• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 9,470 Views, 65 Comments

A Place To Relax - Sweet Tale

  • ...

Chill Out

"See ya guys!"

Friday, 6PM. The work day AND week was finally over! Picking up my coat and belongings, I made my way to the exit before a familiar, albiet annoying, voice stopped me.

"Jason? Got a minute?"

I turned to face my supervisor, Dave. Nice guy but he can be a right dickhead sometimes. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"I know it's annoying but do could you cover for Brian on Monday morning? He's got a day off for compassionate reasons and I need someone reliable to attend the budget meeting in his place."

I hated budget meetings. The constant drone of the managers, talking about what to do with the company's money and how they can increase income four-fold - I'd have more fun watching grass grow WHILST watching paint dry! But Dave did call me reliable and I thought I should live up to that reputation.

"No problem. I'll go in his place." I responded with a forced smile.

"Thanks mate. Have a good weekend."


I exited the office with haste and retrieved by bicycle from the security office. I just unlocked the chains when the young security guard approached me.

"Hey Jason. You look knackered. Busy day?"

"Yeah. Work's always a hassle Steven. At least it's Friday right?" I replied with a wink.

"Oh man, I can't wait to get home. I'll talk to you this evening after it's finished."

"Will do mate. See ya!"

I began my cycle home through the roads and hills of the Lake District. It was hard work but it kept me fit and healthy. Besides, the scenery was stunning, especially at this time of the year. The cold April wind blew against my face as I let the bike cruise down a steep decline.

About twenty minutes later, I approached my favourite sight - the path to my home. A small dirt road, leading to a small bungalow situated next to a small stream, running off the River Derwent. Approaching my home, it glistened in the sunlight, glowing almost, like a shining beacon. I always loved this house as it belonged to my grandmother. I used to visit every summer and enjoy walking in the hills. After she passed away, she left me the house in her will.

But something was always...off about it. Whenever there was a large storm or flooding, the house would never get affected. Every other house in the vicinity would be damaged but hers remained spotless. There was even a fire a few years back, started nearby by some yobs. A huge amount of trees and plants surrounding the home were burnt to a crisp but the house was unscathed. It always confused me but my grandmother told me that the house was protected. By what, she never said.

I got off my bike and locked it up next to the shed. I opened up the door and walked inside, shutting the door behind me and kicking off my shoes.

"Babe? You in?" I called out before spotting a note on the coffee table. I picked it up and began to read it.


I've had to visit my mother for the weekend. She's come down with an illness again, god knows what it is this time. I've left some chicken and veg in the fridge for your dinner. See you on Sunday.

Love Sarah

"You treat me too well." I said with a chuckle. Sarah was the love of my life. We met at secondary school, 7 years ago, and we instantly hit it off. It started as a close friendship and then developed into a fully fledged relationship. We tied the knot 3 years ago and have been living in this house for about 16 months now.

I slumped down into my armchair and quickly got my laptop out. I looked at the time in the corner of the screen.

"8:15! Finally!"

I opened up my favourite page and began to watch the eagerly-awaited finale of the show. My favourite show. Ever since I discovered it last year, I've grown accustomed to watching a children's show about talking ponies in a magical land. But then again, so was a hell of a load of other people. Friendship Is Magic just grabbed my attention so quickly. The characters, the storylines, the animation - it was amazing. Every second of it. I introduced Sarah to it but she didn't take to it like I did but she accepted that I loved it and didn't really care.

An hour later, the credits rolled and I closed the page.

"That...was...amazing!" I shouted, pumping my fist in the air a few times. The whole storyline behind 'A Canterlot Wedding' was faultless. Absolute genius. The songs were beautifully written and sung. Even the lessons behind it were powerful. One thing that shocked me though, how Celestia was defeated so easily. She was my all-time favourite and to see her defeated by the enemy, my mind was screaming 'NOOOOOO!'.

