• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 2,558 Views, 903 Comments

Electro Swing - Rego

When blame is cast on Vinyl Scratch for ruining an elite winter party, Fancy Pants intercedes on her behalf. However, even the Kingmaker of Canterlot may lack the power to stop the record from spinning out of control.

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Chapter 8: Tout Suite Remède

Vinyl groaned. The world was spinning and swirling more than her stomach was. She tried to listen for the sound of Bumblebeat’s bass, but all she could hear were the chirps of birdsong.

Wait. Night clubs didn’t have birds.

The DJ forced her eyes open against their will. Speckles of blue, orange, and white dots filled her vision. It was morning and she definitely wasn’t at Cantrips anymore.

Her first clue should’ve been the fact that she was lying down on a plush bed rather than face down on a hard bar table, but her throbbing pain from the worst hangover in history was sapping any attention she could muster. Not even the morning after her Sweet fifteenth had this level of crashing. She licked her dry lips, still tasting a trace of salinity from her evening.

“Never salting again…” Vinyl grumbled to herself.

The speckles around her started coalescing together into something more tangible. It was far too bright for it to be her apartment, so she must’ve made it back to Fleur’s at some point.

“Oh! You’re awake, Miss Scratch,” a mysterious mare’s voice greeted.

Or not.

Vinyl focused in a vain attempt to regain her bearings. There was a light gray blur approaching her that eventually formed into the vague shape of an unknown pegasus in a maid’s uniform. A surge of adrenaline bucked her in the face upon seeing the servant.

“Why am I here?” Vinyl nearly choked on the gravel in her voice as she shot up straight in bed. The sudden jolt gave her a new bout of vertigo as the world swirled around her. .

“Please calm down, Miss Scratch! You’re safe here,” the pegasus implored as she pushed Vinyl back down in bed. She held the DJ’s head up with a hoof and grabbed a nearby glass filled with purple liquid with the other. “Drink this. It should help with your symptoms.”

Vinyl grimaced in horror. Whatever was in the glass, it absolutely reeked. She’d smelled fresher air wafting from a Manehatten sewer grate. She took the glass in hoof and knocked it back like a jelly shot. It wasn’t any more pleasant going down, but at least it made the room stop swirling with morning colors. Looking around the room, she was relieved that she didn’t recognize the wall accents or any decorations around the room. She still didn’t know where she was, but “here” was infinitely preferable to several “theres'' she could have ended up waking in around Canterlot.

“To answer your question, Sir Fancy Pants and Princess Luna brought you here to recover. I’m not sure why they decided the Suede Shoes Mansion would be better than a hospital, but it’s not my place to question their reasoning.”

Suede Shoes. She recognized that name from somewhere, but couldn’t recall exactly where she’d heard it. Assuming the princesses wouldn’t own a mansion in Canterlot under a pseudonym, she figured this must be Fancy Pant’s home.

“Please remain in bed while the tonic takes effect. Princess Luna said that once your headache subsides, you will want to get up immediately,” the maid said calmly.

“Umm… did she say why exactly?” Vinyl asked with growing concern.

“No. She only told me that ‘you will know when.’”

An uncomfortable silence fell upon the room. Both mares were drawn to the purple-stained mystery glass. Vinyl didn’t like how the tendrilling remains were streaking along the inside leading to where Vinyl had chugged it down. It didn’t feel that gelatinous when she drank it, but the eldritch horror remnant mass told a different story.

“I will let everypony know you’re awake. By your leave, Miss Scratch.”

“Hmm? Oh yeah, sure. Whatever,” Vinyl replied. The maid curtseyed and took the glass with her to wash.

Vinyl settled back under the covers. She had no way of knowing when Luna’s remedy would kick in, so she settled for making herself comfortable until whatever was supposed to happen happened. Judging by the sunlight pouring through the window, it was probably sometime around ten or eleven in the morning. At this rate, Vinyl wasn’t going to get anything done today.

The walls slowly became clearer, revealing the full extent of the room’s bland grandeur. There was a nightstand with an expensive lamp and vase, a small bookshelf with a few unassuming books, some artwork smattered about, and a grand wardrobe near a door to either a closet or a bathroom. It was all so impersonal that it might as well have been a high-class hotel room.

