• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 802 Views, 66 Comments

Making Friends - TheKing2001

Sunset as the rest of Equestria is looking forward to the summer sun celebration until the main attraction goes missing and Sunset is determined to get her back.

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Make A Friend

Sunset sat with her legs tucked under her as she relaxed near her favorite tree, her eyes scanning the page of her book she had resting on the grass in front of her.

“Legend has it that on longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring forth night time eternal,” Sunset mused as she turned the page with her magic. “Longest day of the thousandth year? That’s going to be the Summer Sun Celebration which is in four days. Oh buck, that’s four days away.”

Sunset stood up and stretched out her hindquarters as she slammed her book her shut with her magic, shoving it into her saddlebag she had left sitting next to the trees trunk.

Sunset levitated her saddlebags onto her back and closed her eyes tightly, focusing on the hallway outside the throne room as her horn started glowing teal and she teleported away, leaving scorch marks on the grass where she once stood.

Sunset opened her eyes and grinned slightly in triumph as she took in the expensively decorated walls of the castle as she pumped a hoof. While the mare was skilled in a good majority of spells, teleporting was still a bit tricky for her.

No wonder I’m the princess’ prized pupil. I’m good at everything I do. I didn’t even destroy Bluebloods house this time! That is a pity though, I hate that guy, Sunset mused to herself as she trotted down the hall. Prince Blueblood was probably one of the few ponies Sunset truly despised.

To the amber unicorn, Blueblood had zero redeemable qualities. Not like she would ever say that Princess Celestia and risk offending her mentor. Though the proud unicorn suspected deep down that Princess Celestia shared her sentiments.

“Princess Celestia!” Sunset called out as she caught a glimpse of the taller mare walking down the hall. Princess Celestia paused and looked back as Sunset trotted up and Celestia smiled fondly at her prized student.

Ever since Celestia had found the filly abandoned on the castle door steps, she had taken Sunset in and been thoroughly impressed by the younger mares ability to adapt, spells and learn to navigate the political landmine that was her Day Court.

“Yes my dear Sunset?” Celestia asked curiously as she sat down on a nearby chair, tapping the spot to her with a hoof.

“I was reading and I found an alarming section. You shouldn’t go through with the Summer Sun Celebration this year,” Sunset said and raised a hoof as Princess Celestia opened her mouth to speak. “I know I look forward to it every year as does everypony else as well as you, but Nightmare Moon will return on that day. It says so here.”

Sunset levitated the book out of her saddlebags and flipping quickly to the page she had left off on, her bright eyes searching and letting out a triumphant “aha” as she found it, tapping a hoof on it as she spun the book around for Celestia to read the text.

“See?” Sunset exclaimed as Celestia looked up from her book. “We have to cancel it for this year. I don’t truly think it will matter but ponies won’t be in the way of fire if she does come back.”

“Sunset, I love you my dear student, you have to quit reading these fantasy books. There is no Nightmare Moon,” Celestia answered as she gently closed the book. “You want more responsibilities, correct?”

Numbly, Sunset nodded. Internally, she couldn’t believe that only she was taking this serious. Eternal night would kill them all and Princess Celestia seemed adamant it wasn’t an issue nor that Nightmare Moon was real.

“I’m sending you to Ponyville to oversee the preparations. You will be staying at the Solar Residency in town and a royal guard will be awaiting your arrival. She will show you around town and stay with you until further notice.”

Sunset let out a sigh and nodded. She personally never liked small farm towns like Ponyville. She could see the speck of the town from her house all the way up here on the mountainside Canterlot was built upon.

“And make a friend,” Celestia added with a warm smile as Sunset recoiled.

“Why?” Sunset asked as she raised an eyebrow. The unicorn never truly had any friends as an adult, only as a filly that she lost contact with. Friends mainly held back working hard to better Equestria.

“Because friends are always nice to have Sunset. I would like you to get out more. The only times I see you is at breakfast, lunch and dinner or when you want to show me a new spell.”

Sunset sighed as she traced a hoof up her hindleg, looking down as Celestia placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Your wish is my command, Princess,” Sunset said as she slid off the bench and knelt down in front of Celestia. “I’ll board the next train immediately to Ponyville.”

“I have some royal guards flying you to Canterlot. They are in the center courtyard as of now, awaiting your arrival.”

Sunset peered out the window overlooking the yard where she saw four guards waiting along with what seemed like a party with a blue unicorn with a blue and white mane, a white unicorn with a pink mane, a yellow unicorn with a blue mane, a white unicorn with a red mane and a purple unicorn with a purple mane laughing.

