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Chapter 34: Those Darn Fillies!

The curly maned pink pegasus filly 10 feet away from me in the grassy field rolls her eyes, “Oh, golly gee! If we’re done resurrecting Little Snack and cuddling Misty now, can we please just get to business?”

I take a drag off the burning tan joint in my mouth before removing it with my right forehoof to exhale smoke between me and my twin and say to her, “You know, I can’t control my dreams!”

Her eyes widen, “Well, obviously you can because you have a joint now!”

I sigh, “Alright, fine! I kinda let my mind wander sometimes! Whatever!” and put the joint back in my mouth for another pull…

Her eyes narrow, “Right! Anyway, Misty is coming along nicely and she might be useful to us later, yet!”

I exhale smoke again, “Well, she seems to enjoy being my friend?”

She giggles and says whimsically, “Right! Friendship! Of course!”

I finish counting in my head before exhaling smoke from my mouth as I stare into the cold calculating eyes of this other, more ruthless filly, “That’s all you really care about, huh? Her being useful?” and then, purse my lips on the stoge for another drag…

“Haven’t I made my nature and intentions perfectly clear?”

I exhale smoke out the left side of my mouth and smile, “Yeah, but there’s more to it than that, isn’t there?”

She frowns, “What are you talking about?”

I remove the joint from my lips with my right hoof again and exhale from my nose before smiling at her, “You care about Misty too, don’t you?”

Her eyes widen into a grimace, “N-no I don’t! I’m ruthless and evil!”

I giggle and put the stoge back into my lips with a wry grin on my face…

Her brows furrow, “I don’t actually care about anypony else, okay! This is all about me!”

I exhale from the sides of my mouth with the burning joint still in it… “Oh? What about that evil plan you were working on, hmm? Didn’t that somehow involve Misty? Where is it?”

She sighs to the left, “Okay, fine! Progress is uh, slow!”

I giggle, “You care about Misty!”

Her mouth frowns deep into a hard scowl at this point, “Okay, fine!” she releases her face and lets out a long slow sigh to the right before continuing… She stares at me, “I do care about Misty…” she blinks, “I mean, golly gee! She was abused and felt like she had to do that and well,” she blinks again.” I’m worried about her sanity! You know, she’s been holed up with her kitties for two days now, right?”

I narrow my eyes, “There’s something else that you’re not telling me, isn’t there?”

Her eyes widen, “Why, whatever do you mean?”

I lower my face to take another drag of my burning weed roll while I process what to say in my mind… I soon lower the stogie from my mouth with my right hoof again before exhaling from my nostrils and looking at the other filly and saying, “You relate to Misty, don’t you?”

Her eyes narrow, “And what if I do?”

I breath slowly out of my nose before staring back at her and finally relaxing my shoulders and saying, “Oh, golly gee! It doesn’t matter anymore!”

She smiles back at me, “I guess we gotta keep remembering that one, huh?”

I smile and chuckle before bringing the joint to my lips again and say, “Yup!” before pursing my lips to inhale once more…

I open my eyes with a start as I snuggle my plushies under the plush covers of my bed, “Oh golly! I gotta talk to Misty now!”


I stared down at the orange earth filly with her cute long green pigtails as she looked up at me from the wooden floor with her enormous green eyes, “So, you’re getting along well, then? You still have no desire to leave?”

She nods, “That is correct, Miss Glimmer!”

I frown harder, “Are you having any problems adjusting? Anything you might need help with?”

She frowns herself, “Uh, so far, so good! Not yet, anyway!”

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door on my left and I hear a masculine voice coming from behind it, “Little Snack! What are you doing up there? Who are you talking to?”

I roll my eyes and turn my neck towards the door and force the knob to glow white and for the hinges to swing inward to my left to reveal a green maned orange earth stallion there wearing a peculiar leather harness! With that mane-cut, he looked ridiculous frankly, but I don’t have time for that! I look at him fiercely with my eyes, “You! Come in here!”

