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The morning sun began to rise out of it's cold bed, and returned to the sky. Apple Jack sat out of her make-shift bed. Apple Jack was an unplanned baby, but before she was born everything was sort of,well, great. Granny Smith got another skin resurfacing and was cured of her cronic skin cancer! Big Mac finnally scored with the hottest mare in school, Cheerilee. But things became awkward so the two never really talked after that.
"Granny Smith?" Apple Jack scoundered around for the mare in her mid 60's looking like she was in her 20's. Well, used to. After Apple Jack, Granny Smith was diagnosed with Chronic Laminitis and Cushings Syndrome and could barely walk, and after that, Big Mac had become very mute.As if Granny was his muse, her Life ment his lip flapping. He used to be a chatty pony, with much to say, but after her birth, something shut off and he rarely said a word. A few "Yeps" now and then a nod but never more then a word at a time.
"Graannyy Smithh~" AppleJack wondered around the dark barn, looking for the pony who had slept with her. Feeling genuinly abandoned, she sat down a squishy hay pile. A muffled voice made its way out from under her flank.
"Granny?!" Apple Jack sprung up to see the injured green, mangled and yet still puffing earth pony.
"Get Mac!" she huffed. Apple Jack scrambled toward the door and somehow managed to make her way into her "home" which Granny forebidded her to go into.
"Big Mac!" Apple Jack screeched, skidding down hall-ways looking for the huge stallion. She found him playing "Wolf Punch2: The Revedge Of The Punches He was screaming and yelling into a microphone at other players, but in an instant his attetion turned on the filly.
"I-It's Granny! S-She fell!" Apple Jack lied. Mac would surely return to beatig her with the hot metal rod if he found out she had caused the incident. The mic the thudded to the floor and his eyes locked on her.
"Where." he studied her movements as he stood.
"I-In the barn" Apple Jack tried to stop herself from studdering and sounding like a complete filly, but it did no use.
"Why.." He questioned Apple Jack. She thought for a moment of all the exscuses she could use. But only one could do it justice.
"She was near the f-fire place so I told her to move on the hay pile I guess she fell..." Apple Jack's eyes motioned in circles trying not to lock eyes with the broad stallion.
"I-I" Apple Jack started but didn't know what to say. Big Mac then got up and slammed a hoof into AJ's muzzle.She toppled to the floor in just seconds.Screaming in agonizing pain, she held her nose tight as the blood oozed. A slamming sound echoed through the house. Was he gone? Apple Jack thought to herself. She slowly propped herself up and jerked her neck up only to come face to face with Big Mac, once again. Apple Jack's legs could take no more. She flopped to the floor. This time, tears running down her orange coat.
"Scaredy Filly, Grow up." Big Mac spat into AJ's mane and then quickly ran outside into the cool morning. Tears clouded AJ's cute lil green eyes. Her mane was now crusted with bits of blood and the floor was soaking up the blood as if a smoothie. Apple Jack took a deep breath as Big Mac entered with a frail, old, pile of green bones. She raised a hoof.
"S-Shee did it to me Mac," Granny coughed, faking almost most of it.
"It was an accident!" she tried to explain. Big Mac then cornered the bloody-muzzled filly and raised a hoof.flailing both hooves in the air, he began a sudden double attack. His hooves colliding with every beat of her heart. One,Two,One,Two one after another of hirendas blows.Trying not to cry Apple Jack instead tried to reason.
"Please Big Bro-Ouch!! I'll Do- Ahhhh!!" Everytime she started a senetence the blows seemed to get harder.
"[iI hate you, I hate you!]" he cried as tears streamed down his face, as if he was in pain. Apple Jack closed her eyes and lay motionless. Dead,dead,dead,dead, she whispered the words to herself as the two earth ponies stared.
"Take her to the barn and burn that sorry exscuse" Granny Smith hobbled towards AJ's dead-like body.
"burn her good." she chuckled. Apple Jack wanted to cry for help, but only crying would make it worse.

Big Mac pulled AJ by the scruff then chucked her life-less body into the barn near the metal rods.
"Hmmm..." Mac mumbled out loud. He then grabbed a rod with Apple shapes on it. Three apples with stems. It was colored.
"No-No! My cutie mark!" Apple Jack cried as loud as she could. Big Mac looked back with a sly smirk. He rubbed chlaf on the piece of metal then rested them in the heat of the fire. Apple Jack then stood herself up and began to ru as fast as her lilly filly legs could carry her. Big Mac easily caught up and the tied her up like a fudle ram. Pulling out the steaming hot metal piece, he slowly teased her with the edges. All at once, he then jabbed the metal onto her flank. She screamed louder then she ever had. Big Mac only laughed and pushed harder. Apple Jack then closed her eyes and imagined she was living with Aunt Orange or Aunt Pear. I wish I had a friend. She whimpered as the metal was pulled off of her black flank. He slowly chipped off the burn skin and put them infront of Apple Jack.
"Eat." he sternly said as he pulled more skin off. Whimpering from the pain of the ripping of burnt skin, she nibbled some of herself. As soon as the piece was in her mouth, Apple Jack gagged. Puking, Big Mac shoved more skin into her discusted mouth.
"Why?" Apple Jack cried.
"I've been a good filly!" Big Mac look at her, astonished.
"Good?GOOD?! YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU SICK FILLY!!" he slammed Apple Jack into the stomach and turned her over.
"You ruined my life, So I'll ruin yours." He laughed, shoving more of her black skin into her mouth.

Comments ( 6 )

I don't think there is enough "What the buck?" in the world for this fic. Now I'm sure this is just a troll fic, fine. But still you could've done better. No jimmies were rustled, just a very confused reader.

Hmm, so when is the new chapter coming out? I feel intrested.:pinkiesmile:

Read the description, sounds like an interesting concept.

Read the story...:applejackconfused: WTF? :rainbowhuh: I don't think the tragedy tag is the right tag for this. Should be Dark or Grimdark instead.


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