Mastering the elements: the Earth pony chronicles

by Eriku719

First published

An alicorn from the past becomes the 7th element of harmony,but must learn about the other elements.

In order to use the 7th element, he must learn the importance of the other elements before a new evil comes to take over Equestria.
(This is my first fanfic ever and I really hope it's interesting in any way to others. If it gets hated on I understand)

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was wonderful night in the canterlot gardens, Luna brought forth a beautiful moon and the royal night guard were on patrol. however, that night would soon become a night to remember for the royal sisters. As one unicorn guard does his patrol he thinks to himself "This is really boring, nothing ever happens in the night, and I wasn't able to drink my coffee today."

Then out of nowhere his horn glowed letting him know that something big was about to go down. As he starts walking towards the statues of the gardens, he fines other guard with a glowing horn as well.

"You sensed it too?'' the guard said.

"yeah." said the other.

"you think that was came from that dragon like statue again?" said the previous guard

"no... this is something much different." said the second guard.

Soon enough the statue of star swirled the bearded was shooting sparks from its horn until it let out one last shot to the ground where a sphere came out and out came the sphere was a stallion.

"that stallion looks hurt". said the 1st guard "we should go help him and question him later."

"agreed" said the 2nd guard. As they both came up towards the body, they started both notice odd features on it. At first glance they though it was a earth pony but then as they got closer they found wings and a horn on it.

"What the?" Said first guard in confusion, but the other guard stood there in silence until he finally spoke

"stay here with the stallion I must tell the princess." said the second guard.

"why?" he said to himself as the other left at full gallop. As he runs through the hall,he fines a bedroom door guarded by two more guards. "Let me in, its an emergency." As he entered the bedroom he fines a white princess in her pajamas.

"Your highness I have important news.... The alicorn has returned." this news left Celestia in shock.

Just as she was in her bedroom, she suddenly disappeared with her magic to the gardens to fine the guard with the said alicorn. "My goodness can it really be?" as she took the alicorn from the guard and held the alicorn her hooves, a tear fell from her cheek as she talked to the unconscious stallion "it's been so long, many thought you were dead but me and my sister never gave up on you"

. "Your highness? Who is this stallion? " said the guard.

"An old friend my little pony. I want you to take him to my bedroom and lay him there while I inform my sister." Said the princess.

"Yes your Highness" said the guard as he took the body to the bedroom, princess celestia used her magic to write a letter to her sister and send it. Just as the message was sent, the princess of the night appeared in the same room celestia was in.

"Is what you wrote true my sister? Is sir Erick really here?" Said Luna in both confusion and excitement.

"Yes my dear sister, But you do know what this mean my sister?" Said celestia in a serious tone. Luna then turned serious as well. "The prophecy has shown its first sign."

After a few minutes the alicorn woke up from his rest,but with eyes closed " head... what happened?" he said to himself. He the heard a voice "it's o.k. Erick your among safe hooves." Erick then open his eyes more and fines to faces he remebers from his past. "Is this real? Can it actually be?" said the confused alicorn as he was suddenly hugged by both sisters.

"I so happy to see you again." said the older sister.

"Yes, tis truely a wonder moment to my best friend from my foalhood again." said the younger sister with a breaking voice.

As the hug continue Erick thought to himself, "I guess this mean the spell worked star swirl..... thank you for letting me see my friends again." Erick then broke from the hug and said "Perhaps we should continue this in the morning, for now I must rest." he said.

After awhile of walking around he found an old bedroom and opened the door, "I must say they do know how to preserve a bedroom" he said to himself as he entered his old bedroom.

He then laid down on his bed and found a picture next to him, it was a picture of a young filly with her even younger sister and her friend. As he reminse the picture, he started talking to himself again, "I'm glad one them of ponies found me, without them I problely wouldn't even be here." he then went sleep and had a dream of his past.


It was a warm summer afternoon as a young princess was teaching her sister the basics of unicorn magic. "Now what did we learn today my little sister?" said Celestia.

"Don't turn the wobins into fruit sister." little Luna said in disappointment of herself.

"Now now don't worry sis. one day you'll have magic so powerful, you'll be able to help the ponies of Canterlot
fall asleep." said her sister.

As they were walking home they notice a familar unicorn at the garden. "Mister Star Swirl, what brings you here to the gardens?" said Luna.

"Hello young ones, I was just here because I could've sworn I heard crying and I assumed it was little luna falling down and getting hurt." said the bearded unicorn.

"Hey... I'm a wig filly mister Star swirl." said the little alicorn.

Star Swirl chuckled and pets the filly, "Of course you are Luna, anyways I looked around and I found this little colt right here under my statue." he said as he showed a little alicorn to the sisters.

"This can't be." said Celestia, "I thought only alicorns comes from our family and I never seen him before."

"Well then I guess this mean he's not with you then." Star swirl then turned to the little colt. "So tell me young colt, where are you from?" the colt just responed with a shy look and turned away for the bearded unicorn.

"Do you know where your parents are?" said Celestia. The alicorn was still silent and shook his head no.

"Do you know where you are?" asked Star swirl, but to be responed by another no and a small tear drop falling from the little alicorn's face.

"Could I speak with you for a minute lady tia?" said Star Swirl.

"Yes of course, Luna stay here and don't get near him."

"O.k big sis" said Luna as her sister left her behind

"So what should we do with him?" said the bearded unicorn.

" I don't know, it might be a bad idea to bring a guest, let alone a mysterious alicorn to our palace."said Celestia.

As the older ponies continued to talk the young alicorns were left to do nothing. It took awhile for Luna to break the silence but she soon spoke to him "So....How are you?"

the colt alicorn looked at her in a blank stare. "I.... notice you don't have your cutie mark yet?" he just shruged in response to her question.

"Can..Can I ask you something?" the alicorn shruged again, "Do you know your name?" the alicorn shook his head yes. "Well can you tell me?"

The alicorn soon spoke to Luna

"My name's E*mutters*"



"Could you say that again?"

''Erwick" said the alicorn.

"Oh... my name is wuna and it's nice to meet you Erwick." said Luna.

" So then.... can I ask you questions? if you don't feel answering just say pass. o.k?" said luna.

"O.k" said Erick

"Do you remember how you got here?"


"Do you know how your parents look like?"


"Why didn't you answer to my sister or mister Star Swirl?"


And it went on and on. some questions were answers and then the other came back

"O.k Luna it's time to go home." said her sister.

"But what about Erwick?" said Luna.

"How did you figure out his name?" asked her sister

"I asked his name" said the little filly.

"You got him to talk?" said Star swirl in shock.

"Well sorta." said Luna.

"Well then until we figure out why he's here, I'll take him with me to my home. Is that o.k. with you Erick?" said Star Swirl.

"O.k" as they parted way Erick say his final words to Luna for the day, "I hope we can see each other again Wuna."

Luna said with a smile "Of course...... Friend."

The sun came up and awoken Erick from his sleep. AS he looked out of his bedroom window, he took in a breath of fresh air and said to himself. "Wonder whats for breakfast?"

End of ch.1 (please like or comment. if.... that o.k with you of course.")

Chapter 2

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Chapter. 2

As he finished looking outside, a sudden urge came to him. One he had not felt for over five centuries. He tried to fight it, but this was a battle he can't win

"I GOTTA GO BAD!!!" he said to himself.

Erick then ran out of his room to find a restroom to use. The search would be pointless because he would become lost. The clock was ticking and soon he found himself outside the castle and in the garden again. It was too late for him, he couldn't go back to the castle without leaving a trial, but he soon found hope in the shape of a bush.

Meanwhile at the royal dinning room, we find our two sister waiting for a certain somepony to join them for breakfast.

"I wonder what's taking him so long." said the princess of the night.

"Well he has been gone for over four hundred years. Maybe he's just confused on where to go. I mean the castle sure has changed over the centuries." said the princess of the day.

"That maybe true, but if he is lost then he should ask one of our servants where we are." said luna

"Well maybe he wanted to explore the castle some mo-" she stop speaking as she looked outside the window of the dinning room and notice a stallion near a bush with a face of relief. "OH MY DEAR ME!!!" Said Celestia in shock.

"What is it sist-" Luna turned to direction her sister was facing and her face of curiousity soon turned to one of disgust. She then open the window and yelled with her Cantlot voice "ERICK! WHAT IN EQUESTRIA YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?"

Erick then turned to where the voice was coming from and he then turned red in embarrassment. "I'm sorry it just that I couldn't find a restroom and I had no other choice." he said.

"That gives you no excuse to use a bush." said Celestia. "Now get in here before anyone see you." she said as she used her magic to open a nearby door to the kitchen. Where Erick soon made his way in and into the dining room.

"Please forgive me. I didn't do it on purpose. I just could't hold it any longer and the restroom i remember wasn't there. It was just a wall waiting for me."

"Don't worry. All is forgiven. Now come and sit down. breakfast is waiting for you." Said Celestia as they went to the table and ate. Soon after eating they started to have a serious discussion.

"So then how long has in been? three, four centuries?" asked luna

"Five centuries your highness." said Erick "And I thinking I know what's happening here."

"At least you still have a brain." Said Celestia as she used her magic to bring a book fromthe castle's library, "This is an encyclopedia of historical events from five hundred years ago to now, I expect you to read this book on a daily basis if you want to understand what the world is like now."

"I understand your highness,but for now perhaps could either of you give me tour of the castle grounds? To help me navigate my way around here and to not have anymore events like this morning to happen again." said Erick

"A good idea." said Luna "Now follow me as I will show you the castle and all of it's glory." The tour went smoothly and Luna and Erick soon stopped at the grand hall. "And that ends our tour. Any questions?"

Erick was silent as he stared at what seems to be glass portriats of six ponies againist a familar pony. the same ponies again but with a dragon like creature, an unknown unicorn and another female alicorn againist a pony of some sort, and last the same alicorn with a dragon in the middle and a dark figure on top. "Who are these ponies and others?"

"This is where all the heroes of Equestria are illustrated" said luna "Those six ponies are the new elements of harmony, Those two are the Crystal empire's princess and her husband, and last is the crystal empire princess again and the elements of harmony's dragon friend." said luna

"And the others?"

"The enemies of Equestria." said Luna "The dark figure is king Sombra, that pony-like creature was the changeling queen Chrysalis, that dragon is the agent of chaos is discord, and the last one..... was me."

Erick turned to luna in shock "You!?"

"Yes" said Luna "I was known as Nightmare moon, but the elements of harmony saved me from myself."

"Wow..... to beleive that these heroes saved equestria is amazing." said Erick "Maybe one day I'll see these heroes."

"Well if you ever going to meet them your going to want to get a mane cut and brush your teeth..... it smells." said Luna.

"How does one brush him own teeth? is that even possible?"

"Oh yeah that's right, toothpaste wasn't wasn't around when you were still here." said Luna. Both of the alicorns now find themselves in a bathroom stall and facing a mirror. "Now then first you wash your toothbrush, then you put the the toothpaste on the scrubby part, and finally you put it in your mouth and scrub your teeth in little circles. After that, you then drink some water and spit it out. Simple? Now you try." she said as she hovered a new toothbrush and places it in his hooves.

"O.k. then..... wash brush, put paste on, and now I put it in my mouth." As he does his first scrub a sudden sensation of mint and spice hits his mouth. It was more than what the stallion could take.

"HHHOOOOOTTTTTT!!!" He said as he tried to reach for the water.

"Don't you dare grab that water." Luna said as she stops him and brush his mouth for him. "Stop moving or else it'll hurt more."

"MY MOUTH IS BURNING!!!" said Erick with his mouth full of foams of mints. The more he tried to fight back the worse it gotten. Erick soon found himself stumbling out the restroom and into a hall with a princess on him and a toothbrush in his mouth. "LET GO." He said as he's trys to pull her off his head.

"Not until your bad breath is minty fresh." Erick soon tripped and they both fell. With the stallion tired, Luna knew she won the struggle. "Now that wasn't so bad was it? Here's your water"

As Erick finished drinking the water and spiting back in the cup he said "Never....Again." They both looked at each other and started to laugh. They then both heard footsteps coming from across the hall.

"Well it sounds like you had a nice a time brushing." said Celestia giggling. " I overheard your conversation you had before and I agree with Luna. If you want meet a hero or anypony else I suggest looking nice." She said as she hands Erick a bag of bits.

"What's this for?" Said the confused Stallion.

"I want both you and luna to go visit a barber I know in Canterlot. In other words.... prepare to see the outside world Erick." Said the princess with a smile on her face.

"Yes your highness." Erick said with excitement.

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Come on Erick, we're wasting time." Said an irratated Luna waiting outside his.

"Almost finish." Said Erick. Twenty minutes later and the stallion finally comes out with a upscale casual shirt and jacket.

"Very smart of you Erick. you wear the shirt to hide your wing from the public. Now you look like an average unicorn now." said a satisified Luna.

"Um... actually I'm wearing this because of the clothes policy you gals put up. Remember Luna?" said Erick

"Actually we lifted that policy, now we wear clothes for ceremonies and other special events." Luna said.

"So that means...... some ponies are.....n-n-n-naked!?" said a nervous Erick.

"Actually it's quite normal now-a-days, maybe you should bring your encyclopedia to understand the world so more. Now off we go." Said Luna

"Good idea." said Erick as he hurried off with luna and a book inside the bag of bits Celestia gave him.

as they left the castle and entered the city of Canterlot. As they trotted down the city, Erick was like a colt in a candy store, he couldn't take his eyes of the buildings of stores, markets, resturants and the citizens. He's was especally exited about seeing buildings and statues of his youth.

"Wow I remember this place." said Erick as he stopped near a fountain in the center of town. "We used to play here alot when you would sneak out." Said Erick as he soon pulled out a bit from his bag and tossed it into the water.

"What did you wish for Erick?" said Luna

"I good manecut." Said Erick.

Soon after, they made there way to the Barber shop, where they were greeted by a nice old stallion. "Why hello there young one. What brings you here today?" said the barber.

"A pleasure to meet you Mr.Barber, I would like a manecut please."said Erick as he sat down on a chair, "And make it look nice sir."

After fifthteen minutes, Erick was then showed his new cut. A short head of hair with a little mohawk on the tip of his mane. "I thank you sir." Said Erick as he pay him with the bits he had. He approach luna with his new mane. "How do I look?" asked Erick as he got a chuckle in response.

