• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 794 Views, 66 Comments

Making Friends - TheKing2001

Sunset as the rest of Equestria is looking forward to the summer sun celebration until the main attraction goes missing and Sunset is determined to get her back.

  • ...

Meeting The Magician

Raindrops stretched out her forelegs as Trixie trotted around her slowly as she tossed her magicians hat carefully onto a nearby crate next to her cape.

“Alright so this spell shouldn’t cause you any physical harm,” Trixie said as she examined Raindrops as the two stood on Trixie’s stage.

“You don’t sound too sure about that,” the pegasus noted as she gave a nervous flutter of her wings. “Are you sure I won’t be maimed? The last time you said a spell won’t cause me any physical harm, I got a concussion from being launched into a wall.”

“Trixie is ninety percent certain you will not get harmed,” Trixie promised but didn’t sound completely sure herself.

“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Raindrops asked flatly.

“Both really.”

“That’s reassuring,” Raindrops muttered under her breath and shook her head. “Tell me again why I agreed to this?”

“Because I’m your friend and you love me?” Trixie suggested with a smirk. “And you specifically requested today off work to help me with my tricks?”

“Yeah yeah,” Raindrops rolled her eyes and smiled. “Alright, hit me with it. Do whatever you gotta.”

“Alright just stay still. This spell should cause no harm and if it does you won’t have to worry about it because you’ll be dead,” Trixie said casually as her horn glowed and Raindrops opened her mouth to argue. Raindrops paused as she looked at Trixie as her horn quit glowing pink.

“I feel weird,” Raindrops mused as Trixie snorted a laugh. “What?”

Trixie pointed a hoof at the mare and Raindrops looked behind her slowly and screamed. Her back half and front half were cut in two as Raindrops screamed again.

“Trixie, what the hay?” Raindrops shouted as she inhaled and exhaled rapidly. Raindrops felt a slight gratitude that she couldn’t see any of her back half internal organs. She shakily somehow managed to get behind her self and sighed in relief. “Okay good my tail is still there. Can you please cover my mare parts? It’s weird.”

“Sure,” Trixie snickered as she sat the back of Raindrops down. “Anything else?”

“Yes. Connect this half to that half!” Raindrops pointed at her self and her eyes widened as she fell onto her face. “Not a word about this to anypony and I mean it Trixie. I can’t take Rainbow Dashs job if there’s two parts of me laying around!”

“Well this is a trick for the show so and you already agreed to help me. I left out the fake saw this time,” Trixie commented as she levitated Raindrops front half to her. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay like this? You won’t ever have to work again and can come along with me on the road. You can sit in my bedroom.”

Raindrops folded her forelegs and glared at Trixie as the magician rolled her eyes, putting Raindrops back together with a pink flash and dropped Raindrops to her hooves.

“Thank Celestia!” Raindrops exclaimed as she gave her wings an experimental flap. “And thanks. Are you really leaving after the Summer Sun Celebration?”

“Yeah. I’m a traveling magician after all Raindrops. It’s not like me to stay in one town for too long. You know this,” Trixie answered as she levitated some cards out of a chest. “Besides, it’s not like it will affect us. We’ve been sending letters to each other since we graduated high school and we always see each other when I’m in the Ponyville area.”

“Yeah I know,” Raindrops scuffed her hoof on the worn wooden stage. “Ponyville has a lot of fillies and colts as is, you’d make a decent living if you just stayed here. You’d need a house though.”

“Trixie has her perfectly good wagon that she lives in. She doesn’t need a house,” Trixie declared loudly.

Raindrops gave her an unimpressed look before glancing at the wagons faded blue paint and wheels bending from years of use before she looked up slowly at the roof sagging on one end.

“If you say so,” Raindrops said after a moment. “I still think you at least should get it fixed.”

“Nonsense! Trixie’s wagon is admittedly falling apart but it is a sign it is well loved. You can’t put a price on attachment. You know that just as well as I do,” Trixie answered as a shingle fell off and the two mares stared at it. “Maybe at least the roof fixed.”

“Maybe,” Raindrops agreed as she turned to Trixie. “Wanna get lunch? On me.”

“Yeah sure.”

The pair jumped of the stage as Trixie glanced up at the sky.

“Skies look clearer than they were yesterday,” Trixie noted as Raindrops gave a shrug. The magician had been in town for a week and half and it’s been sunny only five days in a row. Primarily due to Raindrops working overtime with Rainbow to get it done.

“Yeah. I will admit Rainbow is really lazy and makes us do a lot but she stepped up. Especially after Sunset shouted at her,” Raindrops said with a faint smirk.

“Think you might actually get Rainbows job?” Trixie asked hopefully as the two continued their slow trot.

“I hope so. Might subtly try influence Sunset’s decision if the rumor of her staying her permanently turns out to be true.”

“Wow and here I thought I was the only one of us who manipulated others for my benefit,” Trixie joked and hip bumped her friend.

“Yeah you’re a bad influence on me,” Raindrops snarked as she hip bumped her friend back. “Big surprise there. And you don’t really manipulate ponies, you just trick them.”

“Sounds the same to me,” Trixie admitted after a moment.

“Well yes but you do it to ponies who deserve it or to help others. So it balances out your karma in the long run!” Raindrops suggested with a wide grin.

