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Episode 4: The Goo, the Bad, the Squishy

At an alley in Bronx, Rockjaw, Deva and some other Wilders were there.

"Now come on, hand it over!" Rockjaw ordered, before a sudden loud boom was heard and a white fist stretched out and hit him.

"What in the?!" Deva gasped.

"Come out of the shadows and face me, coward!" Rockjaw snarled when the white fist from before stretched out and struck another Wilder, before Rockjaw and Deva started retreating to high ground. "Anybody see him?" They see that the rest of the Wilders were frozen. "Aw, darn it! Not again!"

"You gotta be kidding me! How is he getting us every single time?!" Deva asked before the white hand with blue goo started stretching towards them. "Huh?" Deva wondered as she looked behind her, only for the white hand to slap her and Rockjaw, knocking them down the staircase. The two fell on their stomach, then back, and for Deva, she fell on her chest last, while for Rockjaw, fell on his groin, before the fell to the ground on their butts. Rockjaw and Deva ran down a manhole as a mysterious white figured landed in the valley, before guffawing at the Wilders’ defeat.

Later at the Zoo....

"We’re back!" Painwolf called out as he and his team returned.

"Hey, Wild Guys! You're just in time for the game!" Mikey said.

"Game?!" Strengthranha gasped in excitement.

"Sure, we'll watch." Cracksnake responded as he grabbed a push-pop. Two teams were playing with green balls, with Mantor being the referee.

"Ooh! A Push-pop!" Guishark gasped in excitement.

"You want it? You’ll have to beat me for it, sucker!" Cracksnake taunted.

"Aw, come on, man. Now you’re gonna get me all aggressive." Guishark responded before he started fighting Cracksnake, and then Techypelmis and Strengthranha joined in as well.

"Animals." Painwolf scoffed with a smile.

Raph then cracked his knuckles and joined in too. "Brawl!"

"Hehe! Don’t leave me outta this quickdraw!" Applejack agreed.

"Oh, I’m so in!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"I could use some action!" Aria said in excitement as she, AJ and RD joined in the fight as well.

Most of everyone who wasn't participating in the dodgeball game facepalmed.

"Well, should we continue with Dodgeball?" Mantor asked.

"Might as well." Leo answered as Mantor blew the whistle as the Dodgeball match started, with Blazagon throwing the ball at Tygor, who dodged it, before Pinkie grabbed the ball and threw it at Pantaro, who grabbed it, before he then threw it at Thrash, who caught it in his mouth, nearly swallowing it as Mantor blew his whistle. "Foul Ball!" Mantor called out as he took the ball from Thrash, and it was covered in shark drool. "Literally. Free throw to Pantaro!"

"Psh! I caught that!" Thrash scoffed before an alarm went off, with the holographic screen showed the Wilders trashing the zoo.

"When will these fools learn?" Pantaro sighed.

"Heh. Probably never." Blazagon laughed.

"Let's teach these losers a lesson!" Rainbow Dash declared.

"Agreed." Aria said in agreement.

"Goo Jit Zu Power!" The heroes and ninjas shouted as they moved out.

Later, the heroes and ninjas arrived at the zoo, with the Wilders were there, vandalizing everything in sight.

"Wilders, attack!" Rockjaw and Deva ordered as Pengustomp slammed into a group of Wilders belly-first, like a cannonball.

"Snake Storm!" Karai shouted as she changed her hands into snake heads before sending a flurry of punches against a group of Wilders while Tygor and Stuntseal teamed up against another group.

"Flash Burst!" Tygor roared.

"Seally Slap!" Stuntseal shouted as Bumpback then tag teamed with Mantor.

"Spout Smasher!" Bumpback bellowed.

"Sand Force!" Mantor yelled as Blazagon kicked a Wilder while covering April.

"These Oozer Losers are really putting up a fight!" Blazagon noted.

"Agreed. Pyschic Blast!" April shouted as her eyes glowed as she sent out a psychic wave that launched some Wilders away.

