• Published 5th Dec 2012
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Mastering the elements: the Earth pony chronicles - Eriku719

An alicorn from the past becomes the 7th element of harmony,but must learn about the other elements.

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Chapter 13 part 1

Chapter 13 part 1

As Luna sent her invite to Erick, her sister appeared behind her.

“So who was that for? As if I needed to ask.” said Celestia

“It’s just that I feel like he needs to experience some of the things he missed out over the centuries, become more recognized, etc.” said Luna

“Are you sure this there isn’t something else? He was a foalhood friend, the only one that father never knew about.” said Celestia.

“Well… maybe we could reconnect.” said Luna nervously.

“You know I can reserve a dance for you and Erick. It’s obvious that you my little sister is having feelings.” Celestia said mockingly.

“Oh hush up sister and leave me be, I must start my royal duties.” Said Luna

“Very well. I’ll leave you be.” And with those words Celestia left and once when she was alone Luna looked through her closet and found an old dusty picture of her and Erick in masks.

“Aw memories…..”

It just became night and the grand galloping gala has started. The gala was different than others because his royal highness has made it into a masquerade ball. Every noble pony entered with a red carpet to trot on and waiting inside were a ballroom full of masked ponies. There in the ballroom was a young Celestia chatting with older ponies alongside her father and Luna with Starswirl the bearded asking him where her friend is.

“Well you see Luna, if Erick is to stay hidden; he can’t come to this gala. We already had too many close calls, But don’t worry, he’s a big colt and can take care of himself.” said Starswirl.

Meanwhile outside the castle, is a lone alicorn is a fancy outfit given to him by his step-father while wearing a mask was galloping towards the castle. “I’m tired of me not going to parties father, and if you won’t take me, then I’ll go by myself.”

“Well o.k., but one more thing; why aren’t there any other foals my age in this ball? Last year there were some.” Asked Luna

“Well you see…. Due to the recklessness of the foals last year, none are allowed anymore with the exception of you and your sister.”

Luna was mad and went towards her father and asked for his time. “How could you do this father? Many foals dream of going to the gala once in their lifetime.” Said Luna

“Yes and many foals ruined the gala with their obnoxious behavior and disrespect towards our gala traditions. Which is why I rule no foals allowed in.” said Luna’s father.

“You have no right” said Luna. The argument continued on until eventually her father had told her when she takes the throne, she can make the rules. Luna was infuriated at her father and simply ignored him throughout the ball. After an hour, her sister was worried for her and went to talk to her.

“What wrong sister?” asked Celestia.

“I hate father.” Said Luna

“No you don’t you just had an argument that’s all” said Celestia

“Yes I do hate him. He rude, cruel to other foals, and he doesn’t even let out enjoy the company of friends.” Said Luna

“Now you know he’s only doing this because he wants to protect us.” Said Celestia

“Well I don’t need his protection. I’m a big filly and I don’t need him top boss me around.” Luna just got up at went to sit at her table. When the dancing started, her father wanted to dance with her and Luna had no choice but to accept.

“Now look Luna, I understand why your mad, but this gives you no right to act in such an misbehave manner.”

“Then let the others foals in. Let me have friends. Let me and my sister live.” Said Luna

“I’m only going to say this once, drop your attitude now or your grounded.” Said her father

Luna let go of him and looked down on the floor. “You’re…. you’re a big, fat, jerk.” She started to walk away from the ballroom and ran towards the garden fountain. Celestia wanted to follow her, but she was stopped by starswirl, telling her that she needed some alone time.

Meanwhile, Erick made it to the castle. “If I want to enter, I can’t take the front gate.” He then walked around the castle where there’s a hole in the wall where he can fit. He always goes through this hole to visit Luna whenever her parents are out in political meetings to play with Luna in the garden. When he entered the garden he spotted a familiar filly near the fountain.

Luna was sitting at the fountain, with her mask off, looking at the stars, and the fireflies buzzing around, and crying. “I wish I was as free as you fireflies. I would give up my royal title if it means I could have freedom.” She said to herself without knowing Erick overheard her.

“Well if you did that, then I miss calling you princess.” Luna looked over and saw a colt wearing a mask. He took it off to reveal himself to be her friend.

“Erick!? What are you doing here?” said Luna

“Well I was getting tired not getting invited to parties so I snuck out and came her.” Said Erick

“You need to leave. You’re going to get caught. It’s a no foal’s allowed party.” Said Luna

“I don’t care about that. I won’t leave my friend here to cry.” Said Erick

After about a half hour, her father went to check on her and saw her sitting next to colt he couldn’t see that well. His overprotective instinct kicked in. “You there boy!? Release my daughter at once.”

“Erick don’t let my father get me; I don’t want to go back.” Said Luna

Erick put on his mask. “He won’t.” He then grabs her hoof and took her to the hole where they made their escape into the wilderness.