"You look wonderful, now then I decided that we should get something to eat, if you follow me we should be near a donut shop where we can get some lunch." said Luna

"Do-nut???" said a confused Erick. They soon found themselves seated inside a shop and Erick finds himself face to face with a dozen of circular bread, covered in chocolate, sprinkles, or glazed.

"Just try one." Said Luna as she used her magic to pick up a fork and knife to cut a piece of a chocolate donut. "Open wide. Ahhh." said Luna.

Erick would soon be surprised with the taste of sweetness in his mouth. "Wow this is really good." Said Erick. "I think I may have found my new favortie food."

"Glad you like Erick." said Luna, After lunch and exploring the city, the sun started to set, which means it was almost time for Luna to rise the moon. So they started their walk back to the castle. Luna then started to talk to Erick without paying attention to him "You know Erick.... I'm glad I was able to be with you today." Said Luna

"Me too.... I'm glad to have you as a friend." said Erick.They continued to talk some more, however Erick then soon got distracted as he accidently went another direction than Luna. It took Luna thirty minutes to realized she was talking to herself and had lost Erick.

"Oh sweet Celestia." She said to herself. She then turned back to what will soon be a useless attempt in finding her friend.

As Erick went further into the city, he found himself a weird building. It was long instead of tall. As he entered the building he found what looked to him as a giant wagon made of metal, with doors and windows on the side on seats on the inside. He looked to see if anyone was in this wagon. He peeked in and found a stallion looking at him angerly.

" Your late coal-colt." said the stallion as he dragged Erick into the train. "You have fifthteen minutes to get ready to shovel."

"Um..... o.k?" said Erick. "What I'm I supposed to do?" Ask Erick nervously.

" It's simple oats for brains, shovel the coal into the engine to get the train moving. I swear these coal-colts gets dumber by each stop." said the stallion irrated


"You know what I don't have time for this." Said the stallion as he poked his head out the window and yelled with all his might. "ALL ABOARD!!!!! NEXT STOP PONYVILLE!" As soon as he said that, hundreds of ponies start to enter the train and seated themselves.

While Luna was still searching she got frighten by the train's loud roar to signal its leave. "I looked everywhere, but still no sign of him where could he go-.......... Oh no." She then starting running towards the train station. As the train was leaving she caught a glimpse of Erick shoveling coal to the train's engine. "Erick!!!" said Luna as she spreaded her wings to fly and catch up with the train.

"Luna! Don't worry about me, You have a moon to raise. I'll be in ponyville!" Said Erick as the train left Luna behind. Luna then Returned to castle with a worried sister waiting for her and Erick. Luna then brought forth the moon and night before she had to confront her sister. " Sis..... I have some bad news.... I lost Erick on a train and now he's on his way to ponyville."

"....... That's o.k. Luna. At least you tried to find him and also we now know where he's going. We'll head to ponyville tomarrow a.s.a.p. and find him." She said to a sadened princess. "Look on the bright side...... he has a presentable mane now." she said to get a laugh out of he sister, " And also he'll be with my faithful students and her friends, so everything with be alright."

As the train was traveling down its tracks the conductor of the trains told Erick, "Alright kid, you take a break and grabs some grub and sleep. We'll be alright for the the night."

"Um... thanks? but I don't know where's the food or the beds." said Erick.

" Just go to the food cart and sleep in the resting cart it's as simple as that coal-colt." said the conductor.

"Um... thanks?" As Erick tried to find his way to the food cart, he couldn't stoped turning red. " How could these ponies be o.k. with not wearing clothes!?" he said under his breath. When he finally made it to the food cart and grabbed his food, there was no place to sit but the floor until he heard a mare call to him with a southern voice.

"Over here fella." said the mare

As he turned his head towards the direction of the voice, he sees an orange mare with blond hair and a hat on and a little filly with red hair and a big bow on it. he then sat and thanked the mare for her generosity. "No problem sir, you looked like you needed a seat anyways."

"Still nice of you Mrs....?"

"Actually it's miss Applejack, just Applejack, or you could called me A.J. for short."

" And I'm applebloom. Her sister Mr....?"

"Erick..... Erick Flowers. Charmed to meet you both." Said Erick to his new friends.

chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As they all sat down and enjoyed their meal, some questions were asked to each other.

"So tell me what's it like to be a coal-colt Erick?" said Applejack

"Well to be honest I got on here by accident and they assumed I was one their employees, but since I'm in this... thing I may as well explore this ponyville then." replied Erick.

"Well if ya wants a guide around town, I'm your mare." said Applejack

"Me too." said her little sister. "Maybe I can get my cutie mark in being tour guide. Wouldn't that be great sis?" said Applebloom

" Well then I guess I can't wait for this train to stop." Said Erick in delight.

"So where were you two coming from if you don't mind me asking." Erick asked

"Well we're coming back from a family visit in Manehatten." Said Applejack in response to Erick

"Yeah and I got to see my favorite cousin Babs." said Applebloom.

They all continued to talk to each other and asked questions. Everything went smoothly until Erick got asked an embarassing question.

"Um... mister Flowers can I ask you something?" Ask Applebloom

"Sure thing little one." said Erick

"Well..... it's about your cutie mark...... I noticed you don't have one...... did you ever found your special talent?"

Erick was then silent, he never onced though that a question like that would come up in their conversation. He had to think of answer for the filly.

"Well...... I guess not..... I nevered worried about my cutie mark where I spent most of my life." said Erick.

"Wow..... that mean if you never found your cutie mark, you can join the cutie mark crusaders!" said applebloom in Delight.

"Huh?" said Erick in confusion.

Soon after they finished their dinner, it was time for bed. "Well looks like their no place for me to sleep." said Erick. "Guess I'll just sleep on the floor."

"Oh horse apples Erick. If you want, you can sleep with me and my sis tonight.' Applejack offered.

"WHAT!" said Erick in panic

"What's wrong mister Flowers?" said the filly.

"THE PROBLEM IS.......well...... call me old fashioned, but I believe mares and stallions can only sleep together if they're siblings or married." said Erick.

"Well if your that bothered by it.... you can sleep on the floor of our room. That way, ya can have a place to catch some Zs and keep your principles." said Applejack.

"Well..... I guess that's o.k" And so Erick accepted A.J's and setted up a bed for himself. He then pulled out the encyclopedia from the bag of bits given to him from Celestia. " well good night. I'll be up for awhile, I got to read this book." said Erick

"You know, I think you would like this mare I know, she really like her books." said Applejack as she tucked her sister and herself to sleep.

As the night went on Erick used the moonlight to help him read his book. By midnight he completed a quarter of the encyclopedia before falling asleep. "Wow.... the times sure did change. It feel like yesterday, I was just a colt and I fell asleep under *yawns* his hooves....... zzzzzzzz"


It's been 3 moths since his encounter with the alicorn sisters and the bearded unicorns, secret playdates were made for Erick and Luna in order for his to become more opened to others, but most of all he had a home in a small house/laboratory.

"Erick wake up. breakfast is ready." said the Bearded unicorn to his new roomate

"Yay. Breakfast. I hope it's what I think it is." said the excited colt as he rushed down his make-shift room. Waiting for him was a plate of pancakes and an smiling unicorn.

"So.... what are we going to do today starswirl?" said the young Erick with a mouth of pancakes

"Just some experimenting and maybe if you been a good foal, you can see your little friend." Said Starswirl.

And so the day went on from there. Starswirl and his colt did some experminting, Erick grew a mustache from an expermint gone wrong, he learn more magic spells and shared it with the little wuna on their playdates and much more.

As starswirl sat and watched Erick play with Luna, he began talking with Luna's older sister. "You know..... we can't be hiding him from the public any longer.... one day we have to show him to the king."

"Not until we find out who his parents are." argued the teen princess

"But that's the thing..... I checked over and over again, all day and night..... he dosen't seem to have any family members..... maybe.... maybe he's just.....nothing" said Starswirl

"..... Don't you ever say that" said Celestia, "He is something to somepony, weather you or your science say he isn't." said the Princess.

Soon after the playdate, it was time for Erick to go home. Night came and Erick soon hudled with Starswirl near a fireplace for warth.

"Hey starswirl can I say something?" asked Erick

"Anything you want." said The bearded pony.

"I'm glad I met you." said Erick with a smile and herested in his hooves

"Me too." said Starswirl.

"I.....I *yawns*..... I love you dad." said Erick as he finally fell asleep in his hooves.

As he said those words, the discussion he had with Celestia came back to his mind and he soon realized..... he was something..... to him

"I love you too........ Son."those were his final words as he slept along side his new Son.

End of chapter 4

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Wake up..... wake up...... come on Erick, we're here." said somepony in a quiet, calm tone.

As the stallion finaly awakens, he opened his eyes to see two sisters with their saddles waiting for him. He looked outside the window to notice the train had stopped moving and had stopped at another train station. "Well what do you know, my shoveling did get us to ponyville." said Erick to the sisters.

As he walked out of the train and setted his hooves on the platform, he then followed the crowd of ponies and soon found himself staring at a new city. He looked around and smiled, "Wow.......what a nice place. not big, but not too small, it's almost like like the old canterlot I remember." He said to himself.

"Well then let be the first to say wel-" said Applejack as she caught up with Erick.

"Welcome to ponyville." said the mare's little sister "And we shall guide you around for you to have the true ponyville expericence."

"Well then, I rely on you two to show me what this town is all about." Said Erick to his tour guides.

At their first stop, Erick was taken to what he thought was an edible bakery due to its design to look like a gingerbread house.

"Well this here is sugarcube corner." Said Applejack.

"Your really going to like it here, they make the sweetest, tastiest cupcakes you'll ever eat." said Applebloom

"Well now that you talk about food, I believe we hadn't had breakfast yet." Said Erick as he opened the door of the bakery for them. "After you miss app-" We he suddenly intertupted as he notice a pink blur pass by him and tackled his friend.

"Oh A.J. your finally back, this called for a 'welcome back from your trip' party!" said the excited pink pony as she hugged her friend.

"I'm guessing she knows that pony?" Erick asked to applebloom.

"That's pinkie pie,one of ma sis' friends and she's also one the bakers of sugarcube corner." said Applebloom

"It nice to see you again pinkie," said Applejack to her friend as she released her grip on her. "But fer now, we would all like some breakfast."

"Okie dokey loki, I'll have some cupcakes ready for you and applebloom soon." said pinkie.

"Wait don't forget my friend here too." Applejack said to pinkie as she pointed to the stallion who was still holding the door for them.

" *gasp* a new friend! why didn't you tell me! I'll make these cupcakes extra special then." said the excited pony

As they all seated themselves, Erick looked around the shop and saw all the happy ponies eating their sweet, pasteries and such. So far, the bakery is living up to its name. Not long after they seated themselves, their food was brought to them and soon Erick will have to face a new sweet, frosted, sprinkled oppenent.

As he stared down his small enemy he reached over to him and picked it up, he was about to end it in one move, the super munch of destiny! He then soon ate a bit of the top of the cupcake.

"Wow this is really, really good." he said to himself. "I like the design, color and taste."

"Thanks, I baked it with extra sprinkles and I baked it just for you. It's what I bake for anypony I never seen in ponyville mister....?"

"Flowers, Erick Flowers and you are?"

"I'm pinkie pie, and I hope we have fun together." Said the pink baker.

"Me too pinkie, but for now I'm just exploring the town with my guides." said Erick

"Oh I know I'll join with you and maybe we can soe more fun." said pinkie. AS the finally finished their food and paid for them, they went off to explore some more. As they were walking about, Erick soon stopped to stare at a building shaped liked a carousel. "What's that over there?"

"Oh. Oh. Oh. it's Carousel Boutique. It's wear my friend sweetie belle and her sis live. Come on I'll show you." said Applebloom eagarly as he took Erick by the hoof to the carousel.

"Sweetie belle, you home?" said Applebloom

As she called out to her friends she heard hoofsteps coming her way and up the stairs are two little fillies and a mare, one white unicorn with an elegant mane, another unicorn, but with other colors in it, and last a pegasus with a scruffy mane.

"Applebloom your back." Said the unicorn filly in delight.

"Were you able to find your cutie mark?" said the young pegasus as she raced down to hug her friend.

"No, but I think I may have found a new crusader. Erick I like you to meet my friends, sweetie belle and Scootaloo." Said applebloom.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you two." he said to the fillies. "And you must be Sweetie belle's sister? If I was informed correctly?"

"Why yes you most certain are my good sir. My name is Rarity and I am the designer here at Carousel Boutique." said the Elegant mare.

"I must say you do have a wonderful Boutique, Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Erick Flowers, but you can call me Erick."

"Very well Erick, and dare I ask where did you get these clothes?"

"Well I had them for..... awhile now?" He said to Rarity as he also realized that his clothes were over four hundred years old and counting.

"Well you must simply take those horrid clothes off this instant." said Rarity.

"Rarity. How could you say that to Erick? You just met him." Said Pinkie Pie.

"Well I'm sorry Pinkie dear, it's just that with these clothes, it just makes a bad first impression." Said Rarity

"Well I think he looks pretty good in them." Said Applejack.

"Well she may have a point Applejack, I had these clothes for quite some time now. If you would so kind to show me what I should wear, then I will wear it and pay for it." said Erick

"For you, I'll do it for free." said the generous pony as she guided him to the dressing room. "Now then the first thing we to do in measure your height, size, and width, so please take off your clothes so we can get started." She said as she used her magic to bring a measuring tape to her.

The moment she mentioned the words "Clothes" and "off", Erick started to panic "ARE YOU CRAZY! I'M NOT TAKING OFF MY CLOTHES!" said Erick

"But if you don't, then we'll get an inaccurate measure." said Rarity.

He had to think of an excuse fast, and it suddenly came to him. "Wouldn't it be embarrassing to see a stallion naked in front of you. I noticed you seem to have clothes for mares, but not for stallions." This sudden realization suddenly made Rarity turn red as well.

"Oh dear me your right, here take this and measure yourself," said Rarity as she threw the measuring tape at him. "I'll be waiting for you outside with the others." Said rarity as she walked out of the dressing room.

As she lefted Erick finally took off his clothes and measured himself. After that, he checked on his wings and stretched them out before putting back on his old clothes.

As they waited for Erick, Pinkie and A.J. couldn't help but notice her as red as A.j's apples. "He any reason why your red?" Asked Applejack.

Rarity sooned wisphered what Erick said to her and just as she, Applejack turned red as well. "Do me next, I want be red too." said Pinkie in excitement. After that, Pinkie just sat down and looked at the floor quietly

Erick soon came out the dressing rooms with all of the measurements written on paper. "O.k. I'm done here you go Rarity." Rarity soon rushed towards him and took the paper from him.

