Roseluck pressed the brakes on her cart outside of town hall as Lily and Daisy set up the prices sign. They weren’t always happy to see their prized flowers being eaten as snacks but well, Daisy knew to go where the bits were and flowers were widely considered to be food.
The three were surrounded by ponies as Daisy quickly laid down the law and the ponies lined up with their bits ready as Lily rolled her eyes behind the stall cart.
“Do you think you Shoeshine has finally calmed down from her interaction with Sunset?” Daisy asked as she accepted some bits from some school ponies and handed them the flowers with a smile.
“Celestia I hope so,” Lily grumbled under her breath. “She’s been insufferable ever since then, even more so than usual.”
“She’s not that bad,” Roseluck corrected instantly. “And she has yeah. Mainly after getting drunk at Berry’s. How that mare found her way home I’ll never know.”
Daisy and Lily had both watched the mare stumble drunkenly around as the two argued over who was going to help her before Carrot Top carried her home. Literally. On her back.
“Carrot Top took her home,” Daisy answered as the pair looked up at the dark sky. “Looks like it’s gonna be a pretty night out. I always did like the stars.”
“Yeah me too,” Lily admitted as the three mares watched the moon shine brightly in the sky. “Wow, the moon is bright today.”
“Don’t you mean tonight?” Roseluck asked with a grin and Lily rolled her eyes.
The three shook off their admiration and went back to work, helping the crowds of ponies with their flowers, missing the stars glow brighter than normal.
“Come on Screw Loose,” Shoeshine grunted as she gently pulled on the leash around her sisters neck as Carrot Top and Redheart watched.
“Bark!” Screw Loose licked her sisters cheek as Shoeshine blushed and patted her on the head.
“Thanks sis. Don’t you wanna go to the Summer Sun Celebration and see the princess? Who knows, maybe she will be able to cure you?” Shoeshine suggested hopefully as Screw Looses tail wagged.
“Have fun girls,” Redheart waved as the three mares walked down the path from the hospital. They had invited Redheart to come with them but somepony had to stay with the patients after all.
“She seems to be doing better,” Carrot Top noted as Screw Loose stopped to sniff a plant.
“I guess,” Shoeshine shrugged as she sighed. “Screw Loose, don’t eat that. You don’t know what kind of plant it is and I don’t either frankly.”
Screw Loose growled softly before nodding and the three carried on.
“Don’t tell me you still hate putting her in the hospital,” Carrot Top frowned as she waved at the large building behind them.
“Yeah I am. What kind of sister just chucks her sister who thinks she’s a dog into a hospital?” Shoeshine said bitterly as she flicked her tail slightly.
“Well a sister who knows she can’t help her the way a professional could,” Carrot Top suggested as she blew some of her mane out of her eyes. “And you visit her every week and take her home when you can. I think it’s a good thing you did, you aren’t a professional mental health pony after all. Letting them take her was probably the kindest thing you could do for Screw.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Shoeshine sighed and stretched slightly. “We should pick up the pace, we’re gonna be late and I don’t like being late. Most of the time.”
“Yeah most of the time,” Carrot Top quipped with a smirk. “Hopefully this isn’t the Summer Sun Celebration like in Trottingham where you threw up in my mane from alcohol.”
“Yeah sorry bout that,” Shoeshine said sheepishly and rubbed the back of her mane. Screw Loose froze and narrowed her eyes at a squirrel as the other two mares eyes widened. “Screw Loose, don’t even thi- WAAAUGH!”
Carrot grinned as Shoeshine screamed and was dragged after the galloping mare.
“I have weird friends,” Carrot Top muttered and shaking her head, galloped after them.
Raindrops trotted onto the stage nervously as Trixie followed her with what she hoped was a fake saw, flying up onto a table and laying on her back.
“Watch as the great and powerful Trixie saws this helpless mare in half!” Trixie shouted as she reared back on her hind legs and stared out at her large audience. She wore her typical cape and wizard hat as she pressed the fake saw against Raindrops stomach and moved it as she used her magic to split Raindrops in half. “Tada!”