I immediately opened up messenger and sure enough, there was Steven waiting for me. I began the conversation with him and we both were praising the finale.

Jason: They couldn't have done any better!

Steven: I know right? The songs were brilliant!

It remained like that for about 10 minutes before we said out farewells. The rest of the evening and weekend was under my control. I could do whatever I wanted. I could go away for the weekend. What about football? Drinks with friends!

With it being past nine, I resulted to doing my favourite past-time. I picked up the black device and pressed it's middle button. I flicked the TV on and the screen loaded up. I put on my headset and loaded the game.

"Alright guys. The TF2 dominator is back!"

Soon, the headset filled with various sounds of battlecries, insults, splat/gore noises and gunfire. Both me and Sarah were avid gamers and always have been so I was pretty up to speed with current gaming. Placing some strategically set bombs around a doorway, I waited for the enemy to approach.

"Closer...closer...NOW!" I pressed the detonate button and bombs exploded with an almighty boom. "YES! Have some of th--" Before I could finish, the tv switched off along with the Xbox...and everything else. "Aw man! Why now? I was doing so--"

Once again, I was interrupted. This time by a blinding white light, emitting from about 5 feet off the ground in the middle of my lounge. I shielded my eyes as the light shone brighter and brighter.

"The hell is this?!"


It was the day after the wedding. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were still shell-shocked about the whole event. Cadence and Shining had departed on their honeymoon but were unsure of whether to leave the sisters in the state that they were in. Celestia managed to sway their decisions and they set off last night.

It was Celestia's day and she was sat upon her throne, awaiting the first of many ponies to enquire about something.

"I do hope that my subjects won't panic about this. I'm sure that they will relax and be calm about it."

Celestia's self conversation was cut short as a guard opened the door just wide enough so he could squeeze through before shutting the door again. He ran up to Celestia and bowed before her.

"Your highness..." he said, catching his breath.

"What is it guard?"

"The ponies *gasp* here to see you. *gasp* There's *gasp* there's hundreds of them! And they're all screaming and shouting to see you!"

Celestia held a hoof to her mouth to supress a groan. She shook her head in annoyance. "I figured as much. I'm certain that many of them are worried for their safety. If you can, please let one in at a time. JUST ONE." she said with a stern look.

"Yes, your highness."

The guard retreated to the door and opened it by a foot, squeezing himself back out. His voice could be heard from the throne room.

'Everypony, listen up! I'm sure you have a lot of questions and the Princess will see you all. Now, form an orderley line and queue nicely!"

Many shouts and screams were heard. Celestia bit her lip in anticipation. "I have a bad feeling about this." The throne room opened slighty and a cacophony of noise was heard as one pony was pushed inside with the door slamming shut behind him. He ran up to the Princess with a worried look.

"Greetings my little po--"


The outburst startled Celestia and she jumped out of her throne slightly. "I do not take kindly to interruptions but yes, you are perfectly safe. The changeling threat is over."

"HOW ARE YOU SURE?!" he screamed at her.

"Please lower your voice. I have personally overseen that the entire city of Canterlot and the surrounding towns have been vanquished of everything changeling related. You, and everybody else, are perfectly safe."

"Thank you." he said quietly, walking back towards the throne room door. The guard opened up the door and basically shoved him back outside before shutting it again. Celestia looked upon the door as the sound of knocks and bangs rapped on it.

"I do wish they would calm down." Celestia said to herself.

'WAIT, STOP!' a voice from outside sounded before the door pulsed inwards with an almighty thud. The guards quickly opened the doors and pulled every guard from outside inside before shutting the doors again.

"Your highness! They're becoming restless! They're even attacking the guards! Now they're trying to break the door down!" a guard shouted out.

The door pulsed inwards again as the ponies outside rammed it again. Celestia rose to her feet and descended from her throne. "I think now would be a good time to--"


The doors violently swung open to reveal and panicked and angry faces of a extremely large crowd of ponies. They all charged towards Celestia before the guards barricaded themselves against them.

