• Published 12th Sep 2021
  • 4,112 Views, 295 Comments

For Whom the Twilight Falls - iAmSiNnEr

Luna is the personal student of Princess Sunset, alongside her sister, Celestia. When there are reports of sources of knowledge being forcibly taken or stolen, Luna fears an old mare's tale may be true...

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Chapter 7 - A Mother's Love

For Whom the Twilight Falls

Cowritten by iAmSiNnEr and Meowofy

Chapter 7- A Mother’s Love

Luna woke up to someone shouting her name.

“Luna!” A familiar voice was shouting. It was filled with…fear? The shouting was accompanied by someone knocking on the door with quite a bit of force. “Luna, you there?”

“Who’s…” Celestia came down the stairs, her eyes weary. “Who the heck woke me up?”

Luna frowned as she began to regain her bearings. “Is that…Chryssy?”

“It is!” Celestia rushed over to the door, before yanking it open. “Chryssy-” the changeling princess flitted in immediately, before slamming the door close. “Chryssy, what’s happening?”

“The hive’s gone silent!” Chrysalis looked like she was a wreck. “I’ve been just searching all over Ponyville for the changelings I was supposed to be supervising, and there isn’t a single one left! When I reach into the hivemind, I-I..,” she swallowed. “It was empty!”

“Calm down, Chryssy,” Luna trotted over and guided the trembling changeling to the couch. “I’m sure your mother and the other changelings are fine.”

“The hivemind’s never quiet!” Chrysalis’s wings were vibrating, her eyes flitting from side to side. “Never! This could only happen if, if, they’re all-”

At this moment, Luna’s dream hit her with the force of a carriage. She frowned slightly as she remembered the details, but pushed the dream aside almost immediately. Her friend needed her.

“They’re all what, Chryssy?” Celestia asked gently.

“If my mother closed me off from the hive,” Chrysalis whispered. “Or if they’re all dead.”

“I’m sure there’s a more reasonable answer, Chryssy,” Luna reassured her. “We’re supposed to meet your mother’s delegation at the train station in a few minutes. Maybe they’re there? There could have simply been a mistake that is easy to solve.”

“I suppose,” Chrysalis didn’t stop fidgeting, but her posture relaxed a little.

“How about we go now?” Celestia suggested. “We’ll find out what’s going on at the train station. Set your mind at ease, right?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Luna agreed. “Mena, could you do us a favor and fly ahead first? I’m afraid we might be a little late by the time we arrive, you can help us greet the delegations first. Most of them should recognize you on sight.”

“Fine,” Philomena huffed. “But don’t leave me alone with Empress Frosty too long.” She spread her wings, before flying out of the open window and towards the train station.

“Come on then,” Celestia smiled warmly at Chrysalis. “Let’s catch up on what happened the last few days, yeah?”

Chrysalis nodded and stood up from the couch. Luna exited first, before being followed by Chrysalis and Celestia. Celestia shut the door behind them, before promptly locking it.

“I’ve been just checking in with the arrangements of the Summer Sun Celebration,” Chrysalis said as she glanced around them nervously. “Decorations are perfect, catering is amazing and filled with love, weather is completely clear.”

“Talking about the weather,” Luna peered upwards. “Is it just me, or is the sky purple? The stars are gone too, by the way.”

“That is weird,” Celestia looked up. “Probably because the sun is still setting? I’m not sure, honestly.”

“Anyways,” Luna shrugged. “We’ve been just talking to the locals, asking if they saw anything weird. Disappearing books, and all that. Turns out the only thing they noticed were the changelings acting jittery.”

“I noticed that too,” Chrysalis murmured. “At first, I thought it was just something about my strained relationship with my mother, they can notice when the two highest changelings in the system are at odds, but they assured me it wasn’t that.”

“Then did they tell you what it was?” A familiar voice could be heard from above them. Luna looked up, before sighing.

“Discord, if you’re trying to hide from the Royal Guards, you’re doing a horrible job,” Luna pointed out. “You’re floating above us not even in disguise.”

“Pft,” Discord shrugged. “Doesn’t matter anymore. Something’s happening, every single guard in Equestria has been ordered to stand down and go home to their families for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“And they can’t arrest you while off-duty,” Luna completed the thought. “So you’re basically safe for now until they get back on duty.”

“That’s exactly right!” Discord beamed. “Plus, even if they do know I’m here, none of them dare to enter the Everfree Forest, anyways. With the exception of their Captain. Silent Shield seems to be decently brave. Anyways, my question wasn’t answered.”

Chrysalis stared at Discord. “Your emotions,” Chrysalis tilted her head. “They’re all jumbled. I can sense a few, but they’re all messed up. There’s like some kind of magic just screwing with them. I can sense love and happiness at the forefront, but all of your negative emotions seem to be buried somewhere under…” she frowned. “Cotton candy?”