She levitated Raindrops two halves up as the mare tried to remember it was a spell. The crowd cheered and Trixie grinned, putting Raindrops together and hugging her.
“See, was that so bad?” Trixie asked with a smirk as Sunset left the crowd and Trixie watched her stare warily at the moon. Trixie glanced quickly at the moon and saw nothing wrong. Looked like how it always did to her, same weird face in it and all.
Trixie had no idea what the mare was looking at but presumed she just liked the night sky. Sunset scuffed a hoof in the door and trotted off toward the town hall.
“Not so bad,” Raindrops admitted as she and Trixie bowed. “Maybe I should be your assistant more often.”
“Maybe,” Trixie agreed excitedly as the two hip bumped and Raindrops placed a wing over the magicians back as Trixie started her next card trick.
“It’s surprisingly cool out,” Raindrops noted as she watched Princess Celestia and a few guards land nearby as Silverspeed saluted them before they all trotted away. “Hey there’s Sunset’s guard pony and the princess.”
“Huh you don’t see that everyday,” Trixie commented as she levitated a card to a colt in the crowd. “We should probably wrap up the show soon.”
Raindrops gave a nod as Trixie flipped a card and the colt smiled at the magician. With a smile, the pegasus focused back on helping her friend.
“Princess Celestia,” Sunset bowed her head respectfully as she and Silverspeed stood in the wings of the town hall.
“Hello Sunset and Silverspeed. I hope everything is going well,” Celestia said as the two stood up properly and nodded.
“Yes princess,” Silverspeed answered as she adjusted her helmet nervously. This was one of the few times she had ever been in direct contact with Celestia and made her more nervous than she would like to admit. A quick glance behind her down at the assembled ponies waiting for the princess, including her little sister. “Everything is as how you would like it.”
“And did you make a friend?” Celestia asked as Sunset shook her head and her face fell. “I see. I was hoping you’d be having friends but I’m happy to see you still have Silverspeed with you.”
“Good soldiers follow orders,” Silverspeed quipped with a smile.
“We will discuss this further later,” Celestia frowned slightly. “Why don’t you go have some fun Sunset and hang out downstairs? It’s almost time for me to raise the sun.”
“Yes princess,” Sunset sighed as she and the pegasus trotted down the steps and Celestia stared at the moon.
“Almost time,” Celestia mused. She had known Sunset was right naturally about her sister. Celestia hated lying to the younger mare but everypony has to make their own path and can’t have things just given to them. Celestia herself knew that as she watched the stars glow and the mare in the moon disappear and a dark blue mist appeared behind her.. “Hello Luna.”
“We always hated that name,” Nightmare Moon grumbled as she glared at Celestia. “You don’t seem surprised to see us.”
“I’m not stupid after all. I’ve been waiting for this,” Celestia said casually as she turned around. “It’s nice to see you.”
“Spare us the pleasantries,” Nightmare Moon scoffed as their horns glowed. “It is tiresome.”
“So be it,” Celestia sighed in frustration and the two launched at each other. “You always were the more aggressive one of us.”
Celestia punched Nightmare Moon in the jaw and she glared at her.
“That was a lucky hit,” Nightmare Moon admitted as she rubbed her cheek. “You won’t get another one, we can promise that.”
She kicked Celestia’s legs out from under her as she tackled Celestia, biting at her throat as Celestia headbutted her.
“Give up,” Celestia pressed a hoof to Nightmare Moons chest. “It’s over.”
“Never!” Nightmare Moon blasted her in the chest with a blue laser from her horn and Celestia slammed against a wall with a stunned expression. “I’ve been waiting for this day too.”
Celestia blinked as she groaned and everything went dark.
“How did it go with the Princess?” Derpy asked as she wrapped a wing around Dinky and Sparkler.