"Thanks. Don’t you agree, Pantaro?" Blazagon asked.

"This is started to get interesting. Eh, Cracksnake?" Painwolf added as Cracksnake punched a Wilder.

"Sure is, Buddy!" Cracksnake answered as he and Pantaro turned some Wilders into rubber balls, while Blazagon and Painwolf grabbed a Wilder from both ends, stretching it out. They used him like a slingshot, launching the ball of Wilders into another group ganging up on Fluttershy and Pengustomp.

"Thank you!" Fluttershy said in gratitude.

"Yeah! We were running outta room!" Pengustomp agreed before the ground suddenly shook with heavy footsteps as everyone looked at the source, revealed to be a gorilla wilder with skulls in it, before the Gorilla Wilder pounded his chest and growled.

The Heroes and Ninjas were ready to fight before Blazagon stopped them. “Let me handle this. I’ve been itching for some one-on-one action all day.” Blazagon insisted as he and the Gorilla began to fight while everyone was cheering Blazagon as he fought the wilder and pushed him back with his signature attack. “Lava Slam!”

"Is that all you’ve got, puny gecko? Bone Crash!" The Gorilla shouted as he slammed his palms on the ground, creating a small quake.

The two kept fighting until Deva called out, “Silverback!”

"Hey, dum-dum! We got what we came for!" Rockjaw informed as Silverback growls, but leaves with him and Deva.

"They left?" Sunset asked in confusion.

"Why though?" Adagio added.

"Who can tell? That fanged balloon is completely off his Crock-er! Right Pantaro? Pantaro? Where’s Pantaro?" Blazagon worried.

"And Cracksnake?" Painwolf added.

"I haven’t seen either of them since you went barrel-to-barrel with Wonky Kong." Tygor answered as Blazagon and the Wild Guys are horrified.

Later, back at the GooJo, the heroes, Wild Guys and ninjas looked at the replays on the security footage, seeing that in the back, Cracksnake and Pantaro got knocked out from Scorpius' sting and dragged away.

"Those rancid gunk weasels!" Thrash and Guishark growled

"What should we do, Blazagon? Blazagon?" Leo asked as he and the others saw Blazagon has a furious look in his eyes, the same being said for the Wild Guys.

"I can tell you this much. Whatever it is, Rockjaw is really, REALLY not goona like it." Blazagon furiously growled.

"Agreed." Painwolf growled in agreement.

"What's Blazagon looking so mad for? I get he's mad, but he looks like he's ready to kill!" Mikey said to the Gookeeper.

"Blazagon and Pantaro share a close bond deeper than friendship. More like Brotherhood." The Gookeeper answered.

"Same thing goes for Painwolf and Cracksnake." Strengthranha added.

"Speak of the snaggletooth devil! Look!" Thrash called out as he pointed toward the TV, while everyone turned toward it and saw Rockjaw with Deva.

"Smelly dumb people of this dumb city… What is it you call again? Loserberg? Heh! Doesn’t matter, because now, it’s Las Rockevalas!" Rockjaw declared.

"Everything in the city belongs to the Wilders now!" Deva added.

"We are the alphas! Everything in this city is ours! Kneel, and live. Stand....and FALL! HARD! Like, REALLY hard! Like, it's gonna hurt... a lot! Oh, and if you think any of your blunder pet guardians will save you, they aren't! Because I have taken a freezy insurance policy!" Rockjaw said as the camera cut to Cracksnake in a cage surrounded by Wilders, then to a cage containing Pantaro, suspended over a pool of lava! "You hear me Bozogon!? Lift one squishy red claw to stop me, and your frost bestie here takes a trip to the great litterbox in the sky!" Rockjaw threatened as he pushed a button on a remote that caused the cage to lower slightly, causing Blazagon to roar in fury.

"And if you're hearing this, Painwolf, if you and your rejects try to stop us, your bestie Cracksnake is next!" Deva added.

"Consider this a warning!" Rockjaw said Blazagon and Painwolf roared in rage before the TV turned off.

