• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 2,803 Views, 35 Comments

Lady Applejack - Seanessy

You can call her Lady or Applejack or Lady Applejack

  • ...





“Ah, said no!”

“Oh, please, please PLEAAAAASE?!”

“Dagnabbit, Rarity move outta the way!”

Rarity’s eyes glistened with hope in response to Applejack’s scowl. She kept her back firmly pressed against the tree decorated with golden and red delicious apples. As the stare down continued, Rarity’s hopeful gaze turned into a determined glare. She proceeded to lift her nose in the air in the fastidious fashion for which she was famous.

Applejack put a hoof to her head and let out a soft growl. The frustration overtaking her caused her to shake ever so slightly before the mild-mannered mare snapped her head back up and took a deep breath. “Rarity, Ah will buck this last tree whether yer in front of it or not.”

Rarity’s eyes widened and she threw an offended look to her friend. “Surely you jest, I would be seriously hurt!”

“Then move!”

The white unicorn hesitated to take a step away from the tree. She regained her determined glare and lifted her nose to the air again. “I shall not budge unless you accept my invitation.”

“Fer the last time, I ain’t never gonna be yer escort for a fancy shmancy fashion show thingy. No way, no how! Now if’in ya kindly would MOVE OUT MAH WAY!” Applejack bellowed pressing her face against the unicorn’s.

“Firstly,” Rarity retorted, removing one hoof from the tree to push Applejack back, “it is not a “fashion show thingy”; it is the “Regal Customs Ball”. Secondly, it’s held once every two years and only the MOST successfully sophisticated fashionistas get to attend, and I finally received an invitation!”

“So why in tarnation do ya want me to come?”

“I was getting to that!” Rarity snapped. “It is, well, traditional to bring an escort with you. When this opportunity came I always planned to have Fluttershy as my attendant, but she can’t pull herself away from a few of her animals who have become dreadfully ill. I asked Twilight but, to my surprise, she’s already going as a guest of Princess Celestia to another engagement.”

“And Ima guessin’ ya didn’t even bother to ask Rainbow Dash…”

Rarity blushed and lowered her head. “I’ll admit I was a tad desperate, so I did. She laughed in my face.”

Applejack started to smirk before the unicorn looked up with a scowl.“What about Pinkie Pie?”

“I considered it… then I remembered that Pinkie Pie assumes every get together with three or more ponies is a party, and I can’t risk Pinkie being… well… herself, at this kind of event.”

A sly smile etched across Applejack’s face.

“So whatcher sayin is, Ah’m yer last hope?”


“Without me, the whole evenin’s gonna be ruined?”


“And it will possibly end your career as a fashio-neesta?”

“Yes! Yes! Oh, please Applejack will you come?”

“Hmmmm, nah.”

Rarity looked at her, mouth agape but unable to produce a sound. Applejack let a couple seconds roll by before laughing to herself heartily.

“Ah’m just kiddin’ witcha sugarcube!”

The unicorn, on the verge of tears, blinked a few times and shook her head. She let go of the tree and leaned in as she landed on all fours eyeing her friend for sincerity.

“You will?”

“Ah mean, if’in it means that much to ya and everypony else is busy the–“

Applejack’s words were cut short by a tight hug from her unicorn friend.

“Thank you so much, Applejack!”

AJ grunted a bit, mildly startled by the strength behind the embrace, but then smiled and put a hoof on Rarity’s back. As much as she loathed the idea of dressing up and attending these kinds of events, she knew how much this meant to Rarity and as a good friend she had no choice but to oblige.

“No problem, sugarcube.”

When the two broke their embrace, Applejack went over to the tree and rammed her back legs into it. The apples cascaded into the bucket.


“Applejack…” a soft whisper muttered.

Applejack’s ear wiggled slightly, she let out a soft groan then continued to snore softly.

“Applejack, wake up, darling.”

The orange mare continued to snooze.

“RISE AND SHIIIIINE!” the shrill voice screeched as it pierced through the silence of the room.
Applejack sprang out of bed looking around frantically.

“I ain’t put my hooves in the zap-apple jam! Honest!”

Applejack took a few deep breaths and blinked as she fully regained consciousness. She rubbed her face and shook her head to see a slightly amused Rarity standing in front of her. Applejack looked outside to see that was still dark then back at the unicorn.

“What time is it?!”

“A little after 3am.”

“Whaddya doin’ in my bed at three in the mornin’?”

“Well, I was sleeping peacefully then all of a sudden I realized, the Regal Customs Ball is tomorrow night. So we’ll have to prepare.” Rarity hopped off the bed and began to go towards the door, “It’s plenty of time but we’ll need to work fast and hard. I’ll need you to come to my house so we c–”

“Wait a minute, prepare?” the orange equine interrupted. She rubbed her face again, still trying her head around why and how Rarity was in her room this early, “Whatcha mean, prepare?”

“Your dress of course… and… other… things…” the unicorn quipped.

“Other things?”

