• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 18,848 Views, 477 Comments

Spikes Journey - That Drunk Pony

This is gonna be my first fic about Spike and his exile from Ponyville

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Chapter 14: Intermission V (Rainbow Dash's Lament/ New Hope)

Rainbow Dash's Lament/ New Hope

One week earlier from the last chapter. Rainbow Dash, Fleetfoot, Fluttershy, and Surprise flew back to Spitfire’s home, after searching for what seemed like forever for even a trace of Spike. It was a fruitless effort.

When all four met up near the falls, Rainbow Dash was filled with rage. She just failed to bring Spike back, who was within his grasp. Most of her anger came from the fact that two pegasi stopped her from reaching him. She glared at them in pure resentment.

Rainbow Dash broke the silence with a loud rant, “WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING!? WE WERE SO CLOSE TO GETTING SPIKE AND YOU BOTH GOT IN THE WAY!! WE COULD HAVE GOT HIM!!! We could have got him.”


Rainbow Dash irrationally yelled back, “IF YOU DIDN’T GET IN THE WAY I COULD HAVE EASILY REACHED HIM!”

Fleetfoot didn’t back down, “WHAT SO YOU CAN TORTURE HIM!?”

Before it could escalate into a brawl, Fluttershy pulled Rainbow back and Surprise did the same with Fleetfoot. Fluttershy then asked, “What do you mean by torture him? We just wanted to bring him home.”

Surprise was confused, “You mean you aren’t here to take Spike back to Ponyville to harm him and possibly execute him?”

Fluttershy responded in horror, “Oh goodness no! We would never do those things to any creature.”
This snapped Fleetfoot out of her anger, “So then why was Spike so intent on avoiding you guys?”

Rainbow Dash calmed down a little as she answered, “I don’t know!”

Fleetfoot asked, “How about we go back to Spitfire’s house so we can understand each other?”

Fluttershy and Rainbow were a little worried not being able to go quickly tell their friends about what happened, but at the same time how could they tell them that Spike fell into a waterfall and is probably gone forever. That would devastate Twilight. Not having much choice they went to Spitfire’s house.

It was awkward going back because they witnessed what was most likely Spike’s demise. Rainbow had no idea how to tell any of her friends that Spike was within her grasp, but she wasn’t fast enough. Fleetfoot couldn’t accept Spike being dead and had faith he was still alive somewhere. Surprise still felt deflated after seeing her new friend collide with a waterfall. Fluttershy was completely silent on their flight back.

Once they reached Spitfire’s place, Rainbow told Fluttershy “Go to the rendezvous spot. Twilight will need a guide here.”

Fluttershy was a bit hesitant to just leave her friend there, but Rainbow was right. Besides these are some of the elite wonderbolts. Rainbow wouldn’t do anything too crazy right? Fluttershy nodded and flew off. While Rainbow was speaking to Fluttershy, Surprise and Fleetfoot entered Spitfire’s place.

Spitfire asked “What are you guys doing here?”

“Well we brought Rainbow Dash here.” Fleetfoot said looking down. “We have a serious situation.”

“What do you mean by serious situation?” Spitfire felt anxious.

“Well Spike fell into Neighagra Falls.” Fleetfoot concluded.

Spitfire was taken back hearing that. She really didn’t know him long, but she could tell he was a innocent unlike most tales of dragons. She may not have been as attached as the others, but she still considered Spike as a friend.

“How did this happen!?” Spitfire spat out.

Surprise answered, “Well Spike’s wings went poof and he plummeted into the waterfall. We tried to reach him, but it was too late. Not even Fleetfoot or Rainbow Dash could reach him in time. Rainbow was probably the closest to rescuing him.”

Just then Rainbow walked into the house. The room got quiet as she entered. Before Dash could speak, Spitfire said, “What happened to Spike? Give me as accurate of a description as you can.”

Rainbow was confused, “Why would you want to know that?”

