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Chapter 15: Misdeeds and Follies part 2, Forgiveness

As I watched the blue dragon sit at the small wooden table and look over his creation, a paper taco of sorts held within his right claw, I couldn’t help but admire the diligence and precision at which he added freshly ground weed inside. He stops for a moment and grabs a rolled up cardboard filter and places it on top of the noticeably thinner layer of weed on the right side… To make room for the tip, I’m guessing? I open my mouth and ask him, “Hey, does the little weed there underneath the tip help provide a seal?”

He glances rightward at me and smiles his long beak of a mouth as he gazes with his slitted dark green eyes and says, “Well, yeah Jessi man! You want just a little bit of weed to seal it! I mean, you can collect that when you’re done! You can still smoke it, you know?”

I smile and giggle slightly, “Uh, right!”

Suddenly, the pink pegasus filly, sitting on the bed with her hind hooves over the side, stares at me from my front and says, “Jessi! You need to pay attention!”

I turn my head right to face my best friend, “Yes, Twinkle?”

She sighs and nods, before leaning forward so that she lands on the floor on her four hooves with a clack. She trots over to me, where I sit on my haunches on the floor and moves her snout to my right ear… I giggle as her nose tickles me! She whispers, “Pay attention, Jessi! Whenever Discord gets close to you, simply say the words, Luna help me! You do that, and Princess Luna will hear you and bring Discord into the realm of dreams, where she has the power to disable him! Do you understand?”

I frown and nod my head, “I think so?”

Ace turns his neck back rightward to me and says, “Alright Twinkle! Ready to fire up?”

Twinkle raises her neck and turns it right to say, “Sure thing, Ace!”


I stare at the teal unicorn filly with bleary eyes and can’t help but notice that there appears to be multiple fillies there, all out of focus, until they all coalesce into a single small unicorn… I smile at this sight and say, “So uh, golly! It sure has been awhile! When do you think Discord will be back?”

She stares directly at me from the other side of my floor with wide open orange eyes, “Well, how would I know? We just need to relax, until further notice!”

I blink at the filly, “I’m relaxed!”

She smiles, “You’re stoned!”

I widen my eyes, “I’m not stoned! Your mom is stoned!”

She giggles, “Stop it! Saying ‘your mom’ is my thing, remember?”

I smile back, “I don’t see your name on it!”

She stares at me intently, “Oh, yeah! Well what if I start saying ‘golly’, then? How would you like that?”

“I’d be fine with it!”

She chuckles slightly, “No you wouldn’t!”

“Yes I would!”

She lowers her gaze and says extra squeakily, “Oh, golly! I’m Twinkle Shine and I smoke dope! Bleh!”

I furrow my brow and frown grumpily, “I don’t sound like that!”

Her eyes widen, “You have a very squeaky voice!”

I furrow my brow, “My voice isn’t squeaky! Your eyes are squeaky!”

She giggles slightly, “That doesn’t make any sense!”

“Your mom doesn’t make any sense!”

“Stop saying that!”

“Make me!”

“Okay!” Jessi says before leaping at me with her forehooves outstretched to soon begin tickling underneath my front pits!

I start giggling uncontrollably as I notice the blue dragon sitting on the wooden chair by the far wall giggling at both of us! “Stop it, jerk! He he he!”

“Not until you stop saying ‘your mom!’”

“Never! He he he ha ha ho ho, stop it already, jerk-head!”

“You stole it!”

“Fair game! He he he!” I continue snickering as the unicorn mercilessly tickles me and giggles herself!

“Is not!”

“Is too! Ha ha ha he he ho ho! Knock it off!”

“Okay, fine!” The unicorn says as she removes her hooves from my pits and says, “Oh, I’m Twinkle Shine! I got a squeaky voice and likes being tickled! Bleh!”

I look at Jessi from where I’m sitting on my back as she stands there, on her haunches with her forehooves on the floor staring down at me and say, “I don’t have a squeaky voice! Your mom has a squeaky voice! And since when do I say ‘bleh’, anyway?”

