• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 4,724 Views, 269 Comments

SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files - DagaYemar

There are too many objects that threaten the safety of Equestria. They must be contained.

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SCP-EQ-002 - Double The Fun

Item #: SCP-EQ-002

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-EQ-002 and its fixed location, Site 42 operations have been extended to encompass it within its daily routine. As pony-made structures within Site 42 are inevitable targets of local fauna, biological means are to be exclusively used in containment of the object. An area of fifty (50) meters around the entrance are to be sown with bramble strain K-29 and checked on a daily basis for breaks and withering. Mobile Task Force Rho-13 (Weed Whackers) are to constantly monitor the area with remote viewing spells. Should a break be observed, MTF Rho-13 is to surround the exit and detain any entities attempting to leave.

Acquisition of liquid from the object is to be done with telekinesis only. Foundation personnel must wear level C hazmat suits when within twenty (20) meters of object. Any liquid found collecting in natural crevasses is to be immediately vacuumed out and the crack sealed. Liquid discovered outside of object is to be tested for abnormalities and disposed of via evaporation.

Entities that interact with or are produced by SCP-EQ-002 are to be detained for a period of no less than twenty four (24) hours. Should identity of the original not be determined in this period, all instances are to be remanded to D-class status and the original deemed lost. Regardless, all entities are to be doused with amnestic spells and any originals recovered are to be placed under surveillance for up to six (6) months.

Description: SCP-EQ-002 is a small pool located in an underground cave 8.2 km from the western edge of the Everfree Forest, the area also known as Site 42. The pool measures a rough circular shape with a diameter of 22 meters across and is perpetually filled with liquid. Depth of the pool has been impossible to determine at this time due to the properties of the object; it is currently assumed that the pool is bottomless. All other flora and strata within the cavern have proven non-anomalous.

Liquid removed from SCP-EQ-002 demonstrates no anomalous properties and is chemically indistinguishable from water. When inside the boundaries of the pool, the liquid ceases being transparent and takes on a mirror like sheen. Disturbing the liquid in this state produces markedly less ripples than it should and it quickly returns to a flat surface. Objects completely submerged in the pool seem to disappear and cannot be retrieved by any known means. Lengthy objects like measuring sticks and ropes have been submerged to a depth of ____ meters without reaching the bottom. Tracking spells cease to function once they pass under the surface. Objects partially submerged for more than five minutes start getting dragged into the pool, the force of which increases exponentially the longer the object remains in contact with the liquid.

SCP-EQ-002 produces this liquid at a rate of 6.4 liters an hour. Initial investigation of the object showed this rate to be 0.8 liters an hour, but after an attempt to drain the pool was made by Foundation personnel the rate increased to its current speed. Further attempts to completely empty SCP-EQ-002 of liquid are prohibited.

SCP-EQ-002's primary anomalous property occurs when a living creature meets any one of an unknown number of conditions. The full list of these triggers are unknown, but include being in a state of heightened aggression, reciting a verbal phrase, possession of SCP-EQ-___, and [REDACTED], followed by direct contact with the bare skin of the subject. Should this process be completed, rather than the subject vanishing an instance of SCP-EQ-002-a will be produced. It is unknown where SCP-EQ-002-a come from, as the pool does not contain anything other than liquid prior to emergence. Direct observation of this process is impossible, as observers experience feelings of vertigo and dizziness while recording devices inexplicably malfunction, for a duration of no longer then a few seconds. All non-living objects the original entity had on their body will also vanish during this period.

SCP-EQ-002-a is invariably an exact duplicate of the original entity. To date no instance has exhibited any physical or mental differences from its original, including a complete copy of memories in sapient creatures. Interestingly, the original and the instance will both have a memory of emerging from the pool, making identifying the original exceedingly difficult. All instances will claim to be the original and react negatively to the idea that they're a fake. The only definite disparity between the two entities is that SCP-EQ-002-a does not require any condition to activate the pool, though due to having the original's memories it will most likely try duplicating the conditions anyway. If left unchecked, SCP-EQ-002 could theoretically create an infinite amount of instances.

Instances of SCP-EQ-002-1 will on occasion display an exaggerated personality trait of the original, but this flaw wears off after no longer than eight hours. Should any additional instances be created off the flawed entity, this trait will continue to be exaggerated until it is the dominate defining trait of the instance.

Any natural collection of water within the cave containing SCP-EQ-002 exhibits the same properties, including divots too small for the purpose. Sapient instances created through too small pools report the experience to be exceedingly uncomfortable and nauseating. Liquid run off from the pool down the track along its side does not produce this effect, nor does liquid removed in pony-made containers.

Should the entrance to the cavern containing SCP-EQ-002 be permanently sealed or made impassible, a new tunnel will be created through unknown means within 14 days. To date no aperture has appeared farther away than 1 km of the cavern, but experimentation with this property is highly discouraged due to the possibility of an aperture appearing in a populated location. No additional tunnels will appear while the current one remains intact and open.

Addendum: Some have said that unlimited D-Class is an opportunity we should not let pass. But we must remember, of their origin we are dumb. We simply don't know where these creatures come from. We do not know if they hail from some land, or if they secretly have a nefarious plot planned. Until a clear answer to these questions is found, we should leave this thing buried deep, deep in the ground.
- Z_____, Directer of Site 42