Suddenly, another door in the room flew open with a thrust of magic. If not for the doorstop, the knob would’ve punched a hole through the wall. On the other side stood Fleur de Lis, scowling through teeth gritted so hard that they’d cut through diamonds with ease. The angry unicorn turned up her nose and gingerly trotted through the door, hovering a carton of chocolate gelato behind her. She dragged over a chair from the work desk Vinyl had failed to notice and plopped herself down in it.

With a flourish of magic, Fleur produced a spoon while tearing the lid off the carton and diving into her slightly melted treat with gusto. She opened her eyes into a narrow glare and stared daggers into her bedridden friend. Nothing was said between the two friends, leaving only the sound of Fleur’s messy devouring to fill the room.

“Okay. What?” Vinyl finally asked.

“You know what,” Fleur spat back and took a massive spoonful to her mouth. She didn’t even bother finishing her current spoonful before continuing. “See this?”


“This was supposed to be your carton.” She swallowed and took another big bite of gelato.

“I guess not anymore,” Vinyl sighed, not wanting to deal with a furious Fleur right after waking up.

Sans déc,” Fleur chomped. “I waited for hours, worried!” She slurped. “And come to find out—” She licked and smacked—“you got dragged here by Pantsy and a princess!”

Vinyl winced, not because of Fleur being upset, but mostly her purposely sloppy eating. Not once did Fleur speak without her mouth filled with a disgusting amount of gelato. She wondered how fast Fleur would succumb to brain freeze.

“You’re really.” A slop. “Missing out, y’know?” A gobsmack. “This all coulda been yours.” A slurry. “But now you have to watch me stress eat it.”

“Okay, okay! I’m sorry, alright? Just stop making all those noises!”

“Fine,” she said after swallowing her bite. Fleur set the partially eaten carton on the floor and thrust her forelegs at her friend, pulling the DJ into a tight hug. “I’m just so glad you’re alright.”

Vinyl felt her stomach jump from the sudden movement, but not as badly as it had before. She slowly wrapped her forelegs around her friend. Even though Fleur had been hamming it up, Vinyl could feel a slight tremble in her friend's embrace.

“I’m sorry, Fleur.”

“You better be! I went to Cantrips at one in the morning looking for your drunk flank! One! And then I come to find out that Princess Luna teleported you out with Fancy Pants to heaven-knows-where! Luckily, I decided to check here first rather than storming the castle.” Fleur crossed her legs in a huff and blew some errant mane from her face. Whatever patience she might’ve had today had long since been spent. “So. How much did you drink?”

Vinyl paused and looked away. She wasn’t sure if she should lie and apologize for her budding alcoholism, or tell the truth and suffer further embarrassment.

“I had a Diamond Dusty Dog.”

“How many?”

“Just one.”

“Well that’s a load of horseapples if I’ve ever heard one!” Fleur leaned forward with her best Éclair glare. “I’ve seen you do three of those and play a full hour afterwards.”

The DJ chuckled nervously. “Well, do you remember what we had for lunch yesterday?”

“That’s easy. We had…” Fleur paused, and tried to recall. A moment later, Vinyl could see the gears turning in her friend’s head. “Oh, Vy. Please tell me that you at least had your usual order of ‘Spice n’ Cheesy Fries’ before going on last night.”

Vinyl shook her head. The hayfries were probably still sitting untouched in the backrooms of Cantrips.

Fleur groaned and buried her head in her hooves. A few moments later, she then pulled her head back up, dragging her hooves down her face with a dramatic sigh. “No wonder those two were so worried.”

“Who?” Vinyl asked.

“Who else? Princess Luna and Pantsy! Or did you miss the whole teleporting thing? The papers are already having enough of a field day with those two on a Drive Date last night. Throwing you into the mix would’ve put the tabloids in an absolute frenzy.”

Vinyl moaned as she fell back onto the bed in frustration. If she didn’t already have a headache, the mounting stress would’ve sparked one. “Do I even want to know what happened?”

“Want everything I know or just the abridged version?”

