Sunset trotted up to a yellow house with a black fence going around the property and a coat of arms above the door as Silverspeed opened the door and waited to follow Sunset inside.
The door thudded shut as Sunset examined the interior warily. An office was to the left with a dark black desk in the middle and a couch inside with a glass cupboard behind said desk.
“Your room is upstairs ma’am,” Silverspeed comments as Sunset came back to reality. The living room had multiple chairs set up with paintings of the sun decorating the place.
“Thank you. Who is all on the list?” Sunset asked as Silverspeed hoofed her the letter. “Thanks.”
“Let’s see, if I remember correctly we have to see Roseluck and her two sisters for the floral arrangements, Shoeshine is helping Rarity set up decorations in town hall, check up on the weather and the entertainment for the fillies and colts and check on the food,” Silverspeed recited by memory.
“Who the entertainment? Probably some stuffy orchestra, right?” Sunset gave a low chuckle as she finished reading.
“It’s Trixie.”
Sunset paused and gave the guard a stunned look as she set the paper on the coffee table.
“Trixie is the entertainment? As in Trixie Lulamoon?”
“That’s the one I believe,” Silverspeed answered as she set her helmet down gently on the table. “Why, you know her?”
“Not really.”
That was a lie. Trixie was probably the only other pony other than Celestia Sunset had a genuine respect for. The unicorn made it a point to visit all of the magicians shows in Canterlot. No matter how hard Sunset tried, she couldn’t figure out Trixie’s tricks on stage. It was rare for Sunset to be outsmarted and whenever she was, she threw herself at trying to prevent it from happening again.
“Who’s in charge of the weather?” Sunset asked and looked up as Silverspeed finished hanging up her armor on a nearby stand.
“Rainbow Dash but she is a bit lazy. I can almost guarantee that it will be pushed off till the Princess is almost. Most likely is hanging out with Fluttershy at her cottage.”
Sunset gritted her teeth slightly and forced herself to breath. She despised lazy ponies and by extension, was most
likely going to despise this Rainbow Dash.
“Take me to this Rainbow Dash.”
“She should be around here somewhere,” Silverspeed commented as she and Sunset looked around the center of town at the sky full of clouds. “Most of time she likes to sleep on clouds.”
“Joy, she sounds like a hard worker,” Sunset commented sarcastically with an eyeroll. Silverspeed looked completely different without the golden armor on. Looked more natural around town and the pair didn’t draw as much attention as before. “If that mare doesn’t get her lazy flank here and do her damn job, I’ll have her removed from her position.”
“Watch out!” A grey pegasus shouted as the mare narrowly avoided crashing into Sunset and Silverspeed. “Woah, sorry about that. Didn’t see you two there. Busy trying to get rid of these clouds.”
“I see. Are you Rainbow Dash?” Sunset demanded as the mare shook her blonde mane and Sunset noticed her eyes pointing off in different directions and quickly looked elsewhere to not seem rude.
“It’s fine to look at them. I personally quite like my eyes. Makes me unique,” the mare commented with a grin. “And no, I’m Derpy. Usually the mailmare but well, clouds gotta go. Raindrops and my other friends, Flitter, Cloudkicker, Cloudchaser, Thunderlane and a few others would normally help but they have today off. I’m working with my other friends White Lightning, Sassaflash, Sprinkle Medley, Dizzy Twister and Blossomforth. Dash is asleep above you.”
Sunset glared up at a cloud floating above with a pair of blue hindlegs sticking out the end. The mare bit back a curse word and blasted the cloud.
“Gah!” Rainbow screamed as the cloud dissipated and she flapped her wings desperately to keep herself aloft. “What the hay was that?”
“Me!” Sunset shouted up angrily. “Get to work, get rid of these clouds!”
“Oh they’re not a problem. They’ll be gone in like ten seconds flat,” Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively as Sunset inhaled sharply.
“I really don’t give a damn about that. I want it done now,” Sunset growled as she slammed a hoof into the concrete as the other two mares watched warily. “The princess is coming and if you can’t do your job, I’ll just have you removed from the team. You only have this mare and a few others working!”
Sunset thrust a hoof at a blushing Derpy as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“And I have to get my kids from school,” Derpy admitted as Sunset nodded.
“You’re dismissed for the day. Go get your kids and head on home,” Sunset levitated a bag of bits her way and dropped them into her hooves. “And go get some food for you all. Thank you Derpy.”
“Oh thank you miss fiery mane!” Derpy giggled as she flew away awkwardly as Sunset gave a cruel grin Rainbows direction.
“Now get to work Rainbow and I just may let you keep your job. But the chance of that is very slim,” Sunset glared at the pegasus. “I’m not happy with your lack of performance and I despise laziness.”