"Tygor, give us the schematics for city hall!" Blazagon ordered.

"Wait, gang. There’s something you should see." Thrash said as he showed a video he made on his computer, which showed a pixelated Rockjaw puffed up like a balloon.

"Wah-wah-wah! I’m big and stupid and I’m gonna take over the world with a snap." "Rockjaw" said as a gauntlet appeared and snapped its fingers. "Ooh! I don’t feel so good!" “Rockjaw” groaned before he popped with a high-score number, much to some of the others’ amusement as Sonata showed up.

"Think that’s funny? Check this out." Sonata said as she opened her own laptop, showing a video she made, showing a realistic Deva somehow eating a seemingly endless supply of food, but a few seconds later, she was completely one million pounds obese, as big as a mountain but still able to move like a fit person.

"*Burp!* I’m flabby and fat, and I can smoosh anyone who gets in my way!" "Deva" said as she ate one more mint before her entire body started jiggling and wobbling uncontrollably. "*Belch!* I’m full now." "Deva" sighed as she then sat on the ground, causing her entire body to shake with an earthquake, causing everyone except Blazagon, Painwolf and Fluttershy to laugh at that.

"Sorry." Thrash apologized.

"Couldn’t help myself since that encounter with Sumarda." Sonata explained.

"Don’t blame ya." Adagio empathized.

"Still can’t believe that happened to us." Aria remembered, much to everyone else's confusion about the Dazzlings.

Meanwhile at City Hall, Rockjaw was flexing his muscle while Deva was flaunting her beauty, before they heard Pantaro and Cracksnake laughing.

"Are you two celebrating? Hahahaha... Cute. It won't last long." Pantaro said.

"Yeah, you really think you'll get away with this? Not very smart." Cracksnake agreed as Deva just scoffed while Rockjaw breathed, calming himself.

"I should roast your bacon right now, cat. For all the Wilders you left popsicled in the last few weeks!" Rockjaw growled as he pressed the button again, lowering Pantaro's cage a bit more.

"Uh, I have less, than no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t speak ‘moron.’" Pantaro responded.

"Yeah right! We all caught sight of your blue goo in the shadows! And who else could leave a trip of frozen Wilders? Definitely not Pengustomp, he's not competent enough." Deva questioned as Pantaro and Cracksnake started to think about it when they, Rockjaw and Deva started hearing laughter and voices.

"Wah-wah-wah! I’m big and stupid and I’m gonna take over the world with a snap. Ooh! I don’t feel so good!" A familiar male voice groaned.

"*Burp!* I’m flabby and fat, and I can smoosh anyone who gets in my way! *Belch!* I’m full now." A familiar female voice sighed as Silverback was watching the videos and giggling, and so were some other Wilders, before Rockjaw snatched his phone from Silverback and Deva crushed it, then threw it into the lava.

"You, dum-dum! Quit looking at the pretty colors and shut down the network, ape!" Rockjaw added.

"Yes! We can't let this go viral!" Deva agreed as Silverback grumbled but went off to do that while mumbling, "Call me dumb one more time..."

“Hmm…” Cracksnake wondered as he saw Silverback's expression.

Meanwhile at the Heroes base, Blazagon and Painwolf were looking at their pictures with their best friends as Mantor put a hand on their shoulders. "Blazagon, Painwolf, think carefully. We may not be able to save both the city AND our friends."

"They'd want us to try." Blazagon responded.

"Yeah, go bad… no. Go big or go home." Painwolf agreed.

"What we do today, we do for our brothers. The sun will set on a free city!" Blazagon declared.

"Agreed." Leo responded.

"Yeah." Twilight said in agreement.

"Definitely." Sunset replied.

"Let’s do this." Adagio agreed.

Later, the entire team of heroes and ninjas surrounded city hall and begin to make their move against the dozens of Wilders as Blazagon, Taipa, Painwolf, the Turtles, Rainbooms and Dazzlings went into their Supagoo forms, before the Wilders began to attack.

"Tsunami Flex!" Thrash shouted.