"Princess! The balcony! Fly away quickly!" a guard commanded. Celestia made haste to the balcony but a group of pegasi landed there and started to approach her, bombarding her with questions.

"Are we safe?!"

"What about the children?!"

"Does this dress make me look fat?!"

Celestia back-peddaled and eventually hit the wall. She was surrounded. There was no other way out and she was too nervous to try and concentrate her magic.

"PLEASE! STOP!" Celestia screamed. The approaching ponies took no notice and continued their questions. Celestia suddenly found herself surrounded by ponies, screaming at her. She curled herself into a ball and prayed that they would stop.

'Please stop my subjects. You're scaring me. Please.'

"Princess! Where are you?!" a guard's voice called.

'I don't know what to do. I...I...THE SAFE HAVEN!"

With that thought, she immediately stood up quickly, knocking several ponies off balance. Celestia lit up her horn and in 2 seconds, she vanished from sight much to the surprise of the guards and the ponies.

"Princess Celestia? Hello?!"


The light that blinded me slowly ebbed away to reveal a mass of...something where the light once shone. I re-focused my eyes to observe what had happened. Before they could focus, the electricity turned back on and the TV and Xbox came to life...resetted of course.

"Oh man. I was doing so well!" By now, my sight had now fixed itself and I turned my head. The sight shocked me beyond belief. I swear if jaws could drop further, mine would be halfway to China by now.

"It can't be." I managed to squeak out, looking upon the mass before me. A mound of white, glowing ever so and a mass of moving technicolor fibre. "It...just can't be."

There she was, laying before me. An impossible creature. My most loved cartoon character of the current time...Princess Celestia, in all of her glory. Unfortunately, she looked like she was unconscious.

"I'm going nuts." I slapped myself across the face quite hard and looked in the same spot. She was still there. "This is impossible. She's a freakin' fictional character!" I shouted.

Celestia started to stir and she opened those beautiful purple eyes. I quickly ducked behind my armchair and peeked over the top of it. Her eyes darted around the room, absorbing her new surroundings. She slowly rose to her feet and she adjusted her crown, setting it straight.

"Hmm...this place has changed significantly. I wonder if anyone is here." I gulped with nervousness, which she heard. She turned her head abruptly in my direction and stared at the armchair. "I know someone is here. I mean no harm, please show yourself."

I took a deep breath and raised myself from behind the armchair. The whole time I rose, mine and Celestia's gaze locked and never seperated. Standing up straight, I noticed Celestia was taller than me by a few inches. My teeth started to chatter as I became slighty scared. Not of Celestia, but the fact that either she was really here or I finally went off the deep end.

"Dear human, are you alright?" asked Celestia.

"......" I said nothing as my mouth hung open at the sight before me. 'She spoke! She really talks!'

"Is something the matter?"

I closed my mouth and swallowed again. "You're...you're...you can't be real." I spoke in ragged breaths.

Celestia walked slowly towards me. I was frozen in place as she stopped a foot away from me. She raised her hoof and held it towards me. "I'm most certainly real." She pressed her hoof against my chest which I stared at intently. I slowly lifted my hand and reached towards her hoof, touching it ever so slightly, retracting once I felt it was real. Celestia lowered her hoof and held her head high.

"I suppose an introduction is in order."

"I'm J-Jason."

My name is--"

"Princess Celestia!" I shouted with joy, covering my mouth with my hand at my outburst.

"How do you know my name?"

Damn, that's gonna be hard to explain. I sat down in the armchair as she sat in front of me, clearly noticing my surprised state.

"That's why I said you can't be real. You're a fictional character. You just can't exist."

"What are you talking about? I'm here aren't I? How can I not exist?"

'This is every brony's dream. Meeting a real-life pony from Equestria! Why the hell am I so nervous?!' my brain screamed at me.

