• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 4,075 Views, 262 Comments

Newfound Neighbors - FrostTheWolf

Having a new neighbor move in next door is one thing... that is, until you realize that neighbor is a unicorn that's too smart for her own good.

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05- Wake Up Call

“So, let me see if I understand this correctly,” I heard Mistral Step speak as she looked at both of us. We had to take the last ten minutes to explain to her everything that had transpired and led to what exactly unfolded just now in our neighborhood. Not just from my perspective, but also Gizmo’s, “Your neighborhood lost power because Gizmo here was trying to create something that only exists in a fictional cartoon that she got a glimpse of upon arriving here.”

“That… pretty much summarizes it, yes.”

“How was I suppose to know that’s fictional?!” Gizmo then protested, “It was bright and colorful just like Equestria back home! It looked entirely possible!”

“ … Oh sweet Luna, bless your heart,” Wait, was that some kind of curse phrase or something? Who was this Luna that she was talking about? “I’m not going to beat around the bush here. While it wasn’t your intention, you would be in deep trouble if Sam wasn’t here to help you and I wasn’t here to try and understand what happened. People would be quick to assume that this ‘accident’ was something far worse than it actually is.”

Gizmo was silent, processing everything that she said before letting out a sigh of relief. Though, before the unicorn could say anything, Mistral beat her to it. “That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook though. I’m going to need to make sure that you don’t try pulling any more stunts like this again. And just making a promise isn’t going to cut it.”

Then, she turned to me, “Which is why I’m going to have you keep an eye on her.”

Woah, hold up a minute! Did this bat pony, who I only met just a few moments ago, make me Gizmo’s parole officer? Matter of fact, why are you making me Gizmo’s parole officer!?

Before either of us could really ask anything, that was when Mistral spoke up, “Look, the fact of the matter is that what you would’ve seen as ‘normal’ back in Equestria nearly caused a panic on your first day here. So, I think it would be best if there was somepony that could help show you the ropes a bit so that this accident doesn’t become a frequent occurrence. Given how you and Sam are already familiar with one another, I think she would be the best option.”

“With all due respect, I don’t really think that’s something that a police officer can really ‘do’,” I replied.

“I’m not asking as an officer. I’m asking as a friend,” the bat pony replied, “A friend who would rather not have people think that somepony they know is making EMP bombs in her garage and their next door neighbor is their accomplice.”

… Well, shit. When you put it that way, keeping an eye on Gizmo doesn’t really seem so bad compared to the alternative. I mean, the last thing I would want to tell my parents was that while they were visiting family, the two of us terrorized the entire neighborhood by accident.

“You make a rather valid point.”

“I guess my work here is done then,” Mistral said, before looking back at Gizmo now, “By the way, you should’ve received a pamphlet or something when you crossed the border about Earth customs and such. Do you still have it?”

That question was simple, but Gizmo’s reaction to it and how she was nervously scratching the back of her head with a hoof did not really fill me with confidence. “Oh, that thing? I… kind of skipped that.”

You… what?

“ … How in Luna’s name did you just ‘skip’ reading that? You’re supposed to read it upon arriving here!”

“I have a perfectly good explanation!” the unicorn countered, “There was a Kirin that ended up setting her thingy on fire after going all ‘Nirik’ when the janitor rolled their cart over her tail. So, I gave them mine because I didn’t think I would need it.”

… Are we sure that Equestrians aren’t just different variants of oversized cats? Because that’s the kind of impression that I’m getting so far over the course of the last few hours.

At that point, Mistral was trying her best to maintain her calm demeanor, “Gizmo, just… let Sam help you out, alright? It doesn’t take a genius to tell that she’s been living here for quite some time, so it’s okay to ask for help. So please, be responsible.”

“Hey, I am responsible!” the unicorn protested.

“Okay, name one spell that shouldn’t be done under any circumstances.”

“Want it, need it?”

“… That’s on me, I set the bar too low.”

Wait a minute, did she just reference what I think she-

“Anyways, I gotta get going before my partner does anything stupid,” the bat pony sighed, “So please, don’t try to cause any more trouble, alright?”

And with that, the bat pony was now gone… I think now would be a good time to clean things up and go to bed. It wouldn’t be ideal to paint miniatures in the dark.

When I went to bed, I just wanted to clear my mind a bit after some of the chaos from last night. Rest my weary head so that I could be refreshed when morning finally came around. I still had to check in with my parents after yesterday’s debacle, but that could wait. I wanted to at least feel like I was at my best before diving head first into whatever was in store for me today. I mean, the power was probably back and a part of my morning might involve resetting the clocks on most of the kitchen appliances as well as making sure everything was working again before getting myself something to eat-

… Wait a minute, why am I hearing the sound of purring coming from the living room? My family doesn’t even own a cat and I’m hearing this. So what the hell was going on-?

“Oh, dear Celestia, NOT AGAIN!!”

At that, I immediately put on my robe and went downstairs, only to be greeted by the sight of none other than Gizmo sitting on the living room couch. All while the rest of the living room looked like a tornado went through it. Even though I did put away the miniatures I was working on after I came back, some of the paint was now in her mane and fur!

Yet, when she actually saw me, the unicorn was trying to play it off like it was no big deal. “Oh, h-hi. G-good morning, Sam.”

“Gizmo, how did you-?”

“I-i can explain,” Oh really now? Well, by all means, explain then, “You know what Somnambulism is? Like you might be asleep, but your body gets up and trots around?”

“You mean sleepwalking?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s supposed to be something that kind of disappears once somepony has reached their teenage years, though it’s not always the case,” Gizmo admitted, “Though, for unicorns that have to deal with it, it’s… harder. Since even though they’re asleep, they are still using their magic.”

Okay, now I think things are beginning to fall into place. Though, there was one last thing I had to ask, “So… are you saying the reason why you’re here and why part of my living room is a mess is because you teleported into my house while you were asleep?”

Gizmo’s only answer for that was just a nervous nod, followed by a sincere apology. Which probably answered every other question I could think of. Furthermore, it now prompted me to say something else. “Gizmo, you don’t have to apologize. Though, if I’m going to help you fit in and make sure you don’t get in trouble, then there’s a lot of things I need to cover.”

“Like what?”

“Well, to start, I need to know what kind of things do you have back in your world,” I told her, “Like for example, appliances. Do you have stoves, microwaves, washing machines-?”

“You have a machine that bathes you!?”

… To whatever pony god is watching me endure through this, please give me patience. I’m really going to need it.

Author's Note:

I think there are days where we all feel like Sam.

Side note, I want say thank you to everyone who has enjoyed the shenanigans at play so far. Your support means a lot to me and I am really thankful for everything so far ^^