Spitfire yelled, “This isn’t the time for questions! Tell me when, where, and what happened. We need to track him down. A dragon like him wouldn’t let a simple waterfall be his grave. Dragons can withstand a lot of punishment. I know after having battled a few.”

Rainbow explained all that happened from her eyes and so did the other two. With the information gathered she quickly wrote down a letter. Spitfire then sent Surprise to deliver the message immediately to HQ.

As Surprise flew away, the three left in the house then sat down. An intense silence was broken by Spitfire who wanted to know more about why Spike was exiled. “Rainbow Dash… I’ll go straight to the point. Why was Spike exiled? I want to know your angle of what happened back then.”

The realization and sudden pressure of having her long time idol look down upon her with a flare she normally doesn’t show even when she is training new recruits. Still Rainbow Dash decided not to flake out and face her and her questions.

Spitfire then asked, “Why are your legs shaking? Is it cold for you?”

Rainbow looked down and noticed they really were shaking. She thought to herself, ‘Just calm down. I can do this.’ She took a deep breath and began answering, “I’m fine. It’s not cold.” She then continued to her side of the story. “It was really early in the morning when I smelled smoke. When I looked outside, I saw was a lot of green fire in Ponyville. I flew quickly to the town and got a glimpse of a monster attacking the town, but once it reached the Carousel Boutique. It just stopped and vanished. All that was left was ash and Spike, who was in the middle of it. He was just waking up when we arrived.”

Spitfire then concluded, “So that’s why you thought it was Spike?”

Rainbow continued, “Well this wasn’t the first time Spike went on a rampage through town. Luckily the damage was kept to relatively small back then. This time however, the town was a lot worse. The town and everypony decided it only could have been Spike.”

Fleetfoot was having trouble keeping herself steady. She then had a quick outburst. “Didn’t you consider it being another dragon or another monster!?”

Spitfire then replied to Fleetfoot’s question, “Fleetfoot. They would’ve seen another dragon or monster leave the area.”

“But Spike couldn’t have done that!”

Rainbow gave a serious reply, “You haven’t exactly seen Spike when he changes into a full dragon. If it wasn’t for Rarity and I guess himself, he could have done much worse damage to the town.”

Spitfire was growing tired of Fleetfoot’s unnecessary outbursts. “Fleetfoot. Wait for her to finish and then we can give any judgements after.” Fleetfoot put her head down and continued to listen. “Now then Rainbow. Continue with what happened.”

“Well I was the first to confront him. When I got in front of him I kind of yelled at him…”

Spitfire didn’t like Dash dancing around details. “Tell me in full detail. No ‘kind of’ or ‘sort of.’”

“I pinned him down and yelled at him alright! I know he was a friend, but after endangering everyone I kind of lost myself. Spike didn’t even seem like he knew what was going on.” Fleetfoot was becoming restless again, but Spitfire gave her a glare and then whispered to her to go cool down and get something to drink.

Fleetfoot angrily walked away and Rainbow continued her story. “After the destruction, one week later, the town had a meeting and decided he was too dangerous to keep here. Some ponies were a bit cynical and wanted to actually execute him, but that was crazy. Spike was too nice and well behaved. Not to mention he is still young and it wasn’t his fault for his dragon greed. Still the vast majority of the town decided to exile him back to his kind. It was sad for a lot of us to see him have to leave at such a young age and being so kind to everyone for the years he was in Ponyville. For some reason Rarity didn’t even show up to the occasion and neither did Twilight. Twilight had a reason not to come. She had probably the most devastating experience, but Rarity I was shocked.”

Spitfire figured that was the end of the story. She began to interrogate more, “Well I can see why he would be fearful of being by you and why he was terrified of going back after some ponies wanted to execute him. Who is Rarity?”

Rainbow should have realized she wouldn’t know, since they never talked directly. “Well Rarity is who Spike is crushing on really hard. The whole town practically knew it. For some reason Rarity never seemed to get it.”