"This may take awhile so come back in an hour or so to pick it up." Said Rarity as she entered "Her zone."

"Well I think you can handle it from here sis. me and friends got some crusading to do."Applebloom said as she left with her friends.

"Well then shall we continue with our tour?" said Erick

"Of coruse Erick." said Applejack.

"And Erick," said Pinkie pie.


"Your a nice stallion for what you told Rarity." said Pinkie.

"Um...... thanks?"

End of ch. 5

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As they continue their tour, they stopped at the middle of a field and looked up at the sky to find a sole cloud floating there. "So what are we looking at here? it's just a cloud." the confused Alicorn asked to the pink and orange earth ponies.

Then out of nowhere something flew off the cloud with a rainbow trial following it and just before the mysterious was about to crash to Erick, it just stopped right in front of him. Erick then saw a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane staring at him.

"So your the new pony that's been hanging around my friends huh?" Said the pegasus

"How do you know who I am?" asked Erick

"Well as I was clearing the sky of the clouds, I noticed you walking along with my friends, so I decide that I should watch you from my cloud to see if you're a cool guy or guy..... right now your about a seven out of ten." said the Rainbow pegasus.

"Well then I guess your a friend of A.J. and pinkie? Well then, a friend of theirs is a friend of mine. A pleasure to meet you miss my name is Erick Flowers and you are?" asked the alicorn as he stick his hoof out.

"The name's Rainbow Dash, and don't you forget it because your looking at the newest captain of the wonderbolts." said the Pegasus with a cocky attitude.

"Wow your a wonderbolt!?" said the Alicorn

Rainbow dash then looked down at the ground, "Well.... not yet.... but I know it's my destiny. Anyways nice to meet Flower Power."

"Flower Power?" said the Alicorn

"Yeah, it the new nickname I thought of for you. You like?" said Rainbow dash.

"Well what's wrong with my name?" said Erick

"There's nothing wrong with it, it just needs to be about 20% percent cooler." Said the rainbow pegasus.

"You gotta admit, it does sound nicer." Said the orange earth pony.

"Not to mention it's catchy. Fower Power into powder mix it up to it up to get some sour. See?" said the pink pony.

"Very well then, you call me that.Well then I noticed you have a book under your wing, may I see it?" said Erick.

"Well actually it's due today at the library, if you want you can come with me to check out the book after I return it, and maybe we can have a little race?" said Rainbow dash

"That's sounds like fun. but I don't know where the library is." said Erick.

"Just follow me, besides your most likely going to be in second anyways." said the cocky pegasus.

"Oh it's on." Said Erick. As they both line up with each other, they wait for pinkie to give the signal to go.

" ready? in 3...2...1... GO!" As she said those words a trail of dust and rainbows were left behind with her and Applejack. As they both race their way to the library, Erick started to lose some steam and was slowing down a steady pace.

"Hah. told you can't beat me cause I'm the fastest pegasus in all of Equest-" she was suddenly stopped by the impact of her face to a tree house. "I win" said the dizzy pegasus.

As Erick finally made his way to the tree house, he saw Rainbow dash being aided by a purple unicorn and a baby dragon. He then followed them to check on Rainbow dash.

" Now Rainbow dash remember to always look what's ahead of you, I'm running out of bandages for you and thanks for returning the book." the unicorn then turned to Erick. "I guess you must be Dashie's newest competitor. Well its nice to meet a new face, my name is twilight sparkle." said the unicorn.

"Well nice to meet you miss Sparkle, I'm Erick flower, or as she likes to call me Flower Power." said Erick.

"And I'm Spike, nice too meet you Er- *Burp*" As the dragon burped, a letter came out of his mouth and onto Erick's hooves, as he caught it he saw a fimilar seal on it, it was one that he's seen many times in his past.

"Wow, A letter from Celestia." Said Erick

"Why yes.... how did you know?" Asked the purple unicorn.

"Well...... let's just I know what I'm talking about." He said as he saw Pinkie Pie and Applejack enter the tree house. "Hey gals look a letter from celestia." said Erick

"Well then, I wonder what it saids" Said Applejack.

"Don't keep us in suspense." Said Rainbow Dash

"Open it, I bet it's some good news" said Pinkie Pie.

As Twilight used her magic to take the letter from Erick and opened it, she read out loud

"To my faithful Student,

I am here to ask you to look around ponyville. For a dear old friend of mine and Luna has gotten out the wrong train...."

"Hey wait maybe he was in the same train as we were. Huh Erick?" said Applejack as Erick tried to slowly step out of the house.

"He's a tall......unicorn witha black mane and tan fur color."

"Just like you Erick" said Pinkie as Erick hurried his pace

"Also what is up with that long pause?" Said Dashie and Erick finally made it to the door.

"If you think you found him call out his....... ERICK FLOWER!?" said Twilight as she used her magic to shut the door Erick could make his escape.

"Uh oh." said Erick as he was being stared down my four mares and a dragon.

End of Ch.6

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Explain yourself Erick." said Twilight. "How do you know both princess Celestia and Luna?"

" what the letter said, I'm an old friend of theirs." Erick responded.

"Then tell me why Celestia never mentioned you while I was studying under her?" said Twilight.

"Look.... it's really hard to explain my friendship to others. You wouldn't understand." Said Erick.

"Well you ain't leaving until you tell us." Said Applejack

"So starting talking." Said Rainbow dash as she pushed Erick onto a chair pinkie pie placed right behind him.

"I said no." He said to them angerly.

The arguement continued on until they finally pushed him to his limits. "I SAID NO!!!" At the same time Erick said those words his horn suddenly glew and teleport him another place along with his stuff.

"Where did he go?" Said Pinkie as she looked under the chair to see if he was there.

"Don't worry Pinkie," said Twilight as she used her own magic and make a hologram radar to pin-point Erick's location "He won't get away from us. A.J. and Pinkie, you two go tell Rarity what's happening while me, spike and Rainbow Dash look for our escapee." As they all splited up, Twilight had the most determined looked in her face. "I'm going to find out your secret Erick mark my words." Twilight said to herself.

Our Alicorn's teleportation spell took him above a river where he fell into and got himself wet, luckly his encyclopedia was still dry. A little wet on the edges, but still dry. "That was a close one. I almost gave in," Erick said to Himself "But now..... I have no Idea where I am; and even if I used the book, I still couldn't find my way back to ponyville, not I like I wanted to go back there anytime soon."

And so he decide to walk upstream of the river to avoid encounters with his friends, he soon found himself a place to rest and hang his clothes as they dry, but little did he know he was being watched.

As time went on, Erick suddenly heard a bush behind him russel. He soon hid behind the tree where his clothes are hanging. "If their is anyone out there, show yourself and I will show myself as well." no response.

Eventually Erick then decide to step forward to see what was in the bush. He was so relieved to see it was a white rabbit that was making all the noise. "Well hey there little fella, what brings you here? Did you come here to give me some compa-" Suddenly out of the bushes came out a yellow pegasus who was looking for the bunny as well.

"Oh there you Angel, I was worried you got lost and th-" She suddenly stopped as she came face to face with with the Alicorn. They both Stared at each other, the silence was then broken as the yellow pegasus screamed in a quiet fright.

"ahhh." she then took Angel away from Erick and just continued to stare at him.

Erick was completely frozen in shock, this pegasus found him with his clothes off, she now knows that he's an alicorn, he then tried to approach her slowly. "Ma'am if you can just let me explain."

"Yo-yo-your an alicorn mister." said the pegasus.

"Well yes I know, but please let me explain."

"B-Bu-But their are only three alicorns." the yellow said

"Just please.... let me speak. I promise I won't hurt you or your bunny." Erick said in hopes of making progress with the pegasus.

The pegasus soon calmed down and took a deep breath. "O.k........if...if... you say so." The pegasus soon sat down near where Erick is and he sat down too. Erick then soon explained to the pegasus what's his situation to her in hopes she'll understand.

"Oh I see, your running away from four ponies because your afraid of them knowing about your secret about your wings and friendship with the princesses?" said the pegasus.

"Yes, that's exactly it... and that you know.... I guess your going to ponyville and tell the public huh?" Erick said in despair.

"No..... I promise to keep your secret, and maybe you can stay with me for awhile...... that is.... if it's o.k with you?" The pegasus said.

Erick soon looked at her face in delight. "You really mean that?"

"Of course Mister Erick." said the pegasus

"Thank you so much." Erick then hugged her and she hugged him back before both there turned red and they released their hug on each other. "Um.... anyways we should get going miss..... what was your name again?"

"It's F-F-Fluttershy Erick" She said as they both got up and started walking towards her home.

When they finally made it to her house, Erick was surpraised to so many animals at her home. "So..... I guess you like animals alot." He said to Fluttershy.

"Oh yes I just love all kinds of critters, big or small, because they're all my friends." She said to him. "Now you must be so cold and tired, and your clothes could use some washing and drying."

"Oh no I couldn't let you do my laundry, it'll take up to much time." Said Erick

"Don't worry Erick, my animal friends will help me." and with that she sang a tune to call her animal friends as they took his clothes and got all the necessities need to wash and dry his clothes.

"Well...... if you need any help, just tell me." He offered to Fluttershy

"Well you can take Angel back to the cottage and help him and the other animals inside Take their afternoon nap." Said Fluttershy as she handed Angel to Erick. Angel then hopped on head and started to thump his head repeatedly to annoy him.

"Very well then, I'll get the job done." Erick said as he started walking to the cottage. As he made his way to the cottage, he stopped by a patch of grass and took a blade off it and continued walking. When he opened the door he took the annoying bunny off his head and placed him with the other animals.

"O.k. then you critters, your friend wanted me to help you sleep, and I always thought the best way to help anypony or animal in this case was with a little tune." He said as he took the blade of grass had and put it in his mouth. "I hope I still remember." He thought to himself.

He then started blowing on the grass and the sound of a whistle came from the grass. " I still got it." he said to himself as he started to play the grass whistle for the animals. no longer than five minutes did all the animals, including Angel fell asleep. As he finished his chore he turned around and found Fluttershy behind him with a smile.

"Wow, that was so beautiful," She said to Erick, "Where did you learn that?"

"My......... father taught me." He said to fluttershy as they stepped quietly to the kitchen.

Meanwhile back at the resting area Erick was in, Two ponies and a dragon were investingating the scene

"Well he was definitly here." Said spike

"But where is he now?" Said Twilight.

"I think I found a clue." Rainbow Dash said to them as she pointed out a set of wet hoof-prints going in a direction.

"Good job rainbow Dash, now we have a sense of direction and we're that much closer to finding Erick."

End of Ch.7

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As Erick sat himself down, fluttershy comes back with a teapot and cups. They serve themselves a cup of tea and started conversating.

"Once again I must thank for letting me stay here for now." said Erick

"It was no problem Erick, I'm sure you would've done the same thing if I was an alicorn." said Fluttershy

"I probably would've acted the same as you too." Erick said as they both laughed. Their time together would soon be cut short as Erick spotted a rainbow pony tail sticking out of a bush. He then calmly got up and walked away from the kitchen

"Great I think he saw us." Said Rainbow dash towards her friends. As she finished whisphering to Twilight and Spike, the others of the mane six showed up. "Get down" Twilight said to them as she pulled them to the bush and hid them.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked Rarity.

"It turned out that Erick is friends with the princess and he doesn't want to tell us his history with them and now we're planning on sneaking up on him while he's talking with fluttershy." said Spike.

"Oh my, if he acted like that then it must be a big secret, and I just love secrets." said Rarity.

As Erick left the kitchen he walked towards the living room and opened the window to sneak out.

"Wait don't go there. That's the everfree forest, the most dangerous, scariest place in all of Equestria." Fluttershy Warned Erick.

"I know that..... which is why it's the most perfect place to hide." Said Erick as he stepped outside. "Now listen to me Fluttershy..... It's best you forget you ever saw me. goodbye." Erick said as he galloped into the forest. At that same moment Fluttershy's door was opened by five ponies and a dragon.

As soon as he thought he was safe, he went at full speed, not caring where he was going as long as he was away from them, but as he went deeper into the forest, it started to become more treacherous for him.

"So tell me fluttershy... who were you talking to?" asked Rainbow dash.

"No one."

"Then why is their two cups of tea at the kitchen?" asked Applejack.

"Because it was for Angel bunny."

"He's asleep right now." said Spike.

"It's for when he wakes up."

"Do you have anymore tea?" Asked Pinkie Pie.


"Why is the window open if your telling to let your pets sleep?" Asked Twilight.

"Some got too warm."

"And why do you have stallion clothes hanging outside to dry?" Asked Rarity


"Well?" said Rarity

"B-B-Because I like cross-dressing."

The whole room was left at silence and confusion when Fluttershy said that response.

"For Celestia's sake we know you were talking to Erick." said Twilight. "What we want to know is that why are you protecting him?"

"Because he's a nice stallion and I don't think you need to chase him." said Fluttershy.

"But, he's hiding something and there only place he could've gone if was running away." Twilight said as she was staring outside the opened window. "And your coming with us."

As Erick continued galloping in the forest, he soon came upon a bridge and on the other side was an abandon building. "Perfect place for hiding." he said to himself as he crossed the bridge with caution.

As he entered the building he looked around and found some laboratory equipment on the floor and tables. "This looks like a lab, but for what?" As he continued to Explore the building he found an old binder with some barely readable notes and documents. He then read to himself.


Name: Professor Accord
Occupation: Elements of Harmony researcher.
- It's been 2 years since the beginning of our research, We have found six elements of harmony between the two alicorn sisters and fundings are still going smoothly.

*one week later*

-As we continue to research we keep finding less evidence of more elements still undiscovered.

*Months later*

-His Highness is threating to cut our funds, but I believe my newest discovery will convince him to change his mind about what to fund for research.

*one week later*

- The king is a fool! he denied my idea for the research of chaos magic. I will show him the potentials of this magic.

*one day later.*

-We have found a new element today, but it didn't show up from neither of the alicorns. I must dispose of it quickly for it might harmed my chaotic research.

*The next day.*

-All funds have been cut off, my colleagues have left with the Elements of Harmonies. What Fools they are not believing in my research.

*The rest of binder was nothing but scribbles until the last page.*


He shut the binder in fear of what he saw...... he fear soon turned to anger as the binder mention one pony. "His Highness." he said in anger. "His royal highness" as he got even madder a dark smog started to come off of him and into the sky.