Rarity smiled and nudged her friend off the bed. “I’ll explain it all at my Boutique, darling. Now, if you’ll be so kind, we have much to accomplish.”

Applejack scratched her head gently, she looked at her bed longingly as she desperately wanted to plop back in it, but she assured herself Rarity wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t important. She flipped her hat atop her head and proceeded to follow the unicorn, mind racing as to what was in store.


Applejack let out a slight yawn as the walk proved a bit helpful to her senses. She was more awake, but still had a slight yearn for her bed. Not to mention Rarity’s continuous pacing and eye glances weren’t doing much to entertain her.

“Sugarcube, why y’all keep walking back and forth and lookin’ at me like that?”

Rarity stopped and gave the country mare another once over.

“I’m deciding what to start with first…”

“Whaddya mean?”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

“Come again?”

Rarity approached her friend and the two sat down. “Applejack, this event, is one of the most prestigious in all of Equestria.”


“Only the most sophisticated and highly refined mares and colts attend.”

“Uh huh…”

“And not only do they illustrate and discuss fashion, but they mingle amongst each other.”


“So, of course, it is of utmost importance that I and my escort, which is you, make the best possible impression.”

Applejack scratched her head, she had no idea what Rarity was going on about.

“Which means, there are a few alterations we have to do… to your personality.”

Applejack raised a brow.

“Nothing major, we just need to change, the way you walk, talk and eat that’s all.”


“Applejack please!” Rarity begged as she struggled to hold onto Applejack who was making her way to the front door.

“Y’all ask me to do you a favor, and now ya wanna change mah whole personality cause it ain’t good enough fer them prissy ponies in Canterlot?”

“It’s only for one night!”

“What’s wrong with how Ah am now?” the orange mare inquired. She stopped struggling and looked at the unicorn.

“Well, you’re…” Rarity licked her lips trying to find the right words. “… a little loud, a bit messy and a tad…smelly.”

“Y’all sayin’ I stink?!”

“Not at all, darling. It’s just, that barnyard… aroma you often sport isn’t always the most flattering.”

“Alright that tears it, Ah’m outta here!” Applejack said as she pushed passed the unicorn who suddenly latched onto her hind legs.

“Applejack pleaaaase! You said you’d help me!”

“Not if’in it means Ah gotta be a completely different pony!”

“Applejack, I just want to make a good impression. Good impressions generate more business! Surely, if there is at least one thing you and I can agree on, it’s that.”

“And Ah’m sure another thing we could agree on is that: “No matter where ya go in life, y’all should never forget that ya are a product of yer home and yer friends, and that’s always something to be proud of, no matter what.”
Rarity stood on all fours again and met Applejack’s glare. She lowered her head and stared at the ground.

“Or did y’all forget about yer letter to the Princess after Twi’s birthday?”

Rarity turned her head away as the country equine advanced closer to her. “No, I didn’t forget…”

A growl emitted from Applejack’s throat. Rarity sighed and looked up, tears of sincerity and hope building behind her eyes as they met Applejack’s cold stare.

“I need this Applejack, please, I’m asking you as a friend. Just, one night.”

Applejack looked down avoiding the unicorn’s broken gaze. She hated not being true to herself, she was always raised to believe, if people didn’t like you for who you were, they didn’t matter. But, Rarity was her friend, and this event was important to her, and Applejack knew that her demeanor certainly wouldn’t impress those persnickety ponies at this Ball. She pondered for a few seconds. It was only on night, and she did want Rarity to be successful. Yes, the social class of those in her profession didn’t sit well with her, but, they were no different than her Uncle and Aunt Orange. It’d be like visiting them, not changing her personality but, adapting it. Applejack sighed and looked back at the unicorn.


Rarity smiled. “Thank you Applejack, I really am grateful.”

“So whadda we need to do first?”

“Well, I’m glad you asked!” Rarity stated putting a hoof against Applejack’s chest before sprinting to the other side of the room and back with a pile of books and magazines, “You’ll have to go through all of these to gain a basic knowledge of fashion just in case somepony asks you a question.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped, there were over fifty total combined books and magazines. “Rarity, ain’t no way Ah can read all these and memorize everythin’ in ‘em by tomorrow!”

Rarity eyed the pile. “Perhaps you’re right.” Her horn illuminated and one magazine flew up to her, flipping pages every few seconds. She tossed it aside and re-presented the pile. “There, that should be much easier now shouldn’t it?”

Applejack shot the unicorn an apathetic look.

“Alright, alright, I’ll see what we can work out. For now let’s do something about that posture of yours.”


Applejack attempted to stand stationary, shifting back and forth in baby steps to keep the saucer and cup of tea atop her head. She ended up being able to keep it perfectly still and smiled.

“Ah did it!”

“Yes, it only took you twenty minutes…” Rarity retorted bemusedly.

“Well if’in you had let me wear my hat, it woulda taken me less time.”

