A human makes a faustian bargain to save their own life, ending up as a griffin chick in the care of Fluttershy. With dark powers hanging over their head, will they be able fulfill their end of the bargain even if it means betraying their new family?
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So many eyes upon Ponyville now, a place where absolutely nothing interesting happens.
Exactly. Nothing interesting at all. In no universe does anything interesting ever happen in Ponyville.
Well fucking shit is going the fuck on. Fuck.
Interesting.... verrrrryyyyy interesting....
This chapter was jumping from perspective to perspective a little bit too much for my taste but i guest it's needed to setup future events. Quite an interesting story so far, i would prefer for it to have more main character perspective as it is quite interesting to see them find out things about this new world, analyze them and make conclusions.
Expect more main character perspective in the future. They were literally just born and don't understand the language yet, so their perspective is a little boring right now.
She had a point, at first i.e, replacing the less competent nobles with more competent ponies who would be better suited for the position.
Then she went straight down the rabbit hole into how to create a dictatorship which nobody but the upper class will enjoy, the agent also has no clue in the slightest how the economy works
This is exactly what I was going for. Celestia might be a benevolent monarch, but she is still a monarch, and thus does not have the most just or egalitarian mindset. Meanwhile, the agent knows that society can be improved, but has a messed up idea of how to improve it.