“Look, this is why draconequui and changelings rarely meet,” Discord shrugged. “Our emotions are weird. I don’t think any of you could get even a proper meal of our emotions.”

“That much is true,” Chrysalis agreed. “I can’t touch whatever love there is in you.”

“So, my question,” Discord rubbed his hands. “Did they tell you what the matter was?”

“Not at all,” Chrysalis shook her head. “All I wrung out of them was that something was happening. Like, please, I knew that already!”

“Well, my cousin could help on that matter,” Discord held a banana to his ear. “Yes, hello? Is this Decrypt? Yeah, Discord here. What’s on with the changelings? You have no idea? Alright then.” Discord threw the banana away. “Strike that. My cousin doesn’t know a thing, and he visits your hive the most often.”

“I recognize that name,” Chrysalis said hesitantly. “The draconequus ambassador?”

“Bingo!” Discord grinned as multi-colored streamers fell from nowhere in particular. “We technically don’t have a system for him to be the ambassador, but someone has to keep our relations good enough with the nations so we don’t get banned from everywhere in existence.”

“Why haven’t we seen this Decrypt before, then?” Celestia asked Discord.

“The ponies are a different matter,” Discord grumbled. “You lot rarely like jokes in the form of riddles. My great aunt twice removed, eighteen times thrown out of the family tree, is the one dealing with Princess Sunset. She’s less draconequus and more pony, so it’s easier for her to deal with the order you ponies like so much.”

“We’re here,” Chrysalis said as they arrived at the train platform. “I…don’t see any changelings around.”

“Young Luna!” a voice boomed from their right. Luna turned around just only to get wrapped in a hug from strong arms, nearly crushing her.

“Air…please!” Luna squeaked.

“Apologies, Luna, I was merely excited to see an old acquaintance of mine!” The hugger put her down, and Luna looked up into the face of Scorpan.

“Scorpan!” Luna greeted enthusiastically. “Been a long time, has it not?”

“It has,” the centaur agreed. “The last time we saw each other was…three years ago, yes?”

“Quick question,” Luna looked around them. “Isn’t your father supposed to arrive along with the changeling delegation?”

“Oh, the changelings stayed in Canterlot,” Scorpan shrugged. “The queen wanted to come along with Princess Sunset, citing diplomatic matters to discuss. As for my father, he has fallen ill with a rather annoying sickness and is currently being cared for by your medical experts at Canterlot. Rest assured, you’ll meet him when you return. He intends to stay for a week. But my brother is here! Brother, meet Luna!”

A rather surly centaur made his way towards them.

“Tirek, right?” Chrysalis tapped a hoof on her chin. “I remember you from a visit to the hive.”

“What’s it to you?” Tirek grumbled. “I don’t remember you if that’s what you wanted to know.”

“Brother, that’s rude,” Scorpan chided. “Give her the respect she deserves as a royal, would you? You yourself demand the respect that is needed for your station.”

“I don’t even want to be a prince,” Tirek muttered. “That was Father talking.”

“So the changelings are in Canterlot?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes,” Scorpan nodded. “They said they would come along soon! Why, is something the matter?”

“Not anymore,” Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief. “Just some miscommunication, at the most.”

“Where’s Mena and the Crystal Empire delegation?” Celestia wondered. Her answer was answered by a squawk that the sisters recognized as Philomena laughing.

“Well, that’s new,” Luna turned to where the squawk had come from to see Philomena and a snow-white unicorn making their way towards them from another train.

“Princess Snowfall!” Luna exclaimed. “This is a surprise for us!”

“As for me!” Snowfall laughed. “Mother sent me along at the last moment. She normally doesn’t allow me to participate in these events, but she had a last-minute emergency. And since I was in charge of the delegation, I decided to come alone. I do rarely get these moments of privacy, Mother keeps a shadow on me at all times. But since Mother said to listen to whatever I wanted, he had no choice but to stay behind!”

Celestia grinned. “Well, at least it’s you instead of the Empress.”

Snowfall giggled. “She’s not the most pleasant pony to get along with,” she nodded. “But if you know her as I do, at least you’ll see she’s not entirely devoid of love. She’s cared for me well.”

“Anyways,” Luna smiled. “We’re supposed to take you on a tour of what’s been prepared for the celebration after the raising of the sun, but I have completely no idea of what’s been set up.”

“I do,” Chrysalis offered. “I helped supervise the arrangements. Perhaps I could help you with the tour?”

“That sounds splendid!” Scorpan boomed. “It’ll give Tirek a chance to know you all better as well!”

“I can’t wait,” Tirek muttered, rolling his eyes.