“I’m stuck here until my headache goes away, so might as well hear what happened.”

"Full version it is!" Fleur proclaimed. "So, here's what Fancy told me…"

Fancy’s mind was racing in circles like a Wonderbolt trainee. The crying mare next to him had finally calmed down, but only because she had passed out at the bar. Knowing she’d be easily recognized, he removed his coat jacket and draped it over her sleeping form, giving the young mare some much needed privacy.

After all, Vinyl Scratch really shouldn’t have been there in the first place considering how rough of a time she was already having. It was really dumb and stupid of her since she was already late to eat gelato with her best friend in the—


Right. Sorry.

So Fancy gave her some much needed privacy. Either way, the situation was threatening to spiral out of control. Princess Luna just so happened to have chosen to go to the nightclub where the current focal point of the gentry’s ire was working. Further context be damned if they found out “Sir Fancy Pants” had spoken a word to her at the bar. The scandalous speculation would practically write itself.

Knowing what further rumors could do to the DJ, Fancy wanted to vacate the area before any further damage could be done to her. However, he couldn’t just leave the poor thing face down at a bar. Fortunately, her outburst had gone mostly unnoticed or unheeded by the nearby clubbers. She was just some drunk mare at the bar crying her eyes out in front of the ever-patient Moxy again. He picked up the DJ’s shades off the floor and gently put them in the same internal pocket he used for storing his polishing cloth.

It wasn’t a moment too soon, as his escort for the evening returned from the dancefloor with unexpected company.

“I have returned, Fancy Pants,” Princess Luna announced with pride. Fancy turned to see Luna with her wing draped over a familiar purple and beet red face along with two other ponies. “And look! I found the lavender one and her companions from earlier!”

“H-hello, Sir,” Lavender squeaked.

“I knew that was Fancy Pants! Are you here on a date with Princess Luna?” the cocoa brown unicorn stallion asked in excitement.

Is any of this important? How do you know all of this anyway?

You said we had time. Should I speed it up?

So Fancy was like, “Oh no! They’re totally jumping to the conclusion I didn’t want.”

And then Luna said, “Verily, check it out! We hath collected our own groupies now and it’s très awesome!” Lavender was so embarrassed.

And then you were just sleeping being all like, “I’m all unconscious or whatever.”

Fleur? I’m going to start punching you now. I don’t know when I will be able to stop.

Okay, okay, Vy! Lighten up. Geez.

And there it was on cue; the speculation. Still, Fancy would rather explain a misconstrued outing than explain why he was sitting by a tear-streaked DJ the day after a botched performance at one of his events. Fancy forced a smile, hoping that they would focus on the celebrities in front of them rather than ask about the jacket hiding the performer next to him.

“You seem to have me at a disadvantage. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well mister…”

“Oh, right. My name is Tan Cappuccino. These two here are Lavender Breeze and Harvest Valley.”

“They are our ‘groupies’ now!” Luna bubbled with excitement, making Fancy wonder where she had picked up the new term. “Lavender makes a wonderful dance partner.” The princess tightened her wing-grip on the pegasus, who somehow glowed even redder as her eyes darted between Luna and Fancy.

Fancy laughed to himself. “I can see that. I’m sorry I couldn’t join you. I’m afraid the evening has finally caught up to me.”

“Of course, Fancy. I wouldn’t dream of exhausting my most wonderful chaperone. Shall we depart for the evening?”

Fancy was about to say yes, but then considered the unconscious mare next to him. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving Vinyl here alone, but he didn’t want to risk anypony seeing her carried out by the Luna Guard. Considering the time they’d spent, the guards and bouncers were probably keeping a swarm of paparazzi at bay outside.

“Hey, is she okay?” Harvest asked, looking towards the cloaked performer, drawing everypony’s attention to Vinyl.

Fancy drew a deep and calming breath through his nose. “She’ll be fine. My friend here just needed a moment to themselves. A drink isn’t agreeing with them.”

“Oof, yeah. I know that feeling.” Tan winced and scratched the back of his head. “Let’s just say I am not going to try to win somepony over with a drinking contest again.”