"Hey gals look." Applejack pointed out to her friends. "You think Erick might be there?"

"It's definitely Erick, but that's not his usual magic. It looks like...... DARK MAGIC!?" said Twilight as she started running towards the smog with her friends behind.

Erick soon finally released his anger onto the laboratory by breaking everything in sight. "THAT STUPID, STUPID KING!!!" As broke more of his surroundings, the dark smog was starting to build up in the atomsphere and started to take the form of a winged beast. It was so big, than it could even be seen from Canterlot.

"Celestia! Come look." Luna Called out to her sister.

"The second sign...... The winged beast shall reveal itself at the center of of the strongest source of magic, filled with the biggest ammount of hatred." said Celestia.

"And from that hatred, the night shall be brought early, for the beast is Nocturnal." as soon as Luna said those words, the sky turned dark, but not because of her. "We must ready the Chariots and bring the guards with us."

"We must also bring the Elements of Harmony." Said Celestia

Twilight and her friends soon found Erick in the laboratory as they were shocked (except for Fluttershy) to see that their friend was alicorn, they had to speak to about what's happening. "Erick stop! your spewing out dark magic." said Twilight.


"Erick tell us why your your so angry, we can find a wayto calm you down." said Spike.

"CAN YOU TURN BACK TIME!? CAN STOP KING GALAXY FROM SENDING ME TO MY DEATH!?" said Erick in anger. Fluttershy soon decided to take action and walk closer to Erick.

"Fluttershy what are doing!" said Rainbow Dash to her.

"Erick...... it's me Fluttershy."

Erick soon turned to her.

"Erick please stop this.... your scaring everypony.... including."

"No! I love expressing myself." said Erick.

"Erick Please!" Fluttershy said as she ran up to him and hugged him, not knowing the dark magic would burn her a little, but she would let go. "As your friend I'm asking you to stop." she said as a tear drop fell from her from the pain.

Erick soon started to calm down because his conscience started to return to return to him. "Sweet Celestia....." He said as he saw an injured Fluttershy, five scared ponies and a dragon and complete destruction around him. "what have I don?" A mysterious voice coming from the smog coming from outside soon spoke.

"You have released me, your hatred has fueled and awoken me, I am Nocturne, The Deity of Darkness and Evil." and out from the smog came a giant Owl with pitch black feathers and Talons. "And now I have no use for you my little pony. for I shall rule this realm!"

End of Ch.8

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
As they all stared at the deity hovering above them, they slowly walked away from it to escape, but soon the owl started to attacking. As they began running towards the bridge that took them to the lab, a black blur passed by them and destroyed the only way out.

“Look like there’s nowhere to run, and now I’m going to stop the only thing in my way for complete domination of this world.” Said the owl.

Erick stood there for a while, “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, I need you two to carry your friends to safety.”

“But what about you?” said the rainbow mane pony?

“I’m going to buy you gals some time” he responded as ran back to the lab before anyone had time to respond to him. As the owl was about to strike down the mane six, Erick found some rocks and tubes and climbed his way to the roof of the lab. As soon as he aimed at Nocturne, he started throwing the rocks and tubes at him and kept making fun of him to get his attention. “Hey Nocturne, it looks like your losing some feathers, maybe you should try a comb over for those bald spots.”

The owl then turned his head towards Erick’s direction and was now going to attack him. “I’ll make you an example of what’s to come for your friends.” In one wing flap he was already in front of Erick and tried to grab him with his talons. Almost out of good luck he kept on missing his target.

As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash kept on taking their friends from one side to the other side of the everfree forest, they were concerned about what’s happening to Erick. “Come on girls, we have to think of something. Anything.” said Applejack.

“I agree, there must be something we can to help him.” Said Rarity.

As they were brain storming, Erick was finally got caught by nocturne. “Looks like I finally caught my snack.” Said the owl.

“It doesn’t matter as long as the others got away.” Said Erick as he tried to free himself from Nocturne.

“Oh don’t worry, why should your friends miss out on all the fun.” Said Nocturne. He then opened his wings and flapped them at the mane six, when he did, three of his giant feather came off him and landed near the ponies. The feathers soon let out dark magic and transformed into smaller forms of Nocturne, they were three times bigger than them when they stood upright and started to attack them by clawing at them.

“You beast! Stop hurting them!” Erick said, but he was cut short as Nocturne tighten his grasp to leave Erick Breathless

“Last time I remember, food doesn’t talk. Now down the hatch!” He said as he was about to eat him.

“Not today you foul bird!!!” said a voice from a far distance. The owl turned to see who said that and he caught sight of a dark chariot being pulled by Pegasi in dark colored armor going as fast as it could and it rammed against his leg which caused Nocturne to drop his meal and it was caught by the chariot master. As soon as he recovered from his slight injury, Nocturne’s feathers on his head was scraped off by other chariot being pulled by white pegasi wearing golden armor. Both chariots landed to where the mane six were and the pegasi that were pulling the chariots took off their ropes and grabbed their spears and started to fighting the owl solders and coming off the chariots were princess Celestia levitating a box and princess Luna carrying Erick on her shoulder. The mane six soon took Erick off Luna’s shoulder and placed him down on the ground.

“Princess Celestia, what are you doing here?” Asked her faithful student.

“That’s not important now. What is important is we stop Nocturne here and now.” Said the princess as she opened the box and gave them their elements of harmony.

While they were all preparing to fight, Luna went to check on Erick who was still knocked out. “Sister, I need you to protect me while I enter Erick’s mind, I’ll see if I can get him to wake up.” She said as her horn started to glow and she touched his forehead to enter his mind, but his mind had mental locks that were not made by him. “If this wasn’t his magic then whose is it?” she said to herself as she tried to enter his mind again.

As the sisters were busy with Erick the mane six had their elements on and were getting ready to attack Nocturne. “Nocturne! We give our first and only warning, leave this realm or face defeat.” Said Twilight. The owl stood there with no emotion.

“Very well.” Said Twilight as she concentrated all her magic along with the elements of harmony and shot a magic beam at him. Just at the last moment the owl raise his wing and block it. There was smoke, but out the smoke came out the owl perfectly safe and not effected at all by the elements of harmony

Everyone pony was in shock, “How could the elements have no effect on him!?” said Rainbow Dash.

Nocturne then began laughing evilly, “You fools, the elements don’t harm me because you are incomplete. You’re missing one last element and without it, I win.”

The ponies fell to the ground in fear. Without this unknown element, they will lose, Nocturne will rule Equestria and they couldn’t stop him. Meanwhile this was all happening, Erick’s body maybe out of commission, but his mind is still working.
Erick finally opened his eyes, but he didn’t see his friends or anypony anywhere. All there was is an empty room with white walls and he was in it. “Why does this place seems…. Familiar?” he said to himself. His question will be answered by a familiar voice. It sounded elderly

“Erick, you’re in your mind, it’s where I took last time you escaped near death.” Said the voice.

Erick looked around to see where the voice was coming from. “If you’re real, please show yourself.” He asked to the voice. Soon enough, the voice agreed with him and show itself. It was none other than his step-father, Starswirl the bearded. Erick just couldn’t believe what he was seeing, His step-father in front of him. “D-D-Dad? Is it really you?”

“Yes my son, it’s me.” Said the Bearded unicorn as he opened his front hooves for the upcoming hug from his step-son.

“I can’t believe it. I get to see you again…. But wait, if you’re here does that mean I’m dead again?” Asked Erick

“Well no, your unconscious, but that’s not important, what is important is that you wake up and helped your friends defeat Nocturne.” Said Starswirl.

“Wait, how do you know about Nocturne?” Erick his step-father.

“I’ve always known about him son. You see many years ago I took in a secret assignment from his highness; to find out of this Nocturne creature he had visions about. Eventually with enough research I figured out who Nocturne is and the destruction he brings. I did find out his weakness, the elements of harmony, but at the time the element of harmony research team only found six when the king’s dream had seven elements. Then came your sentence to the mines, I wanted to quite the job, but he forced me to stay. Years passed and I the kings final vision was the seventh element could only be wield by a male alicorn and I think that alicorn… is you.”

“Me?” said Erick. “But I don’t even know where it could be.”

“Look deep inside yourself and let your will guide you.” He said as he started to fade away “Well son, it looks like it’s time for you to return to the world again, but remember I’ll always be with you.” Starswirl waved good-bye to him as Erick was leaving his mind. He wakes up and sees everypony in fear. He turns to see what they were scared of and he sees the same owl that tried to eat him.

“Luna what’s happening?” he asked to her.

“Darkness has won. The elements couldn’t stop him.” Luna said in fear.

When she said that, Starswirl’s words came back to him. He thought long and hard and he came with one conclusion, to go all out. “It is over until the very end.” He told as he started galloping towards Nocturne.

Princess Celestia then tried to warn him, “Erick don’t do it. It’s suicide.”

“Well well looks like my lunch came back to me” The owl then flew backwards and flew forward at high speed. He then stuck his claws forward and let out a loud screech.

Erick kept on running towards him with a serious look on his face. Everything went slow, as if time was following his own pace. He said to himself quietly “Follow my will and I shall find the way.” Time then went back to its normal pace and out of nowhere he felt a strange power source came within him, not any he has felt before and he embraced it.

The moment Nocturne came into contact with Erick his talons suddenly broke and he crashed down. “That power… it’s impossible.” Inside the talon was a helmet.

“I don’t fear you Nocturne, for I have the willpower to fight, the determination to see you fall and the power of courage!” Erick said as he put on the helmet. The helmet fitted him exactly and his eyes turned white and he started to float.

“No! I won’t let you win.” The owl said as he tried to hurt him, but the helmet created a barrier of light.

Erick began to charge his magic into an orb that will banish the dark beast “Elements of harmony, lend me your strength.”
The moment he said those words, the necklaces and crown of harmony removed themselves and went to Erick. As they got closer to him they changed shape and attached themselves to Erick as body, wing, and leg armor At that moment Erick’s orb became fully charged and His cutie mark appeared before him. A flower with six petals all around each petal a different color and a picture inside them.

“With the elements of harmony: Honesty, Laughter, Generosity, Magic, Loyalty, Kindness and now Courage; I bring forth your demise.” He threw the orb at nocturne and it expanded itself and engulfed his body. “Equestria’s light!”

“No!!!” were Nocturnes final words as he disappeared into the light. His solders disappeared as well with their master gone. The ponies looked up to the sky and saw Erick hovering down and the elements laid his unconscious body on the ground and went to their owners. Erick woke up, but it wasn’t really him. He spoke with a familiar voice to the princesses “Princess Celestia, Luna.”

“Starswirl!?” said the princesses. “Your back?”

“Just temporarily, I’m using his body to deliver an important message. Tell Erick that today marks the beginning of a journey. He must learn to wield the elements of harmony before Nocturne returns once more.”

“But if Nocturne returns, can’t he use that Equestria light again?” asked Rainbow Dash

“That was just a lucky shot my rainbow headed Pegasus. He can only do it again if he learns the value of the each element.” He said to rainbow dash.

“When will Nocturne return?” Twilight asked

“I don’t know which is why it’s important to teach him as quickly as possible. Well it’s time for me to leave…. And princesses one more thing.” he said. “You both grew up into fine alicorns…. Your parents would be proud.” Erick then fell to the ground and was picked up by the princesses and was carried to their chariot. The mane six came along with the princesses to canterlot where Erick would be treated at the hospital.

The morning sun came up and It beamed on Erick’s eyes, he wakes up and looks around his surrounds and realizes he’s on a hospital bed and waiting there were the mane six. “Wait what happened to Nocturne!?”

“It’s alright Erick he was defeated…. Thanks to you.” Said Applejack.

“It was awesome! You were all glowing with your eyes and the owl was all scared and then he was like ‘oh no don’t hurt me’, but you did and you save all of us.” Said Pinkie pie

“You truly did show that winged beast what fore when you used your element of harmony.” Said Rarity.

“Wait, element of harmony?” said Erick.

“That’s right.” Said Twilight when she showed a helmet to Erick. “As of today you’re the seventh element of harmony: the element of courage.”

“Not only that, but your cutie mark also came.” Said Rainbow dash

“Really!? My cutie mark!” Erick looked at his flank and saw a flower with six petals on it, but no color or picture. “Huh? Weird cutie mark but oh well.”

“I bet you must feel really proud of what you done?” said fluttershy

“Well… yeah” He picked up a clipboard. “Well it’s said here I’m fine and really to go.” He got up from his bed and started walking towards the exit of the hospital. “I should probably check in with Celestia and Luna.” The moment her stepped out, he saw hundreds of ponies waiting for him and a chariot with ponies waiting for Erick and the mane six.

“Sir Erick the princess has assigned us to take you to Canterlot castle. Right this way” said the guard as he escorted Erick and his friends to the chariot. All throughout Canterlot, ponies were cheering for Erick for the caught wind of his triumph against the deity of darkness and evil, Nocturne. Although there were some pony folk who looked at him in shock, for they have never seen a male alicorn before. As they made it to the castle, Erick was directed to the grand hall of the castle where the sisters and other important figures of Canterlot were waiting for him. He walked up to them and Celestia spoke.

“Citizens of Canterlot, today we were attacked by a great evil that planned to rule over this peaceful land, but with the help of the elements of harmony and our new friend Erick Flowers he was stopped and So I here give you the Canterlot medal of honor and a title ‘the element of courage’” Erick bowed his head towards the princess as he was given his medal and the ponies all clapped there hooves with joy.

After the ceremony Erick was taken to the royal garden where a party would be waiting for him.

“Let’s get this party started!” said pinkie pie with Excitement.

During the party, Erick was called out by Luna and Celestia to talk about the message they received from his step-dad. “I see… this is serious, but if my father has faith in me, I won’t let him down. I’ll make it my duty to learn and master the elements of harmony.” He said to them in confidence.

“Very well, starting tonight after the party is over I’ll inform the others and you shall be living in ponyville from now Erick. But, for now let’s enjoy ourselves.” Princess Celestia said to Erick as she walked back into the party crowd.

“Well…. I’ll be lying if I said I’m not gonna miss you, but I visit you whenever I can in your dreams. So let’s us return to the party.” Luna walked out to the crowd, but went back to Erick “I almost forgot. Consider this your departure gift from me to you, my foalhood friend.” Luna then went up to her friend and kissed him on the check and left. Erick just stood there paralyzed by the action his friend did to him.