"Flash Burst!" Tygor added.

"Sand Force!" Mantor yelled.

"Ice Stomp!" Pengustomp roared.

"Sport Shock!" Casey shouted.

"Electric Boogaloo!" Bebop yelled.

"Stag Submission Hold!" Deerling added.

"Russian Meteor!" Rocksteady roared.

"Lava Slash!" Molequake added.

"Hard Tech Attack!" Techypelmis yelled.

"Seally Slap!" Stuntseal shouted.

"Strike Force!" Foxingstrip roared.

"Dust Headbutt!" Dirtneck yelled

"Bite Attack!" Guishark roared.

"Crunch Attack!" Wolfpain shouted.

"Hahaha! Punchrager!" Strengthranha added, but as the heroes and ninjas attacked, the Wilders began to counterattack.

"Radioactive Sting!" Scorpius yelled.

"Sand Strike!" Viper hissed.

"Stinger of Submission!" Mudsucker shouted.

"Desert Vice!" Gila growled.

"Poison Slap!" Dr. Croaker roared.

"Spank Trap!" Dr. Marmalade yelled.

"Bison Buster!" M. Buffalo shouted.

"Clay Clobber!" Hippodauntless growled.

"Fang Crunch!" Dogpound barked.

"Shell Spin!" Shellshock yelled as he tried to spin into Blazagon, but the Supagoo hero caught him with one hand and an angry look. "Uh oh."

Supagoo Blazagon threw Shellshock into some of the other Wilders. Rockjaw then attacked Blazagon, inflating his arm so he can keep up with the Supagoo Power, before Blazagon pushed it back as Deva tried to push back Supagoo Taipa.

"Did you think I was bluffing? I told you what would happen!" Rockjaw laughed.

"And now he'll pay the-" Deva started to say before the two villains noticed that they didn't have the remote control.

"Looking for something?" Supagoo Rainbow Dash smugly asked as she showed up and revealed to have the remote before destroying it.

Deva growled, but Rockjaw looked unafraid. "Say goodbye to your little friend!" Rockjaw declared with an accent as he then yanked out one of his own teeth and threw it like a shuriken at the rope holding up Pantaro's cage, cutting it. It wasn't cut completely, but it was beginning to snap little by little.

"NO!!!" Supagoo Blazagon, Taipa, Painwolf, Rainbooms, Turtles and Dazzlings as Rockjaw charged behind them before Supagoo Blazagon pushed him away, making Rock's right hand end up in knots.

Before the cage fell, a voice cried out, "ICE HAMMER!" and the lava was frozen as a tall, furry white figure with horns stepped up.

"Oh snap! So it wasn't Pantaro after all!" Viper noticed before fainting.

"Ay gilamba!" Gila added before fainting as well.

The mysterious being breaks the cage with an icy grip. Pantaro immediately recognizes him. "You're.....Yeti! The legends are true! So you're the one making Wilder-cicles!"

"Get out! Really?!" Cracksnake gasped in surprise as Yeti smiled and nodded.

The Supagoo heroes and ninjas laughed in relief before they heard Rockjaw and Deva growl, and glared at them, especially Rockjaw as he shrunk away when he saw the look Blazagon was giving him. Blazagon looked angry enough to murder him as Rockjaw laughed sheepishly. "I wasn't really gonna hurt him. Hehehehe.... *Notices the heroes not buying it* WILDERS! DESTROY THEM!" Rockjaw ordered as he and Deva fled before Wilders surrounded the heroes, before they heard thundering footsteps as the crowd of Wilders parted to reveal Silverback. "There you are, you dummy dum-dum! Bone Crash these fools!"

"That’s it!!! Heck, I got an IQ of 160. Why am I taking orders from the tooth fairy and the iron maiden?!" Silverback rhetorically asked as he then took a fighting position among the heroes.

Bebop looked to his right and saw something. “Incoming catapult ammo!” Bebop shouted as he and the other ninjas and heroes saw the Wilders on the City Hall had catapults set up, and the injured Rockjaw and Deva were ordering fire.