“Fine,” Sunset said and rolled her eyes when the mare couldn’t see it.
“Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” Mayor Mare said as Trixie groaned.
“She talks too much,” Trixie mused as she stared up at the mare and Raindrops giggled behind a hoof.
“Well, she is a politician,” Sunset answered as the others gave her flat looks.
“Aren’t you technically a politician because you’re a government official?” Silver Spoon asked and Sunset paused for a second.
“In a way I guess yeah.”
“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria,” Mayor Mare gestured for Rarity and Shoeshine to pull the curtains back. “Princess Celestia- what?”
The spot was empty as the others gasped and Sunset shifted nervously.
“Where is she?” Sparkler asked in confusion as she and Dinky looked worriedly at Derpy.
“I-I don’t know muffins,” Derpy admitted as a blue smoke filled the room. “Uh what the heck?”
“You!” Sunset snapped as she glared up at the dark blue mare and everypony around her stepped back nervously.
“Yes it us,” Nightmare Moon agreed readily. “Who is in charge of this pitiful town?”
“M-me,” Mayor Mare shakily raised a hoof. “Please don’t hurt me.”
“We won’t as long as you immediately relinquish control over to us and stand down. We will rule Equestria as we should have years ago!”
“No you won’t,” Sunset answered as she shifted her weight slightly. “I don’t know where Celestia is, but you have to get past me first.”
“You say that like it’s a difficult thing,” Nightmare Moon scoffed as Sunset smirked slightly.
“One way to find out,” Sunset shrugged as the other ponies watched in fear as Shoeshine and Rarity tumbled off the balcony and a purple mare with a purple mane caught them both.
“Thanks darling,” Rarity brushed herself off.
“No problem,” Twilight smiled at them both before staring in fear at Nightmare Moon.
“We will ignore this attitude from you as long as you follow all of our orders. Do not attempt to fight back and you will not die,” Nightmare Moon pushed past Sunset dismissively. “And in order to convince you, all these ponies will be coming with us to guarantee your compliance!”
“Wait!” Sunset shouted as Daisy, Lily, Dinky, Sparkler, Silver Spoon, Carrot Top, Raindrops and the rest of the townsponies disappeared as Sunset hastily cast a shield over Derpy, Silverspeed, Shoeshine, Trixie and Roseluck.
“Daisy! Lily!” Roseluck shouted as the two disappeared with the alicorn.
“Dinky!” Derpy laid on her stomach and stared sadly at where the two had been. “Amethyst.”
“Oh what the hay!” Trixie shouted angrily and bucked at the sky. “Where did Raindrops go?”
“And my sister,” Silverspeed chimed in as she inhaled and exhaled repeatedly. “Oh and Carrot Top.”
The mares turned to face Sunset and demand answers as the mare galloped away.
Sunset tossed her saddlebags on hastily and shoved the book inside as she galloped to the door as she froze when it was kicked open by Roseluck and she gulped nervously at a few angry ponies who apparently weren’t ponynapped protesting outside.
“Where are my friends?” A furious looking Bon Bon shouted.
“And mine!” Caramel chimed in as a grey pegasus shoved them aside as Derpy, Trixie, Shoeshine and Roseluck shoved their way inside with Silverspeed stopping to grab a spear and stood outside.
“Get back,” Silverspeed warned as she slammed the spear into the ground and blue electricity surrounded the tip. Sunset had faintly heard something about unicorns making specialized weapons to deal with rowdy crowds of ponies. “Or you’ll get it. I’m not in the mood right now.”
The ponies warily backed away as Silverspeed slowly stepped back inside and shut the door.
“You got the count of five to tell me what’s going on,” Shoeshine slammed Sunset against the wall and she yelped. “Five-”
“I don’t know alright! All I know is Nightmare Moon is back and I gotta go stop her. I didn’t know she was going to take hostages!”