“Tried to warn you, Tan.” Valley snickered and rolled her eyes. “Just ‘cause my cousin’s a cherry farmer don’t mean he’s a lightweight. A bushel’s still a bushel, no matter what you put in there.”

Fancy smiled, somewhat from the story, but mostly from avoiding the group’s curiosity. On the other hoof, Luna’s gaze hadn’t moved from Vinyl’s back. She was smiling, but it was clearly forced.

“Listen, my little groupies. I would like to speak to my companion privately. Why don’t you return to the dance floor?”

“O-okay.” Lavender nodded and the princess released her wing. The other two were immediately on the dumbstruck pegasus, chatting up a storm as the three friends made their way back to continue their party.

“What is the matter with this one?” Luna flanked the DJ on the other side and scanned her with magic.

“Just a little mishap with her drink of choice. We’re watching her closely, but we don’t want to make a scene.”

Luna snuck a glance under the jacket to see the shock of neon blue hair. “Is this the performer from before?”

“Yes. The DJ has been having a rather tough go of it recently, to put it mildly.”

Luna’s eyes softened as she placed a hoof gently on the young mare’s cheek. Her breath was shallow and quick. “She is suffering from a nightmare.”

Luna tilted her head and began channeling a spell into her horn. A drop of pure aetherial magic formed at the tip and dropped onto Vinyl’s head. It “splashed” with the chime of a bell, sending several tiny spirals of magic outward that then coalesced into themselves and flowed into the fallen mare’s forehead. At once, Vinyl’s breathing relaxed.

“We promised our sister we would not perform our duties on our night off, so this is the best we can do,” Luna apologized and covered the DJ’s face with Fancy’s jacket. “Find peaceful sleep within a dreamless sea.” The princess’ magic shifted from the jacket down to the mare herself. “She is also malnourished and suffering from alcohol consumption. Just what struggles are you facing in the waking world to lead you to this escape, little one?”

Fancy would've found the display more touching if he wasn't knowingly withholding said information from the princess. He was not about to let Luna know the DJ was half the reason she was taking a break tonight from her royal duties.

“The performer is an acquaintance of mine. She needs to be looked after, but I’d rather be more discreet in her departure.”

Luna nodded in understanding. “Do you know where she lives?”

“No, and those who I could leave her with might be asleep already.”

“If it is care she needs, shall we teleport her to a hospital?”

“No. That would still generate too much unwanted attention. The same would probably be for the castle infirmary if somepony caught wind of it.”

“I know the curse that notoriety can bring.” Luna nodded. “What do you propose we do?”

Fancy pondered for a moment, closed his eyes, and tried to conceive of the best option. At once, he placed some bits on the counter for Vinyl’s drink and stood up from his stool.

“I might have an idea.”

“So then the princess had one of her guards tell your boss you were done for the evening. After that, they teleported to his place and plopped you into this guest room. The papers this morning ran a picture of Pantsy being dragged through the Drive behind Princess Luna and were none-the-wiser.” Fleur wrapped up with the last bit of gelato and showed Vinyl the bottom of the carton. “The end!”

Vinyl rubbed her hooves together uncomfortably. As Fleur was recounting what Fancy had told her, more and more of the evening started coming into focus: their conversation, her anger, her breakdown. She had hoped the alcohol would have wiped the memories, but apparently Luna’s hangover remedy also repaired her memory. At least her headache was going away.

A deep rumbling gurgle growled from under the covers, catching both Vinyl and Fleur by surprise. Vinyl’s eyes shot open in panic as the princess’ vague warning quickly made complete sense. Vinyl shot out of bed and ran for the closest door in the room.

“Bathroom’s through a door on the left,” Fleur sing-songed as Vinyl scrambled through the closet door.

“More tea, Sir?” an older unicorn butler offered to his master.

“Yes. Thank you, Mister Dapper,” Fancy replied with a slight dry cough.

With a precision developed over decades of service, Dapper Dandy poured the perfect amount of green tea with lemon into Fancy’s cup without opening his eyes. The faded blue stallion had been working for the family before Fancy had been born, and he showed no desire to stop despite his advancing age. Though Fancy lacked the older stallion’s thick eyebrows and the fullness of his mustache and goatee, he couldn’t deny Dandy’s influence on his preferred facial fur styling.

