to the princesses “Princess Celestia, Luna.”

“Starswirl!?” said the princesses. “Your back?”

“Just temporarily, I’m using his body to deliver an important message. Tell Erick that today marks the beginning of a journey. He must learn to wield the elements of harmony before Nocturne returns once more.”

“But if Nocturne returns, can’t he use that Equestria light again?” asked Rainbow Dash

“That was just a lucky shot my rainbow headed Pegasus. He can only do it again if he learns the value of the each element.” He said to rainbow dash.

“When will Nocturne return?” Twilight asked

“I don’t know which is why it’s important to teach him as quickly as possible. Well it’s time for me to leave…. And princesses one more thing.” he said. “You both grew up into fine alicorns…. Your parents would be proud.” Erick then fell to the ground and was picked up by the princesses and was carried to their chariot. The mane six came along with the princesses to canterlot where Erick would be treated at the hospital.

The morning sun came up and It beamed on Erick’s eyes, he wakes up and looks around his surrounds and realizes he’s on a hospital bed and waiting there were the mane six. “Wait what happened to Nocturne!?”

“It’s alright Erick he was defeated…. Thanks to you.” Said Applejack.

“It was awesome! You were all glowing with your eyes and the owl was all scared and then he was like ‘oh no don’t hurt me’, but you did and you save all of us.” Said Pinkie pie

“You truly did show that winged beast what fore when you used your element of harmony.” Said Rarity.

“Wait, element of harmony?” said Erick.

“That’s right.” Said Twilight when she showed a helmet to Erick. “As of today you’re the seventh element of harmony: the element of courage.”

“Not only that, but your cutie mark also came.” Said Rainbow dash

“Really!? My cutie mark!” Erick looked at his flank and saw a flower with six petals on it, but no color or picture. “Huh? Weird cutie mark but oh well.”

“I bet you must feel really proud of what you done?” said fluttershy

“Well… yeah” He picked up a clipboard. “Well it’s said here I’m fine and really to go.” He got up from his bed and started walking towards the exit of the hospital. “I should probably check in with Celestia and Luna.” The moment her stepped out, he saw hundreds of ponies waiting for him and a chariot with ponies waiting for Erick and the mane six.

“Sir Erick the princess has assigned us to take you to Canterlot castle. Right this way” said the guard as he escorted Erick and his friends to the chariot. All throughout Canterlot, ponies were cheering for Erick for the caught wind of his triumph against the deity of darkness and evil, Nocturne. Although there were some pony folk who looked at him in shock, for they have never seen a male alicorn before. As they made it to the castle, Erick was directed to the grand hall of the castle where the sisters and other important figures of Canterlot were waiting for him. He walked up to them and Celestia spoke.

“Citizens of Canterlot, today we were attacked by a great evil that planned to rule over this peaceful land, but with the help of the elements of harmony and our new friend Erick Flowers he was stopped and So I here give you the Canterlot medal of honor and a title ‘the element of courage’” Erick bowed his head towards the princess as he was given his medal and the ponies all clapped there hooves with joy.

After the ceremony Erick was taken to the royal garden where a party would be waiting for him.

“Let’s get this party started!” said pinkie pie with Excitement.

During the party, Erick was called out by Luna and Celestia to talk about the message they received from his step-dad. “I see… this is serious, but if my father has faith in me, I won’t let him down. I’ll make it my duty to learn and master the elements of harmony.” He said to them in confidence.

“Very well, starting tonight after the party is over I’ll inform the others and you shall be living in ponyville from now Erick. But, for now let’s enjoy ourselves.” Princess Celestia said to Erick as she walked back into the party crowd.

“Well…. I’ll be lying if I said I’m not gonna miss you, but I visit you whenever I can in your dreams. So let’s us return to the party.” Luna walked out to the crowd, but went back to Erick “I almost forgot. Consider this your departure gift from me to you, my foalhood friend.” Luna then went up to her friend and kissed him on the check and left. Erick just stood there paralyzed by the action his friend did to him.

“Well… I better go back to the party.” He said to himself as he walked back to the party.

End of Ch.9