“Well… I better go back to the party.” He said to himself as he walked back to the party.

End of Ch.9

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The party has concluded and all the Canterlot ponies have gone to their homes. The mane six waits at the train station for Erick to meet with them. Soon enough, Erick has appeared with his saddle and other personal belongings and with the princess of the day.

“What took you so long Erick? We were ready to leave without you?” said Rainbow Dash

“Sorry, it’s just that I had to double check to see if I have everything I needed.” Said Erick. He then turned to the princess to say his goodbyes. “Well then, I guess this is goodbye for now Celestia, but I promise to visit one day.”

“I’m sorry Luna couldn’t come to say goodbye, but she does have a responsibility as princess of the night.” Said Celestia.

“I know,” Erick’s cheeks started to have a small shade of red “She already gave me a parting gift at the party”

The princess then gave him his goodbye hug. “Be safe my little pony.” The train’s engine roared, letting the travelers know it was time to enter the train. The mane six and Erick stuck their heads out the window as they waved goodbye to the princess and Canterlot.

They then entered their heads back into the train and Twilight asked, “Hey Erick… What was Luna’s parting gift?”

“NOTHING!!!” Erick blurted out in embarrassment and then calm down. “J-Just another goodbye hug… and nothing more.” They all then went to the resting cart but there seemed to be one problem.

“That’s weird, we all have tickets but it said there’s only six beds left.” Said Twilight. Just then, the conductor came by to talk to Erick.

“Hey coal-colt-er I mean sir Erick.” Said the conductor.

“Oh hello sir, is there anything you needed?” asked Erick.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for making you do that work my coal-colt was supposed to do from your last train ride.” Said the conductor.

“It’s alright, I didn’t mind doing some work.” Said Erick.

“Well to make it up to you, we upgraded your ticket free of charge. Your bedroom is right this way.” The conductor guided Erick to another cart and the mane six came along to see his new bed. The cart was entirely made to look like a Canterlot bedroom with fluffy pillows, warm blankets and a soft mattress to sleep on. “We hope you enjoy your sleep.” Said the conductor as he walked away. At that moment, Rarity will attempt to take the bed from Erick.

“Oh my you certainly got a comfortable bed Erick, it would be so nice to have a bed like this.” Said Rarity.

“Well if you want can-“

“Sleep here for tonight!? Oh Erick you’re such a gentle colt.” said Rarity, but Erick stopped her by finishing his sentence.
“What I ment to say that I can ask the conductor if he could let you shovel coal too, but would you look at the time, it’s to for me to get some rest so goodnight.” Erick then pushed the mane six out of his cart.

“But, wait how aout if we-“ Rarity was stopped in mid-sentence as Erick closed the door in front of her. “Oh he’s good.” And so Erick and the others went to sleep, but for him, he would meet with another friend in his dreams.

His dream was interrupted by his foalhood friend Luna.

“Hello Erick” said Luna

“Hi Luna, what brings you here in my dream?”

“Oh, nothing it’s just that you forgot this, it’ll help you financially when you get to Ponyville” Luna then gave Erick an old scroll and he opened it and it was an old bank account document with his name on it.

“Wow! You kept my account? I thought it would’ve been lost over time. Thank you Luna.” Said Erick

“Well when you….. passed on, your step-father gave it to me in order to teach how to save money and now I think it’s time for me to give it back to its financial owner.” Said Luna.

“Well thank again.” Said Erick.

“Your welcome and now it’s time for me to go.” Said Luna.

“Wait. Since this is a dream…” Erick then used dream logic to have a tea table appear out of nowhere. “would you like to have some dream tea with me?”

“Why thank you Erick.” Luna then sat down with him and enjoyed his dream together. “Now then, it looks like the morning sun is coming up, until we meet again. Goodbye.”

Luna then disappeared and Erick woke up and found the same scroll that Luna gave him next to his luggage.
“… then, was it a dream?”

Ask soon as Erick stepped out of the train he asked his new friends where the nearest bank of Equestria was at. After waiting in line for a while Erick went up to the bank teller and ask for a money account check.

“May I see some identification?” asked the bank teller.

Erick then showed his documents to him the teller and the teller couldn’t take him seriously.

“Sir if you can wait for a few hours while we get our higher officials back at Canterlot to come here and Verify this document?” asked the teller.

“Of course.” Said Erick as he found himself a place to sit and read his encyclopedia until the higher officials come.

After the officials came and considered Erick’s account to be real, he asked “So hold much bits are in my account?”

“Well based on the hold much you put in when you first opened it plus the interest rate and over the years that would equal up to…” the teller did the math and wrote down how much bits he had, he was shocked by how much bits he has under his name.

“What? Is it that bad?” Erick looked at the number and Erick suddenly collapsed in joy. He got back up and told them “Can I get some bits from my savings?” After that ordeal was over with Erick asked spike to send a letter he made to princess Celestia and not too soon a response letter came back and by the look on Erick’s face, it was just what he wanted.

“Well now that everything I need is coming soon I better think who to choose.” Said Erick

“Choose what?” say Spike.

“Which element I should learn first.” Erick said and he thought hard about it and he came up to a decision “I decide that the first element I should learn is the element of honesty. Miss Applejack, may you take me under your hooves as a student of honesty?”

“Why sure thing sugar cube, but you don’t have to call me your teach.” Said Applejack.

“Thank you applejack, but first…. I don’t want to be a burden, but… do you have a place for me to live until I find myself a home?” said Erick

“Why, there’s always enough room for a friend at Sweet Apple Acres. Just follow me and I’ll show ya your new home.” Said Applejack as she was waiting for him to follow.

“Well gals I guess I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Said Erick as he waved by to his friends. As the walk through a dirt path, Erick started to notice around him a lot of apple trees, he looked at a hill that had nothing but apple trees on it. As the went further, Erick’s eye caught sight of a farm at the end of the path.

“Well Erick, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres.” Said Applejack.

“This is a nice home you have here A.J.” said Erick.

“Why thank you Erick and if you think the home is nice, just wait until you meet my family.” Applejack guided Erick to her house where all her relatives were waiting for her. “O.k family, starting today, we’re having a guest stay with us so I hope you all treat him like family.” Said Applejack to her family as they all agreed with her.

“I would like to say that for one I’m glad you all taken me in and I promise not to be a burden and secondly, before you ask yes I’m an Alicorn, but that doesn’t mean you have to treat me like royalty. “ said Erick

“Alright now let’s get introductions out of the way. Erick you already know my lil sis Applebloom.” Said Applejack

“Hello again young one.” Erick said as he offered his hoof to her.

“Nice to see you again Erick, I can’t wait to have some fun with you.” Said Applebloom as she hoof bumped his hoof and she looked at his flanked and went into a state of happiness. “Wow, Erick I can’t believe you got your cutie mark in one day. That’s amazing.”

“Yeah I guess so.” Said Erick.

“Now then, this here my granny, granny Smith.” Said Applejack as she introduced Erick to an elder pony with a green skin color and with wrinkles.

“Why how do you do youngster.” Asked Granny Smith.

“I’m doing well ma’am and might I say you have a nice grandaughter for letting me stay here.” Said Erick.

“And last we have my brother, Big Macintosh” Said Applejack as she introduced Erick to a tall red stallion.

“Nice to meet you sir.” Said Erick

“Eeyup” said Big Mac

“Not much of a talker are you?” said Erick

“Eeyup” said Big Mac

“Well now that introductions are over, Big Mac, if you can show Erick his new bedroom we’ll start off the work day.” Said Applejack as she went outside to get ready for work

After Erick left his luggage at the guest room, he went outside to see what everyone was doing. What he saw was Applebloom setting up buckets under trees, Applejack kicking the trees so the apples can land in the buckets and Big Mac loading the buckets to a wagon and taking them to the barn to store them. As he stood there and watched, Erick was getting bored and wanted to do something productive with them so he went to Granny Smith and asked for anything job he could help out with. Soon after the Apple family siblings were done picking apples, granny smith went up to them.

“Now Applejack, todays your turn to sell apple at the market today, but I want you to bring your friend and teach him how to sell.” Said Granny Smith.

“I don’t know granny. He’s our guest so he shouldn’t work with us.” Said Applejack

“But that’s the thing, he asked me to something here at the farm and I thought maybe he can help us put during his stay. So will you let him?” asked Granny Smith

“Very well granny.” Apple then went and got some apples from the barn along with a wagon stand. “Well if you wanna help, mind pulling me to town?”

“Yes ma’am.” Erick then pulled the wagon with applejack on it back to ponyville.

After selling apples all day the sun was starting to set and so it ment for everypony to go back to their homes. As they got home, supper was waiting for them and they all sat down and eat. While eating Erick thought it was time to talk with granny smith about some important things.

“Excuse me Miss smith but I understand that you’re the landlord of this farm right?” asked Erick

“That’s right Erick.” Said Smith

“Well you see, I came into a little of money and so I would like to ask if I can purchase some land from you. I understand if you don’t want sell but I’ll be willing to paid the full amount of how much that land is worth.”

After much thinking Granny Smith came to an answer. “You said you’ll pay?”

“Yes.” Said Erick.

“Well you got yourself a deal sonny, but you’ll have to help in the moving of the trees and replanting tomorrow.” Said Granny Smith

“ Thank you so much and have a pleasant night sleep.” Said Erick as he went to the guest room to sleep and tell Luna the good news.
“And then she said yes and now I’ll have some land of my own.” said Erick to Luna in his dream.

“But why would you want to buy land if you have a place to stay?” asked Luna.

“Well…. I want to build myself a home. I don’t like living with someone else with the exception of my step-dad.” Said Erick.

“Well then…. I guess I can help you out, I’ll sent dream flyers to the other residents of ponyville and see that they’ll help.” said Luna as she left Erick to let him sleep.

The morning sun came and it was time for Erick to keep his deal. After the moving and replanting of the apple trees just as they’ve finished a group of pegasi with matching uniforms came by and the leader asked where Erick was.

“That would be me” said Erick

“Please sign here.” The leader gave him a clipboard to sign and he then took from him and gave his fellow employees a signal to leave the supplies Erick order the other day. “Thank for ordering your supplies from Canterlot construction Co. have a nice day.” said the leader as he left with his team.

“Anyways you can leave now. I’ll handle this and call if I need help.” said Erick to Apple Family.

As he was working about an hour passed and he already has the main structure of the house done and at that moment a grey Pegasus came by to talk to him.

“Um. Excuse me are Erick? I’m about the job offer.” said the Pegasus.

“Yes I am and thank you for helping. What made come here?” asked Erick.

“Well I had dream about a land made of muffins and then the princess of night came and told to help an alicorn and I saw you so here I am.”

“Why thank you. (and thank you luna, but this pegasus’ eyes are bugging me.) and might I asked for your name?” said Erick.

“My name is Ditzy Doo, but you can call me Derpy Hooves.” said the grey pegasus.

Erick then gave her a hard construction hat for her to wear and a belt for her tools.

As the continued building the house some mishaps happened to Erick. Such as thunder clouds striking near Erick, getting thrown into the cement mix by accident, and somehow the breaking of physics, but after all that…

“Wow what a nice home. Huh Derpy?” asked Erick

“It sure is Erick.” said Derpy.

“Yeah….” Erick then turned from the house he was looking at to his home with was in ruins. “WHY DOESN’T MY HOUSE LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THAT!?” He then ran to his house with a hammer in anger and started beating the house.

“Erick calm down. Here have a muffin.” Derpy said as she offers him one.

Erick calmed down and said to himself, “How am I going finish this home now?”

Derpy then came up with an idea “I know how about a song? Sometime when I’m at work, I sing to myself a song and before I know it, the work day is done.”

“But I don’t know how to sing.” Said Erick

“It doesn’t matter as long as you have a beat.” said Derpy as he pulled out a piece of wood, nails and a hammer and started making a beat.

“I’d like to build my friend a house,
And furnish it with wood,
Get paid in bits, to feed my foal
And have some extra more.”

“Hey that’s kinda catchy” said Erick as he got his tools in his hooves “Let me try…”

“I’d like to build myself a home,
And warm it up with coal,
I’d like my home to stay ahold
For all eternity”

“See, now you’re getting it.” Said Derpy

“lets set this tarp up on the top,
And build ourselves a roof.
Lets hammer it down with our own hooves
In perfect harmony”

“Hey I think this is working.” said Erick

“I like to work with my new friend,
In perfect harmony
Do Do Do Dooh
Do Do Do Dooh
Do Do Do Do Do Dooh”

By this point the house is half way done.

“I’d like build my friend a home,
And furnish it with wood,
Get paid in bits, to feed my foal
And have some extra more.”

“I think it’s nice that you have a foal Mrs. Hooves” said Erick.

“I’d like to sleep inside my home,
When we’re all done with it.
And eat some food when we are done,
With painting the kitchen.”

“Actually it’s Miss Hooves” said Derpy

“So let us both build you a home,
While standing Hoof in Hoof,
I’d like to see you smile and wave,
Goodbye from your new home.”

“Together this time?” said Erick. “You know it.” said Derpy.

“I’d like to build with my new friend,
In perfect harmony.
La La La Laah
La La La Laah
La La La La La Laah”

With the house all done and up to Erick’s standards he then made invites for a house warming party for the mane six, any friends or relatives of theirs and of course for Miss Hooves. The party was a success and so Erick then began his learning of Honesty. He thought honesty was found by doing an honest day’s work, so he asked for a job at Sweet Apple Acres, but with no such luck. Months passed and he still worked for them and learned many things, How to buck a tree properly, make sweet cider for the season, even zap apple and for a moment, Erick felt like family.

One week later….

“Hey Miss Smith, some mail was delivered to me by accident. Here you go.” said Erick as he handed their mail to her.

When she opened the mail her eyes grew big and immediately went to a triangle and rang it to call her grandkids over.
“I just mail and it says the apple games are in five more days.” immediately they all cheered in joy.

“What’s the apple games?” asked Erick.

“The apple games are when everypony from the apple family compete against each other for the big apple trophy and we gotten it for the past five years.” Said Applebloom

“Eeyup.” Said Big Mac

“That’s sounds nice. Where’s it at?” asked Erick

“It says this year it’s in Appleloosa.” said Granny Smith.

“Granny we got to take Erick with us. Show him our family.” Said Applejack

“Well…. The apple games are for family only… but I’ll make an exception.”

“Thanks you Miss Smith.” Said Erick

After a few days of practicing and packing up, Erick and the apple family were on a train to appleloosa. They arrive there within a few hours and Erick followed them to the registration table for the apple games, but some bad news came to them.