With a grateful nod, Fancy took a drink from his cup as he looked over the front page of the Canterlot Courier that Fleur had brought in. As he had predicted the previous night, somepony had caught him with Luna in the middle of the Drive on camera. To complicate things even more, it just so happened to be during a rather deep embrace. Suffice it to say, the elite buzz had shifted overnight from Vinyl Scratch to a celebrity romance. The headline couldn’t help but make him think of how Princess Celestia always liked to deal with things indirectly. Though he was a great predictor of potential outcomes, he never could hold a candle to the elder princess when it came to playing such games of chess.

Still, the lion’s share of the damage had already been done to Vinyl Scratch by now. Fortunately for the DJ, the Society was not playing as nicely with the nobles as Celestia’s school had and refused their demands. That meant that they would need to pursue other avenues, which was unfortunate for Fancy Pants. As a result, letters were still piling up at his door asking for his intervention. He opened another one, only bothering to read the sender before channeling magic over to his nearby desk.

“The Summer-Suede Endowment for Musicology and Innovation in the Arts is not interested in reviewing or revoking any recipients’ funding at this time,” Fancy dictated aloud flatly to his enchanted pen as it wrote another standardized reply. “Any further concerns should be directed towards the Equestrian Society of Performing Arts and its financial department. Thank you for your time.”

He produced another envelope and sealed the letter inside with magic before reading off another name and address. After placing it atop a larger stack to be sent later, he took another soothing sip of green tea for his weary throat.

“Might I suggest taking a break, Sir?” Dapper asked.

“I suppose resting the voice a few moments couldn’t hurt,” Fancy mused as he set the paper down.

“Actually sir, I believe there is another reason.”

Fancy Pants looked over to his older help with a curious brow. “And that would be?”

His answer came from doors of his study bursting open to reveal both Fleur de Lis and an ill Vinyl Scratch. The DJ lacked her striking sunglasses, letting Fancy see the full gamut of her sickness play upon her face as she stumbled in. Without anything to hide behind, the mare was shockingly easy to read. Her expressiveness was a veritable open book of emotions.

Seeing the same signals, Dapper subtly leaned over to Fancy. “Correct me if I am wrong, sir, but I was under the assumption that her highness’ ghastly concoction was meant to alieve the mare of her symptoms.”

“‘The memories of the night will never yield its lessons to the cleansing morning light’ was how the princess worded it. I’m not sure it said anything about being a perfect cleanser.”

“Good morning, Pantsy and Dandy!” Fleur cantered up to the butler and gave a big hug to Dandy, who returned the gesture in kind.

“Thank you, but I do believe it is almost noon now, Miss Fleur. Shall I fetch lunch?”

Fleur hummed loudly and looked back to Vinyl trudging into the study behind her. The poor mare stumbled to the couch near the fireplace and fell forward onto it, letting the legs that missed the cushions hang over the side. Seeing everypony looking at her, the forlorn DJ groaned in exhaustion.

“Is that a yes or no?” Fleur asked.

Vinyl glared at her friend, but then sighed after giving it some thought. “I feel disgusting, bloated, and somehow violated, but I could eat.”

“Very well.” Dapper rose to attention to address the guests of the estate. “I shall call you to the dining hall when it’s ready.”

“Thank you, Mister Dapper. Be sure to get something to help Miss Scratch’s stomach.” Fancy replied and quickly put the letters out of sight of his guests.

“I believe I have some ginger ale that could help. By your leave, Sir.” The older stallion bowed and strode with purpose out the doors. Despite his creaky knees, he always refused to let his proper gait slip in front of the mansion’s company.

“I was going to ask how you’re feeling, Miss Scratch, but I believe you’ve already made that abundantly clear.” Fancy stood up and stretched mildly to get the feeling back in his legs.

“Yeah. Sorry about, well, everything last night, uhh...” Vinyl trailed awkwardly as she assumed a more proper seated position. “I’m supposed to call you Sir Fancy Pants, right?”

