• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 6,282 Views, 758 Comments

Then Everyone was an Alicorn - CluelessBrony

A botched spell turns everypony in Equestria into Alicorns

  • ...

Diary of a Princess

Princess Luna's diary

Dear Diary,

Today has not been a very good day. Sister had been holed up in her room all day long, signing papers and ruling the kingdom. I wish she would spend some more time with me! She's been neglecting me ever since I returned. I asked again for her to let me help with the kingdom so that the work would be done quicker, but she refused. In all honesty, I don't think she trusts me. I'm her sister, she should trust me with all her heart! But no, I try to take over the world and stop the sun from rising forever one time and suddenly it's all "Oh, I don't know if it would be a good idea for you to help."

So here I am, writing in my diary all alone again, when I could be spending time with my sister. When I first came back, she had spent so much time with me for the first few weeks. I remember one time, she had been teaching me a new spell she had made during my banishment. I had failed so spectacularly! My entire bedroom had turned green. Everything! It took a week to return everything to normal. I've since magic-proofed my bedroom, because I don't want anything like that happening again. No magic could get in or out of these walls!

I have a new-

Wait, what was that? It sounds like there's a commotion outside my bedroom door. I must go for now to investigate, I shall continue writing in you once I return.

*The writing returns here, but is very messy, nearly illegible, as though the writer was under a great deal of stress*

Oh diary, you will not believe the things I have just seen! Upon exiting my bedroom, I see my night guards. But no, they are not as I remember them, they have changed. They have grown wings and a horn! I fear my dreams are coming true, and no matter how much I enjoy thinking of this at night, something is definitely wrong with the sight. I have looked out of my window, and seen the citizens of Canterlot. All of them have wings, all of them have horns!

This is bad news. Who knows how much mischief these ponies could get into with the powers of an Alicorn! I must see sister at once. I hope she'll know what to do...


Luna ran through the marble hallways of the castle, weaving and dodging through excited Alicorn nobles and servants. A familiar white Alicorn with a flowing blonde mane stepped into her path, blocking her. "Auntie Luna, look at me!" exclaimed Blueblood. "Isn't this new look marvellous? My horn is so long, and I can do so much with my magic!"

Luna screeched. She would be willing to talk with any other pony, but an excited Blueblood was not something she wanted to deal with. Blueblood prattled on, seemingly unaware of Luna's anguish.

"It's such a shame the commoners all have this look as well, though, isn't it? I kept telling Auntie Celestia we should segregate them so we wouldn't have to dirty our hooves dealing with them, but she refused to listen to reason. What are they good for, anyway? Well, it's too late to get rid of them now, I suppose."

Luna tried getting past Blueblood, but his outstretched wings blocked her path. "Look at my gorgeous wings! Aren't they fantastic?" he gloated.

Luna growled. Everypony else may be an Alicorn now, but she was still princess of the night. The dark mare gathered up energy in her horn and shaped it into a teleportation spell. She released it and felt the familiar tug of teleportation pulling on her. She had always likened it to getting pulled backwards in a giant slingshot, and getting fired towards the space she wanted.

She reappeared behind the boastful prince and continued her mad dash towards her sister's quarters. "Auntie, you didn't even look at all the new tricks I've learned! Auntie, come back!"

Luna took a right. He sister's room was in her sight now, getting closer by the second. Nopony else was in this hallway, and she had a clear path towards it. She skidded to a stop and banged her front hooves on the door. "Sister! Sister, let me in!" she cried. There was no response, but Luna could sense her sister was in their. Being immortal goddesses had its perks, one of them being a special connection with her sister.

She banged her hooves on the door again. "Sister, please, this is important!" she shouted. A muffled response from behind the door told her that her sister had heard her.

"Go away!" came the response from behind the door.

Luna stood there, mouth agape. Did her sister not realize what was going on? "Celly, it's an emergency! You need to let me in!" she shouted, pounding on the door for emphasis.

"No! You can't see me like this!"

Luna glared at nothing in particular. The nerve of Celestia, not even coming out of her room to deal with what could possibly be a national emergency! She prepared her magic and focused on the door. If there was one thing she had learned from a lifetime of mischief and fun at night, it was how to pick a lock.

The door opened with a click. Luna kicked it open. What she saw on the other side of the door shocked her to her very core.