“Sorry cuz, but this year it’s teams of three. Granny smith is too old to compete” Said BraeBurn

“But what about Applebloom?” said Applejack

“Nice try, but she’s too young… I’m sorry, but I guess you won’t be competing this year.” Said BraeBurn

Erick saw the sad looks on their face, all the packing and training for nothing… something had to done.

“Wait! I’ll compete with them.” said Erick.

“And you are???” said BraeBurn

“I’m Erick Flowers or Flower Power.” said Erick.

“And what is your relationship with them? Because I have never seen an Alicorn in our family reunions.” asked BraeBurn.

Erick had to come up with something. He had to lie.

“Well… Applebloom and Big Macintosh are my siblings-in-law, Granny Smith is my grandma-in-law…”

Applejack knew where this was going and was prepared for maximum embarrassment, but it wasn’t enough.

“and well…. *gulp* A..APP… APPLEJACK IS MY WIFE!!”

End of Ch. 10

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
“Wait cousin your hitched!?” said Breaburn is shock.

“Yes sir. She’s my wife and that means I’m your cousin in law. So could we please enter the games?” asked Erick.

“Of course cousin.” Breaburn said as he gave them the entry sheet and they sign their names. Applejack finally dragged Erick and her brother to a secluded part of town to have a chat with them.

“What the hay Erick! Why did you say we’re hitched!?” yelled applejack.

“I saw the looks in your faces. I had to something and that seemed like the only option.” Said Erick

“And Big Mac, why didn’t you stop him?” Asked Applejack.

“I was just as shocked as you when he said that.” Said Big Mac

“Well what’s done is done o.k. beside only breaburn knows we’re ‘hitched’.”said Erick

As Erick said it, they heard a voice called out to all apple family members to go to town center.

“Now can I have your attention? I’ma make this short and say the ponyville apple family will play because of their third member and applejack’s husband, Flower Power.” Said Breaburn to the rest of the families as he pointed out to Erick and Applejack to up on stage. They both nervously went up on stage and and waved at them.

“So how did you snag an Alicorn to be your husband cousin?” said Breaburn.

Applejack had to think quickly on her hooves and Erick whispered to her ear” Don’t worry. I’ll answer any they have.”

“Sorry. It’s that she’s nervous about all this. Anyways we met when I asked for a job on their farm to help me get back up on my feet. I started working for months and I decided to get to know them more by hanging out with them, especially applejack. Eventually I had enough bits and enough guts to ask applejack to only a date and she said yes.” Some members aw’d at his lie and Applejack was “intrigued” by where this story will go.

“And then what happened?” asked Applejack

“Like you don’t remember honey?” said Erick nervously “After a long time of working with you and dating…. I spent all the bits I had to get the best ring I could afford for you. We waited for the family to get together and I told how much you mean to me. Your smile, the way you buck trees, everything. When I showed you the ring and popped the question, you said yes and cried on and on about how you never thought a farm pony like yourself would never find true happiness with anypony. After that we got married and here we are.”

The majority of the apple family clapped their hooves in joy for them. “Well it’s nice to know my cousin married a nice stallion.” Said Breaburn. “Now let’s get this apple games started.” Fireworks went off and the teams gathered around the fields for the first event.

“Alright the first event is the apple buck competition. Each team must have a bucker, a catcher and a delivery pony. Team with most apples win.” Said Breaburn

A whistle went off and everypony started bucking trees and by the end of the time limit Erick and his team placed second. More events went on such as the apple pie eating contest, the cider contest and drink off, sharp pie flinger showdown and the running of the buffalo.

As time when on ponies were asking more about Erick’s and A.J’s marriage and Erick was making his lie pit even deeper and the more he lied, the more of this weird feeling keeps growing in his chest. He felt bad about lying to them because no one caught him lying; they’re simple earth pony folks that would believe anything. It hurted him and he had to talk to his teammates.

“That’s guilt you’re feeling Erick.” said Applejack

“Eeyup” said Big Macintosh.

“Well what should I do? The final event is near and we’re tied with the manehattan family”

“I think that-“

“When the time comes, you’ll know what to do and remember, Honesty is the best policy.” Said Big Mac.

The final event was the relay Wild West obstacle course. Each team member were set at a certain position. Erick was placed last and while waiting for this teammates he took the time to recollect what big mac said. The more he thought about it, the more it hurted him on the inside. When it his time to run, he could focused on the track, but he still got first place and the Ponyville apple family won. As they were given their ribbons, Erick kept pressing his chest and a small tear fell before him.

“Is something wrong Flower power?” said Breaburn

“N-no I just don’t feel right.” Said Erick

“Well whatever it is we’re here to help you cousin. Because we’re family.” Said Breaburn

The words finally cracked Erick. “I’M NOT YOUR COUSIN!” Everypony looked at Erick as he fell to the ground in shame. “Listen apple families, I have something to tell you.” He explained that he lied to them and his reasons why.

“You lied to us.” Said Breaburn

“I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart and I don’t deserve this ribbon, but all I ask is that you please forgive me.” Erick said as he gave back his ribbon.

“…… Family meeting everypony.” Said Breaburn as they all left Erick behind. An hour passed before they went back to Erick.

“We talked it over and seeing that you were taught our farming ways and you lived with an apple family long enough, we have a proposition for you. All your lies will be forgiven and you’ll become an honorary apple if you can buck one apple.” Said Breaburn

“Just one apple? What’s the catch?” said Erick

“It has to be an apple from apple roots.” Said Breaburn as he pointed toward a giant apple tree that stood alone on a hill; “That tree has been there since the first ponies made Appleloose and has been said said to hold the sweetest of apples. If you can knock one apple off that tree, you will have proven yourself worthy of being an apple.”

“I’ll do it.” Said Erick.

“You have until sundown to get up that hill and buck an apple.” Said Breaburnas they all disperse from Erick. Later in the down when Erick was about ready to go up the hill, Applejack and her family came to talk to him.

“Now are sure you can knock an apple down an apple from Apple roots? That tree doesn’t give up his apple to just any fella.” Said Granny Smith.

“I take my chances.” Said Erick

“Granny Smith told us that the last pony to buck one from apple roots was our pa and he was really strong.” Said Applebloom.

“Well as long as I believe in myself, I think I’ll be able to buck an apple.” Said Erick as he petted Applebloom

“I’m not saying you’ll lose but, no matter what you’ll always an apple in our eyes Erick.” Said Applejack

“Eeyup.” Said Big Macintosh

“Thank you all, I think your words will help me and I’m glad I was able to be honest with the rest of your relatives” said Erick as he walked up the tree and standing next to it was Breaburn.

“Alright Flower Power. Whenever you’re ready.” Said Breaburn.

Erick focus on the weak spot of the tree and lifted his hind legs and at that moment he thought to himself. “Even if I don’t make it, I’m glad all this guilt left me. My honesty was what cured me.” At that moment he felt on flower petal of his cutie mark turned orange with a red apple in the center of the petal and a sudden surge of earth pony strength came to him and he bucked the apple tree. The tree shook from the impact of the kick and leaves fell but no apple in sight. Erick was about to trot away in disappointment until an apple fell from the sky and hit his head.

“I don’t believe it.” said Applejack as she picked up the apple that hit Erick’s head.

“You got an apple from Apple roots.” said Breaburn as all the nearby ponies celebrate Erick’s triumph. “I guess they don’t call you flower power for nothing huh?” said Breaburn.

As they made their way to Appleloosa, ponies gather around them and saw what Applejack held in her hooves. They all celebrated and the bakers took the apple and started baking it. Night came along and it time for the final event. The Apple family hoedown and in the center table was Erick, Applejack and her family and Breaburn.

“Now I would like to make a toast to Flower Power. Not only did he get and apple from apple roots, but he proven himself to be worthy of the name apple.” Said Breaburn and he handed Erick a freshly made apple pie made from the apple he bucked. “All I can say is welcome to the family Flower Power.” said Breaburn.

“Thanks but you can just call me Erick.” said Erick as he cutted the pie in five pieces and give each of Applejack’s family a slice and eat his. The hoedown went great and Applejack pulled Erick outside of the party.

“Now what Applejack?” said Erick.

“I just wanted to say congrats on being family now and also I’m sure you noticed but look at your cutie mark. It’s looks like you finally earned the element of honesty.” said Applejack

“Well that’s just the first step. I still have five more left.” said Erick

“I know but until then……. I guess this is a reward. Now do-do-don’t take this seriously. “Said Applejack nervously as she closed her eyes and puckered her lips.

“What are you doing?” said Erick

“I going to kiss you.” said Applejack. “As a reward of course. Hehehe” said Applejack nervously.

Erick was supraised and didn’t know what do. This was the second time some pony kissed him. He closed his eyes as well.

Applejack opened her eyes to see that Erick kissed her on the forehead instead of her lips and was hugging her.

Erick retracted from his kiss and said, “I glad you feel that way, but right now, I see you as a friend. Maybe one day, when I know nocturne is gone for good, I might give you that kiss you want.” He let go of Applejack and walked back to the party, leaving Applejack love struck.

“By Celestia, I think I’m in love that alicorn” said Apple jack. When the hoedown was finished, Erick and the others bought train tickets back to ponyville, Erick told Luna about his day and was confused on why Luna got angry when he mentioned applejack trying to kiss him, he ended up having nightmares that night. When the morning came, their friends were waiting for them and pinkie threw a welcome back party for them. A week passed by and Erick had made his decision.

“The next element with be the element of laughter.”

End of Chapter 11

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
The morning sun came into view as Erick got up from his bed. He brushed his teeth, washed his hooves, and got ready for the morning. “This is it then, today I learn about laughter. A seemly easy element to obtain.” He said to himself as he walked into town.

As he walked into town, he found Mrs. Cake with a twin stroller and a grocery bag walking by.

“Oh hello Erick, what brings you into town?” said Mrs. Cake

“Oh nothing really; In fact I wanted to talk to you and your husband about miss pie. You see I want to learn about the element of laughter.” said Erick

“Well if you want, if you help the with the kids and shopping, we can talk.” Said Mrs. Cake. After the shopping they went back to sugarcube corner where they left the twins in pinkie’s care while Erick explained the situation to Mr. Cake

“Well I don’t see how we can say no to a hero honey. We’ll help you immeditatly.” Said Mr. Cake.

“How?” asked Erick

“Well me and the misses are having trouble keeping the business up and taking care of little pound and pumpkin cake. So as of today, you’ll be our newest employee” said Mr. Cake

“Thank you sir and you don’t even need to pay me boss.” Said Erick

“then you start immediately Erick.” He then turned to pinkie. “Hey pinkie we have a new helper today. You met Erick before.” Said Mr. Cake as Erick waved hi to her.

Pinkie jumped in glee, “Hooray! My newest friend is now my newest partner in cakes. This is going to be so great. I can teach you all the tricks into making sweet cupcakes. Maybe even my special pinkie cakes.” And pinkie went on and on and Erick thought to himself “This is going to be a rough one.”

Erick started off as a supply colt, buying, checking inventory, menial labors, etc. he then was promoted to assistant baker/ babysitter. Where he help bake and babysat their kids with pinkie. Laughter seems easy at first, but as he continued working, pinkie started doing pranks on him and do something she calls “Breaking the fourth wall” which really confused him. He keeps thinking to himself “Why do I have to put up with this!?”

Eventually came a day he would dread.

“Me and the Mrs. are going on our second honeymoon so until then I trust you two in taking care the shop and the foals.” said Mr. Cake

Erick accepted the task given to him, but with dread. “An entire week with…… her?”

He and the pinkie and the foals waved goodbye to the cakes as they went on a train to Baltimare and as he went back to the bakery, Erick had to lay down some laws.

“O.k since you’re our most experienced baker, you do the baking meanwhile I watch over the foals. Call me if you need help o.k pinkie?” said Erick

“No problem.” Said Pinkie

“Good…. Now what did I just say?” asked Erick

“ummm….” Pinkie then smiled sheepishly

Erick looked down in disappointment. “This is going to be a long week” he said to himself. The first day went by easy. The second day was more tiring for Erick because pinkie kept calling him to help out, what was most confusing was that he knew that pinkie knew this stuff. When the working day was over and the kids we tucked in for their nap, pinkie kept on bugging him to go out with her to enjoy the outside.

Day three was disturbing to say the least.

They both decide to close the shop early to have some time with the foals and go out to the park. Pinkie was playing with the foals while Erick set up the picnic clothe and the food and joined them after he was done. When it was time for lunch both pinkie and Erick fed the foals their bottles while eating. Others ponies passed by them as started whispering things to each other’s ears. It wasn’t until Granny Smith who was walking by, went up to them and told asked them how their day was going.

“We’re doing fine Miss Smith.” said Erick

“Well that’s good. You know with them two babies in your hooves, ponies mistake yal for being their ma and pa.” said Granny Smith.

“Wait!? Ponies think that-”

“Yep. They think you two are ma and pa. heck even husband and wife.” said Granny Smith

Pinkie would be lying to herself if that thought of being with Erick hadn’t crossed her mind. He’s good with the foals, a great baker, and even a fun pony to around with when he’s not mad at one of her pranks. “Me and Erick….. Husband and wife….. wow.” Pinkie started to smile at the vision she was starting to have in her mind. What she didn’t know was that he thought bubble was being seen by others.

The sun was about to set down and the door was being knocked on until a familiar Alicorn opened the door and put away this hat and jacket.

“Honey I’m home. I gotta say work was harder than usual today.” Said Erick

He was they tackle down by both pound and carrot cake.

“Oh how are my two favorite kids doing today? Did you two give mommy a good time while I was gone?” said Erick

‘Oh don’t worry about them honey, we had lots of fun today didn’t we? Now come on my two little ponies time for dinner.” said Pinkie as the both started heading towards the kitchen. “So then are you going to eat first or take a shower to relax from work?” asked Pinkie to her husband.

“How about before I do any of that, you give me a welcome home kiss?” said Erick and both He and Pinkie puckered their lips.

Erick found a pointy object to pop her thought bubble and wake her up. “What a…….. vivid imagination you have Pinkie Pie.”

Granny Smith laughed a little before walking away. “Ah young love.”

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Day was a little more complicated.

“We need to our minds together. What is the next big thing to sell?” Said Erick

“Well you’ve been thinking for too long. Maybe it’s time for a break. Come on we can go make some more of your favorite cup-WAGH” Pinkie has just fallen with a bag of flour and the flour completely covers her and Erick and she laughs about her accident.