Fancy smiled with a pleasant surprise tugging at his cheeks. “It’s quite alright Miss Scratch, though feel free to drop the ‘Sir.’”

“Or call him Pantsy like I do,” Fleur added with playful fun.

Fancy leveled a flat glare at the sassy mare. “Fancy or Fancy Pants will do just fine, Miss Scratch.”

“Alright. And it’s just Vinyl. Not exactly reeking of ‘refinement’ over here.”

Fancy chuckled softly at the air quotes she’d added with her hoof. “Now, now, I wouldn’t go so far to say that. Refinement is not restricted to a gentrified definition. From what I’ve heard you, young lady, are quite the diligent student.”

“Uh huh. And I wonder who would’ve spun that tale for you.” Vinyl’s gaze shot over to Fleur de Lis, who either was unaware or simply didn’t care about the heated attention.

“That would be the three Melodies: Arpeggio, Octavia, and Steeplechase. I spoke with Octavia this morning over some much-needed coffee. The poor mare has been playing catch-up with this whole situation ever since getting snowed-in by that accidental blizzard in Manehattan.”

Vinyl frowned and looked away.

“Whatever it is you’re doing at the school, the ESPA has your back. Now you just need to find some way to fill any other financial shortfalls you might have to keep you afloat.”

“Yeah! Like, I dunno, and I'm just spitballing here, but maybe some fabulously wealthy pony could offer to pay your rent?” Fleur less-than-subtly winked and physically nudged the nearest unnamed candidate.

“No!” Vinyl backed back as she shot up off the couch. The sharpness caused both Fancy and Fleur to flinch.

“C’mon, Vy. I was just joking. Besides, Pantsy isn’t like the other snobs around here.”

Fancy almost nodded in agreement. Almost.

“I don’t owe anypony in this town anything, and I plan on keeping it that way,” Vinyl swore with conviction.

“While I respect the respect you’re showing for another pony’s bits, there’s no shame in asking somepony for help,” Fancy assured, trying to ease the mare’s embarrassment. “It’d be perfectly reasonable to do so, especially given the circumstances.”

“Of course you’d think that.” Vinyl pointed an accusatory hoof at the stallion. “You’re the one holding the bits!”

Fancy took a patient breath. He thought he was starting to get on the DJ’s good side, but the strangest things kept setting the firebrand off. Still, he wouldn’t take this particular offense lying down. Not when he was proud of the ponies he’d helped in the past.

“Vinyl, I will have you know that I am not in the practice of making predatory investments. Though there are winners and losers, I have never purposely immiserated anyone.”

“Investments, huh?” Vinyl scoffed and smiled through an anger roiling underneath. “So when’s the last time you made something yourself instead of paying another pony to do it for you?”

“Outside of a pot of tea? Probably never if we are to use your definition.”

“Aww, so you never had to work a day in your life?”

“I work every day to manage my inheritance from my parents. I will never claim it to be harder than manual labor or more creative ventures, but it can be exhausting all the same.”

Vinyl opened her mouth to say something, but Fleur slammed a hoof down, cutting their budding argument short. “Are you being serious right now, Vinyl? You woke up in a bed fit for a Saddle Arabian Sultan after being teleported from a bar by a princess because you drank yourself under it like an idiot!”

All of the bravado the DJ was wearing collapsed in an instant. “I-I never asked him to do any of that!”

“Because you didn’t need to! That’s just the kind of stand-up stallion my—Sweet Celestia you are being so annoying for no reason, right now!”

Vinyl grimaced and sunk back down into her seat. She threw a pillow over the back of her head and groaned. “I know, I know. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for being a pain in the flank.”

“It’s quite alright, Vinyl,” Fancy assured calmly. “I know these past few days haven’t exactly been easy for you.”

Vinyl shrilled in frustration and pulled at the pillow harder with her hooves. Fancy worried she’d rip the poor thing in two at this rate. “No it’s not! Hold a grudge! Stay angry! Why aren’t you more angry?”

“I’m not sorry to disappoint you, but I’ve found over the years that while anger can be quite energizing at the start,” Fancy trailed off and sighed. He removed his monocle and started polishing it to remove the old smudges he felt were there again. “It is equally as exhausting to maintain.”