“Fine. But you owe me a cloud!”
“I don’t owe you shit. You have a house unless you’re homeless or something which would explain the cloud sleeping. Seriously, who does that?” Sunset asked as Silverspeed bit back a laugh. “Now come on, I’m in the mood for coffee. And maybe alcohol.”
Sunset spun around and trotted off, leaving a fuming Rainbow Dash behind her.
“I’ve never seen her so speechless before,” Silverspeed commented as she flew to catch up. The mare would never admit it, but she did find it entertaining. The weather was almost always never on time since she got here.
“Probably because no one has ever stood up to her before. Now where is sugarcube corner?” Sunset asked as Silverspeed pointed to a gingerbread looking house. “I should have known.”
Silverspeed let out a low chuckle as she stretched her wings out. The pair trotted inside and they both inhaled at the same time.
“Oh Celestia it’s her,” Sunset groaned as Pinkie raced around behind the counter in a pink dress and hat with light pink stripes. “She works here?”
“Yeah. Go sit down and I’ll get us something,” Silverspeed gestured to a table and Sunset bit back a groan as she complied.
Sunset watched from behind a menu as Silverspeed trotted up to the counter and Pinkie jumped over to hug her.
“Sweet Celestia,” Sunset whispered to herself. How anypony could handle the pink ball of energy as Sunset now called Pinkie was behind her. Somepony honestly needed to take that mares coffee machine away if this was the result.
Sunset examined the muffin and mug in front of her as Silverspeed sat down next to her with a danish and hot chocolate.
“Oh thanks,” Sunset said absent-mindedly as she levitated the muffin to her mouth and took a bite. “Wow, these are good. Does she make all these?”
Sunset thrust a hoof at the pink ball of energy talking to a mare with grapes for a cutie mark with a small unicorn filly on her back.
“Yeah. Well, her and the Cakes. They’re her landlords, she lives upstairs,” Silverspeed answered as she bit into her danish. “Definitely better than anything we had in Cloudsdale.”
“My respect for her has increased greatly. So what’s next on the list?” Sunset asked as she took another bite.
“Up to you. Roselucks is closer but might take longer. She and her sisters are uhm easy frightable.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Sunset asked as she raised an eyebrow slightly and took a sip of her coffee.
“That the littlest thing scares them. I’ve only been here for about a week and a half at most and they’ve woken me up screaming on the residency doorstep about the everfree forest making noises or something. And spiders. And rabbits of all things.”
“You’re joking.”
“Nope I’m pretty serious,” Silverspeed answered as Sunset shook her her mane slowly. “Your bestie is looking over here.”
Sunset looked over at the counter where Pinkie was waving excitedly and Sunset forced a grin on her face as she weakly waved back.
“Come on, let’s hurry up and get the hay out of here before she decides to come talk to us,” Sunset said hastily as she started eating faster.
With a frustrated sigh, Silverspeed nodded and quickly complied.
nice idea about silver. hmm....i wonder if she likes a challenge in terms of her arrow skills
Excellent work on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up once again. Definitely liked Sunset's reaction to one of the names on the list as well as the understandable frustration from Silverspeed's description of Rainbow (though I DID absolutely love Sunset figuratively (and possibly literally as well) lighting a fire under Rainbow's behind. The first meeting with Muffins was well done too, as well as finding out Sugarcube Corner is where Pinkie lives and works. And, judging from the character description in the author's notes, I would say that Silverspeed is a pretty good candidate for the Element of Loyalty.
VERY much looking forward to more of this.
Ok this chapter was way better than the first one, I wonder if Silver speed will become an element barrier or if Sunset will still become the element of empathy, if so I wonder who magic will be, I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight became Sunset's arch enemy slash rival and tries to create an anti element of harmony group somehow.
Does Sunset have parents in this continuity or is Celestia all she has?
Judging by the story description and Silverspeed's file in the Author's Notes, I would say she does indeed become an Element Bearer. As for Twilight, given her appearance attending and enjoying the party, I would say Twilight would, at worst, be a FRIENDLY rival to Sunset later on (after Sunset finally learns a bit more about friendship and Sunset develops a bit more respect for her) - closer in tone to Applejack and Rainbow Dash in canon (though hopefully better at keeping the rivalry friendly).
And I'm pretty sure Sunset is going to be Magic in this universe.
I think it was mentioned the Sunset was an orphan in the first chapter of this (though I admit that I could be wrong) - which would make Celestia the closest thing Sunset has to family (which is probably one of the reasons she dislikes Twilight other than Twilight being one of the few other students at the school who is nearly as good as her - Twilight actually HAS still living parents AND two brothers (one biological, one adopted).