She chuckles slightly and says slyly, “This is gonna continue, isn’t it?”

I roll over to my stomach to raise myself on my hooves and turn around to face my friend before sighing and saying to her, “Yeah, probably!”

I then see the giggling blue dragon who shakes his head and stares up at me, “You know man, meeting you fillies was almost worth all the time I spent in nothing! But uh, I really should be getting back to my place a few hours west of here.” he widens his eyes, “I actually live in the Zebra-lands! I know a stripe where I can score great chronic! Uh, why I’m not in dragon territory anymore is kind of a long story! Anyway!” he adjusts his eyes to me. “Twinkle man, I know I smoked quite a bit and I’m not a mooch! I put a few nugs in your stash, man! It’s some of that powerful zebra stuff!”

I nod at the dragon, “Right on, man!”

Jessi grins and giggles at me, “Now, you’re talking like Ace!”

I turn my head back left to the unicorn, “No, I’m not!”

She scrunches her mouth, “Rrrrrrriiiiigggghhhhtttt!”

I frown, “What?”

“Oh, nothing Twinkle! You’re around Izzy a lot too! Now I’m wondering when you’ll start talking about sparkles and luminescence?”

I grimace at this obstinate young unicorn as Ace giggles to himself and gets up before walking towards the door on the far corner from his chair. He turns his gaze left to look at me in his periphery and says, “I’ll be back, later on man! We can chill then, alright?”

I turn my neck left to look at him, “Alright Ace! Take it easy!”

He smiles and nods, “Always, man! Now, to see if I still have a job!” before opening the door and walking out before closing it behind him…

I look back down and right at Jessi, “So uh, what’s next?”

We both hear a familiar oily masculine voice say, “Well, now I get to reveal myself again!”

My eyes widen as I already know who it is, before turning around to face the voice and behold the same old brown serpentine body I was expecting and then smiling and saying, “Oh, golly! We were just talking about you, Discordy buddy!”

He tilts his head to the left and pours a glass of water from nowhere into his ear and I see smoke rising from there as he responds, “I know! My ears were burning!”

I giggle, “Right! So uh, what do you want now?”

“I’ve come to extend an olive branch!” He says while producing a small green branch with leaves on the ends in his lion paw. “I don’t want to be your enemy and I thought we could come to an agreement?”

My brow furrows, “I have a much better idea! You, leave now, out of our lives, and never come back again!”

“You know that I can’t do that!”

My neck raises, “And why not?”

His gaze lowers somewhat as his misshapen yellow and red eyes narrow, “Because I don’t know how safe you are, Twinkle Shine… Assuming that’s your name now, I must insist on keeping track of you!”

I frown, “Why?”

“Because Twinkle Shine, I watched the love of my life die slowly in front of me and I promised her that I would protect Equestria, forever and always… And that includes from you!”

“Since when have I ever threatened Equestria?”

“Since about two thousand years ago!”

My mouth scrunches, “And what does that have to do with now?”

“You might do something like that again!” He flings his eagle talon in front of him with the palm facing upward. “I don’t know if you noticed Twinkle, but Equestria is magically a lot less potent than it used to be! You might actually succeed this time, and I simply cannot allow that!”

I frown, “This time? I wasn’t going to do anything!”

He frowns, “But you could! Which is why I’m starting to wonder why I released you in the first place?”

My eyes widen, “Yeah, why did you do that?”

“Because the idea of a good Cozy Glow was too enticing, especially with Equestria as it is now, I’ll admit! But, you know what they say about hindsight!”

My eyes narrow as my mind processes what he just said to me, “You regret freeing me, huh? Why?”

He sighs, “No, I don’t think that’s fair to say? I don’t regret it, so much as I have some concerns! That is why I felt the need to intervene and force you to tell the truth for once in your short life!”