Celestia took my hand in her hoof, further cementing the fact that she was indeed here. "Tell me how you know who I am." she demanded with a determined look on her face.

"OK, alright. Let me think...you have stories right? Ponies write fictional stories and novels?"

"That's correct."

"A certain person in this world wrote a story...about you. About Equestria. The whole world you live in and control is fictional." Celestia nodded at what I had said. "These stories were made into a television program called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic." I picked up my laptop and opened it up to Youtube, loading up Friendship Is Magic Part 1. "I'll show you."

Celestia and I watched the episode. How it explained the history of Equestria at the beginning. How it showed Twilight Sparkle begin her studies in Ponyville and the return of Nightmare Moon. Once the episode finished, I shut the laptop and looked at Celestia.

"I remember that all too well. The human who created this knew every detail...how?" Celestia pondered.

"There are many more episodes of this show. Another 51 to be exact."

Celestia rose from her seated position and started to pace around the room, mumbling to herself. "This doesn't make sense. How does this world know about ours? Did he say something?"

"Are you OK?" I asked

"I'm fine. It's just that this is very confusing. I know that Equestria exists. I have lived for thousands of years and I remember each and every day that has passed. How someone here came to that knowledge I do not know."

I noticed she was clearly frustrated. I walked up to her and put a hand on the back of her neck. "I'm sorry this has confused you. But I have to tell you something." Celestia turned to face me. "This show has gained a huge amount of fans. Seriously, thousands of people here watch the show, myself included. We all love the show and think it is amazing." This brought a smile to her face. "You say it's real? I believe you."

"You do?"

"Of course. The majority of the fans of the show dream of meeting the ponies of Equestria in real life but they know they never can. I believed that as well but not anymore." I scratched the back of her neck. "You're here. You're real. You exist." I gave a huge smile. "You're my favourite pony out of everyone."

Celestia chuckled at that statement. "I'm...your favourite? Thank you."

"You're welcome. I noticed you looked confused about my possesions. Would you like me to explain?"

Celestia nodded. "That would be nice. This world has changed dramatically since I last came here."

I gasped at her fact. "You've been here before? When?!"

"A long time ago. The year was 1904."

"That would explain how you knew I was a human when I think about it."

I spent the next half hour explaining what certain items were and how they worked with the knowledge I had. I showed her my laptop, explained the internet (god that was difficult), my Ipod, the phone and the stereo. Celestia asked many questions about how the world has advanced in her 108 year absence.

I talked about how technology has advance since the beginning of the 20th century. The achievements mankind has made and the mistakes that they made as well. I also talked about the conflicts and struggles between the nations of the world.

"So the whole world was at war with each other?"

"We called it the World War but it was mainly 30-40 large countries, not all of them."


It was around 10PM when we had finished talking about Earth's past and current affairs. Celestia was still shocked to hear war existed still but she accepted it. We were both sat in the lounge drinking mugs of tea when a sudden thought occured to me.

"Can I ask you something Princess?"

"Of course you can."

"You said that you visited here before. Can I ask why?"

Celestia's happy disposition dipped and she had a neutral look on her face. "To be perfectly honest, it's exactly the same reason I'm here now. Back in 1904, a famine had hit Equestria with hundreds of families starving. I thought I could handle all of the questions and the stress from my subjects. Eventually, the crops began to grow again, with the help of magic, and food began to distribute around Equestria again. But some families were still not happy, even thought things were back to normal. I was constantly bombarded with questions and accusations from hundreds of ponies who were all equally angry. One day, a large group stormed in, shouting and screaming. The crowd got bigger and bigger and bigger and I couldn't handle it. Eventually I teleported myself away to my safe place...here."

"Here? How did you choose here in the first place?" I asked.

