• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 30,545 Views, 657 Comments

True Love Never Changes - VashTheStampede

Cadance has kept a secret from Shining Armor. Now, on their wedding night, she will reveal it.

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Chapter 11

“What do you mean you can’t?” Shining Armor asked nervously, just a trace of laughter in his voice. Not a happy laugh. A scared laugh. The laugh of a pony who did not know how to cope with what was to come.

“I mean…” Chrysalis trailed off, screwing her eyes shut in concentration. The only result was another puff of green flame, with no change to her form. “I mean what I said. I can’t transform. I… what are we going to do? Shiny?” Chrysalis was beginning to hyperventilate, her eyes widening as she backed up, as though trying to escape herself. All things indicating the first stages of a mare having a panic attack.

And panicking is never the best course of action, Twilight thought to herself, focusing everything on her breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth. In through the nose, out through the mouth, right, not panicking. Step 2, make sure no one else panics. How do I keep Chrysalis from panicking? With my brother. That’s how.

“Shining,” Twilight said, stepping towards her brother and placing a hoof on his broad shoulder, “Go to her. Calm her down. I’ll have Spike send another letter to Celestia, we can figure this out. There’s no need for the world to come crashing down today. We’re in Ponyville, the universe decides to let that happen here often enough. Not today. You hear me, BBBFF? We are not going to have an incident today.”

Shining Armor gulped and nodded. He recognized the tone she was using, it was something he had playfully dubbed ‘The Voice’ years ago, after having been convinced out of his dessert for a week. A commanding tone. He did not have to be told twice. Stumbling on his own hooves for a moment, he trotted across the room.

Chrysalis had since backed into a corner, eyes darting around to every possible entrance to the library, scanning for intruders or spies. Finding none in one location only brought her eyes to the next, the cycle repeating, her gaze not lingering longer than a second or two on any one opening. When her husband approached her, she turned to him, but did not see him. Her multi-layered green eyes were unfocused, staring at some unknown point on the wall behind Shining.

“Chrysalis, snap out of it!” He urged, placing his forehooves on her shoulders, and shaking his wife gently. Failing to break her catatonic state, he pulled her into a hug. “Chrysalis, my love, it’s ok. It doesn’t matter if you can’t transform. We’ll figure something out. My sister is here, and the Princesses want to help us. We can handle this. Chrysalis…” Shining Armor kissed his wife, gently, on the nose. She blinked once, twice, and shook her head.

“Shining, I’m sorry, I just…”

“Shh, it’s ok. You’re scared. It’s ok to be scared right now. But we need to not panic. Twilight will think of something, right Twiley?” Shining said, looking over his wife’s shoulder at his sister, his tone an odd mixture of instruction and pleading.

“Right. Of course I will. I saved your marriage once, I’ll do it again if I have to,” Twilight replied, nervousness just barely showing through a determined voice.

“Oh, Twilight,” Spike piped up, “I think there’s a letter coming…”

The little dragon belched, a puff of light green fire evaporating into a neatly wrapped piece of parchment with the royal seal on it. Spike caught the scroll before it hit the ground, rushing over to Twilight and presenting it to her. She hastily unbound the note, beginning to read aloud.

“My Most Faithful Student, her newlywed brother, and my beloved Niece, I think I may have solved one of our problems. I have drafted a law that would retroactively nullify all Guard orders issued under the influence of alcohol. It seems a reasonable law in general, and would go a long way towards fixing our current issue. While I do hold the power to pass laws as I bid it, it is considered proper political etiquette to converse with my sister on the subject. While she will not be happy to be awoken at ‘the ridiculous hour of eight thirty in the morning,’ as she will phrase it, I’m willing to risk the wrath of a disgruntled Luna to help you in your time of need. This law should be in effect by tomorrow. Your mentor and friend, Princess Celestia,” Twilight finished, a small smile having spread across her face. The news was good, yes, and one less problem was always a good thing. However, the issue of Chrysalis being permanently herself vastly overshadowed this small victory.