Jessi suddenly speaks up from my right and Discord’s left, near the wall, “You need a better target!”

Me and Discord simultaneously look Jessi’s way and ask, “Huh?”

She smiles up at the draconequus, “Well, yeah! Think about it! Twinkle is the most visible thing right now that, in your opinion, might threaten Equestria! What you need is a more visible threat, so you can leave poor little Twinkle Shine alone!” she blinks. “I mean, since you feel the need to be the protector of Equestria with your immortal life now!”

Discord frowns, “What do you mean? There’s an obvious threat right over there?” before motioning towards me at his right with his lion paw.

I stare up at him again with a big frown on my face, “Okay! Obvious threat you’re now saying!” my eyes widen. “Tell me! Just what have I done so far that’s so threatening?”

He points down at me with his paw, “Well, you’ve been filching milkshake money and there was the incident where you stole devil weed from the evidence locker in Maretime Bay!”

“Those incidents threaten nopony!” I shrug. “I mean, sure! It was under-hooved and a bit less than honorable in both instances! But who exactly have I hurt?”

He sighs, “Okay, you haven’t technically hurt anypony yet! I’ll admit that there’s still the remote possibility that I was wrong!”

I eye him intently, “What will it take, Discord?” as I watch a small green shape moving its way across the right side of my periphery. “You already said that it wasn’t your place after all, to test me? Are you going back on that now?”

He frowns his long snaggle-tooth muzzle, “No, I suppose I shouldn’t?” he smiles at me again. “You’re expecting consistency from the Lord of Chaos now! And as much as it pains me, I fear you do have a point and I must now grant it! But!

My eyes narrow, “But what?”

“But I must insist on keeping track of you to make sure you’re a good filly from this moment forward!”

I then notice Jessi on her hooves to the draconequus’s left as she looks up at him and whispers a phrase.

Suddenly, both unicorn filly and draconequus close their eyes! Jessi falls to the floor on her stomach in a prone position with her four hooves at her sides and Discord just lowers his head as his eyes close…

I hear a feminine voice say, “Do not wake either of them, Twinkle! I will take of this!”

I gulp and say, “Oh, golly!”


The draconequus floating in front of me in the big open field snapped his eagle talon as we both stood there underneath the clouded overcast sky. When nothing happens, he frowns, “I don’t like this place!”

I hear a mare’s voice say from somewhere, “Hey! Discord! Leave those fillies alone!”

I suppress a strange urge to start talking about bricks in walls as I widen my eyes to the serpent, “Who is that?”

He frowns disgruntled as his eyes widen, “It’s Princess Luna!”

A large midnight blue alicorn swoops down suddenly and lands 20 feet to my left as she frowns at Discord, “Yes! My time as Nightmare Moon has preserved me for an extra millennia and now, old as I am, I must insist on protecting the citizens of Equestria!”

He turns his head left to face the night princess, “And so must I! I’m protecting it from Cozy Glow!”


The booming comes in and causes both me and Discord to flinch, before he raises his gaze underneath his lion paw and frowns, “We are in the realm of dreams and you have absolute power here!”

The princess narrows her eyes and grins, “Precisely why you are here!”

I blink at the alicorn, “Uh, wait a minute! Why am I here?”

She looks right at me and smiles, “I had to bring you here! The sleep spell I use affects everyone over a certain area and you were too close! However, it is fortunate that you are here after all, because you’ll now get to witness how I handle a meddlesome draconequus!”

Discord lowers his lion paw and sighs in defeat, “Very well, princess! I shall leave them alone, for now! But I must insist on checking on things, from time to time!”

She frowns at the serpent, “You will do no such thing! You will leave these fillies alone, or I will trap you here indefinitely!” she smiles. “And believe me, I can make a good nightmare for you! Imagine a world full of order and reason!”

Discord widens his eyes, “What?”

She giggles, “Yes, Discord! A world where everything makes perfect logical sense and nothing is random or left to chance!”

