• Published 9th May 2020
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DOOM of Griffonstone! - ShadowStar_IMHP

[Displaced] Victor Von Doom was a Character in Marvel comics. So why am I in his head? Why are we in Griffonstone? I also must ask... who am I?

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Chapter Two: The Ire of Doom

Hans's POV

Hans watched as Doom fought the Tatzlwurm. Not much he could do really he was riding shotgun in the mind of one of marvel comics iconic villains. Going back over what he could he saw Doom blast the boulder with the Atomic blast.

This was interesting he saw the option of weapons pop up and doom shifted through them quickly. The Atomic blast was marked long-range with a wide blast point. This was why Doom didn’t use it on the Tatzlwurm the heat from the atomic blast would have burnt Gilda.

The concussion blast was close range the effects diminish with distance. In the cavity of the wurm’s mouth, it was devastating. The magic... that was beyond Hans to figure out he saw the complicated hand movements but that was it.

The symbiotic joining of his and Doom’s mind was strange he could think independently of Doom, and so could doom not read his mind. When Hans thought about talking that was when Doom heard him, where doom had to speak out loud. He could even force memories and thoughts at Von Doom. So far the reverse hasn’t been tried.

‘Hans pay attention! I need your My Little Pony Information’

The thought rushed through his thoughts and Hans focused on what Doom was seeing. ‘What... wait you didn’t say that out loud.’

‘Insufferable earworm you don’t think I could focus my thoughts at your annoying presence? Now tell me about these ponies.’

There before him was a group of three Ponies. One dark gray and green maned male Earth Pony, one a blue and black-maned female Pegasus, and the copper-colored Unicorn.

The Unicorn was speaking “What have you done you, armor-plated moron!”

Even in the corner of Doom’s mind, Hans felt the building anger. “You lamentable dullard use your eyes. That tatzlwurm attacked your employee and I defeated it before any lives were lost.”

The sky blue Pegasus spoke up. “I was about to dive-bomb that thing when you blasted it and caused it to come out of its tunnel.”

Penny Pincher spoke then “that resulted in more property damage. I demand restitution those seed pods are worth more than any pathetic griffon. There are plenty of those who would work for food you tin plat...”

That was it Hans could tell. It seemed Gilda also knew something was up as she scrambled to get away.

Once more Doom’s fist rose and opened as the atomic blast was selected as a weapon. Even before Penny Pincher was finished with the tin-plated insult his head was blowing into burning chunks. The heat of the blast singed the fur and skin of the Earth Pony. The Pegasus moved fast enough that only her tail was scorched. Screams of shock from the watching Griffon workers and even the Pegasus filled the air.

“MONSTER!” The Earth Pony charged fists balled up. ‘Doom Earth Ponies have enhanced Strength and endurance, the most powerful can punch through granite and hold tons of weight. Power could fluctuate depending on how much magical force they can channel at the time.’

Doom seemed to take the information and moved to the left lifting his right knee to connect to the Earth Pony Boulder Dash abdomen. At the same time, his armored elbow came crashing down onto the brute’s back. “Fool I have battled Benjamin Grimm. Compared to him you are a mere child.”

A flash of blurring blue fur and doom’s head moved just enough for the armored villain to move his attention to the Pegasus who was still trying to punch his metalhead. Hans saw the option for the electrical field but before Doom activated the defensive measure Hans spoke again ‘Pegasi are immune to lighting and thus electrical attacks.’

Doom switched to the concussion blast once again and blasted the Pegasus away, the force of the blast designed to combat the THING ripped her body in half spilling guts as her body hits the ground in chunks.

By this time the Earth Pony rose up and seeing both his partners killed went berserk and mindlessly attacked. “You don’t learn do you.” This time Doom showed no mercy having Mastered many combat techniques of martial arts against a crazed brute of a thug Doom had no problem using a move of Shuai Jiao to smash the Earth Pony head into the ground. There he gripped the pony’s head and with the force of the power armor crushed his skull.

‘Fuck Doom! Do you really need to be so brutal.’

‘They earned the ire of Doom.’

“How are we going to get paid!” “Shut up Glados you want it to kill you next?” Doom turned his head to spot the group of Griffon workers. All but Gilda took off fleeing. “IT LOOKING AT US RUN!”

Victor Von Doom's POV

Doom moved to one of the flowering plants and plucked a seed pod. He forced the pod open and then examine the seeds. “Similar to Opium in chemical composition.”

He then turned and headed over to Gilda seeing the other Griffons fleeing in panic. “Cowards leaving you behind.” He looked down at the terrified Gilda “Do not fear I offered aid already and Doom does not retract his kindness easily. Now tell me who you are and what going on here.”

Almost as an afterthought, Doom remembered he had the bloody remains of the fight on his body. A quick spell banished the biological matter from his person.

He watched as the griffon Gilda swallow her fear then look him in the eyes. Impressive given the heightened heartbeat and other signs of fear she was displaying including her feathers rising to make her appear physically larger. True bravery wasn’t the absence of fear it was action despite fear, this one was brave. He could use that.

‘Um... I told you her name.’

‘What demon did Reed sell his soul too so I will be cursed with an ignoramus. Think, I just killed three sapient beings in front of her, she’s wounded, how much more panic would she be in if I called her by name before she told me?’

‘Good point.’

“My name Gilda of Eagleblood. Those are Dreemweeds and we collect the seed pods to ship to Equestria where they are made into medicine. That what they say at least, it is known around here they are made into drugs. Those... ponies you killed were the Prince's personnel, these are his lands.”

