• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 794 Views, 66 Comments

Making Friends - TheKing2001

Sunset as the rest of Equestria is looking forward to the summer sun celebration until the main attraction goes missing and Sunset is determined to get her back.

  • ...

Coffee Is Everything

Shoeshine stretched out on her bed as she yawned, glancing at the clock before staring up at her white ceiling.

She could faintly hear her housemate, Carrot Top trotting around downstairs as Shoeshine tried(and failed) to find the energy to leave bed. She was really not looking forward to working with Rarity again today. The only thing to two had in common really was they both had a good eye for detail, Rarity with fashion and Shoeshine with horse shoes.

As the town farrier, Shoeshine prided herself on her businesses reputation of having quality horse shoes and quick installation time. All her horseshoes were hoof made in her shop instead of being imported.

“Shoeshine! Get down here, got coffee ready!” Carrot Top shouted up the stairs as Shoeshine grumbled a curse word and kicked her blankets off before rolling onto her hooves.

“Coming!” Shoeshine called back hoarsely as she paused in front a mirror. “Sweet Celestia, my mane and tail are awful.”

She grabbed a nearby mane brush and started brushing her mane back into her normal style before focusing back on her tail. Satisfied, she tossed her mane brush onto her nightstand and swung her door open, trotting down the stairs.

“There you are. Thought you fell back asleep,” Carrot Top commented with a smirk as she pushed a mug of coffee Shoeshines way across the table as the mare sat down across from her friend.

“Wish I could Cara. Celestia forbid Rarity has to work alone,” Shoeshine grumbled as she lifted her coffee mug to her lips and started drinking.

“That’s not fair and you know it Shoe,” Carrot Top frowned at her friend. “Rarity values your help, otherwise she wouldn’t have specifically asked for you. And if you truly hated working with her, you wouldn’t keep agreeing. We’re all working hard around town this past week.”

“Yeah you got me there,” Shoeshine admitted after a moment and picked up a piece of buttered toast with cinnamon. “Thanks for breakfast. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow morning.”

“You better. Buying me more coffee grounds will do. And bring back coffee creamer please, I used it up all this morning,” Carrot Top requested as Shoeshine started quickly eating her toast and Carrot picked up her plate. “You’re like a dog when it comes to breakfast.”

Shoeshine paused as she tried to decide if she should feel insulted by that or not. With a shrug, she decided not to be and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

“Wanna come see Screw Loose later tonight? I planned on taking her to the celebration. Might be nice for her to get out of the hospital for a few days,” Shoeshine asked as Carrot Top shrugged.

“Might be nice. Haven’t seen your sister in a few days. She might appreciate the company. I’m surprised you’re still allowed there after saying you didn’t think Nurse Coldheart was doing her job properly.”

“Buck that bitch,” Shoeshine answered as she finished off her coffee.

“You’re lucky Noi is visiting her grandparents in Manehatten otherwise I’d be mad right now,” Carrot Top shook her head and sighed. “You should probably get going. You know how much a stickler Rarity is for showing up on time.”

“Yeah yeah I know. Thanks for the reminder Cara,” Shoeshine waved as she trotted to the front door and sighed as she opened the front door, taking off into a full gallop.

“And shut the door behind you!” Carrot Top shouted after the galloping mare from the doorway, Shoeshines laugh echoing off the buildings. “What am I gonna do with that mare?”

“Nothing!” Shoeshine shouted from a few streets over and Carrot Top jumped slightly.

“Damn that mare and her good hearing.”

Carrot Top let the door shut behind her as she turned around with a faint smile.

“Have you gotten your side done?” Shoeshine called out as she placed another bow on the balcony of the town hall.

“Almost darling!” Rarity called back as Shoeshine stretched to reach the other side as her hoof slipped and her eyes widened.

“Buck, oh buck, buck!” Shoeshine shouted as she fell and a blue aura caught her. “Whoa, thanks Rarity. That was a close one.”

“Anytime,” Rarity waved a hoof as she set the earth pony down. “I’d rather not have you fall to your death in front of me.”

Shoeshine paused and blinked at the mare.

“You know, for a mare that acts all haughty and stuff, you sure have a dark sense of humor.”

“Rainbow Dash is quite the negative influence darling. But she is quite friendly when you get to know her,” Rarity sad Shoeshine scoffed. She didn’t really like the rainbow maned pegasus, mainly due to her constant pranks.

The pegasus learned to leave Shoeshine alone or well, she’d retaliate. Mainly loudly with quite illustrative threats and wild hoof gestures about how she was going to rip off her wings and ground her for life.

“It looks okay in here I guess.”

The pair turned around and looked at a frustrated Sunset Shimmer next to an exhausted Silverspeed.

“Hello darling!” Rarity smiled warmly at her fellow unicorn as Sunset shot her an annoyed look and Rarity tilted her head slightly. “Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay? I’ve slept about three hours because of animals howling in the forest, what sounded like a rabbit and woken up at nine in the morning because of singing ponies and I’m stuck in a backwater town permanently as a representative!” Sunset snapped angrily as Rarity and gave Shoeshine a confused look. Sunset spun around to examine the town hall as Silverspeed gave a tired yawn. “And it doesn’t even look done in here!”

“Hasn’t had her coffee yet,” Silverspeed explained as Shoeshine nodded. Coffee was the life blood of everypony, after all.

“I assume you darling it will be finished. We’ve all been so busy-” Rarity starred and she closed her mouth as Sunset shot her a dirty look.