Luna nodded, before leading the way with Chrysalis beside her. As they made their way down the road towards Ponyville’s town center, Luna looked up at the sky. It was much darker now, and yet the stars were still not visible. She shivered. Something wasn’t right. Shrugging the feeling off, she sighed. She had work to do before thinking about conspiracy theories. She looked around for Discord, but the draconequus had quietly disappeared.

And yet, as Luna looked towards the sky, she noticed the ever-present silhouette on the moon was missing.

As Celestia laughed at a joke Scorpan cracked, Luna looked worriedly at the curtain that Princess Sunset was supposed to emerge from. According to the schedule, she was supposed to have turned up an hour ago. She never arrived. Luna fidgetted on her seat on the royal balcony, wondering if she should send a letter to the princess.

“Relax,” Celestia nudged Luna with her snout. “I’m sure Princess Sunset is just running late. She’ll be here for the big speech then she’ll raise the sun.”

“I hope so,” Luna muttered. “I can’t shake the feeling something’s wrong. The stars are missing, Princess Sunset is missing, and I haven’t seen a single changeling other than Chryssy.”

“Mother’s here,” Chrysalis said suddenly, perking up. “I feel her somewhere here!”

“See?” Celestia spread her hooves. “Just a few issues with the schedule, that’s all!”

Luna settled back into her seat. “I guess.”

The lights shut off as only two were focussed on the balcony where Princess Sunset would emerge from, and on the mayor who cleared her throat to begin talking.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” Mayor Mare announced. “As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” At that, everypony and everycreature roared and cheered, stomping their respective appendages on the ground. The creatures on the royal box clapped politely, with the exception of Celestia who cheered along with the crowd.

“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria…” Mayor Mare took a breath.

“...Princess Sunset!” Mayor Mare announced as the curtain was thrown back by an unseen force.

Gasps filled the room as everycreature stared up at the balcony. Luna’s jaw hung open as she leaped out of her seat and ran towards the front of the balcony, Celestia right beside her.

Princess Sunset lay on the balcony, limp and unmoving. Her crown had been crushed and thrown on the ground beside her unmoving body, and her regalia was gone. The princess looked…bare, without her usual regalia on her chest. As everycreature stood in shock, changelings began appearing out of nowhere, floating in the air, appearing at the entrances.

“The bringer of harmony to all of Equestria?” A voice hissed as shadows began to gather in front of the limp body of Princess Sunset. It solidified into a dark purple alicorn, her mane glimmering with power and dotted with stars. Some part of Luna numbly guessed that that was the reason why the stars were gone.

“I beg to differ!” The alicorn shouted as her full form came to bear. “After I was banished,” the alicorn sneered. “She let Equestria forget me. Turned me into a legend. Let the stories fester as only a few nations remembered what I did.”

“Oh no,” Luna whispered. “The legends were right.”

Celestia, for once, had no words.

“I am Midnight Sparkle,” The dark alicorn grinned, her eyes dancing with malice. “The rightful ruler of Equestria! Herald of the Stars, Keeper of Knowledge, and the Alicorn of Magic. Bow before me, or receive the consequences!” At that, the dark alicorn threw her head back, laughing to the skies.

“Mother,” Chrysalis whispered as she looked over the balcony and at the changeling queen who stood silently behind Midnight. “No.” Arach caught Chrysalis’s eye, before subtly shaking her head, sending a message even Luna got.

Do not interfere. It is for your own good.

“Well?” Midnight demanded. “Bow!” At that, Scorpan stood up from his seat.

The centaur stomped forwards to the front of the balcony. “You are no ruler of Equestria,” the prince boomed. “The only other authority ever recorded in history other than Princess Sunset was Princess Twilight. And you may have her titles, but you are certainly not Princess Twilight. You, are a usurper.” At that, his horns lit up as he grew in size, fragments of crystals dropping into the ground as the mana crystals attached to his side were absorbed.

Midnight laughed at the display. “Very well! Thank you for volunteering to be the first example to be made of the creatures who defy my rule!” Her horn lit up, before a spell smashed into Scorpan’s face squarely, causing him to stumble. The dark alicorn wasted no time as an aura surrounded Scorpan, dragging the centaur prince towards her balcony.

“I fought your kind before,” Midnight hissed loud enough for the room to hear. “You, are nothing compared to your ancestors.” As Scorpan struggled in her aura, Midnight’s horn touched his head.

Scorpan screamed as his eyes went blank, streaks of red light flowing from his head and into an orb that suddenly appeared beside the dark alicorn. The crowd in the hall went completely silent as everyone stared up at the writhing centaur in the air. The centaur continued bellowing in pain as more streaks of red light were dragged from his head and into the orb.