Vinyl’s ears flicked and she put the pillow down. “So, blowing up the Festival of Flakes and ruining your date with the princess wasn’t enough?”

Fancy laughed to himself. “Trust me, Miss Scratch, you haven’t done nearly enough to earn my ire.”

The DJ shrank back at Fancy’s hardened, icy gaze. “Oh-kay. I guess that’s good, then.”

“Anyway,” Fleur interjected. “If you’re done trying to get yourself kicked out of the mansion for two seconds, could we please talk about helping you, for real?”

“There’s nothing to say. I’m just losing a few bits from the school. Just gotta work harder is all, right?”

Fancy took a deep breath and redonned his trusty monocle. “I received this regarding a change to financial aid at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Being a donor myself, they wanted to assure me that steps are being taken to ensure my bits were being spent ‘more wisely’ moving forward.”

Turning back to his desk, he dug out an envelope he had received this morning from Celestia’s school. Inside were several charts and a letter regarding policy changes. He gave it another cursory read to refresh the main points. Canterlot lawyers sure worked fast when given the right incentive. He levitated the missive to Vinyl, who took it in her magic and began glancing over it. Her eyes started slowly, but as she continued reading, they darted more frantically as she poured over the lines.

“There’s a little legal jargon, but simply put, it appears the board of trustees and several donor partners are reviewing financial aid allocation for research students. At the end of the semester, the allocation of grant money will be suspended until they are done. Knowing the reason behind it, I find it unlikely you will maintain your aid at this point.”

“Along with any contracts being fulfilled exclusively via financial aid…” Vinyl finished reading, biting her lip in growing worry.

“Don’t worry about a thing, Vy!” Fleur dashed to her friend’s side and pulled the DJ into a crushing hug. Vinyl yelped being picked up by the larger mare and she dropped the letter on the ground behind her. “I don’t mind getting us more crystals to work with. I use them too, remember.”

“Y-yeah. Thanks.” Vinyl hugged back, but with less enthusiasm.

“Right! We’re in this together ‘cause we’re the best of the best!”

“Better than the rest,” Vinyl replied automatically while looking over her shoulder at the notice on the floor.

“Ain’t no contest, friends!” Fleur recited with bubbly exuberance. Fleur pulled back from the hug and shook her friend. “C’mon, Vinyl. You can do better than that. SchlurrVivyl’s been through worse.”

“Survival?” Fancy arched a brow.

“No, SchlurrVivyl. I had braces back then,” Fleur clarified with excessive spittle, but it didn’t answer Fancy’s question. “Fleur and Vinyl? It’s the same thing when I call you ‘Pantsy.’”

Fleur scoffed and tossed her mane with as much posh drama as she could muster. “Really now, Fancy. You must learn to keep up with such things if you are to last more than a moment with the two of us.”

“I will be sure to keep that in mind, my lady.” Fancy bowed in respect to Lady Faire’s superior position.

“See that you do.” Fleur strode to the double doors of the study with proper purpose and threw them open. “Now then, I do believe the help should be nearly done with the preparing of lunches and I am absolutely famished.”

It was Vinyl’s turn to give the mare a puzzled glare. “But you just ate an entire carton of gelato.”

“Perhaps…” Fleur tapped her chin in thought.

“No. Total-haps! I saw you do it like fifteen minutes ago!”

“Gelato? Where did you get…” Fancy paused, recalling a curious scene just after breakfast. “Wait, the reason you ran all the way back home was to grab a carton of gelato?”

“What is this inquisition?” Fleur clicked her tongue and cast her eyes at Vinyl dismissively. “I did, but I promise you it was for the teaching of a good lesson. Besides, I need to eat a salad to cancel out the calories.”

“That’s not how food works, Fleur.” Vinyl said flatly.
“That isn’t remotely how anything works, Fleur.” Fancy facehooved with a patient sigh.

Both ponies blinked and looked at each other.

“Aww, scolding in stereo. That’s so adorable!” Fleur grinned sweetly with a little squeal as she walked out of the room.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!

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