“I don’t see how this is funny pinkie. We just wasted a bag of flour.” Said Erick

“Oh come on Erick chin up. Maybe now I can bake you up and see how you taste.” Said Pinkie as she got closer to him and making munching sound.

“Pinkie stop it…. I will admit, this accident did have its moment of chuckle but that’s over now. Also what you said does seem interesting. To eat a pony or yourself…..” A light bulb appeared above his head, “THAT’S IT!” He immediately started baking and in just fifteen minutes, he idea was brought out.

“You know Pinkie I always thought you were cute.” Said Erick

Pinkie was lost when he heard those words. “You…you mean that!?”

“Yes I do miss pie. In fact you’re so cute….” Erick then showed a cupcake version on Pinkie Pie to her. The bread was pink, with a smiling face, and the frosting was made to look like her mane. “You’re cute enough to eat.”

Pinkie smiled and took it “Pony cakes. Erick that’s genius. I’m so proud of you” Pinkie wrapped her hooves around him and hugged him tightly.

“O.K. Pinkie Pie settle down….. can’t….. Breathe” as soon as she let go the started by advertising the pony cakes to the public which caught their attention and they started buying it. Eventually they had to close because they ran out of ingredients to bake more, but with the profit they made, they were able to restock and have a little left over to themselves. He then took his pay and made his way home. Day five would prove how good of a baker Erick really is and how much he cares for her.

“I think I got a fever. Aa-choo.” Said Pinkie

“Let me check.” He then got up close to pinkie to put one hoof on her forehead and one on his. “Yeah you do feel hotter than usual.” Being this close to Erick made Pinkie nervous. “It feels like it’s getting worse. You need to stay in bed. I’ll take care of work today.”

As he continued working, he would check in on the foals and pinkie. He gave the foals there bottles and changes, and made some vegetable soup to help pinkie feel better. Meanwhile whenever Erick wasn’t taking care of her, she was setting up a prank on him. The work day was over, which left Erick to care for his patient.

“O.k pinkie you feel any better?” the moment Erick stepped in her room a bucket of water fell on him and was stuck on his head. He tried to get it off, but it wouldn’t budge. He fell down onto a bag of flour left waiting for him, He became wet and sticky and finally, pinkie hits him with a feather pillow. “Got you.” Said Pinkie

Instead of laughter, Erick was infuriated and yelled at her. “What the hay Pinkie! You shouldn’t be up because of your feaver!”

Pinkie’s smile left and was replaced with violent coughing and her face turning red. “I’m sorry Erick I just…. Wanted to make you laugh.” Pinkie suddenly fell ill and collapsed on the floor.

“Ha ha very funny; Get up pinkie I know your trying to prank me again….. I said get up…. Pinkie….. Pink?” Erick immediately took the foals to their parent’s wagon and went to pick up pinkie and placed her in it. “Now foals don’t worry, Pinkie’s going to be alright.” He said to them. He then attached the wagon to himself and starting galloping as fast as he can.

He ran all the way to the hospital to take her in to see a doctor. While waiting outside her room, The foals fell asleep and was place next to Erick. The doctors called him in to tell him that she would be fine as long as she stays at the hospital. Erick asked for some time alone with her.

“Pinkie… if you can hear me, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for yelling at you. I hope you get better soon. You’re a good friend.” He left and returned the foals back home. Two days later was Pinkie’s release day. Erick ran with the foals on him to Pinkie’s room and saw no pony there but a doctor.

“Doctor where’s Miss Pie?” asked Erick.

“Oh she’s around.” Said the doctor

“Well it’s just that I wanted to give her this present.

The doctor turned around to reveal herself to be pinkie in disguise. “A present for me!? You should ha-“ just as pinkie opened the box and spring with a sack of flour went towards her and hit her cover her in flour. Both Erick and the foals fell down from laughing too hard.

“We got you good Pinkie.” Said Erick

Pinkie then joined in the laughter. “Wow. There nothing better than a prank to boost up my spirits.” At that moment Erick’s cutie mark glowed and another petal changed color. It became a pink petal and inside was a blue balloon. Pinkie gasped in excitement.

“What’s wrong pinkie?” asked Erick

“Your cutie mark. It changed.” Said Pinkie

“Well what do you know? I guess I learned the value of laughter. Thank you Pinkie.”

Later that day, pinkie threw a party for Erick’s element of harmony accomplishment. The party went great and Mr. and Mrs. Cake made in back to ponyville to celebrate. When the party was starting to die, the cakes put their foals to beds, Every pony went home, and was left was Pinkie and Erick.

“I must say pinkie, you throw good parties.” Said Erick

“Thanks, that means a lot coming from you.” Said Pinkie

“Yeah well I enjoyed our time together, but I must keep learning about the other elements. I will cherish the memories we had.” Said Erick

“……… I like you Erick” said Pinkie.

“I like you too pinkie.” Said Erick

“No what I mean is…… I like like you.” said Pinkie pie as she got closer to him.

“Wha!?” this took some time for him to process. “Well pinkie I’m flattered, but maybe we should just stay the way we are. Until this ordeal is over with.” He felt bad about denying her himself, but he made things better by hugging her. “Bye Pinkie.”

Pinkie was left with a smile on her face. “Just you wait Erick. I pinkie promise to myself that you will be mine.”

Meanwhile in the badlands, where all the evil things, dragons, and others unmentioned. Underground waits an owl with three chains wrapped around him, but recently one chain grew weak and broke.

“Ah. Finally, some room. It looks like the boy made progress. Then this would be the perfect time to test him.” He took a feather off him and sent it to the outside world, the feather flew straight towards Canterlot castle in a matter of weeks and as it got closers, it changed shape into a helmet and land right below Luna’s bedroom. At the time Luna wasn’t paying attention because she just sent Erick a message through his dreams about an upcoming event.

Back at Erick’s home, he woke up with tickets in his hand. “The ticket invites you to the grand galloping gala next week. Don’t be late. Signed by Princess luna.”

End of Ch.12

Chapter 13 part 1

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Chapter 13 part 1

As Luna sent her invite to Erick, her sister appeared behind her.

“So who was that for? As if I needed to ask.” said Celestia

“It’s just that I feel like he needs to experience some of the things he missed out over the centuries, become more recognized, etc.” said Luna

“Are you sure this there isn’t something else? He was a foalhood friend, the only one that father never knew about.” said Celestia.

“Well… maybe we could reconnect.” said Luna nervously.

“You know I can reserve a dance for you and Erick. It’s obvious that you my little sister is having feelings.” Celestia said mockingly.

“Oh hush up sister and leave me be, I must start my royal duties.” Said Luna

“Very well. I’ll leave you be.” And with those words Celestia left and once when she was alone Luna looked through her closet and found an old dusty picture of her and Erick in masks.

“Aw memories…..”

It just became night and the grand galloping gala has started. The gala was different than others because his royal highness has made it into a masquerade ball. Every noble pony entered with a red carpet to trot on and waiting inside were a ballroom full of masked ponies. There in the ballroom was a young Celestia chatting with older ponies alongside her father and Luna with Starswirl the bearded asking him where her friend is.

“Well you see Luna, if Erick is to stay hidden; he can’t come to this gala. We already had too many close calls, But don’t worry, he’s a big colt and can take care of himself.” said Starswirl.

Meanwhile outside the castle, is a lone alicorn is a fancy outfit given to him by his step-father while wearing a mask was galloping towards the castle. “I’m tired of me not going to parties father, and if you won’t take me, then I’ll go by myself.”

“Well o.k., but one more thing; why aren’t there any other foals my age in this ball? Last year there were some.” Asked Luna

“Well you see…. Due to the recklessness of the foals last year, none are allowed anymore with the exception of you and your sister.”

Luna was mad and went towards her father and asked for his time. “How could you do this father? Many foals dream of going to the gala once in their lifetime.” Said Luna

“Yes and many foals ruined the gala with their obnoxious behavior and disrespect towards our gala traditions. Which is why I rule no foals allowed in.” said Luna’s father.

“You have no right” said Luna. The argument continued on until eventually her father had told her when she takes the throne, she can make the rules. Luna was infuriated at her father and simply ignored him throughout the ball. After an hour, her sister was worried for her and went to talk to her.

“What wrong sister?” asked Celestia.

“I hate father.” Said Luna

“No you don’t you just had an argument that’s all” said Celestia

“Yes I do hate him. He rude, cruel to other foals, and he doesn’t even let out enjoy the company of friends.” Said Luna

“Now you know he’s only doing this because he wants to protect us.” Said Celestia

“Well I don’t need his protection. I’m a big filly and I don’t need him top boss me around.” Luna just got up at went to sit at her table. When the dancing started, her father wanted to dance with her and Luna had no choice but to accept.

“Now look Luna, I understand why your mad, but this gives you no right to act in such an misbehave manner.”

“Then let the others foals in. Let me have friends. Let me and my sister live.” Said Luna

“I’m only going to say this once, drop your attitude now or your grounded.” Said her father

Luna let go of him and looked down on the floor. “You’re…. you’re a big, fat, jerk.” She started to walk away from the ballroom and ran towards the garden fountain. Celestia wanted to follow her, but she was stopped by starswirl, telling her that she needed some alone time.

Meanwhile, Erick made it to the castle. “If I want to enter, I can’t take the front gate.” He then walked around the castle where there’s a hole in the wall where he can fit. He always goes through this hole to visit Luna whenever her parents are out in political meetings to play with Luna in the garden. When he entered the garden he spotted a familiar filly near the fountain.

Luna was sitting at the fountain, with her mask off, looking at the stars, and the fireflies buzzing around, and crying. “I wish I was as free as you fireflies. I would give up my royal title if it means I could have freedom.” She said to herself without knowing Erick overheard her.

“Well if you did that, then I miss calling you princess.” Luna looked over and saw a colt wearing a mask. He took it off to reveal himself to be her friend.

“Erick!? What are you doing here?” said Luna

“Well I was getting tired not getting invited to parties so I snuck out and came her.” Said Erick

“You need to leave. You’re going to get caught. It’s a no foal’s allowed party.” Said Luna

“I don’t care about that. I won’t leave my friend here to cry.” Said Erick

After about a half hour, her father went to check on her and saw her sitting next to colt he couldn’t see that well. His overprotective instinct kicked in. “You there boy!? Release my daughter at once.”

“Erick don’t let my father get me; I don’t want to go back.” Said Luna

Erick put on his mask. “He won’t.” He then grabs her hoof and took her to the hole where they made their escape into the wilderness.

“Guards! Guards!!! My daughter has been kidnapped.” Said Luna’s father as he then what direction they went. As they kept running they noticed magical searchlights behind them

“Oh no the guards, what are we going to do?” asked Luna

“Don’t worry I know this path.” said Erick to reassure her. They both flew with their wings to stop leaving behind hoof prints and hid behind a tree big enough for the both of them, The guards stopped for a while and looked around.

“The kidnaper must be a Pegasus and flew with Luna.” Said one guard

“We have to get the Pegasus guards to look in the cloud cities.” Said the other guard. When the guards left, Luna asked her friend where they go now.

“Don’t worry while heading towards the castle, I spotted a river, there should be a lake nearby then.” said Erick. So they went to find the river where they followed in towards the lake. There they decided to have fun. They got their clothes wet and left them on a rock for them to dry.

“Erick can I ask you something? What would you do if you get caught?” said Luna

“Well I guess that would be it for me huh?” said Erick in a calm voice

“You wouldn’t try to run or fight back?” asked Luna

“Nope. Because I know if anything happened to me, I would be glad to have met you, Celestia, and my dad. My memories of you three are what would keep me going in life.” Said Erick

When their clothes dried, they put in back on and walked back. On their way back to the castle, they went by Canterlot while it was still lively. They stopped by a man on the street taking picture of tourist ponies at the fountain.

“Erick put on your mask, I don’t ever want to forget this night.” said Luna as she put on her mask as well. The photographer took the picture and give to Luna. Erick paid for it and continued on their path to the castle.

“Well I guess this is it then….. Good night princess.” said Erick as he left her back at the garden.

“Wait… Um… just asking… since you took me out for fun…. Does this count as a date?” said Luna

“A date? What’s that.” Asked Erick

“Based on what I heard the maids and servants from my castle, a date is when a boy and girl have fun together.” Said Luna

Erick laughed to himself. “Then I guess this was a date then. Bye luna” he said as he ran back home.

Meanwhile back in ponyville, Erick handed the ticket to twilight to ask what are they for.

“It’s tickets to the grand galloping gala. It’s like a ball. Haven’t you been to one in the past?” said Twilight.

“Well once, but my memories are kind of blurry. Anyways Luna sent me tickets, so do you and the others want to come?” ask Erick

“Sure, me and the gals have learned our lesson from the last we went.” Said Twilight

“What happened?” asked Erick

“They didn’t follow my advice on staying together.” said Spike who overheard their conversation. “So you’re going to the gala, is there a ticket for me?”

“Of course, here you go.” said Erick as he gave him his invite. “And here’s yours twilight.” He said as gave her the ticket. “Now all we need is to invite the others.”

“Um Erick…. Do you think you can let me invite Rarity?” said Spike.

“Sure.” said Erick “And that leaves four more. Twilight, think you can invite Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?”

“Sure.” said Twilight as they all disperse and invited their friends. Erick’s First stop was Sugarcube Corner. He enters and was greeted kindly by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. He asked Where Pinkie is and they told him to wait while they get her.
“Pinkie dear, Erick here waiting for you.” said Mrs. Cake

His name excited her and she ran down from her room and jumped on him. “Oh Erick I’m so glad you came to visit.”

“No problem.” He said nervously. “Well I got this ticket for the grand galloping gala and I just wanted to know if you wanted to-” he was interrupted by Pinkie.

“You’re asking me out. TO THE GALA! Hmm I don’t know, I’ll have to check my schedule….. Just kidding. You made me the happiest pony ever." She said to him and she wrapped her hooves around her and all the customers Awed. Erick became extremely red with embarrassment and took pinkie off him.

“O.k. then….. I’ll see you at the gala.” He said as he went galloping off and away from Pinkie. His next stop was at Sweet Apple Arches, he knocked at the door to have Applebloom open the door. “Hello young filly, Is your sister here? I came by to ask her something.” said Erick

“Sure thing Erick.” she as she walked up to her sister’s room. “Hey sis, Erick’s here for you. He said he wanted to give you something.”

