Roseluck groaned as she shifted and opened her eyes to stare at Sunset’s face shoved against hers and she jumped slightly.
“Uhm hi?” Roseluck said hesitantly as Sunset moved back a few feet. “How long was I out?”
“Few hours. Are you uh alright?” Sunset asked as she sat down.
“Head hurts. Where are we?” Roseluck asked as she looked at Shoeshine, Derpy and Trixie.
“No idea. We all woke up in this wooden jail cell. Can’t even destroy it or use magic,” Shoeshine replied as she gestured at the bars with a hoof. “There’s only one other pony in here and they took him a minute ago.”
Sunset sat quietly as they all stared at a large platform over some water.
“Spare me this mockery of justice,” the stallion said as they all gave each other wary looks.
“Has the council reached a verdict?” A small deer asked three taller older ones sitting on thrones.
“Innocent,” a tall deer said as the platform folded and the stallion fell into the water.
“Uh what the heck?” Trixie muttered as the stallion came above water and half shark looking thing ate him. “By the stars.”
“Not the way I imagined going out,” Shoeshine said grimly as she peered down at the shark creature before it disappeared.
“We have got to get a better travel agent,” Trixie quipped as Roseluck realized there was five of them, not six like before.
“Where’s Silver-”
“Shush!” Sunset hissed quietly as she shot the mare a look. “As far as they know, there’s five of us. Before I passed out, I saw Silverspeed watching before flying off. She’s probably getting help as we speak. For now, don’t mention her.”
“Or she abandoned us,” Derpy muttered as she hugged herself with her wings. “So she doesn’t suffer the same fate as us.”
“You don’t know that,” Trixie retorted as she yawned. “What was in that dart? Doesn’t it take five to ten minutes for a tranquilizer to work?”
“No clue. I’ve never even know deer were in this forest. Never met one, probably altered the drug in it to act faster,” Roseluck mused as she made a circle with a hoof. “I won’t know for sure till I get a sample or one of those darts to bring back home.”
“Wanna hear a joke?” Trixie asked suddenly as Shoeshine gave her a flat look.
“Now is really not the time to be cracking jokes,” Shoeshine snapped as she examined a wooden bar. “No laughing matter, we’re probably next.”
“Now is the best time while everypony afraid. Best way to get our mind off it is with jokes. What falls but never needs a bandage?” Trixie asked with a grin as Roseluck rolled her eyes.
“What Trixie?”
“That was dumb,” Derpy muttered with a smirk. “But good, I liked that one.”
“What is an eggs favorite vacation spot?” Trixie asked as the others excluding Sunset shrugged. “New Yolk City!”
Shoeshine snorted and hid a grin behind her hoof as Roseluck smiled slightly.
“Wanna hear a joke Pinkie told me?” Trixie asked as Shoeshine groaned.
“I’m gonna regret it because that mare has a weird sense of humor but hit me with it.”
“Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Malaysian airlines flight three seventy!” Trixie said as everypony gave her confused looks and even Sunset turned around to stare at her.
“I don’t get it,” Derpy said finally as Trixie shrugged.
“Trixie didn’t get it either. But Pinkie found it hilarious for some reason.”
Sunset grunted and turned to watch the guards nearby again as she breathed slowly.
“I used to run a dating service for chickens, but I was struggling to make hens meet,” Trixie said as Roseluck giggled. “Thank you, a giggle is better than nothing. Why do we tell actors to break a leg? Because every play has a cast!”
“Sweet Celestia,” Sunset muttered as she bit her lip. She grudgingly admitted that was a good one.
“My uncle named his dogs Timex and Rolex. They’re his watch dogs.”
“That was good,” Shoeshine chuckled as she laid on her back and hoof bumped Trixie. “Got anymore?”
“Oh Trixie has a plethora. Did you hear about the guy whose left side was cut off? He’s all right now.”
Derpy laughed as Sunset smiled faintly and shook her head. Trixie glanced at Sunset and sighed. She was surprisingly hard to make laugh.
“Where do young trees go to learn? Elementree school.”
Sunset snorted and gave a faint chuckle as Trixie rolled her eyes. She really didn’t want to get into her more explicit material unless it was necessary.
“How many tickles does it take to get an octopus to laugh?” Trixie asked. “Ten tickles!”
Sunset laughed and the others gave her stunned looks as she tilted her head to the side.
“What?” Sunset asked as she calmed down.
“You laughed. I didn’t think that was possible,” Roseluck admitted. “You’ve really only shown two emotions, anger and boredom. You’re normally really stoic.”
“I have other emotions!” Sunset snapped and glared. “I just chose to hide them. Reveal too much about yourself and you can get used or blackmailed.”
“Maybe in Canterlot,” Derpy commented and she fluttered her wings. “Ponyville is completely different from there. We don’t blackmail our neighbors here, everypony knows everypony. Even the ones who don’t like each other still exchange friendly words.”
“You did share about yourself earlier unless you were lying. But you weren’t because I would have known. Nopony ever gets away with lying to me,” Shoeshine said as she glanced at Sunset. “Sooner or later, you’ll have to tell more. It’s natural to talk about one’s self.”
“I play guitar,” Sunset admitted after a moment. “That’s about it really. Don’t know any other instruments nor did I care enough to learn.”
“You use magic Trixie assumes?”
“Depends on the day. Some days hooves, some days magic. The arcade is pretty cool too. I have a few machines in my room back at the palace.”
“For like you and your friends?” Derpy asked and Sunset shook her head.
“I have no real friends. Life is easier that way. Not since I was a filly. Canterlot is different, most ponies just want to get close because of my status as Celestia’s daughter. It’s common knowledge in Canterlot we are related but not else where apparently.”
“Sounds like an awful way to live to me,” Roseluck commented as she wrapped her tail around herself. “Life would be boring without friends. Nopony really thinks to use me because I’m a simple flower mare.”
“Yeah well it is what it is. It doesn’t bother me any,” Sunset answered as Shoeshine narrowed her eyes.
“You’re lying, it bothers you a lot,” Shoeshine said flatly. “Nopony can lie to me, remember? Canterlot is a shitty place to me.”
“I hate you,” Sunset grunted as she folded her forelegs.
“No you don’t.”
“I’m going to shut up now,” Sunset snapped as Shoeshine snickered and Sunset stared at the guards again.
“What are you staring at?” Derpy asked as she moved to sit next to Sunset.
“Guard on the left is a bit slower than the one on the right when she does her rounds. Also is limping slightly which suggests she is hurt. If we get at least her over here before the other guard leaves, we can kill her and steal her key then get the heck out of this death trap,” Sunset explained quietly as Derpy turned green.
“I don’t like the idea of killing her. Isn’t there a better way?”
“I don’t know. We can wait and see,” Sunset said and glared at a deer walking up.
“Come with me,” he said and unlocked the door. “They want to see you.”
The mares gave each other wary looks and inhaled before following him.
All I can say is really good job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated Trixie doing a few jokes to calm the others (except for Silverspeed, who managed to escape as far as they know) when they found themselves in a jail cell. And, yes, I could see them worrying about that brief "trial show". And now, Sunset has explained a bit more about her life in Canterlot before making a brief semblance of an escape plan (which Muffins had understandable issues with). Hopefully, Silverspeed will get back in time to help the others (she very likely WILL, because this is just the first story in the series, but it's still understandably nerve-racking).
At any rate, very much looking forward to more of this.
Are the deer leaders going to be Five Faced by any chance? If so I saw this movie a good 40 years ago. Great reference, btw.
I'm glad you like the reference lol