“Well that’s good,” Spike said, the pitch of his voice rolling as he questioned, “isn’t it?”

A brief silence reigned in the room, before Twilight responded to her assistant. “Yes, Spike, it is a good thing, as Shining Armor is now back in command of the Guard again, and can call off the hunt for Chrysalis,” Twilight said, trotting over to the little purple dragon, rubbing the top of his head with her hoof, “but now, since Chrysalis can’t transform, we have a slightly bigger problem. Do you feel up to writing another letter to the Princess?” Spike nodded, producing a quill and a piece of parchment from seemingly nowhere.

“Of course, Twilight. Anything you need,” he said, bowing comically low.

Twilight chuckled, and looked over at her brother, who was still holding Chrysalis tightly, gently rocking the larger changeling back and forth in his hooves. The black mare was hugging her husband tightly, clinging to as much of him as she could, as though afraid at any moment he might be ripped away from her, a waking nightmare far too close to becoming reality if the group didn’t play their cards just right.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” she began dictating, taking solace in the subtle scratching noises of the quill, “On behalf of my family, I thank you sincerely for making such sacrifices for our sake, and I doubly thank your sister. However, a rather unfortunate development has occurred. I urge you to be seated before reading on. Princess, Chrysalis’ changeling powers have failed completely. She finds herself no longer able to transform or disguise herself at all. Chrysalis is understandably distressed, however,” Twilight took another glance at the couple, and, observing Chrysalis’ slowly loosening grip, “Shining Armor seems to have the situation under control. Your input and assistance would be greatly appreciated. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

An unspoken confirmation passed between unicorn and dragon, and Spike gently blew the letter into ash.

“Alright everypony, I think the best plan right now would be to go to Zecora’s,” Twilight said after a moment. “She just… knows things sometimes. Spike, can you stay here in case anypony shows up while we’re out?”

“Of course, Twilight!” Spike’s reply was characteristically enthusiastic, even if the little dragon did like doing things besides what Twilight told him to. Still, Twilight was thankful that the dragon at least pretended to love doing almost anything for her.

“Thank you, Spike. Shining Armor, Chrysalis, are you ready to go?”

Shining Armor nodded. “Chrysalis is still a little nervous, but I’ll be there. It sounds kinda arrogant saying that,” he said, with a small laugh, “but I think you know what I mean.”

“I do, brother.”

With a flash of purple light and a small pop, the trio disappeared, leaving Spike alone in the library.


The trio reappeared outside the small hut, golden sunlight trickling faintly through the treetops of the Everfree. Without hesitation, Twilight ran forward and opened the door, memories of her last unannounced entry to the zebra’s abode being the only thing that kept her from yelling out her friend’s name.

Zecora was in a familiar position, balanced upside-down on a bamboo staff, meditating as some brew slowly bubbled away in the cauldron. Zecora opened her eyes and smiled, even if her upside-down form made the expression a frown. She was glad to see Twilight, she always was – the purple unicorn’s thirst for knowledge was something Zecora was always willing to do her best to slake. Expertly dismounting her staff, the zebra had soon righted herself, and walked over to greet her friend.

“Twilight! So good of you to come to talk! Though, would it have killed you to knock?” Zecora asked, throwing in a smile at the end that she hoped would key Twilight in to her sarcastic tone. “Please, come in, tell me how you’ve been.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry Zecora, I really am. We have a problem right now, though, one that perhaps only you can solve,” Twilight answered, her voice rushed, “Shining, Chrysalis, come on.”

Zecora looked around Twilight to see Chrysalis still tightly pressed against her husband, the nervous changeling’s eyes still darting around, although at a much slower rate. Shining Armor began to slowly walk forward, and the green orbs in Chrysalis’ head latched on to him, and she lowered herself to walk alongside him. Zecora thought for a moment, stepping to the side to allow her friend’s family entrance to her home, before speaking.

“Oh, queen Chrysalis? Why do you come to me looking like this?”