"We do this together, and we do, not, stop!" The Supagoo heroes and ninjas declared as they and the rest of their allies started kicking Wilder hide left and right! And soon, the Supagoo heroes and ninjas jumped onto the balcony as Rockjaw and Deva fled, before the heroes destroyed the catapults as the two Wilder leaders locked themselves in a vault in the mayor's office.

The Supagoo Heroes and Ninjas readied their attacks.

"Lava Slam Fireball!" Supagoo Blazagon shouted.

"Outback Smack Earthquake!" Supagoo Taipa hissed.

“Knockback Ragnarok!” Supagoo Painwolf roared.

"Nature Elemental Vortex!" The Supagoo Turtles yelled.

"Harmony Rainboom Beam!” The Supagoo Rainbooms shouted.

"Siren Sonar Blast!" The Supagoo Dazzlings roared as the combined attack of all Supagoo heroes and ninjas completely destroyed the vault. The debris then surrounded Rockjaw and Deva like a cage.

"I gotta say it; GOO JIT ZU POWER!!!" Supagoo Donnie cheered.

"Really? We already got Booyahkasha." Supagoo Raph pointed out.

Later at the Goojo, everyone is celebrating.

"To new allies! And to old friends!" Blazagon declared.

"Between a living legend and the king of the jungle, I’m sending this to Sahario, right now!" Tygor said in excitement as he took a picture of him, Silverback and Yeti while Donnie stared at white hero.

"Surprised?" Pantaro asked

"The existence of the yeti is quite unprecedented." Donnie nodded.

"Well I have heard about mutants." Yeti responded.

"You know, we once met Bigfoot!" Mikey remembered.

"Oh yeah, she's my distant cousin! How's she doing?" Yeti asked.

"Wait, cousin?!" Everyone else gasped.

"Isn't it common knowledge that Yetis and Sasquatches are related?" Yeti replied.

"Oh. Good point." Twilight admitted.

"Things have changed for me ever since my goo transformation." Yeti noted.

"Well, in any case, it's good to have you on the team. You have my sincerest gratitude for saving my brother." Blazagon said in gratitude.

"Hey, it’s the least I could do for a fellow hero." Yeti responded.

Meanwhile, under the Goojo, there is a prison made specifically for Wilders...

"This is just great." Deva scoffed.

"I will-No. We will escape, and we will annihilate you, heroes and ninjas of Goo Jit Zu. RAAAAAARGGGHHHH!" Rockjaw roared before his broken hand suddenly turned into a blade.

"What the?" Deva gasped before her right hand somehow turned into javelin lance.

Rockjaw grinned wickedly and began hacking away at the bars of their cell, then began laughing sinisterly as he approached the bother cells and began to free his comrades.

"Heh." Deva smirked as she thrusted her javelin arm, freeing herself from her cell.

"This is good. Real good." Rockjaw darkly smiled.

"We’ll beat ‘em soon enough." Deva agreed as she and Rockjaw started plotting their revenge.

Author's Note:

Next time, on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Episode 4: The Goo, the Bad, the Squishy

Goo Jit Zu Power!

Comments ( 33 )

So glad you updated the story please keep writing


Comment posted by Sword21 deleted February 8th

So will all the ninjas get weapon hands?

Sorry it’s just what weapon will each One get because there’s a lot of different weapons to fight with

You know I feel like each goo jit zu episode or new characters are based on something since there have weapon armed goo jit zu characters, Dino ones, aliens and more

Sorry it’s just the goo that made the goo jit zu characters is confusing sometimes

What is the goo origin

Ya haven’t seen the episodes?

It’s been sometime ok

So will there be ocs for the other episodes like ocs for the dinosaur episode

You plan do to all the episodes right

Do you plan to do all the episodes of goo jit zu?

Ezio already answered that question.

Nice reference to a previous episode of tmnt 2012

Like always goo jit zu power

well the heroes of goo jit zu it say so I might well say it for when the next chapter comes out

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