Doom raised a brow when he heard Hans in his head ‘Oh god, please don’t say it’s Blueblood.’

“What is this Prince’s name?”

“You don’t know?” She spoke out in a harsh voice then gasped realizing who she was speaking to. “Oh... sorry... it’s Blueblood, the Prince of Equestria. Fuck he’s going to cut trade to Griffonstone if he doesn’t get what he wants.”

‘Hans what do you know about this Blueblood.’

‘Okay, this is off the cartoon and comic book script. Blueblood was introduced in a fantasy of Rarity’s...’

‘IMPORTANT INFORMATION. I don’t need that much detail who is he, what his personality, what importance is he.’

‘Fine. Blueblood in the show was a self-absorbed arrogant narcissistic nephew of Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia is one of the rulers of the nation of Equestria. Now the comics he is depicted as a high ranking diplomat. In the fandom, he’s a favorite punching bag and clown. Even when written as a villain he’s often a joke. Like I said it completely off-script for him to be a drug dealer.’

Doom nods “Do not worry about trade deals. I have made up my mind, by this time tomorrow I will be ruling Griffonstone myself. As such you have the honor of being my first servant. Now let take care of that wounded wing of yours.”

Gilda's eyes widen and she flinches as Doom moves his hands in a pattern neither she nor Hans could follow. Soon mystical light glowed around his gauntlets and then her body. Soon her wounds were healing at a rapid pace.

“You know healing magic?” Gilda asks shocked even among the Unicorns she knew healing was a rare skill of magic.

“There little I don’t know about magic. Serve me well I might even grant you the right for me to teach you some.” Doom stood up and looked to the city. “For now take me to a place where I can rest. I have plans to formulate and a kingdom to conquer.”

As he heads for the city with Gilda guiding him the voice of Hans was in his head. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.’
Gilda’s Pov

She could feel the heat from here. Penny Pincher’s head just vaporized in mid insult. The blast was like a miniature sun where his head used to be. Even as the body fell to the ground Boulder Dash was rushing at Doom with pure hate in his eyes.

Gilda remembered that muscular Earth Pony strength when she was being punished. Surely that armor wouldn’t be able to stand the might of an Earth Pony rage-filled punches, no matter how tough it looked.

Blinking she couldn’t understand how Doom moved so fast sending Bolder to the ground. Then Windshier was punching the helmet with all she had. Screaming and crying as she pounded the metal armored head. Gilda saw it was barely even registered to Doom. She watched as his fist rose and something that was like sound but wasn’t blasted forth. Her bones ached with the feeling of the subsonic blast. Windshier, however, was blown apart.

Gilda couldn’t keep her stomach contents in as she watched a shocked Windshier look at her own guts before dying. A scream of rage and Boulder Dash was up and charging again. This time Doom somehow flipped the raging stallion and then crushed his skull.

What was left in her stomach joined what She had to escape, this wasn’t just a predator whatever was in that suit was an Alpha predator. Showing no sign of remorse, mercy, or hindrance in the killing. The only reason she wasn’t dead was that he didn’t feel the need to bother. This was a fact she was sure of now.

“Cowards leaving you behind.” Of course, they were fleeing, if she could fly she be flying as well. “Do not fear I offered aid already and Doom does not retract his kindness easily. Now tell me who you are and what going on here.”

“My name Gilda of Eagleblood. Those are Dreemweeds and we collect the seed pods to ship to Equestria where they are made into medicine. That what they say at least, it is known around here they are made into drugs. Those... ponies you killed were the Prince men, these are his lands.”

Did she see the eyes Doom look away? Was he distracted by something?

“What is this Prince’s name?”

“You don’t know?” She heard her voice rise in anger, it was her normal reaction to something. Griffon culture was about not showing weakness, stand up be the strongest. Her natural instincts screamed for her to run. No amount of bravo going the help here. Shit! Did she doom herself?

“Oh... sorry... it’s Blueblood, the Prince of Equestria. Fuck he’s going to cut trade to Griffonstone if he doesn’t get what he wants.”

Doom nods “Do not worry about trade deals. I have made up my mind, by this time tomorrow I will be ruling Griffonstone myself. As such you have the honor of being my first servant. Now let take care of that wounded wing of yours.”

Gilda's eyes widen, magic, he really can do magic. That wasn’t some effect from the magical armor. Healing magic was something that has to be done in person, some potions could speed up natural healing. No enchantment could guide magical healing. “You know healing magic?”

“There little I don’t know about magic. Serve me well I might even grant you the right for me to teach you some.” Doom stood up and looked to the city. “For now take me to a place where I can rest. I have plans to formulate and a kingdom to conquer.”

Gilda stood up and started leading Doom for the city. If she takes off now perhaps she could get away far enough before he attacks? No, he didn’t even waver when he killed Penny Pincher. Now she was leading him to the city, a city he told her he was going to conquer.

Author's Note:

I am well aware of how Overpowered Doom is. Even if I followed the normal Displaced and gave Hans just the armor and skills of Doom, he still is OPed. So I gave him a build-in distraction. On top of this DOOM in my story isn't 100% the doom in the comics. This is what Hans would imagine Doom was like.

His armor is designed and built to handle fighting the Fantastic Four as well as other high powered foes. Just for a taste of how powerful DOOM is here a Video.

As I say always I'm sorry for any spelling and grammar errors. If you see any I'm more then happy to make corrections if you point them out to me.