Discord blinks and frowns in defeat, “I-I don’t think I could survive?”

Luna lowers her gaze, “Which is precisely why you need to leave now and never return!”

Discord frowns and sighs in defeat, “Very well, princess! I will go… I’ll need you to return me to the land of the waking, of course!”

Luna smiles, “Of course! But for now, there is much to discuss!” she turns her gaze back to me, “Jessi!”

I widen my eyes unsure of what to say, “Um, y-yes ma’am?”

Luna lowers her view to me and says, “You will tell Twinkle Shine that she is free to lie and cheat as she will!”

I widen my eyes as both me and the draconequus say in shock, “W-what?”

“Well, Jessi! This is all about undoingwhat this troublemaker has done, and so I must insist that she behave as if this incident never occurred!”

Discord widens his eyes and points at the princess with his eagle talon, “You can’t be serious!”

Luna turns her head back right to face the brown motley form, “Oh, but I am, Discord!”

“But what if she tries to take over Equestria again?”

Luna frowns, “Then she will be dealt with appropriately at that point, but not a moment before!”

I frown at the princess, “You have faith in Twinkle, don’t you?”

She turns her head back right to me and smiles, “Yes, Jessi! I do! When I was Nightmare Moon, somepony very special helped me see the light and my sister gave me another chance! I think Twinkle deserves the same opportunity!”

“Ugh! Fine! I’ll leave the evil maniacal little pegasus filly alone!” Discord finally says!

I turn my head right back to the draconequus, “The only evil I see here is right in front of me!”

He widens his eyes and stammers out, “You don’t know how much trouble that filly has caused!”

I sigh, “No Discord! No I don’t! And you know what? I don’t care! That was a long time ago and all I know is, my best friend is a wonderful, caring, and compassionate filly and you, my friend, are just a nuisance!”

He widens his misshapen eyes,“N-nuisance”

My brow furrows as I begin to shout, “Yes, Discord! Just a nuisance! Nothing more! We were all fine and happy until you showed up! What does that tell you?” I smile. “I bet you don’t have many friends, now do you?”

His eyes narrow, “I don’t need to answer that!”

I smile, “You don’t need to! It’s plain as day for everypony to see!” I shake my head. “The mighty Discord, friendless and troublesome and never failing to stick his ugly snout where it doesn’t belong!”

He widens his eyes and frowns disheartened.

“What now, Discord? Are you going to cry? Fluttershy is gone now and you’re dealing with me! My name is Jessi Trotsky and I don’t like you!”

Suddenly, his brown body begins to turn gray from the top down, as his misshapen eyes sink and his motley body droops in obvious defeat.

I continue, “What, Discord? The only pony to ever have the sheer audacity to actually love you is now dead! And you’re alone! What did you think was going to happen when you started bothering us?”

Luna stares at me and says, “That’s enough, Jessi!”

“You really are an ignorant dumb bumbling draconequus, you know that? You know nothing about Twinkle Shine, or me for that matter, and you still felt the need to come in! Why? So you could prove how much of a valuable citizen you are, by making sure my innocent friend doesn’t commit any heinous acts, which by the way, she was never going to do anyway! It’s no wonder you’re all by yourself, with no real friends!” I say as his body turns to an even lighter shade of gray.

“Stop it, Jessi!”

I frown and shout, “IDIOT! Have fun being alone!”

Luna looks at me and says sternly, “That will be all, Jessi! Let Twinkle Shine know that she is free now! Discord will not be bothering you anymore!”

I look back left at the princess and raise my neck, “Awesome!”

She smiles and nods, and I’m suddenly consumed in a blinding light and I open my eyes to find myself sleeping on Twinkle's bed on my stomach, with my head on the pillow. I raise it and look around to see that the room is empty… I decide to rest for a moment as I regain my wits and I can’t help but smile when I realize that I have defeated Discord, with my words alone…

(To be continued...)

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