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A night before the festival

"Will you train with me?" Suggest the lion. "I can make you stronger than this."

"No way." Celestia shakes her head. "I don't want to be tortured like the previous one."

"Ah... you mean that witch." The lion grins. "I admit that she is very strong... Stronger than I expected." Celestia glares at the lion as Leo just pushes the alicorn away. "Don't be like that. Witch is just the next level of mage, not the evil witch like what you are thinking."

"What so different between the witch and the mage?"

"You want to know it?" Leo gives her a smirk. "Just accept the offer and I will tell you all."

"No, thank you." Celestia shakes her head. "And now, you will get out of my room. I have enough work today."

"Okay..." Leo stands up. "I hope I don't make your guard panic." Celestia glares at the lion and teleports him away. The lion finds that he is in the park. Leo smiles. "That's expected. Now, you won't escape from me, Celestia."

Celestia looks at the lion from her room and sighs in relief because that annoying lion is going away. She hopes that her sister is not going to see him.

After a while, a big black wolf is teleported beside the lion. Celestia takes the binoculars to see them clearer. The wolf is as big as the lion. Celestia lightens her horn to create the light ball and control it down there, but the light ball is thrown back to her face, making the alicorn fall to the ground.

When she stands up, she sees the wolf floating in front of her and yells. "Don't try to hear us talking next time." then the wolf jumps back to the lion and lies there. Celestia knows that the wolf is female.

Sunset is enjoying the bath with Breaker, Twilight, Amelia, and Spike. The dragon duo turns back to normal because of the hot water.

The group is enjoying the bathing. Craka comes inside to join the bathing. When the gray Abyssian sees two big dragons bathing with her big sister. She is just standing there and doing nothing. Breaker comes to check on her sister and finds that she is shocked.

Breaker drags the gray Abyssian come to the bath and splats water on her face, making Craka grasps and looks around. The gray Abyssian is going to yell but Sunset puts her claw to her mouth to stop her yelling.

Craka glares at the orange dragon and pushes her claw away, then she demands. "What you have done with my baby dragon?"

"you mean Spike?" Sunset points at the purple dragon. "He is right there."

Craka looks at Spike and finds that he is bigger than that baby dragon. The Abyssian looks around to find the baby dragon but Spike just hugs Craka tight and grins. "Revenge for hugging me all day."

"Hey... let me go." Craka struggles out of his grasp. "I remember hugging the baby dragon, not a big dragon.

"And I am that baby dragon." retorts Spike as he puts her under his chin, making her gulp and stand still under his grasp. The purple dragon shakes his head. "If you don't prepare for someone being growing up, you shouldn't take care of a baby."

"What... what do you mean?"

"He means you see him as an animal, not a sentient creature." Sunset takes the shampoo and throws it to Breaker. "just like the way you hug him in the morning."

"I... see." Craka shakes her head. "but I hate dragons for being big and bad ones."

"if that is true, they are not here to talk peacefully." Breaker pats Craka's shoulder. "Don't worry. You will be fine."

"And I am not fine if a purple dragon is hugging me." Craka pokes at the dragon claw. "I'm feeling like I'm going to be eaten."

"You make me suffer under your fur. Now, you have to suffer under my scale." Spike hugs the gray Abyssian. "How is my scale?"

"Annoying." Craka rolls her eyes. "But smooth."


The others laugh while Craka just turns away and blushes, then she suddenly remembers something and announces it to others. "Hey, do you know tomorrow is the Cat Festival?"

"What kind of festival is that?" Amelia tilts her head in curiosity. "Bet that the festival is all about cats, right?

"You're right." Craka coughs and starts to explain. "In my country, Cat is the symbol of luck and well-being, so we appreciate them with a ."

"Is there any legend about the cat?" asks Amelia. " I bet that there is one."

"Actually... I forgot it." Craka smiles nervously. "I think my sister has forgotten it too."

"Do not make excuse." Breaker wraps her paw around her sister's neck. "I just come back and you blame me like this?"

"Oh right, oh right. I don't want to die." Craka is struggling. "Will you join the marathon? This year will have a lot of different."

"What kind of different?"

"Just some obstacles and challenges." Craka sighs. "Last year, many creatures were injured but they still want to join it."

Amelia shakes her head. "Wow. Your subject like dangerous, aren't they? Sound like some dragon I know."

"Oh..." Craka takes the white cat and looks at her closely. The white cat tilts her head in confusion. The gray Abyssian rubs her chin. "You know. You are the cat of luck. Everyone will appreciate you."

"Me? no way. There is plenty of white cats out there."

"But a cat that has magic and can talk is rare, right?" Craka plays Amelia's whiskers. "You should know that a cat like you doesn't exist."

"Of course." Amelia rolls her eyes. "Anyway, anyone can join the competition, right?"

Craka rubs her head. "Well... yeah. But... I don't know dragons can join the competition, because no dragon comes here to run with us."

"Maybe we should be a unicorn and a baby dragon." Sunset stands up and goes outside. "See you later. I need someplace to sleep."

"Eh... is this..." Before Spike can finish the sentence, the door is closed. Spike sighs. "She always like that."

"I'm finished too." Amelia flies out of the room. "Have fun for being suffered by dragon's hold."

"No thank you." Craka leans against the claw. "I hate that."


Amelia just flies out of the bathroom while Craka just turns away. Spike and Twilight giggle. Amelia spins her paw to detect the orange dragon.