Being addressed directly seemed to snap her out of her daze, and Chrysalis stood higher, returning to her full height.

“I… yes, sorry. This is the problem, you see. I have… lost the ability to transform, completely. I can’t use my changeling powers anymore.”

“This is something you did not expect?” Zecora replied, “Your husband’s love is hardly in check.”

“I… well… I suppose not, but still, I thought those were just legends,” Chrysalis responded, casting her gaze to her husband. This loving, caring, amazing, handsome pony who I hardly deserve and would do anything for me…

“So of the legend you already knew, but you did not suspect it of being true?”

“I… no, I really didn’t.”

Zecora put a hoof to her chin, thinking, humming softly to herself.

“Zecora, is there anything you can do?” Twilight asked, quietly, hoping she wasn’t being rude.

“I know of no potions, spells, or brews that anything about this can do. My only suggestion for you now, is decide when to tell, not how.”

“You think we should go public,” Shining Armor thought aloud, his voice working over the words as he spoke. “Chrysalis, do you think…”

“I want to, love, I really do,” she said, bending down to nuzzle him.

“Equestria cannot be kept from the truth,” Zecora said, breaking the temporary silence, “How long can you prevent ponies from playing sleuth?”

“I… I don’t know,” Shining Armor sighed, eyes falling to his own forehooves, searching for an answer. “I swore I’d protect you from anything, and that I’d be with you forever, Chrysalis. If you want to tell Equestria, I will support you in that decision, and I will not leave you, not for anything, not for anypony. I love you.”

“I love you too, Shiny… I… I think we should.”

“Then we can. Miss Zecora, I’m sorry we wasted your time requesting that potion for Chrysalis’ voice, it seems we won’t be needing it.”

“Do not be afraid, Shining Armor, to tell the world how much you love her.”

Shining Armor smiled, and, after a brief moment of hesitation, stepped forward and hugged the zebra.

“Thank you.”

“Twilight, should we go back to the Library now?”

“Yeah, I think we should. Sorry about this, Zecora,” Twilight said apologetically, a light blush creeping onto her cheeks. Zecora merely smiled and nodded, chuckling quietly to herself as the trio disappeared in a flash of purple lightning.


“P-p-princess Celestia?” Twilight stammered as the light faded from her recent teleportation.

“In the flesh,” the solar princess said with a smile. “Honestly, Twilight, you send me a letter telling me that two ponies I care very deeply for are hitting a massive bump in their relationship with my country, and then you leave before I can respond? I thought you knew me better than that.”

“I… I’m sorry, Princess,” Twilight said, “I have no excuse.”

“Twilight, my most faithful student… you never were very good at knowing when I was kidding about something. I am merely concerned,” Celestia explained, her voice as caring and motherly as ever. Twilight looked up, a slight embarrassed blush coming to her face as her mouth formed a little ‘o.’ “So, Chrysalis, would you like me to teach you an illusion spell now?”

Chrysalis looked at her husband, and nodded to each other.


Celestia raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, ‘no’?”

“I mean precisely what I have said, Princess. I do not desire for you to teach me an illusion spell, for I have no desire to return to the form of ‘Princess Cadance.’ Her appearance served me well, as one way to say it, for many years. Now, though… now is no longer a time for deception. Shining Armor and I wish to inform the public of my true nature, and both of us are willing to accept the full consequences that that act may entail,” Chrysalis said, her voice stern, masking the fear she felt.

“Is that so,” Celestia said, clearly not asking a question. She furrowed her brow, placing one golden-shod hoof to her forehead.

“And this is what you two truly desire?”

“It is, your highness,” Shining Armor said, kneeling.

The great white Alicorn sighed.

“So be it. If you return with me to Canterlot, you can make the announcement tomorrow. I do not think it is the best decision to make, but I will not disallow it.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

“Good luck, BBBFF. I love you,” Twilight added.

“I love you too, Twiley,” Shining Armor said, before the Captain, the changeling, and the Princess disappeared in a golden flash.