"Before the famine, there were points were the stresses of royal life were getting to me. I needed to escape sometimes and relax somewhere where nopony would find me. One night, I read a spell tome that would allow me locate a place which was secluded, with nopony around to disturb me. The spell would also protect the place with a shield so that it could never be damaged. The only problem is that the magic required was exponentially high. Nevertheless, I managed to cast it and a portal opened up which showed a charming little cottage in the middle of the woods. It then closed afterwards. The tome then read that if I ever wanted to go there, I'd have to use a complex teleportation spell. That time in 1904 was the first time I ever used it and I ended up here."

"That's incredible. So this cottage was here 108 years ago?"

"Indeed. I can see that the shield worked."

"So, is that the reason you are here now? Did something bad happen again?"

Celestia raised from her seated position and looked out of the window. "Canterlot had been invaded by changelings - creatures which feed off emotions."

"I just saw that episode! Not half an hour before you arrived here!"

"Then you know what happened. Anyway, ponies were scared and they stormed the castle again. I just managed to teleport out of there." Celestia let a few stray tears fall from her eyes. I couldn't stand to see her upset, not a beautiful pony like her. I walked up to her put an arm around her neck.

"It's OK. I'm sure everything will turn out fine." Celestia turned to me and draped a wing over me, like a hug.

"Thank you Jason. Thank you for being so kind." she sweetly said.

"You're welcome." 'HA! Wait till Steven hears about this!"

The hug lasted for about a minute before I released my grip around her neck. I walked to a nearby cupboard and pulled out a large blanket. "Come with me. You want to relax right?" I led Celestia to my back door and slid it open. We walked to the edge of the riverbank where I set the blanket down.

"Come and sit down." I asked Celestia. She did so and I lay down next to her. "Just sit here a while. Let the sounds of the night and the river fill your mind."

Both of us just lay there, absorbing the sounds of the night. Being in the middle of mountains and hills with many species of abundant wildlife was incredible at night. All of the noises you heard, the running of the water. I seriously thought at one point that I could record the sounds and sell it as a theraputic tape.

I lay on my front and rested my head on my hands as the soothing sounds of the night made me drowsy. I forgot that Celestia was even there and began to quietly hum a random tune. Celestia picked up on this.

"What's that piece you are humming there?" she asked.

"Oh that? It's actually from a film about a robot in the future...I'll explain that another time." I chuckled at that causing Celestia to do the same.

The silence returned as I found myself drifting between awake and asleep. I looked up at Celestia who had her eyes closed.

'I still can't believe she's real. And she's been here before...wait.'

"Hey Celestia, can you tell me something?" Celestia nodded. "That shield spell that was used on the house. Does it protect it from all types of damage, like fires and wind and such?"

"It does. That cottage will never be damaged by nature."

"Just like my grandmother said."

"Excuse me? Grandmother?"

"Yeah, this is her old home. She left it to me in her will when she passed away some years ago. I've lived in it ever since."

I looked up at Celestia who looked confused. "That can't be right. When I came here in 1904, I met a man. A man named Gerald."

I sat up at the mention of his name. "Gerald? Was his middle name Percival?" Celestia nodded at this. "Oh wow. That was my great-grandfather."

"He was a very kind man. The only man I ever met here. I told him about Equestria and he was fascinated about it. I remember he wrote everything down in a book before I left. Everything about Equestria and the previous Element bearers. Whatever happened to him?"

"From what I know, he married in 1907 and his wife, my great-grandmother, gave birth in 1911 to a single child, my grandmother. Unfortunately in 1912, he was called to duty in the First World War and he was killed."

"Why would he risk his life like that?" she sadly asked.

"Because that's what soldiers had to do in the war. They had to fight, for Queen, or King, and country. But now it makes sense. My grandmother told me that this house was protected and she never told me how or why. I guess Gerald must have told his wife and she told her."

Celestia's face was one of disappointment. "I told him never to reveal my identity to anyone."

