A human makes a faustian bargain to save their own life, ending up as a griffin chick in the care of Fluttershy. With dark powers hanging over their head, will they be able fulfill their end of the bargain even if it means betraying their new family?
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I am interested in the whole overthrowing a democratic government thing. Also in my opinion that S.M.I.L.E. Agent was out of line. Like would they think to check if an Egg could do that? I know if I was in a world like this I wouldn't, besides by the time they learned that it had randomly appeared Fluttershy had already touched it and none of them thought to check either.
What about the violence tag?
There might be some of that, but I don't expect much more then standard action level violence. That said, some of that violence might be directed at minors. I will try to provide a warning when it comes up.
The overthrowing a democratic government things is mainly a reference to the CIA doing that all the time. I have not decided if it will become relevant again in the future.
The S.M.I.L.E. agent was defiantly out of line. They were stressed and felt under attack, so they were digging. That said, in a world with things like the alicorn amulet, trying to cook with a egg that randomly showed up on your door step might not be the best of ideas.
Fair enough, though I will say is that most of that information is not quite common knowledge, unless your a Unicorn your not gonna be learning about magic unless it is part of your work, you have a interest in it, or some other reason that eludes me at this time. Though I am quite enjoying the story and can't wait for the next chapter
My bet on what comes out is... a newborn baby griffin. And the purple one better not try to do any invasive sCiEnCe stuff to it
, because... You just don’t do that to a newborn
It really just makes him unlikable. He knowingly makes a deal with the devil to save his life to fuck over future friends and ruin his new lease on life, and if he doesn't he'll be killed. That just makes him look like and asshole, and says the future of the story is set in stone as miserable because no matter what he's fucked.
I am glad you are enjoying it!
Don't worry, she wouldn't do anything invasive.
Well, your not wrong. But you can't have character development if the characters start out perfect. As for if the future is already set in stone, you will just have to wait and see.
I really like your little lore corner things in the A/N. This one opens up the possibility of magic granted super extended lifespans, along with major healing factors and other awesome Bio-magical abilities. With proper work/treatment, fluttershy could be back up to healthy in. . . Probably a month at the latest? Maybe.
Very nice.