He widens his eyes to me, “You’re an alicorn!”

“And you’re not! You’re also not getting in here! Move! Now!”

He quietly trots forward into the room to stop beside me and the filly…

I sigh, “Permit me to introduce myself! I am Starlight Glimmer! I discovered new magick and because of that, poor uh,“I turn my eyes to the filly…

“Little Snack!” She pipes up!

I adjust my eyes back to the strange stallion, “Yes! Little Snack kinda got warped into another space and time! I asked her if she wanted to go back, but she mentioned having a new father and friends here now, and didn’t wanna go! And so, I’ll be checking on her periodically! And you are?”

He raises his gaze to me and says, “I’m Hitch Trailblazer! This filly’s father!”

I notice Little starting to smile up at the larger yellow pony as I say, “And you will be a good father or you’ll be hearing from me! Is that understood?”

He widens his eyes, “Now look! You don’t have to…”

I don’t let him finish, “SHUT UP!” I nod at him before turning my gaze back right to the filly. “Little Snack! You are my responsibility! If you have any problems, you are to call my name! Is that understood?”

She blinks and stammers out, “Um, y-yeah! Yes ma’am! Er, I think so?” before darting her eyes to the top left.

I smile down at her, “Good!” before raising my view forward, “Now obey the rules and don’t do anything stupid! I’ll be back!” before causing my body to be enveloped in a white light and I disappear from the room…


I stood there on the wooden floor on all four hooves as the stallion at my right asked me, “Little Snack! Is there something you need to tell me about?”

I turn my head towards him and say, “What if I told you that Sunny and Jessi weren’t the only alicorns I know?”

He frowns down at me, “I’d say you’re probably right! Who’s Starlight Glimmer?”

I gulp, “Well, she was from my era! You see, she used some kinda weird portal magick and uh, that’s basically why I’m here!”

He raises his left eyebrow, “And you don’t wish to go back?”

He looks up at him and I widen my eyes, “Well uh, n-no! Not really? I mean, I have a DAD now! An actual dad! I uh,” I close my eyes and shake a bit before staring back up at him, “I like that a lot… Also, Twinkle and Jessi are here… And that Misty chick, too! Yes…”and blink…

He smiles, “You built a life here!”

I adjust my gaze higher, “Um, life?”

He nods, “Yeah! I’m your new dad because you need that, I guess… And you got friends too! A new life!”

My eyes widen when I try to think about that and what it means… I told Starlight Glimmer no, when she wanted to take me back… I could’ve gone back there… To the two ponies who took care of me and my old friends… I sigh when I think about the pink curly haired filly and her purple unicorn friend that I used to know… But that was then and this is now… I stare up at the orange stallion and smile slightly, “You bet, dad!” and as I stood there, I came to realize that as life progresses, and we move from moment to moment, things will gradually change and while there are things that we often must leave behind, there’s also better brighter things ahead and learning to deal with the hardships on the way is really the trick… And then, my tummy gurgles to remind me that I haven’t had breakfast yet!

Hitch smiles down at me, “Hang on, slugger! I’ll make us some oatmeal with apple cinnamon!”

My eyes light up and widen! “Hooray!” And I stare up at him. “With coffee?”

He giggles while shaking his head, “Maybe I shouldn’t have showed you coffee?”

“Hey, is there any of that pie left?”

He sighs downward, “No, Little! You fillies finished up all of it yesterday!”

“Oh!” I frown for a moment… My mouth straightens, “Hey! Can we get another pie? I like apple!”

His eyes widen as he frowns himself, “Uh, I’ll think about it!”

My eyes widen while my mouth narrows, “Oh! Okay!” my eyes dart back up to him and my mouth straightens. “Well, let's get another pie later!”

He smiles, snickers, and shakes his head…


I glare up at the orange stallion, “Well, yeah! Sunny is at her smoothie stand until about five or so, and I’m done with class by one! So basically, I just hang out with Little Snack at the station now, and drink coffee with her until then!”