Sunset is sitting in the garden to enjoy the silent night. Everyone around the garden is watching the orange dragon and wonders what the dragon is doing here.

When Sunset enjoys the silent night, she stands up and sees the familiar magenta mare watching her. Look at her, her hooves are shaking. Sunset starts to tease the mare. "Someone who prepares to fight against a mage, but is very scared of dragons."

The magenta mare is just silent. Sunset boops her nose to check if the mare is still conscious or not. After a while, the magenta mare is falling to the ground. Sunset shakes her head and puts Calendar under the tree, then turns back to her seat.

After a while, the tall Abyssian is coming to her alone. Sunset rolls her eyes and feels annoyed. Ametia points at the seat. "This seat free?"

"Sure. You can have it."

Ametia takes a seat free as many creatures around are shocked when their queen is sitting next to a dragon. The queen asks. "So... how is my daughter in Equestria?"

"Just a tricky kitty." Sunset sighs. "I just remembered when she tricked me into her own guild."

"She got a guild?" Ametia is surprised. "I never thought she can make it this far."

"Don't be so overreacting." Sunset laughs. "That guild is just formed about... half a year."

"I see." Ametia sighs. "I need your help."

"Eh, what?" Sunset waves her claw. "Why do you ask a dragon to help you?"

"Let me explain."

Ametia is enjoying her free time. When the queen is watering her garden, the familiar Abyssian is coming to her as Ametia sighs in frustration. She pretends to water the flower.

"Oh... it is consequences. I'm enjoying walking to your park." Liner walks close to the queen. "I hope you enjoy the flowers"

"I hope so."

Ametia turns away from the Abyssian. Liner grins and smiles. "I come here to make a challenge."

"What kind of challenge?" Ametia turns to him. "I bet that this is not a good one."

"Tomorrow is the marathon day, so I want your big daughter to come with her team." Line points at himself. "If I lose, I will never touch your daughters again."

"And you win."

"You have to make your daughter marry my son." Liner grins. "That's all."

"Is there any refugee or a contract? I believed that will be obvious if you lie."

"I see." The Abyssian snaps his fingers. One of his servants gives him and the queen one of the contracts. "Here. You can read it, then signs it. I will wait for you."

Ametia looks at it. "Thanks. I will take a read."

"See you later, my queen."

Liner says goodbye to the queen and laughs Ametia feels something is not right with this contract so she decides to take it to her room.

"So... did you have the contract?" Sunset looks at her paws. "Oh, it is in your paw."

"So... can you help me with it."

Sunset rolls her eyes. "Fine, but let me check the contract first. I will help you if you give me."

Ametia gives Sunset the contract. "Sure. Please don't mess with it."

Sunset looks at the contract carefully and realizes that some marks on it. Looking through the moonlight, the orange dragon can see the mark is clearly the word on the paper. Sunset gives it back to the queen. "Look through the light and read it. There is some hiding message on it."

"I know it." Ametia sighs in frustration. "What else will he do next?"

"You should go to your room and be patient, then read it. If you have the purple light, you can see it clearer."

"Maybe you're right." Ametia stands up. "Will you join the festival tomorrow?"

"Why not? I will be the unicorn again to make sure that no one will panic." Sunset leans on the bench. "Plus, this is the good thing to know more about your country though."

"I like to know that." Ametia walks away. "Don't do anything wrong. We will know what you are doing?"

"Next time, stop using your soldier to spy on me." Sunset smiles. "I hate that."

"I won't."

Ametia walks away as Sunset looks at the sky to see the star. When she is going to get up, Amelia appears in front of her face, making the orange dragon glare at the white cat.

The white cat lands on Sunset's head. "Don't be like that."

"Fine." Sunset takes a walk. "How is the portal?"

"Almost done." Amelia smiles. "My big sister will finish it."

"I just wonder." Sunset looks at the white cat. "How hard to create a portal to connect two worlds?"

"If you want to create that, you have to make sure that the wall between two worlds will not be broken after opening the portal." Amelia folds her paws. "I admit that humans in my world are very creative. They can use this theory to create their fiction."

"Not just human." Sunset giggles. "Ponies and some creatures here have those novels about dimension travelers. Some of them even popular."

"Look like I'm old." Amelia laughs. "Anyway, you have watched the sci-fi movie when you still live in my world." Sunset nods. "They have some tools to create a portal. I call that the quick portal. You create it then you walk through it, and the portal will disappear."

"So... I bet that the 'wall' will be generated after they create a quick portal."

"You're right." Amelia lies on the dragon's shoulder. "That's normal, but if this kind of portal is created a lot at the same time, the wall will be unstable."

"I see. But the mirror portal I used to walk through is some kind of portal, I bet that is the door portal."

Amelia giggles. "You learn fast. The door will connect to two dimensions, you have to be careful with those kinds of portals. If you do wrong, the portal will be broken, along with the wall."

"And what happens next?"

"Two worlds will be in the black color, literally." Amelia huffs. "I have seen one creature creates this portal but he is not handled well. Now, his world and the world he connected is swallowed by the black."

"I see." Sunset stretches her body. "I'm feeling tired. I need to sleep."

"You should because you have a race in tomorrow."

Sunset pats the cat's head. "Huh... I hate you when you use the mind-reading spell."

"No need to use that spell." Amelia smiles. "You are easy to read though."

The duo laughs and they head to their room to sleep. Tomorrow will be fun.