• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 1,235 Views, 182 Comments

The Psychopath Interviews - The Psychopath

The Psychopath interrogates the characters of people on this site

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Special 3: Ashes to ashes

(This character is from BludgeonWarrior)

Ashes spread in the room as a dark gray mare sat alone in it. Her mane was similar to a burning fire, as was her mood at this particular time.

“AHHRAAHAAAHH!” she screamed, remembering the cycle of events that transpired just mere moments ago, when her world’s version of the Elements and some firepony defeated her. She had managed to escape, and was now expressing her anger in the one way she knew best: burning everything around her!

“Why! I planned everything perfectly! Why did Fire abandon me!? WHY!”

The ashes swept around her, and she noticed the smell a pony not being burned.

“How did you find me?!”

“That is not important. I saw what you were doing out there. Might I ask WHY you did such things?” asked a green stallion.

“Why?” Flares sweeping around the two of them, “Give me one reason...,” the mare asked as she stepped closer to the stallion.

The stallion only moved his eyes as he talked, and he was very serious.“One reason to what? It is a simple question.”

The mare’s eye began to twitch, realizing that the stallion didn’t fear her.

“To end my suffering...,” she replied, “Our suffering...”

“Our suffering? You amuse me. Why do you insist on trying to intimidate me? Your performance against the elements did not go well. What makes you think you can best ME?” he replied with the same calmness.

“If Fire was here...,” her voice trailed off, “I only wished fulfill my destiny,” she said pointing to her cutie mark. “It’s my purpose in life..., to burn...”

“So you want to try and burn me? Here then.” Sociopath slammed his hooves together, creating sparks that ignited upon the floor and created wide columns of fire.”Impress me with this so called ‘destiny’.” he taunted her.

The mare stepped back, and stared at the fire....., then she began to listen, as if it was talking to her, telling her things. The mare nodded, and the fire began to rise and engulf her, creating a raging inferno. It swirled around the green stallion, and then it all disappeared into the mare’s mouth.

“Pyre..., my name...,” she spoke, “As that is what I turn everything into: a pyre...”

“Hmmm. You could be of use to the world of Insanity. Tell me, do you have family?” Sociopath asked as he calmly walked around the mare.

The word ‘family’ made Pyre contort her body as her laughter carried through the room, and stopped almost as soon as it began.

“I used to have one of those....before Fire took them from me...Fire wanted me...”

“Oh, boohoo. They died. How sad.”Sociopath rolled his eyes.”What were their names?”

Flame burst around Pyre, “Don’t you get it?!? I killed them!!!!! Fire made me kill THEM!!!!” Her voice sank, as did the flames, “I don’t remember their names...Or the name of my newborn sister....”

“...And the fact that you killed them is supposed to affect me how? The truth is, I only came here to see if you were eligible to join the World of Insanity. To CRUSH those who would dare oppose us.” the green stallion smiled as he crushed a burnt piece of wood in his hooves, leaving a small falling of ash.

The mare looked down at the ash and smiled, “Do I have to ‘crush’ them? Burning them would be much more fun!” Pyre giggled, sparks dancing in her mane.

“Crush them. Burn them. Impale them, a favorite of mine. Whatever! The best is that even if you are turned to stone or burnt away by the elements, you will be retrieved by members of the Insanity to continue your role. You cannot die.”

The mare’s smile grew wider, “I always wanted to die...,but ‘not dying’ sounds prospectable too...” A fire appeared by Pyre’s ear, and sparks came from it. Pyre responded to them as if they were words of agreement. “I’ll ask,” she responded to the flame. “Will I be able to ‘create’ fire?”

“Seeing how weak your fire manipulations are, yes. As for my other questions, what is your backstory?”

Pyre stood there, remembering what had happened fourteen years ago, “I was a filly,” she began, “I was playing with two rocks in the fields outside of my hometown Timberhill.” Pyre played with the ashes, as if she was reliving the event. “I struck the two rocks together and created a spark, which set one of the flowers on fire.” A flame appeared to illustrate. “As I moved my horn, the fire moved with it... I then moved my horn up, and the fire began to float! I ran home with it, hoping to show everybody...” Pyre’s head then started to twitch uncontrollably. “I didn’t realized that Fire liked wood so much...” Pyre giggled. “Timberhill was engulfed with flames and I fell unconscious....When I awoke....I saw the scorched bodies of my parents...”

“And what happened next? You burnt more ponies?” Sociopath grinned evily.

“No...” Pyre answered, “Royal guards appeared and took me to Canterlot, where I met her...” Flames burst around Pyre and her eyes glowed fiery orange. “THAT ONE WHO LOCKED ME AWAY FOR FOURTEEN YEARS!!!”

Sociopath’s triangular pupils began to spin aggressively.”Yes. I hate those weakling alicorns, but the ones of your world are not the same as mine. Anything else to add to your TRAGIC story?” Sociopath mocked.

Pyre’s eye twitch, not amused at all. “I spent those fourteen years in a remote facility outside Equestria, not the best place for a filly...” Pyre laughed again. “I spent those years alone...Nopony to play with...Nopony to have fun with... Not a single friend...” Pyre erupted into ferocious laughter and continued. “Then one day... I realized something; my cutie mark, it appeared on my flank the day I incinerated Timberhill and all who live there. That was my talent! And I vowed to burn down ALL OF EQUESTRIA UNDER MY NEW NAME!” Pyre’s laughter echoed around the Sociopath.

The green stallion’s face finally showed a slowly growing smile. He punched something in thin air, and a tear in reality formed as thorns from in front of him burst from the ground and widened the hole.”This is the World of Insanity. Join it, and you will be able to accomplish your wildest desires of death and destruction.”

“With pleasure...” Pyre replied. She then burst into gallop and jumped through, accepting her new home.

Sociopath looked at the mare disappear into the World of Insanity, as horrifying as it might be to others. As he observed the situation for awhile, he finally lowered his head slightly and grinned. He quietly said:”I forgot to tell you that, even if you are under the Insanity, you still feel the pain of how you died.”

The only thing left after the green stallion walked through the portal was a sinister cackle loud enough to cause the unstable building to crumble.