Sunset faintly recognized them as students in Celestia’s school with her, along with her rival Twilight Sparkle. Twilight was another pony Sunset was not fond of, constantly trying to steal her spot. Or well, that’s how the amber unicorn viewed it.

“I understand Princess. It will be done.”

“I know you will do well, my faithful student,” Celestia smiled as Sunset’s horn glowed.

Sunset gave a curt nod and disappeared in a flash of light.

A grey pegasus with a light grey mane and a blue cutie mark of a bow and arrow in bright gold armor paced back and forth with a bit of nervous as she inhaled and exhaled repeatedly.

Silverspeed was still new to this whole royal guard thing and Sunset Shimmer was her first official task given to her by Princess Celestia herself.

All she had to do was follow any orders given to her from the mare, escort her around town to the Residency and all of the places she needed to stop at.

Silverspeed stretched her wings out in nervous anticipation before letting them fall back against her sides. She normally was from Cloudsdale, as a good majority of pegasi were but had moved to Ponyville to look after her younger sister, Silver Spoon.

Her parents oddly like naming their only two daughters Silver something. Presumably money related or something Silverspeed mused to her self as she straightened her helmet slightly. She had spent hours polishing it till it shined just right in the day, getting admiring looks from the townsponies as she trotted to where she had been told Sunset would be arriving at.

She stood still as a chariot descended from the sky and came to a stop near her with the amber unicorn on the back as a few townsponies she identified as Berry Punch, Daisy and Cherry Berry watching with curious expressions as Sunset disembarked.

“Hello ma’am!” Silverspeed gave a hasty salute as Sunset approached her.

“Hello,” Sunset said as she forced a smile. “My name is Sunset Shimmer and you are?”

“Cadet Silverspeed at your service. How was your flight?”

“It was alright,” Sunset said dismissively as she stretched her forelegs and looked around the town.

It looked pretty much exactly what she had pictured. Just a small, farm town with not much going on really.

“Where is the Residency?” Sunset asked as Silverspeed pointed a hoof to downtown Ponyville.

“This way ma’am,” Silverspeed answered eagerly. “I must say, I’m very excited to be working with you. I’m assigned to work with you until further notice. The Residency is okay, your room is left as is ma’am.”

“Uh huh,” Sunset said dismissively as she started trotting after the Royal Guard. She didn’t really care in all honesty, she just wanted to get to the Residency and get set up.

“Oh dear Celestia,” Silverspeed muttered as she paused and Sunset bumped into her flank. “Oh sorry.”

“Why are we stopping?” Sunset grumbled as she rubbed her head with a hoof.

“Hi I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“Gah!” Sunset screamed and recoiled as pink mare appeared in front of her grinning excitedly. “What?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie repeated and grinned wider if that was possible. “You’re new!”

“Uh, yeah how did you know?” Sunset asked uncertaintly.

“I know everypony in town and it’s my Pinkie Sense!” Pinkie giggled and booped Sunset’s muzzle. “I know whenever a new pony comes to town!”

Sunset shot a desperate look to Silverspeed who gave a sheepish shrug and crossed her forelegs as Pinkie hugged Sunset excitedly.

“And now I’m your new bestie!” Pinkie giggled as Sunset choked on air.

“Look alright I’m not really interested in friends alright. I’m just here on order of Princess Celestia to make sure her Celebration goes off without a hitch and then I’m back off to Canterlot. I’m truly sorry but it’s the truth,” Sunset said as Pinkie released her and the pink mare stared at her.

“I will convince you to be my friend!” Pinkie screamed as she stood on her hind legs. “I will get you the whole town as your friend, no matter the cost! No matter the distance!”

Pinkie took off and left with a pink blurr behind her as the mare zoomed off.

“What the buck was that?” Sunset asked finally as she shook off her confusion.

“That was Pinkie Pie. She’s a bit unique. Nice mare when you get to know her. And don’t feel bad, she did the exact same thing to me. We get breakfast together every few days at her job. Best donuts in town,” Silverspeed sighed wistfully. “Anyway, let’s get to the Residency and go over all you gotta do. Princess Celestia had a letter dropped off specifically for you hours before you arrived.”

“Fun,” Sunset rolled her eyes as she gestured with a hoof. “Lead the way. I wanna get this over with and get back to studying to prevent the apocalypse.”

“Don’t forget to make a friend!” Silverspeed winked as Sunset groaned.

“Friends won’t save the world. Only preparing for the worst will. Now let’s get a move on,” Sunset stated firmly as Silverspeed sighed and trotted ahead.

“That mare is stubborn as Tartarus,” Silverspeed whispered under her breath and Sunset thankfully didn’t hear it.

One way or another, Silverspeed vowed to change the amber unicorns mind.