“I hope so Rainy. I hope so.”

Raindrops rolled her eyes as she placed her wing of Trixie’s back.

“It will. And you’re a pretty funny mare so you could just make whoever is running up there laugh till they let you in,” Raindrops continued as she gestured at the heavens.

“Should I be concerned about you planning my death?” Trixie asked as Raindrops gave a fake evil laugh. “That was actually a pretty good fake evil laugh, good work.”

“Thanks. Now I’m hungry, let’s get a move on!”

“Alright I’m heading home,” Raindrops said as she and Trixie stood outside Trixie’s wagon. “It was nice hanging out without having to talk about work.”

“I agree,” Trixie nodded as she opened her wagon doors with her magic as Raindrops gave the wagon a doubtful look.

“Are you sure you want to sleep here? It looks unsafe Trixie,” Raindrops said uncertaintly as her eyes flicked to her friend.

“Trixie will be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Trixie promised as Raindrops nuzzled her and Trixie blushed as she returned the gesture.

Raindrops waved as she flew off as Trixie turned to walk into her wagon as a stick snapped behind her and Trixie spun around, horn glowing.

“Hey,” Sunset said casually as she leaned against a nearby tree trunk and Trixie sighed in relief. “I’d cancel whatever spell you were about to use, I can guarantee I’m faster than you and my spell would be much stronger than yours.”

Trixie nodded numbly as the pink glow faded.

“What can Trixie do for you?” Trixie asked curiously as Sunset smirked slightly.

“How’s the entertainment going for the Celebration?” Sunset asked as Trixie raised an eyebrow.

“You stopped Trixie for this?” Trixie demanded as she glared at the mare. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

“Yeah I do. Ten thirty,” Sunset noted dryly. “Not too late because you’re still up. Now answer my question.”

“It’s going fine. Now goodnight,” Trixie snapped as she turned around to walk inside her wagon.

“I didn’t dismiss you. Show me a trick,” Sunset answered as she stretched a hindleg out. “Something good, mind you.”

“Fine,” Trixie sighed as she levitated a coin out of her wagon and held it up for Sunset to see. “Trixie will make this coin disappear before your very eyes.”

“You’re a unicorn. You just can teleport it away,” Sunset pointed a hoof at Trixie’s head.

“Which is why Trixie will be using her hooves only so you can focus on my horn not glowing,” Trixie explained as she rolled the coin around on her left hoof.

Sunset watched intently as Trixie curled her hoof and waved it in front of Sunset as she uncurling the hoof to reveal the coin and Sunset smirked.

“Not so great and powerful now are you?” Sunset mocked as Trixie rolled her eyes, curled her hoof slightly and waved it again before she uncurled it and the coin was gone. “How the-”

“A magician doesn’t reveal her secrets,” Trixie said with a smug smile as Sunset stared in confusion.

“Where is it?” Sunset demanded as she stared at the ground under Trixie’s wagon steps. She hadn’t even seen her horn glow or see the coin fall.

“It’s right here,” Trixie said and reached behind Sunset’s ear and held up the coin as her smug grin grew wider.

“What-” Sunset started as Trixie gave a wink and walked into her wagon fully, shutting the doors behind her.

Sunset stared for a moment before walking away with a satisfied nod.

Author's Note:

Trixie is a reckless and often loud mare who enjoys bragging about her friends achievements just as much as her own. Trixie often relies on her stories in often failed attempts to make friends. Trixie was widely disliked in school, her only friend being Raindrops. Trixie would often throw loud parties at her parents house when they were gone with illegal alcohol in yet again failed attempts to make friends. Her plans often include dragging Raindrops along with her for the ride and leaving the poor pegasus to clean up the mess. Trixie greatly values her friend, keeping in touch via letters when she's away and always makes a point to visit her when she is near Ponyville. Trixie is a drop out of Celestia's school of magic after attending for half a year and opted to go to a normal high school in order to stay with Raindrops. She chose to pursue a career in show magic instead of going to college, often harmlessly making jokes at others in awkward situations to make everypony laugh. Has a friendly rivalry with Pinkie Pie and a not so friendly rivalry with Octavia. Her closeness to Raindrops has lead many of the town folk to question the true nature of their relationship.

Motto: It's better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all.

Abilities: Trixie has average strength and average intelligence. She is skilled in making her trademark smoke bombs and fireworks. Her more experimental fireworks often blow up in her face literally. Trixie is skilled in her show magic trade, able to make duplicates of her self with ease to trick her enemies and friends alike. Trixie is the best of the Elements at adapting to foreign cultures, making her the one to explore new areas before the others go behind her.

Allies: Raindrops, Sunset, Roseluck, Derpy, Shoeshine, Silverspeed, Dinky, Pinkie Pie, Luna, Celestia, Carrot Top, Daisy,Lily, Sparkler.

Enemies: Nightmare Moon (formerly), Octavia, Blueblood, Sky Stinger, mice, Thunderlane, Davenport.

Weaknesses: Trixie's arrogance and ego often puts ponies off of her. Trixie's desperate need to be liked often gets her taken advantage of or in over her head. Trixie uses underhoofed and dirty tactics to beat her enemies, often berating them while doing so. Her aggressive tactics often make her untrusted by the towns folk, which secretly affects her self esteem more than she is willing to let on.