He sighs, “Well, that’s fine Jessi! I just want you to understand that you’re not to get in the way of any sheriff’s business!”

I see right through this, “So, you want to remain in charge, and so, you’re now asserting your authority?”

He widens his eyes, “Huh?”

I smile, “Which could only mean that you will accept me being here with Little Snack, otherwise, you would’ve ejected me by this point!”

He frowns, “Uh…”

I nod, “Great! I’ll accept your authority Mister Sheriff Stallion sir! I won’t get in the way!” before looking down at the black official Maretime Bay Sheriff coffee mug on the table in front of me and forcing it to glow blue and float towards my face…

He narrows his eyes while sighing, “Also, could you keep those weird spiders out of my office please? They freak me out!”

The spider to the right of my coffee mug on the table scuttles it’s body right to stare up at Hitch while I swallow the caffeinated goodness of my warm beverage, “But having them around is still okay, otherwise, you would’ve said that…”

His eyes widen again, “Well, I think it’s a security thing with you,” he points at the spider with his left hoof. “but those little things are creepy!”

I smile at the stallion, “You ever wonder how the spider may perceive you?”

He frowns again, “What?”

I repeat myself, “Have you ever wondered how the spider sees you, Mister Sheriff Stallion, sir?”

He blinks, “Well uh, I like to think of myself as handsome?”

I nod, “Most stallions do! But to him, you probably appear to be a big scary horse with heavy hooves that might squish him!”

His gaze increases, “I’m not gonna threaten your spiders!”

“Of course not! But please be mindful of that and try not to scare them, okay?”

He stares at me blankly for a moment… “I’m starting to think that Twinkle Shine made you more manipulative?”

I smile and chortle, “Maybe! Anyway, I did get the last cup of coffee, so I made more!” I widen my eyes, “Oh! You’re almost out of coffee!” before looking down at the cup and forcing it to glow again as the spider on my right turns to face me once more and blink its glowing red eyes…

He narrows his eyes and mouth as he sighs, “Fillies!”

I swallow my gulp and widen my eyes at this, “Hey! Sunny started doing the same thing!”


I look up at the large imposing red door and knock with my right hoof…

“Come in!” a squeaky voice from inside yells!

I look at the knob on my right and gulp as I force it and my horn to glow blue before it turns and swings open inward… I trot into the danger zone cautiously as I stare at Twinkle’s normally clean floor and then, up to her small round stoner table on the left with various bits of paraphernalia and ash marks on the polished wooden surface… I then work up the courage to stare at the pink pegasus filly to the right of the table with her wavy tapered mane, puffing a joint with her right forehoof… “H-hi Twinkle!”

She exhales smoke while holding the joint in front of her and says, “You know, dream joints aren’t very satisfying!”

I frown, “What?”

She giggles, “Oh, nothing! Uh, hey Misty! How are you doing? I was about to see you, but I don’t have to go far, huh?” before bringing the joint to her mouth for another hit…

I blink, “S-see me?”

She smiles and takes her joint out of her mouth with her right hoof again and breathes smoke out of her mouth before saying with it, “Oh, golly yeah! It was just you and kitties for three days and you know, I still wonder if you’re here sometimes?”

I giggle nervously, “Yeah, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking…”

She nods, “Thinking! This is good! Uh, probably…” before taking another drag…

I give a dim smile, “Yeah, Twinkle! It is! Um, I think I’m ready now? T-to move on I mean…” and nod…

She exhales smoke from her nostrils while staring at me with a serious expression in her brown eyes, “Say what now?”

I smile brighter, “I’m ready Twinkle Shine! I’m not afraid anymore!”

Her lips purse on the burning half-joint while she eyes me carefully… She finally exhales smoke from her nostrils and asks out the right side of her mouth, “What were you afraid of?”

I blink, “I-I’m not sure, okay? But I just felt like I needed to be alone… Um, “I look at her. “does that make sense?”

She takes the joint out of her mouth with her right hoof again, “I think so? You felt that because of what you had done that you should be by yourself… Because you weren’t safe yet… Am I right?” before putting it back to her lips and forming an O around the cigarette.