“I don’t care for excuses. I expect efficiency, no matter what the tasks. I bet a group of school ponies could get this done faster. And add some decorations from the school ponies, Celestia likes children. It’ll make her happy,” Sunset declared.

“But it’ll look so tacky compared to our work!” Rarity argued and raised a hoof to point at the banners she had hung up. “It will-”

“I don’t care,” Sunset cut her off coldly. “Get it done. And I mean, pronto lady. I wanted this done by yesterday.”

“I-I understand,” Rarity stammered as she took a nervous step back. She wasn’t exactly used to being talked to this way. Shoeshine gritted her teeth angrily as Sunset trotted out the room as Silverspeed gave them both an apologetic look before galloping after her. “I guess I will go see the school ponies for some assistance. You can go to Goldens for lunch I suppose.”

It took Shoeshine a minute to realize Rarity meant Carrot Top. The farmer only allowed her friends to call her “Carrot Top”. Her real name was Golden Harvest.

“Oh I’ll go do something alright,” Shoeshine commented under her breath as she glared at the doors that Sunset had slammed shut behind her. “Where’s the Residency at?”

“Downtown near the flour mill and the forest. Why darling?” Rarity asked as Shoeshine made for the door. “Shoeshine, don’t do anything rash.”

“Oh I won’t,” Shoeshine promised as she narrowed her eyes and disappeared out the doors.

“Oh I won’t my flank,” Rarity grumbled as she levitated her saddlebags on. “Somehow, I don’t believe that.”

With a sigh, Rarity stepped out into the busy street and headed to the school house.

Shoeshine paused outside the yellow house and looked up as she inhaled, shoving the doors open and trotted inside.

“Where is Sunset?” Shoeshine asked calmly as Silverspeed glanced up from behind her desk in the center of the room.

“In her office but she’s busy-” Silverspeed started as Shoeshine trotted past the Guards desk and to the only half opened door she could see. “Hey, you can’t go in there! She’s specifically requested to be left alone while she works.”

“This will only take a minute,” Shoeshine promised as she slammed the door open.

Sunset sat behind her desk with a pen held in her magic, scribbling away on a piece of paper with a thick book next to her that she occasionally glanced at worriedly. Sunset glanced up for a brief moment to look at Shoeshine before looking down again.

“What do you want?” Sunset asked as Silverspeed tugged on Shoeshines mane.

“I tried to stop her ma’am,” Silverspeed said weakly as Sunset waved a hoof.

“It’s all fine Silverspeed. Is the town hall and other adjacent buildings done?” Sunset asked as Shoeshine inhaled.

“Almost. I’m here about that. You almost made Rarity cry for no reason when she’s working her flank off harder than she does normally while she has dozens of orders to do. You can’t just spring a big change like that on us and expect it to be done immediately,” Shoeshine answered as Sunset continued writing.

“Uh huh. She’s a big mare, she will adapt. And if she had a problem, why did she send you and not come herself? Cowardly much?” Sunset asked pointedly as she smirked slightly. “Can’t even fight her own battles.”

“Rarity is busy visiting the school ponies. You’re lucky we both share the sentiments of liking kids otherwise we would be putting a way larger fight. You can’t just talk down to ponies like that. If you have like, self esteem issues that’s fine,” Shoeshine said as she shifted on her hooves and Sunset gave her a flat expression as she narrowed her own eyes.

“I think it’s time for you to leave,” Sunset pointed a hoof at the door. “I don’t know why you’re here but I’m busy trying to prevent the end of the world.”

“I’m trying to help you-”

“I don’t need help from anypony. Get that through your head please,” Sunset snapped as Shoeshine rolled her eyes.

“Everypony needs help. Buck, I ask for help sometimes. Just get your shit together, okay? You’re what, twenty four?”

“Twenty five.”

“My point exactly. I’m twenty six, I’m only a year older than you. Quit acting like a child and quit the yelling around my town. And your guards pony is what, twenty?”

“Twenty one ma’am,” Silverspeed bowed her head respectively.

“Okay so I was mistaken. Just quit acting like a bitch to literally everypony and get it together.”

Shoeshine turned around and trotted out the way she came in, leaving a stunned Silverspeed and Sunset behind her.

Author's Note:

Shoeshine is a prideful earth pony and the strongest of the Elements. Shoeshine isn't afraid of saying her opinion on a topic, no matter what the opinion is. Shoeshine is the town farrier and runs a small shop in the center of town. She doesn't tolerate being lied to or talked down to, often reacting unfavorably with her attitude. Shoeshine is one of Carrot Tops closest friends, often dropping what she has going on to help around the farm. She is the older sister to Screw Loose. She often calls out Lily's behavior in an attempt to help her.

Motto: The past is the greatest teacher.

Abilities: Shoeshine is the strongest of the Elements, able to lift and pull almost triple her weight. Shoeshine has average intelligence but makes up for it with her impressive ability to remember her surroundings even if she has only been in new places for a short amount of time and random information.

Allies: Sunset, Roseluck, Silverspeed, Trixie, Derpy, Carrot Top, Dinky, Sparkler, Berry Punch, Bon Bon, Daisy, Lily, Luna, Celestia, Screw Loose, Redheart, Tenderheart, Noi.

Enemies: Nightmare Moon (formerly), Blueblood, Caramel, Davenport, Mr. Cake, Rainbow Dash (formerly).

Weakness: Her occasional self doubt can make her hesitate in situations that require direct action and she can accidentally hurt the ponies feelings she's actually trying to help. Other than that, she had no known physical weaknesses.