Rarity put a hoof to her face and shook her head. She couldn’t even begin to understand how that was even plausible. She took a look at the tacky old thing. It’d shown signs of obvious wear over the past few years yet Applejack would never go anywhere without it. She’d even try to sneak it on her head at events where hats weren’t traditionally a part of the dress code. “Applejack, darling, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you always wear this dreadful thing?”
Applejack turned sharply, the teacup spilled a few drops but stayed in place on her head. Rarity shuffled uncomfortable at the sharp glare her friend gave.

“I-I’m sorry, darling, was it something I said?”

“It ain’t dreadful. Ah love that hat.” Applejack felt her eyes water slightly and turned her head away from the unicorn, “It… It means the entire world to me…”

The unicorn opened her mouth to inquire more on the situation but her eyes danced over to the clock. They still had much to cover and little time. The story behind this hat appeared to be a meaningful one and as much as it sparked her interest, there were more pressing matters to attend to. Rarity cleared her throat and steered the conversation back to its origin.
“Now that you’ve gotten past the easy part, I want you to walk in a straight line until I tell you to stop without spilling a drop.”

Applejack looked at her friend then looked down and let out a slight sigh before raising her head and smiling. “Ah can do that no problem!”

“Yes, but can you do it with correct posture?”


Rarity walked over to her country friend. “Now, hooves in, chest out, head thirty four degrees north, neck extended, back straight, flank up and tail down.”

Applejack’s muscles screamed in agony as she tried to hold the pose while balancing the cup of tea.

“Who in tarnation stands like this? It ain’t natural.”

The unicorn sized her friend up and down; analyzing her appearance to make sure it was perfect. She stepped in front of her and backed away a few feet. “Alright, now… walk.”

Applejack took one step forward and fell flat on her face. The cup and saucer shattered to pieces as they made contact with the ground. Applejack looked up at the various pieces of the broken utensils and smiled at Rarity whose face and mane were dripping with tea.

“Let’s just… move on… shall we?”

Applejack beamed an innocent smile at the frustrated unicorn.


Rarity sat upon her couch and gently adjusted her neat stack of index cards. Applejack sat in front of her on the floor. “Alright Applejack, I have here a list of all the words you probably don’t know you say or use incorrectly.”

“Whatchall talkin’ bout? Now Ah ain’t as smart as Twilight, but Ah don’t reckon Ah ta-

“I’m just going to stop you right there, darling. Firstly, it’s not “Whatchall” it’s “What are you”. You have a tendency to combine words with irregular contractions.”

Applejack tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “Irregularated contractywhatnow?”

Rarity planted her hoof on her head and tossed the index cards to the side. “This might be a little harder than I thought.”


Rarity and Applejack sat in front of a mirror.

“Alright darling, let’s start with the basic “I” and its contractions such as “I’m, I’ve, I’ll, I’d etcetera. What’s important here is to look at the shape of the mout–“

“Ah know how to say Ah’m Ah’ve, Ah’ll and Ah’d!”

“No see, you don’t, you have a tendency to make the heavier “A” sound instead of the light “I” sound.”

“Ya gotta be kiddin’ me”

“That’s another thing. It’s “You” or “You all” not “Ya” and “Y’all” and it’s “have to be” not “gotta be” and make sure to properly annunciate your “G’s”, darling. “Kidd-ING” not “kiddin’”.

Noticing the glare in Applejack’s reflection, Rarity faced her friend and smiled. “Let’s try it like this, repeat after me: Greetings, my name is Applejack and might I say, it’s quite a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Greetin’s! Ah’m Applejack, and if’in I might say it sure is a pleasure makin’ yer acquaintance!”

Rarity licked her lips and blinked a few times. How the country mare was able to efficiently get out words like acquaintance, and even persnickety she once remembered her saying, but not able to master the simple ending sound of “I-N-G” was a complete mystery. “That was… adequate…let’s try it again! Remember, “greet-INGS”. And if you could darling, try to talk up.”

“Uh… alright…” Applejack clears her throat, “GREET-INGS AH’M APPLEJACK AND–“

Applejack’s sentence was cut short by hoof to the mouth from Rarity.

“Why in Celestia’s name are you yelling?!”

“Y’all told me–“


Applejack emitted a growl and rolled her eyes.

“YOU told me to talk up.”

Rarity raised a brow before letting out an exasperated sigh.

“No, no darling, that doesn’t mean talk louder. Rarity thought for a second as she tried to put it in words Applejack would understand, “ Talk upward, not necessarily with an upward inflection, but more along the lines of higher toned vocals.”

“Oh, so kinda li–“

“Kind of.” Rarity quipped quickly.

“Kind… of… like how y’al… you talk?”


“Well why ain’tcha say so? That’ll be a cinch!”

Applejack clears her throat and takes a deep breath.

“Greetin’s! Ah’m Applejack, and if’in Ah might say, it sure is a pleasure makin’ yer acquaintance… darling!”

Rarity blinked a few times as her left eye twitched. She buried her face in her hooves and screamed.


To Be Continued...