I giggle nervously, “Y-yeah! That’s it! I didn’t feel safe after well, everything and I just needed some time to myself!”

She smiles, “I understand probably better than you think? Uh, “she collects the joint in her hoof and snuffs it out into the ashtray on her right before lowering her hoof back to the ground and staring at me… She sighs as she begins trotting towards me…

I frown, “Uh, what are you doing Twinkle Shine?”

“Same thing I always do Misty! Loving and supporting you!” And then, she embraces me in a tight warm hug with her forehooves!

I let out an “EEP!”

She releases me and goes back to her hooves, “So uh, you done hiding Misty?”

I widen my eyes at this other filly, “I uh, I think so? But um, that’s not the only reason I came in here…”

Her eyes widen, “Oh, golly! What is it?”

I lower my gaze to her, “Well, I just got a call from Jessi on my cell…”


I widen my eyes at the smiling blue unicorn mare with her floofy mane of wavy blue hair as she beams at me while holding the colorful pink flowers in her blue glow on the right, “Izzy! You keep bringing flowers to my smoothie stand!”

She blinks, “Well, right! Because I love you!”

I smile at her, “I love you too, Izzy!” and move my head forward to chance a peck on her soft warm lips that just beg to be kissed… As I pull my head back, I blink and wonder why I suddenly thought that?

She smiles while forcing the flowers to float to the table, where they stop glowing on their side, “So, how is your day?”

I sigh, “Well, there was a fiasco with a rogue smoothie earlier, but I think I got it under control?”

She frowns, “Rogue smoothie?”

I snicker and wave my right forehoof in the air, “Oh, it was just this thing, uh, so yeah!”


I look at the small green alicorn on my right while huddled there in the bushes, “Tell me again why we’re doing this?”

She smiles over at me, “Because we want Sunny to love Izzy!”

I frown, “We do?”

I hear Misty on the other side, “Yeah! So just hold up the sign, Twinkle!”

I roll my eyes, “Oh, golly!”


As I stood there at my smoothie stand, in front of this audacious fluffy unicorn, I couldn’t help but notice some movement maybe 20 feet behind her in the bushes, across the dirt Maretime Bay road!

I witnessed a white sign raise on the left that said, “WE LOVE OUR NEW MOMMY!”

I then saw another sign next to it rise at a somewhat slower pace, “PLEASE COME HOME, SUNNY!”

After that, I saw a final sign at the end raise at a faster rate that said, “I LOVE MY NEW SISTERS!”

Izzy frowns and asks with wide red eyes, “Uh, Sunny! You okay?”

I look at the unicorn, “There are fillies in the bushes behind you!”

She turns around and suddenly smiles while waving her right forehoof in the air to the three smaller ponies across the street who all three wave back to her! She soon turns around, and grins at me once again, “Okay! Hey, you wanna have dinner with me?” while staring at me expectantly with her crimson pupils.

My eyes widen, “Well uh, I was just going to eat with Jessi, but that’s fine too!”

“Great! Cause I already pre-ordered Ponese takeout to be delivered to your house at five thirty!”

“Kinda forward, don’t you think?”

Her own gaze widens, “Well, I could always cancel?” She looks at me. “Alright, cool! See you there, sweetie!” before moving her neck to me for another kiss!

She moves her head a few inches from mine and I feel her breath on my face as I frown, “But I never said yes?”

She smiles wickedly, “But you’re not going to say no, are you?”

I grimace at this audacity! “You don’t know that!”

She giggles, “Yeah I do!” and then moves her lips to mine for another soft warm kiss that sends shivers through my body… She moves her face away again and says, “See you there, sweetie!” and then turns her body left to begin happily bounce-trotting that direction while humming to herself… While I stood there with a shocked look on my face… The nerve of this lesbian!

I soon notice the bushes across the street moving as the fillies begin to leave the bushes from behind…

(To be continued…)

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