A human makes a faustian bargain to save their own life, ending up as a griffin chick in the care of Fluttershy. With dark powers hanging over their head, will they be able fulfill their end of the bargain even if it means betraying their new family?
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I loved the Angel bunny POV. I rly hope you did t just off Angel.
The matron is nightmare moon
It was certainly fun to write.
I think you meant to say "Foalcare"? Although the irony of the misspelling is both dark and funny either way. It's hard to imagine Angel bunny going on and on for as long as he does, but it was interesting to see his point of view. I hope he survives, but knowing what kind of story it is, I can't say I'm going to be surprised if he doesn't.
Is it supposed to be angle instead of angel bunny?, you used it 3x.
I suppose we're going to see how much control they have.
I think her agreement only said she had to help them with something years later not all the time.
Does she need to be loyal otherwise? It'd be an interesting dynamic either way.
If she does willingly kill angel bunny it would make any potential revelation later that much more difficult as she probably wouldn't want to admit to knowing what she was doing when she killed angel.
If she is forced to it's less consequential as it couldn't be a negative against her in a revelation in the future but cements that she can't get out of the agreement even for relatively minor things.
But if he can't get her to do relatively small things how is he going to get her to betray them all later after she's brefriended them all, especially since she just met the bunny and the bunny was attacking her so she doesn't even have any direct attachment to it.
You aren't going to kill angel bunny but since you've already setup the scenario I don't know how you can keep the dark theme going without following through with it as if she can ignore this why not everything else?
Thanks for spotting that. I seem to have a weird talent for ironic typos.
Thanks for the catch. That is the type of thing spellcheck can't catch and my brain auto-corrects. And yes, Gwen's deal only involves a certain event in the future. That doesn't mean the Patron won't have other tasks for her. The whole killing Angel bunny things is basically a test of loyalty.
He said it was
I'm saying that her starting to back out of the deal now basically guarantees she's not going to follow through with anything bigger later.
While if she does as requested it could go either way.
If she's willing to risk being sent back over a bunny that she not only has no relationship with but is also being attacked by there is no chance that she will betray the others once they are her friends and family.
I think it'd be showing your hand too early in the story unless we are already over half way through.
No reason? There is EVERY reason to kill it. It came into her crib weilding a knife. Its obviously homicidal.