Sunset looked around warily around her, her cyan eyes narrowed and alert as she and the others worked through the forest.
“Any of you ever come in here before?” Sunset asked finally as a owl flew over head and she jumped.
“Absolutely not,” Roseluck shook her head adamantly. “I was always told as a filly to stay away from the forest and not to play inside.”
“Should have been told to stay away from more than just the forest as a filly,” Derpy scoffed as Roselucks face fell.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Silverspeed asked as Trixie and Shoeshine hastily made throat cutting gestures to the mare.
“Yeah Roseluck tell them what you did,” Derpy glared at the earth pony as she hovered above the ground a few inches. “How you slept with my husband and all that. Well, when he was my husband of course.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the group as Sunset looked away and whistled quietly.
“I told you that wasn’t my fault!” Roseluck grumbled as the mare looked down. “And I’ve apologized a dozen times.”
“Woah you actually slept with him?” Silverspeed cut in with a stunned expression. “That’s wild. I’d never do that to my friend.”
“Not my friend anymore,” Derpy growled as she went back to ignoring Roseluck. “I obviously divorced him and he ran off to Celestia knows where.”
“Alright that’s enough,” Shoeshine said as everypony looked at her. “Roseluck was-”
“Shoeshine, leave it,” Roseluck said hastily as Shoeshine held up a hoof.
“No I’m gonna tell her. I love you both and I’m absolutely tired of you two ignoring each other for a while now. The reason Roseluck actually slept with your husband is because she got drunk at her eighteen birthday party and he took off his ring, she was drunk for crying out loud. She was a lightweight back then and didn’t even know who I was, let alone your husband Derpy. I can’t judge because I’d be mad at her too and hay, I was angry for a little bit but Roseluck didn’t want to tell you him lying because she knew it would hurt your feelings so cut her a break.”
“Shoeshine stop,” Roseluck begged as they all continued walking.
“Heck no, it’s time for everything to be put on the table. You both said and did shit that was bucked up to each other, Derpy not letting you see her kids and you sleeping with her husband. Drunk or not, it was bucked up but I’m slightly understanding because I’ve done crazy shit drunk before. End of story, move on and be the bigger mares. Fight it out if you have to,” Shoeshine snapped as she stepped over a log. “This is absolutely ridiculous. You’re both adults, just drop it. We’re stuck together in this ridiculous forest till we get those elements thingies so we might as well get along and work together.”
“Fine,” Derpy said finally as she sighed. “I’m going to fly a bit higher and look around. What are we looking for?”
“Some ruins,” Sunset called back. “Celestia said it was in a ruined castle apparently.”
The pegasus nodded as she flew above the tree line and the others walked under her.
“Why not in a museum?” Trixie asked as she ducked to avoid a tree branch. “Trixie is confused, why just leave them in a ruined castle where anypony or random creatures could find em?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. She never told me and I never asked,” Sunset admitted as they all listened to a roaring sound and froze. “What the buck was that?”
“Nothing good,” Silverspeed answered as the pegasus stretched her wings before folding them back at her side. “Who knows what could be in this forest. There’s all sorts of stuff in here from ponds to manticores. Apparently years ago some Royal Guards tried document the place and well, all that was found was ripped open tents and a bunch of blood and half eaten corpses.”
The five shuddered at the thought and Sunset held up a hoof.
“Do you all hear that?” Sunset asked quietly as the others shook their heads.
“I do,” Shoeshine said just as quiet. “Sounds like something thirty feet to our left coming to us and fast.”
“Trixie can’t hear anything.”
“I have good ears,” Shoeshine whispered as the sound of breaking trees and branches got louder. “Up to you, we can run or we fight it. I’d rather not myself or anyone else become bear food.”
Sunset opened her mouth to speak as a four legged reptile with spikes burst through into the clearing, swinging it’s tail into a tree as it roared again and the five jumped.
“I hate cragadiles!” Sunset screamed as she ducked to avoid the tail. “Run!”
“Where?” Silverspeed screamed back as she jumped back to avoid it’s jaws.