Applejack was surprised to see him at her home again. “O.K. just give me a few minutes.” She said to her little sister as he cleaned herself off and brushed her mane. We she left to meet with him Erick laughed a little. “What’s so funny?”

“Your brush is still on your mane.” He said. After she took off her brush, Erick went to the point. “Well I me and the others got invited to the gala and I’m here to invite you. So what do you say?”

“You want me to go with you? I’m… I’m honored Erick. Yes I will go and I hope… we could have some fun together.” Said Applejack

His smiled is what melted her heart. “I’m glad you’re coming too and I feel the same way. Until then miss applejack.

As he finished with his last invite, he went to Rarity’s boutique to ask for a suit for the gala. For this would a gala he will never forget.

End of Part 1

Chapter 13 part 2

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Chapter 13 part 2
The nights finally came, the mane six and were on a carriage to the castle for the grand galloping gala.

“Excuse me spikey-wikey, could you make the carriage go any faster or we’re going to be late.” said Rarity

“No problem rarity.” said spike as he grabbed his whip and whipped the alicorn pulling the carriage.

“OW! Spike ease of the whip, it hurts!” said Erick

“Come on faster or we’re going to be late.” Said spike

“You know it’s not easy pulling a carriage filled with six mares, a dragon, going uphill on a timed schedule.” Said Erick as he went back to looking forward and said under his breath, “How I let Rarity talk me into this I’ll never know.”

Eventually they made it to the gala and when they entered the castle they were of course greeted by Princess Celestia.
“Welcome My little ponies, and Erick how’s your training going?” asked the princess.

“Well so far I’ve learned about honesty and laughter as shown by these colored petals on my cutie mark.” said Erick, “but I still have four more to go. Anyways I noticed that your sister isn’t here with you, is she sick?” asked Erick

“Oh no, why would she be sick on this night? She really excited to see her foalhood friend again.” Said the sister

As they walked into the ballroom, they saw many famous ponies in there. In the back of the room was a nervous Alicorn in her dress, watching Erick from afar, blushing.

“He came. I was starting to doubt, but he came.” said Luna. She the emerges from the crowd to greet the mane mane six, spike and Erick. “So good to see you all. Especially you Erick.” She said as she hugged him

Erick then groaned in pain and take a step back, “Please not so hard on the hug, I had to pull a carriage just now so my back is sore.”

“Sorry. Anyways since you’re here, perhaps we may enjoy each other’s company. Just like old times.” Said Luna
As Erick was warming up to the idea, applejack suddenly stepped in.

“Well before you two start talking, how about we get some grub? It was a long walk wasn’t it Erick?” said Applejack

“That actually sounds good applejack. Sorry Luna, maybe after we can talk?” said Erick

“Sure. Just don’t eat too much.” Said Luna. As they left her, she sighed in disappointment, “You let him get away.”

Once when they received their food and sat down, they started talking about how their lives been so far and other small talk of that nature, until applejack brought up a unusual topic

“So you and Luna have history. huh sugarcube?” said Applejack

“Well yeah, we’ve known each other for a long time. We’ve been through each other’s good and bad times until we got separated. She means a lot to me.” Said Erick

“…….. You like her don’t cha?” said Applejack

“Well of course, how could someone not like a friend?” Said Erick oblivious to what she meant

“No what I mean is that, do you like like her?” said Applejack

Erick was unresponsive for a while. “Well….. Even if I did like a mare, I made a promise to myself not to have a relationship until I know nocturne is gone for good.” Said Erick

“Well I won’t get in the way of your promise, but I just want you to know, that I’ll hope you find the right mare.” Said Applejack. After their meal Erick, left A.J. to find Luna. She was last seen in the gardens, so that’s where he’ll go. He eventually found her sitting at the statues with a bored expression on her face.

“What’s wrong with you?” said Erick

“Oh nothing. I just thought you were going to leave me all by myself and stay with your new friends.” said Luna with an attitude.

“Look I’m sorry the meal was a lot longer than expected, but I’m here now and nothing will bother u-“

“HEY ERICK!” said pinkie pie from a distance as she was trotting up towards them

“Hello pinkie.” Said Erick

“Erick you gotta come to the dance floor it’s going to be fun.” Said pinkie

“In a minute pinkie, I just was to talk with Luna.” Said Erick

“but, your promise to dance with me.” said pinkie pie with puppy eyes.

The argument continued on until Erick gave up. “I’m sorry I have to make you wait again. I promise I’ll come back as fast as I can.” Said Erick

“it’s o.k., I don’t mind waiting.” said Luna with disappointment.

As Erick was dragged to the dance floor, pinkie took his hoof and both started to dance. As time went on, Erick started to enjoy the dancing more and eventually to music started to slow down and couples around him and pinkie started to embrace each other. Erick tried to step out of the dance floor, but pinkie pulled him close to her side.

“This is nice, being together like this, it makes me feel warm inside. Do you feel the same?” asked Pinkie pie

“Pinkie…. I know what you’re trying to do. These feelings you have are beautiful, but I don’t know why they’re pointed at me, don’t let these past events fool you. Why do you find me so special? I’m no different from any other pony.”

“Well, that’s the point. After tonight, I truly find out how I feel” said pinkie pie. Meanwhile outside, the night start to get cold and Luna has to decide to wait inside for Erick instead.

“Please just let me have this.” Said Pinkie as she puckered her lips and started moving forward.

“Pinkie you don’t have to do th-“ Erick was silenced by pinkie pie’s lips making contact with his.

At that moment Luna, opened to door to get inside and saw Erick and pinkie together. Erick’s eyes were open when he saw Luna staring back at them. When she saw it she became mad at first, but then ran towards her bedroom leaving behind a trail of tears. Erick released himself of pinkie.

“Listen I have to go. I’m sorry.” Said Erick as he went to follow luna to explain. He knocked on Luna’s bedroom door franticly to get her attention. “Luna please let me in so I can explain.”

Luna’s sobbing voice muffled his words as she just stared out her window and to the moon. “I was too late. He’s gone. Why’d it have to with somepony else? Why could it have been me?” said Luna to herself.

“Look Luna…. I just want to say what happened down there, it’s wasn’t on purpose. If you leave your room and meet me at the ballroom, I’ll know you’ll give me a chance to explain. If you choose to stay, I’ll understand and leave you alone. You have until the gala’s over.” said Erick through her door as he left.

Luna stayed in her room questioning what to do. Just ask she was thinking a mysterious voice in her head started to speak to her. “Luna…. Go to him, but not like this.” said the voice.

As the voice finished what he said a dark trail of magic showed itself and lead to a helmet under the bed.

“No…. it can’t be.” said Luna.

“Yes wear me Luna; you’re weak in this state. Reunite us to show Erick the real you.” said the voice.

“No…this isn’t the real me.” Said Luna, but with some struggle in her tone of voice

“Erick doesn’t love you. Why do you think he kissed that pony!?” said the voice

Luna fell to her knees; her eyes started to fade out and just looked soullessly in the ground. “He doesn’t…. love me?”

“Not in this state,” said the voice as Luna grabbed the helmet. “And together …” Luna gave in and wore the helmet. She felt the dark magic engulfing her body, transforming her into something strong and evil. She had once again turned into the evil princess, Nightmare moon.

“They won’t see us coming.”

End of part 2

Chapter 13 part 3

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Ch. 13 part 3

As Erick was waiting at the ballroom he took the time to recollect his thoughts on what happened tonight. “Oh sweet Celestia, what should I do? If only I could go back in time, I could’ve stopped this.”

Hours went by as he waited for Luna, eventually it was near the end of the gala and it was announced that the sisters would have the final dance with one person in the crowd. As Celestia chose her dance partner, Erick could hear a voice in his head. He went outside to hear it more clearly. As he focused on the voice, he heard his Step-father’s voice.

“Son can you hear now?” said the voice of star swirl

“Yes father, why are you in my head?” Asked Erick

“I’m here because I sensed something. A great amount of dark magic.” Said Star swirl

“Dark magic; Could it be Nocturne?” Erick asked his father’s voice

“It feels like him, but I also sense another pony inside that magic, pleading for rescue. It’s in the castle.” Said Star swirl

“Right now!? Where is it!?” said Erick

“I feel it moving, it’s…. heading towards the-” at that moment a sudden burst of dark magic came from the ballroom, Erick rushed into the ballroom to see that everypony except for the mane six and Princess Celestia were under a sleeping spell and are suffering from the nightmares they’re having.

“Erick don’t breathe in the smoke.” said Rainbow Dash

“Get in my barrier that I made.” said Twilight Sparkle.

“What could’ve done this?” said Applejack

At that moment a wicked laughter was heard from across the room and walking towards them.

“Did you miss me my little ponies? Well don’t worry; the true ruler of equestrian is here.”

“Nightmare Moon!?” said everypony in shock.

“Who is she?” asked Erick out loud

“She is my sister’s evil form.” said Celestia, “but why is she here? Luna has her under control.”

Erick looked at her. To imagine her friend was once this monster. As he looked at her, he noticed a marking on the helmet Nightmare Moon was wearing. It had the picture of an owl on it

“Luna is being controlled by Nocturne!” said Erick

“Very clever of you flowers.” said Nightmare Moon mockingly, “but you’ll soon see that my powers are far from the very same Luna you know.”

“If you want to get to him, you have to get passed us.” said Pinkie Pie

“Very well,” said Nightmare Moon, The moonlight was under her as she charged her magic. “With the power of the moon and the winged beast that flies unopposed,” Nightmare Moon’s magic hits the barrier and shatters it to pieces “I overpower you spell.”

“At that moment the mane six and Princess fainted from the dark smog and began to suffer from their nightmares, however, Erick was unfazed by the magic

“Now it’s just you and me flowers.” said Nightmare moon

“I’m not going to fight you.” said Erick

“It won’t be a fight. It’ll be murder.” said nightmare moon

Nightmare moon was using to magic to strike Erick, but he dodged each one. Nightmare moon soon had the advantage and she hit him with a bolt of magic and started throwing him around. This cycle of Nightmare moon hurting him and him not fighting back went on for a while.

“This seems easier than expected. Why aren’t you fighting back?” said Nightmare moon

“Because I know that Luna’s still in there.” said Erick “I could never hurt my friend.”

That word angered her and she then held Erick against the wall choking him.

“You may not know this, but you’re hurting her as we speak.” said nightmare moon as she brought Erick’s neck to the tip of her horn. “Any last words hero of Equestria?”

At that moment Time froze once again and Erick wasn’t taken to his mind where his step father is. “Dad, you save me again.” said Erick

“Flower Power. I’m most disappointed is you.” said Star swirl

“Wait what?” said Erick

“Have you learned nothing from your friends? Honesty, Laughter, etc.” said Star Swirl

“Well yes, but two elements can’t defeat Nightmare moon.” said Erick

“That’s because you haven’t tapped into their true power.”

“How do I do that!?” said Erick

“You have to honest with yourself. Remember the laughs you had.” said Star Swirl.

“But how?” said Erick. Star Swirl didn’t had enough time to response as his body started to fade away and Erick was returning to his world and brought back to the his last moment with nightmare moon. “(Be honest….. Does this mean….) Luna.”

“There is no Luna anymore.” said Nightmare moon

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry and I have to honest with myself. I didn’t know you got jealous of what happened with me and Pinkie and I’m sorry that… I was oblivious to how you felt.”

Nightmare Moon was starting to feel woozy and the orange petal in Erick was glowing as he continued to speak the truth.

“I wasn’t very honest with you and I have to say it. When you first kissed me at that party for Nocturne’s defeat, I was so confused on the way I looked at you. I saw you as a friend, but now in near death I’ve come to realize with all the times and laughs we had…”

The pink petal in Erick’s Cutie mark started to glow along with the orange petal.

“I really like you.” at that moment the glow blinded nightmare moon and suddenly a surge of power came to Erick. His horn turned into a helmet and his wings wrapped around his waist, turning into an impenetrable armor; He has become Flower Power: Earth pony form. With the power of honesty he was able to remove the helmet and freed Luna from its control.

“THIS ISN’T OVER YET!” said the helmet which has manifested a body of its own with Luna’s magic and dark magic. With the power of laughter, Erick shows no fear and simply laughs at his enemy. He charges at the helmet while the helmet was trying to stop him from getting closer, but it was futile. As a last resort it charged what was left of magic in him and Erick sideswiped and kicked the helmet with all the strength of his hind legs, it clashed with his magical blast.

“THIS WAS JUST A PRELUDE TO DESTRUCTION!!!” was the helmet last words as the kicked broke it to pieces, but his blast threw Erick hard enough to break some columns and the castle wall. We the helmet broke, the dark magic that give everypony nightmares disappeared as they woke up, everypony saw the destruction and found Erick unconscious from the blast, the armor did protect him from most of the damage, but he knocked out from both the physical and emotional exhaustion he had. He woke up in Celestia’s bedroom with his horn and wings back to normal and with Celestia and the mane six surrounding him.

“Erick, what you did last night, was amazing.” said Twilight

“You save equestrian twice now, but we still hold the record.” said Rainbow dash

“But with just two elements. You’re getting stronger every day Erick.” said Applejack

“It’s a shame that nopony with know of your heroic deed besides us.” said Rarity

“Let’s keep that way. I don’t want another parade in the state I'm in.” said Erick

“Very well, you’ll be back on your hooves in about two days.” said Celestia

“Yes princess, so now I must learn the element of Generosity and Magic. Don’t worry I won’t fail you.” said Erick. He then looked around the room, “Hey….. Where’s Luna?”

He heard trotting hoofsteps coming from the hallway. The door opened and Luna suddenly pounced on Erick and wrapped her hooves around him.

“Oh Erick I’m so glad your awake.” she said with glee. “I promise me you’ll make time for your new special somepony.” said Luna as she tighten the hug

“WHATAHHH!” said Erick in confusion and pain as the hug hurted his back

“Even thought I was under Nocturne’s control I was able to hear what you said. I’m so happy.” said Luna

“No way am I losing you Erick.” said Pinkie as she broke the hug and grabbed Erick’s hoof

“He said he liked Me.” said Luna as she grabbed the other hoof

“But he kissed Me.” said Pinkie as she pulled Erick to her side

“You made him do it. He’s mine” said Luna as she pulled him to her side

“No mine.” said Pinkie





“I’M NOT A TOY.” said Erick as he being pulled back and forth.

“Correction Erick, make that four day until recovery.” said Celestia as the others laughed

To be continued.