Then all was silent as Midnight released her hold on Scorpan, causing him to crash onto the ground as ponies and creatures moved aside hastily to avoid his bulk. Luna looked down at his limp and unmoving body. Whatever Midnight had done… Luna was properly scared for her life for the first time. The orb that floated beside Midnight now shone a dark red color.

“Now that I have your full and undivided attention,” Midnight said with an unconcerned expression on her face. “I will repeat myself. Kneel.” At the command, every single creature in the room except for Queen Arach sank down and onto their knees, including the changelings who were standing at the entrances. The changelings hovering in the air lowered their heads in reverence.

“I am the Keeper of Knowledge,” Midnight looked out over the room. “If anyone displeases me, I will take every inch of knowledge and intelligence you have inside that head of yours. The changelings will begin to take every single non-fiction book in Equestria and bring it to the Canterlot Archives. If you wish to learn, you will go through my new administration, namely, the changelings.”

“The stars will remain with me,” she continued. “You will find your own way without the stars if you are lost. Only my favored creatures will receive my protection from nightmares, and every single noble who had been given their positions by my beloved,” she spat the last word. “Will have their titles revoked.”

“Finally,” Midnight stared straight at Luna and Celestia. “Luna and Celestia Solaris. My beloved’s personal students. You are to take care of her and make sure she does not go insane. You are banished from Canterlot, and you will stay at the library. My niece will help you, but you are not to remove the inhibitor ring on her horn. If you do so, I will know. And I will come and exact the same punishment I exacted on the centaur. Am I understood?”

Luna and Celestia nodded shakily.

At that, Midnight laughed and threw her head up as she dissolved into the shadow. “Long live Midnight!” The alicorn dissolved fully into shadow, and the trail rushed out of the window, heading for Canterlot. The changelings flitted after her, leaving only Queen Arach in the hall, who just stared at Chrysalis.

And then, all was silent for a moment, before the creatures in the hall stampeded out, several of the unicorns teleporting away and the draconequui vanishing in their own unique methods. Before long, the only creatures left in the room were the ones Luna knew.

Snowfall teleported over to Princess Sunset, where Empress Flurry could suddenly be seen crouching over the fallen monarch and trying to pull her up with her hooves, an inhibitor ring glowing on her horn. Chrysalis and Queen Arach vanished in a crescendo of green fire, before reappearing on a separate balcony, surrounded by a bubble of silence.

Tirek jumped over the balcony, rushing towards his brother and crouching over Scorpan, trying to see if his brother had suffered any physical damage. The once surly centaur now had a face filled with rage and worry.

As for Luna and Celestia, the sisters both collapsed into their chairs.

“Banished from Canterlot,” Celestia said hoarsely. “And Princess Sunset doesn’t have a single iota of knowledge or intelligence now.”

“I knew something was going on,” Luna whispered. “I knew something was happening.”

“It doesn’t matter now,” Celestia shook her head. “Are you steady enough to teleport us and Princess Sunset to the library? We need to get her to a bed, stat.”

“Once we do that,” Luna muttered angrily. “We hunt down Discord, and we get him to bring us to the Tree of Harmony. We need to stop Midnight once and for all, so she can’t hurt anycreature else.” With a flash of light, she teleported Celestia and herself to Princess Sunset.

“Bring us to the library,” The Empress whispered as she noticed them. “Wherever that is. Sunset needs rest.” Luna nodded. Her horn glowing, she teleported the group away.

“Mother, why?” Chrysalis demanded. “Why?!”

“I had no choice,” Arach whispered. “She threatened your life. I would do anything to protect you.”

“Is that why I can’t feel the hivemind?” Chrysalis asked, stomping her hoof on the ground. “Mother, I’m of age! I can-”

“You will stay with the Solaris sisters,” Arach snapped, her eyes suddenly filled with an emotion Chrysalis couldn’t read. “Do not attempt to come to the hive, or contact the hivemind for now. You will stay safe. Do not anger Her Majesty. Is that understood?”


“Is that understood?!” Arach nearly shouted.

“Yes, Mother,” Chrysalis whispered, her toxic green eyes once again filled with tears.

“Go,” Arach said impassively. With tears in her eyes, Chrysalis teleported away in a gout of green flame.

Arach sighed as she stared at the centaur brothers on the ground floor. The conscious one, Tirek, she recalled numbly, stared up at her with undisguised rage and hate. Tirek lifted his brother’s broken body up into his arms, before galloping away.

Arach fell onto the ground on her knees and wept. She had hurt Chrysalis again. Her heart ached, and she slammed a hoof into the ground as tears fell onto the ground.

For there was no harder job in the world than being a mother.

Author's Note:

god more trauma why do I keep doing this