"Could you keep a secret like that? One as big as that?" Celestia said nothing and closed her eyes. "Did you say he wrote of Equestria in a book?" Celestia nodded. "Maybe that got into the hands of one of the show's creators somehow."

Celestia widened her eyes in shock. "That's extrememely plausible. It would explain how they knew of our world."

I noticed that the wind had picked up slightly and it was getting chilly. "Come on, let's head inside. It's a bit cold out here."


We headed back inside and I lit the fire in the fireplace. We sat around it for a while warming ourselves. The glow of the fire resonated onto Celestia's body and reflected off her royal attire. It made her look very different...distinguished in fact.

"How long are you going to stay?" I asked.

"I'll head back tomorrow morning...if that's OK with you."

"No problem. I err...only have one bed though." I said with worry. Celestia smiled at me, trying to guilt trip me. "You can have it. I'll sleep down here." I begrudgingly said.

"Thank you Jason."

Still sat around the fire, a fun thought occured to me. "Say Princess, do you want to have some fun?"

"Fun? Sure. What do you have in mind?"

I pointed to a pile of cushions that she sat on earlier and asked her to sit. I then grabbed two Xbox controllers, two headsets and sat in the armchair, seated next to Celestia.

"I know you came here to relax but I think this can be classed as stress-relief gaming." I passed her the controller which she held with her magic. I marvelled at her levitation. "Heh...it's amazing seeing magic work up close. Anyway, how about I show you a game which is always fun to play." Celestia nodded in agreement.

I turned on the TV and switched on the Xbox. Celestia looked mesmorised by the electronic equipment as I loaded up a game. "This is called Team Fortress 2. It's a battling game using various modes of stealth, attack and support." Celestia gave me a worried look. "Don't worry. This may seem violent at first but it'll be great fun, just give it a go. Hold on a second."

I put the headset on and switched it on. I looked for a certain player and clicked his username. "Hey Astro, Argonaut here. How you doing?"

Celestia looked on as I spoke into the headset, not understanding what it is for. "Good man, good. Listen, I have a friend here who's playing this game for the very first time and I want her to practice first.......yeah I said her, what of it?......I'll get you for that. Anyway, can you open up a private server for us so she can practice...cheers mate." I took the headset off and looked at Celestia.

"What is that device there?"

"Oh this? It's called a headset. You know how I explained the internet earlier? Well, people from around the world play this game over the Xbox internet. Using this you can talk to certain people whilst you play. That guy there who I was speaking to is called AstroCherry."

"That's a very strange name."

"Oh it's not his real name, it's a username. One he made up. Like mine is ArgonautJay. We need one for you."

"Seeing as this is an war-type game, how about 'Private Tia'?"


Once I had set up her character profile, we went onto the server. I began to explain the controls of how it all worked and the classes which she could choose from. Her chose class was soldier. I placed a headset on her and we began to play.

Half an hour later, me, Celestia and Astro were in an all out war. Celestia had gotten hang of the game pretty quickly and judging by her facial expression, she was enjoying it to the fullest.

"Tia! To the right! Spy!" I shouted.

"I'm on it!"

Celestia was quick to kill the spy and she laughed with joy and imitated the soldier's insult. "Maggot!" she shouted. I couldn't hold my laughter in anymore and let out a huge belly laugh, dropping the controller on the floor, accidentally breaking the connection with the Xbox, causing the game to stop.

"Jason! What's so funny?" she asked

"AHAHA! You are! The way you shouted 'Maggot'! Priceless!" I managed to say before slumping back into my chair laughing again. Celestia quickly followed suit and emitted a laugh of her own. After a while, we stopped laughing and regained our motor skills.

"I say, this game is very fun indeed!" Celestia said.

"I'm glad you enjoy it. Want to play again?" Celestia nodded quickly. "Very well. Astro, you still there?......We're heading to a main server now. See you around." I quickly logged us onto one of the busy servers, where all the hardcore gamers were. "This place will be more difficult. Sure you're up to it?"

