• Published 5th Dec 2012
  • 831 Views, 12 Comments

Mastering the elements: the Earth pony chronicles - Eriku719

An alicorn from the past becomes the 7th element of harmony,but must learn about the other elements.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Come on Erick, we're wasting time." Said an irratated Luna waiting outside his.

"Almost finish." Said Erick. Twenty minutes later and the stallion finally comes out with a upscale casual shirt and jacket.

"Very smart of you Erick. you wear the shirt to hide your wing from the public. Now you look like an average unicorn now." said a satisified Luna.

"Um... actually I'm wearing this because of the clothes policy you gals put up. Remember Luna?" said Erick

"Actually we lifted that policy, now we wear clothes for ceremonies and other special events." Luna said.

"So that means...... some ponies are.....n-n-n-naked!?" said a nervous Erick.

"Actually it's quite normal now-a-days, maybe you should bring your encyclopedia to understand the world so more. Now off we go." Said Luna

"Good idea." said Erick as he hurried off with luna and a book inside the bag of bits Celestia gave him.

as they left the castle and entered the city of Canterlot. As they trotted down the city, Erick was like a colt in a candy store, he couldn't take his eyes of the buildings of stores, markets, resturants and the citizens. He's was especally exited about seeing buildings and statues of his youth.

"Wow I remember this place." said Erick as he stopped near a fountain in the center of town. "We used to play here alot when you would sneak out." Said Erick as he soon pulled out a bit from his bag and tossed it into the water.

"What did you wish for Erick?" said Luna

"I good manecut." Said Erick.

Soon after, they made there way to the Barber shop, where they were greeted by a nice old stallion. "Why hello there young one. What brings you here today?" said the barber.

"A pleasure to meet you Mr.Barber, I would like a manecut please."said Erick as he sat down on a chair, "And make it look nice sir."

After fifthteen minutes, Erick was then showed his new cut. A short head of hair with a little mohawk on the tip of his mane. "I thank you sir." Said Erick as he pay him with the bits he had. He approach luna with his new mane. "How do I look?" asked Erick as he got a chuckle in response.

"You look wonderful, now then I decided that we should get something to eat, if you follow me we should be near a donut shop where we can get some lunch." said Luna

"Do-nut???" said a confused Erick. They soon found themselves seated inside a shop and Erick finds himself face to face with a dozen of circular bread, covered in chocolate, sprinkles, or glazed.

"Just try one." Said Luna as she used her magic to pick up a fork and knife to cut a piece of a chocolate donut. "Open wide. Ahhh." said Luna.

Erick would soon be surprised with the taste of sweetness in his mouth. "Wow this is really good." Said Erick. "I think I may have found my new favortie food."

"Glad you like Erick." said Luna, After lunch and exploring the city, the sun started to set, which means it was almost time for Luna to rise the moon. So they started their walk back to the castle. Luna then started to talk to Erick without paying attention to him "You know Erick.... I'm glad I was able to be with you today." Said Luna

"Me too.... I'm glad to have you as a friend." said Erick.They continued to talk some more, however Erick then soon got distracted as he accidently went another direction than Luna. It took Luna thirty minutes to realized she was talking to herself and had lost Erick.

"Oh sweet Celestia." She said to herself. She then turned back to what will soon be a useless attempt in finding her friend.

As Erick went further into the city, he found himself a weird building. It was long instead of tall. As he entered the building he found what looked to him as a giant wagon made of metal, with doors and windows on the side on seats on the inside. He looked to see if anyone was in this wagon. He peeked in and found a stallion looking at him angerly.

" Your late coal-colt." said the stallion as he dragged Erick into the train. "You have fifthteen minutes to get ready to shovel."

"Um..... o.k?" said Erick. "What I'm I supposed to do?" Ask Erick nervously.

" It's simple oats for brains, shovel the coal into the engine to get the train moving. I swear these coal-colts gets dumber by each stop." said the stallion irrated


"You know what I don't have time for this." Said the stallion as he poked his head out the window and yelled with all his might. "ALL ABOARD!!!!! NEXT STOP PONYVILLE!" As soon as he said that, hundreds of ponies start to enter the train and seated themselves.

While Luna was still searching she got frighten by the train's loud roar to signal its leave. "I looked everywhere, but still no sign of him where could he go-.......... Oh no." She then starting running towards the train station. As the train was leaving she caught a glimpse of Erick shoveling coal to the train's engine. "Erick!!!" said Luna as she spreaded her wings to fly and catch up with the train.

"Luna! Don't worry about me, You have a moon to raise. I'll be in ponyville!" Said Erick as the train left Luna behind. Luna then Returned to castle with a worried sister waiting for her and Erick. Luna then brought forth the moon and night before she had to confront her sister. " Sis..... I have some bad news.... I lost Erick on a train and now he's on his way to ponyville."

"....... That's o.k. Luna. At least you tried to find him and also we now know where he's going. We'll head to ponyville tomarrow a.s.a.p. and find him." She said to a sadened princess. "Look on the bright side...... he has a presentable mane now." she said to get a laugh out of he sister, " And also he'll be with my faithful students and her friends, so everything with be alright."

As the train was traveling down its tracks the conductor of the trains told Erick, "Alright kid, you take a break and grabs some grub and sleep. We'll be alright for the the night."

"Um... thanks? but I don't know where's the food or the beds." said Erick.

" Just go to the food cart and sleep in the resting cart it's as simple as that coal-colt." said the conductor.

"Um... thanks?" As Erick tried to find his way to the food cart, he couldn't stoped turning red. " How could these ponies be o.k. with not wearing clothes!?" he said under his breath. When he finally made it to the food cart and grabbed his food, there was no place to sit but the floor until he heard a mare call to him with a southern voice.

"Over here fella." said the mare

As he turned his head towards the direction of the voice, he sees an orange mare with blond hair and a hat on and a little filly with red hair and a big bow on it. he then sat and thanked the mare for her generosity. "No problem sir, you looked like you needed a seat anyways."

"Still nice of you Mrs....?"

"Actually it's miss Applejack, just Applejack, or you could called me A.J. for short."

" And I'm applebloom. Her sister Mr....?"

"Erick..... Erick Flowers. Charmed to meet you both." Said Erick to his new friends.