“Guards! Guards!!! My daughter has been kidnapped.” Said Luna’s father as he then what direction they went. As they kept running they noticed magical searchlights behind them

“Oh no the guards, what are we going to do?” asked Luna

“Don’t worry I know this path.” said Erick to reassure her. They both flew with their wings to stop leaving behind hoof prints and hid behind a tree big enough for the both of them, The guards stopped for a while and looked around.

“The kidnaper must be a Pegasus and flew with Luna.” Said one guard

“We have to get the Pegasus guards to look in the cloud cities.” Said the other guard. When the guards left, Luna asked her friend where they go now.

“Don’t worry while heading towards the castle, I spotted a river, there should be a lake nearby then.” said Erick. So they went to find the river where they followed in towards the lake. There they decided to have fun. They got their clothes wet and left them on a rock for them to dry.

“Erick can I ask you something? What would you do if you get caught?” said Luna

“Well I guess that would be it for me huh?” said Erick in a calm voice

“You wouldn’t try to run or fight back?” asked Luna

“Nope. Because I know if anything happened to me, I would be glad to have met you, Celestia, and my dad. My memories of you three are what would keep me going in life.” Said Erick

When their clothes dried, they put in back on and walked back. On their way back to the castle, they went by Canterlot while it was still lively. They stopped by a man on the street taking picture of tourist ponies at the fountain.

“Erick put on your mask, I don’t ever want to forget this night.” said Luna as she put on her mask as well. The photographer took the picture and give to Luna. Erick paid for it and continued on their path to the castle.

“Well I guess this is it then….. Good night princess.” said Erick as he left her back at the garden.

“Wait… Um… just asking… since you took me out for fun…. Does this count as a date?” said Luna

“A date? What’s that.” Asked Erick

“Based on what I heard the maids and servants from my castle, a date is when a boy and girl have fun together.” Said Luna

Erick laughed to himself. “Then I guess this was a date then. Bye luna” he said as he ran back home.

Meanwhile back in ponyville, Erick handed the ticket to twilight to ask what are they for.

“It’s tickets to the grand galloping gala. It’s like a ball. Haven’t you been to one in the past?” said Twilight.

“Well once, but my memories are kind of blurry. Anyways Luna sent me tickets, so do you and the others want to come?” ask Erick

“Sure, me and the gals have learned our lesson from the last we went.” Said Twilight

“What happened?” asked Erick

“They didn’t follow my advice on staying together.” said Spike who overheard their conversation. “So you’re going to the gala, is there a ticket for me?”

“Of course, here you go.” said Erick as he gave him his invite. “And here’s yours twilight.” He said as gave her the ticket. “Now all we need is to invite the others.”

“Um Erick…. Do you think you can let me invite Rarity?” said Spike.

“Sure.” said Erick “And that leaves four more. Twilight, think you can invite Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?”

“Sure.” said Twilight as they all disperse and invited their friends. Erick’s First stop was Sugarcube Corner. He enters and was greeted kindly by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. He asked Where Pinkie is and they told him to wait while they get her.
“Pinkie dear, Erick here waiting for you.” said Mrs. Cake

His name excited her and she ran down from her room and jumped on him. “Oh Erick I’m so glad you came to visit.”

“No problem.” He said nervously. “Well I got this ticket for the grand galloping gala and I just wanted to know if you wanted to-” he was interrupted by Pinkie.

“You’re asking me out. TO THE GALA! Hmm I don’t know, I’ll have to check my schedule….. Just kidding. You made me the happiest pony ever." She said to him and she wrapped her hooves around her and all the customers Awed. Erick became extremely red with embarrassment and took pinkie off him.

“O.k. then….. I’ll see you at the gala.” He said as he went galloping off and away from Pinkie. His next stop was at Sweet Apple Arches, he knocked at the door to have Applebloom open the door. “Hello young filly, Is your sister here? I came by to ask her something.” said Erick

“Sure thing Erick.” she as she walked up to her sister’s room. “Hey sis, Erick’s here for you. He said he wanted to give you something.”

Applejack was surprised to see him at her home again. “O.K. just give me a few minutes.” She said to her little sister as he cleaned herself off and brushed her mane. We she left to meet with him Erick laughed a little. “What’s so funny?”

“Your brush is still on your mane.” He said. After she took off her brush, Erick went to the point. “Well I me and the others got invited to the gala and I’m here to invite you. So what do you say?”

“You want me to go with you? I’m… I’m honored Erick. Yes I will go and I hope… we could have some fun together.” Said Applejack

His smiled is what melted her heart. “I’m glad you’re coming too and I feel the same way. Until then miss applejack.

As he finished with his last invite, he went to Rarity’s boutique to ask for a suit for the gala. For this would a gala he will never forget.

End of Part 1