“Straight!” Trixie shouted as she thrust a hoof in a random direction and galloped forward with Roseluck and Sunset as Silverspeed gulped before nodding.
“Holy buck!” Roseluck cursed as she looked back, going pale as the cragadile snapped at her tail. “That thing is unreasonably fast and hey, leave my tail alone!”
“What is going on down here- woah!” Derpy shouted and narrowly avoided the jaws snapping up at her. “Where did this little guy come from?”
“Little?” Shoeshine echoed in disbelief. “Derpy, that thing is easily thirty feet long and over three hundred pounds! That’s the opposite of little!”
Sunset and Trixie tripped over a log and the pair spun around to stare at the cragadile, hastily pushing them selves back as they bumped into a tree, hugging each other as they stared into the mouth of the reptile.
“Hey!” Shoeshine shouted as the cragadile glanced at her and she bucked it in the side of the head.
“Shoeshine run!” Sunset snapped as the earth pony grunted and shoved her forelegs under the creature, cursing as she stood on her hindlegs and lifted it above her head, throwing it as the others watched in awe. “Woah.”
The cragadile crashed through some trees as Shoeshine dropped back to all fours and smiled sheepishly.
“How did you do that?” Trixie demanded as Shoeshine helped her and Sunset up.
“I’m an earth pony for starters but I’ve always been strong. I’ve pulled boulders away from landslides when they need help,” Shoeshine said with a shrug. “No biggie.”
“No biggie?” Sunset echoed in shock. “Shoeshine, you yourself said that thing was over three hundred pounds. That’s literally more than triple your weight. I don’t even have the numbers off the top of my head to say how much that is over your weight.”
“Don’t know what to tell you there,” Shoeshine shrugged as the other three joined them around the three. “Let’s take a quick breather for a bit and then get a move on.”
Roseluck nodded as she passed around a canteen and Derpy hesitantly flew over to the cragadile on it’s side.
“Derpy, be careful!” Trixie called out as Derpy examined the reptile and grabbed a purple splinter with her mouth, yanking it out.
“If we leave him on his side, he will die,” Derpy announced as she dropped the splinter. “We can’t just leave him here.”
“He just tried to kill us,” Trixie pointed out flatly. “He most likely will try to do so again if we help him.”
“If you were in his spot, wouldn’t you want somepony to help you?” Derpy challenged as Trixie looked away before nodding. “Then leave me behind, I’ll do it myself.”
“Absolutely not,” Sunset said and shook her head. “I’m not really interested in leaving anypony behind.”
Sunset trotted over and started pushing on his side with Derpy as she used her magic to help push. With a frustrated sigh, Trixie joined them followed by Shoeshine, Silverspeed and Roseluck.
The cragadile rolled over and hissed at them as they all jumped back warily and watched as it waddled away.
“Well, that happened,” Sunset mused as she looked at the night sky. “What’s next?”
“Uh, up to you but I'm going ahead,” Roseluck answered and trotted ahead with the others. “I’m eager to get this resolved so I can go back to my simple life.”
Sunset watched as the others followed her and looked back at where the cragadile had been, deciding she really didn’t want to be in the vicinity of it.
Sunset shook her mane and galloped to catch up with the others as the splinter turned into a purple mist and disappeared.
Sunset is Magic
Shoeshine seems to be BRUTAL Honesty,
and Derpy seems to be Kindness.
That leaves Trixie, Roseluck, and Silverspeed, but I have a feeling Silver will be loyalty. No offense to Trixie, but Roseluck is probably Generosoty, leaving Laughter for the showmare.
That's what I'M thinking too. And I don't think Trixie is going to take offense concerning the Laughter part.
Again, really good job on the dialogue, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. That stuff about Derpy and Roseluck, whoa. Yeah, I could see where Derpy would get upset about that - even refusing to accept Roseluck's numerous attempts to apologize. Glad to see Shoeshine helping them work through that for the time being to focus on the much larger problem. And that stuff with the Cragodile was rather well done.
VERY MUCH looking forward to more of this.