“They took my daughters,” Derpy hugged herself. “Let’s calm down everypony. I’m just as scared as all of you. I don’t know what the buck is going on but I want answers.”
“They took my sisters,” Roseluck added as she leaned against the door.
“And my friend!” Shoeshine snapped as Silverspeed pushed her off Sunset and Screw Loose looked around her nervously.
“And Silver Spoon,” Silverspeed added sadly.
“Now what the buck is going on?” Shoeshine asked and stepped back as she inhaled. “Who the hay is Nightmare Moon?”
“Legend has it that on longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring forth night time eternal,” Sunset recited as she got confused looks. “I’m honest, I didn’t know she was gonna take hostages, I’m sorry. I promise you I will get them back.”
“And just what do you think you can do?” Shoeshine pointed out as she trotted back and forth nervously in place. “She evidently made short work of the Princess and her guards, what chance do you have?”
“I have to get the Elements of Harmony. They’re somewhere in the Everfree Forest,” Sunset explained as she tried to push past the earth pony and she was pushed back gently.
“Not alone you aren’t,” Shoeshine shook her head. “Everfree Forest isn’t natural, it’s scary in there. I’m coming with. That bitch took my my best friend, I want revenge.”
“And you’ll need me too,” Roseluck added after a moment. “There’s poisonous plants and stuff in it. I can help identify what to avoid.”
“I fly over it often so I know the layout well,” Derpy chimed in and wiped her eyes. Shoeshine carried Screw Loose to a bedroom and placed the mare under the bed.
“Do not come out unless Carrot Top, myself or any of the others come to get you. If you don’t know it’s us, stay hidden,” Shoeshine warned quietly as Screw Loose hugged her.
“I know, I’m scared too. Just stay here and I love you,” Shoeshine kissed the mares forehead and retreated slowly, locking the door from the inside and shut it.
“Raindrops is my friend,” Trixie said as she tossed her cape and hat off. “I’m coming. Plus, the story would be entertaining to tell.”
“I serve the princess,” Silverspeed grumbled as she tossed her spear aside. “And by extension, you. I’m tagging along. Someponys gotta keep you all safe.”
“You all could die,” Sunset pointed out weakly.
“So could you,” Roseluck shot back as the cream colored mare peeked out a window as a rock shattered the adjacent one and she ducked with a yelp. “We should probably get out of here before they get in.”
“Fine,” Sunset sighed and her horn flashed as she teleported them to the edge of the Everfree.
“I’m gonna vomit,” Derpy moaned as she leaned against a tree as Silverspeed started throwing up her lunch, painting the grass various shades of yellow.
“Sweet Celestia what the hay?” Shoeshine groaned as she laid on her stomach and covered her mouth.
“Teleportation was the quickest way to get here,” Sunset gave them apologetic looks. “I’m uh sorry. Truly.”
“Warning would be nice!” Roseluck called out as she leaned against Trixie.
“It’s fine,” Shoeshine muttered as she stood up shakily and Silverspeed wiped her mouth off on the grass.
“Disgusting,” Silverspeed said weakly as Derpy tossed her a water bottle.
The mares looked at each other and nodded before entering the forest nervously.
Nice work, though the star wars reference scared me a bit
Happy someone got it lol
Star wars Fan with passion
Sunset has/will have a LOT of former enemies, lol.
REALLY good work on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. REALLY appreciated Sunset's brief dialogue with Celestia before Nightmare Moon officially returned as well as Celestia's brief chat with Nightmare Moon. And Nightmare Moon upped the stakes by kidnapping the family and friends of Sunset's future fellow Element Bearers? Makes a lot of sense. And it looks like we finally have Sunset's file up in the author's notes.
And, on to the next chapter.
Indeed. There's going to be Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, the Dazzlings, Starlight Glimmer, the Pony of Shadows, the Storm King, Tempest Shadow, Cozy Glow and POSSIBLY (the real) Grogar - and THAT's just the MAJOR bad guys. But that's YEARS down the road.