"Yes sir!" she saluted. I chuckled and the game started.

10 minutes later, the game was nearly over with less than one minute to go. We were defending the intelligence as Celestia fired rocket after rocket at the opposing team.

"YES! Got you!...AND YOU!...You as well?!" Celestia shouted. I was so surprised about how good she got, I put my controller down and just stared at her concentration. It was hilarious to watch her destroy every single player with the easiest of control. I laughed at how well she was doing. 40 seconds later, the game ended and Celestia cheered in victory before noticing me watching her.

"Why are you not playing?"

"I was letting you do it. Seriously, you are the best player I have ever seen!"

Celestia calmed down and put the controller down. "Oh...thank you. I guess I got carried away." she said with a laugh.

I looked at the clock which read 00:23. "Wow, it's late. I should really go to sleep."

"I guess we should." Celestia came over to me and unfurled her wings which wrapped around my back and pulled me close to her. "Thank you Jason. Thank you for making me feel better and for being such a great friend." I returned the hug with my arms.

"You're welcome. I loved having you here." We released the hug and I pointed towards a room at the back. "The bedroom's that way. Have a good sleep."

"Oh I think I will." Celestia began to walk away before I thought of something.

"Will you be here when I wake up tomorrow?"

Celestia frowned. "Probably not. But don't go thinking this is goodbye. I'll see you again. I promise. Goodnight Jason."

"Goodnight Princess. It's been a pleasure."

Celestia walked into the bedroom and shut the door. I flopped down onto the sofa and pulled the recently used blanket over me. Sleep came to me rather quickly as I soon found myself flat out.


The sound of birds chipring arose me from my slumber. I slowly got off the sofa and looked around for any sign of the Princess. There was none. Feeling slightly depressed, I set myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table.

Munching away, I noticed a rolled up piece of paper on my armchair. Immediately knowing what it was, I ran over and picked it up, breaking the seal and unrolling it.

Dear Jason,

I want to thank you again for the hospitality you provided. Your kindness and friendly nature will be remembered fondly. I have returned to Equestria to resume my royal duties. I can't imagine what the my subjects could be thinking about my disappearance.

I know that you were amazed to realise that I was real and I am happy that you were. However, I must ask you to refrain from telling anybody about me. I'm sorry but I think it is best if our world remains fictional in the eyes of the humans.

I'm sorry I didn't wake you this morning to say goodbye. You looked so peaceful. So, I have left you a gift in your bedroom. I have left it in a small box upon your bed. Think of this as a way to keep us connected. I hope to see you in the future, maybe sooner, who knows!

Your friend
Princess Celestia

I rushed to my bedroom to see a small white box on my bed. Lifting it up and opening it, a quill fell out of it, along with another note.

'This is a magic quill. If you wish to write to me at any time, use this quill and write upon a piece of parchment or paper and roll it up. Then tap it with the quill twice and it will be delivered to me personally. Celestia x.'

There was a kiss at the end. The moment I saw that, my heart practially leapt out of my chest. I immediately calmed myself down and pulled out a piece of paper from my drawers and started to write.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I cannot express how joyful I was to meet you in the flesh. This has been one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life. The evening I spent with you was a night to remember, especially the gaming session. You owned that guy from D.C.! He was so angry! Haha!

I'm not sure if you are going to reveal my existence to the Equestrian world but if you do, give my regards to your sister and the Elements of Harmony. Tell them that there are thousands of people in my world that would love to meet them. Maybe it'll happen...some day.

And don't worry, I will not tell a living soul about your existence. Your world will remain stories of animated television. Maybe I can do a better job than Gerald did, eh?

Hope to see you soon. I'll look forward to it.

Your friend, Jason.

I rolled up the paper and tapped it with the quill twice. It shone with a white light and disappeared. I stared out of the window at the sunrise, thinking it was Celestia raising it.

"Perfect as always Celestia."