• Published 26th Jan 2021
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SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files - DagaYemar

There are too many objects that threaten the safety of Equestria. They must be contained.

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SCP-EQ-010 - The Organ To The Outside

Item #: SCP-EQ-010

Object Class: Thaumiel Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A perimeter of fifty (50) meters is to be maintained around SCP-EQ-010-1 at all times. As pony-made structures within Site 42 are inevitable targets of local fauna, and due to SCP-EQ-010's properties, the perimeter is to be comprised solely of teams of Foundation guards stationed at regular intervals. Teams are to consist of a minimum of five (5) personnel and contain at least one unicorn capable of casting an invisibility spell on the group at all times. A ring of flood lamps are to be trained on SCP-EQ-010-2 from all angles and their batteries recharged daily. Damage to any lamp is to be repaired immediately.

Should any SCP-EQ-010-a be discovered anywhere within the perimeter, high-intensity lights are to be employed to drive them back to SCP-EQ-010-1, and eradicate them if possible.

Description: SCP-EQ-010 consists of two parts: a ruined stone structure that once was the Castle of the Two Sisters (SCP-EQ-010-1) and a device resembling a pipe organ found within (SCP-EQ-010-2).

SCP-EQ-010-1 is located in the rough center of Site 42. Only its first floor and basements remain in functioning condition, most of the upper floors having collapsed at indeterminate points in the castle's past. Built throughout the castle are 38 an unknown number of traps including pit falls, sliding walls, secret tunnels, and springboards. These traps are all in functioning condition and a full map of traps is being continuously updated in File MS-403. The original purpose of these traps is unclear but believed to be benign.

Anything brought into SCP-EQ-010-1 ages at a rate equivalent to exponential decay - i.e. objects will age at a slower and slower rate until they appear to stop aging altogether. Woven fabrics such as tapestries and carpets show advanced wear and tear, but display zero evidence of rot despite centuries of exposure to environmental effects, while written materials retain legibility without fading or ink runoff. Biological objects age at an even slower rate than inorganic objects and appear nearly unaffected by the passage of time. Upon discovery, this was assumed to be SCP-EQ-010's only anomalous effect.

SCP-EQ-010-2 was found in the lowest basement level of SCP-EQ-010-1. It possesses the same number of keys and pipes as a regular musical instrument and produces the same tones as a usual pipe organ. It rests on a stepped dais 1.4 meters high and is flanked by two statues resembling pegasi, all of which appear to be bonded on the molecular level to the organ. To date all efforts to move the organ or open it to discern its inner workings has failed.

In addition to producing sound, the keyboard appears capable of somehow activating the traps spread throughout the castle. Excavating the walls and floors has yet to produce any evidence of machinery connecting the organ to anything else, but further investigation is banned due to the weak structural integrity of the castle. While no single key connects to any particular device, entering a sequence of notes will always induce an activation somewhere in the castle. For a full list of known sequences, refer to File MS-403.

While the location of SCP-EQ-010-1 was always known to the Foundation, its anomalous properties didn't come to attention until recently, in the wake of reports by [REDACTED]. Following this event, agents were dispatched and ascertained the primary properties of SCP-EQ-010. A journal was also discovered which details that the organ was commissioned by [REDACTED] and that a majority of the traps precede the creation of the organ, though the name of the original inventor is not present. While most passages are of a personal day-to-day nature, one passage of note reads:

I love to duck behind the paintings, and though the Hall of Hooves still gives her a bit of a fright, the trap door slide is ______ favorite! Soon the Organ to the Outside will be finished. I can hardly wait!

Due to the obvious beneficial effects of SCP-EQ-010, both in preservation and defense, a proposal to use it as a storage site was approved in a unanimous vote by the O5 Council. Steps are underway to make the site habitable and secured for transport of SCP objects. Project abandoned. See Addendum 10-3.

Addendum 10-1: Testing of SCP-EQ-010-2 has revealed that it may have space-warping capabilities. When specifically activated through SCP-EQ-010-2, rotating walls and pitfalls will sometimes exit out in completely different areas of the castle. It is currently hypothesized that this property may have been used to contort the castle at some point, explaining certain architectural choices such as oddly-angled corridors and unusually deep spiral staircases that had been baffling Foundation historians.

Additionally, extended use of the organ will make traps appear where solid stonework was before and cause known traps to vanish without a trace. Testing has revealed that it is capable of creating a trap inside of any pony-made structure within 20 meters of SCP-EQ-010-1. It is estimated that the castle maintains ___ traps at any given moment, so when the organ creates new ones the old are cycled out. Readings indicates the presence of [REDACTED], implying that SCP-EQ-010-2 draws these devices from alternate realities where they already exist.

As this obviously poses severe containment risks, transferal of other SCPs to SCP-EQ-010 is on hold until the full properties can be understood.

Addendum 10-2: During a test of a new sequence, a secret room was created containing a number of creatures, which have been given the designation SCP-EQ-010-a.

SCP-EQ-010-a appear to be living shadows, having no physical mass or dimension. All instances have the appearance of a pony wearing a full body cloak with the hood drawn up to cover all features. Instances appear to not need a light source to exist. Occasionally instances will produce two glowing eyes, but they do not appear to need them to see.

Instances of SCP-EQ-010-a do not respond to any form of communication from Foundation personnel, though they do seem to be aware of their surroundings. No instance seems capable of manipulating solid objects and neither physical nor magical stimulus seem to draw a reaction from them. The only exception to this is bright light, which burns them and drive them into hiding. Instances will try to follow any living ponies they come across and observe them from a distance. Their purpose in doing so is unclear.

Designation change to Euclid class pending.
Approved --- O5-2

Incident POS-31: At 1:37 am, guards responded to the sound of SCP-EQ-010-2 being played. Upon arrival no pony was found to be on the scene, though an instance of SCP-EQ-010-a was spotted slinking away down a side hallway. A rapidly done survey revealed __ new empty rooms in the castle behind previously solid walls. Several researchers, including Head Researcher B________ P___, were reported missing.

Foundation staff evacuated to the main hall, where [DATA EXPUNGED]



Addendum 10-3: Due to loss of personnel, the O5 Council has decided to abandon attempts to utilize SCP-EQ-010 for containment use.