A human makes a faustian bargain to save their own life, ending up as a griffin chick in the care of Fluttershy. With dark powers hanging over their head, will they be able fulfill their end of the bargain even if it means betraying their new family?
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I hope you didn't just hit "fix all" as some things, due to the natural state of ponyisms, don't really work with normal language grammar checks.
For example:
Unless Angel bunny had a run in with a surprisingly obtuse protractor, I think you misspelled his name.
Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, that is the type of mistake that spell checkers/grammarly can't catch.
I think you meant "certain", not cretin.
And once again, WTF Pinkie. Her reaction, or lack of a proper one, kinda makes her look plain unlikable.
It was pretty scary being integrated like that — interrogated
Thank you for the catch.
Pinkamina sings?!?