Fleetfoot made an audible gasp in the kitchen. Spitfire then continued. “So Rainbow Dash, what was your purpose for being here?”

Rainbow answered, “To bring Spike home.”

Fleetfoot came out yelling, “You think Spike would EVEN want to come ‘home’!? After what you, your friends, and even your whole town did to him!? You guys didn’t even trust him. Even the dragons would probably be better than you guys!”

Rainbow Dash swiftly responded, “You trying to start another fight!?”

Spitfire quickly ended the fight, “Fleetfoot! I told you to stop! You’re an Elite Wonderbolt! Act like one already!”

“But Spitfire! You know I am right. Spike didn’t even look like he wanted to go home. When anyone mentioned Rainbow Dash’s name he went almost pale. The look in his eyes even confirmed how much he disliked them.” Fleetfoot then faced Rainbow Dash, “What was your plan? To just tell Spike ‘I’m Sorry’ and EVERYTHING would be normal again!?”

The room went silent after Fleetfoot’s exploding words. Rainbow wanted to say something back, but those words hit her in a way she wasn’t normally used to. Rainbow didn’t even expect it, but a tear came out of her angry eyes. She knew what happened to him was terrible and traumatizing, but knowing the truth and seeing through his eyes what happened. It hurt a lot and even shattered the iron wall that is Rainbow Dash’s heart.

Fleetfoot didn’t paused waiting for Rainbow’s response, but then continued. “So is that it then. You have nothing else, but a simple sorry. You don’t deserve Spike’s forgiveness.”

Fleetfoot turned her back and began heading out the door. Rainbow Dash couldn’t stop her tears from flowing no matter how hard she tried to fight it. For once she felt backed into a corner and none of her friends were there to help her out. It was painful, but Rainbow finally said, “I know I don’t deserve his forgiveness…” Fleetfoot stopped to listen. “But I would do anything to get our friendship back. I should have had his back when the town was against him in that ridiculous trial. I shouldn’t have yelled at him when I saw the look of innocence in his eyes. I’m not just sorry. I want him back for both my friends and myself and to have us back as a whole.”

Fleetfoot paused for a second before walking out the door saying, "I need to go track down a dragon.” Fleetfoot then dashed out the door and into the sky.

Spitfire then added as they watched Fleetfoot leave, “You probably don't realize it, but you at least got to her a little.”

Rainbow Dash said, “Are you sure? She seemed pretty mad at me. Well now comes the hard part.”

“And what’s that?” Spitfire wondered.

“Getting Spike back.” Rainbow said as she saw Fluttershy and the balloon coming in.

Spitfire had debriefed all six on what happened, but kept the private chat with Rainbow and Fleetfoot confidential. They all then decided to go home since Spitfire had called in the reserve Wonderbolts to go searching around Equestria and if anypony could find Spike, it was the Wonderbolts.

Back to the present.

Twilight and her friends all returned to a fully repaired Ponyville. They were worn out and haven’t heard word from the search parties. Each of them returned home for the time being until new news came from them. They were searching far and wide around Equestria for the little dragon. They all went back to doing their jobs, but it didn’t feel right.

Twilight went back to doing her library duties and tried to distract herself by reading, but she began seeing things. She would often have visions of Spike and it always made her cry.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t able to concentrate on clearing the clouds, so the days always had a partly cloudy weather.

Pinkie wasn’t making new and crazy recipes. All she did was make purple and green cupcakes no matter what she put into the recipe.

Fluttershy went back to tending the animals, but it felt a little more quiet. She seemed a little more clumsy due to her distractions. All the animals seemed to tend to Fluttershy more than she did to them.

Rarity kept herself working day and night to distract herself from any thoughts that she kept hidden.

Applejack actually woke up late. She has never woke up late. As she headed outside, she noticed her family was packing up. “What’s going on around here?”

Applebloom was a little surprised, “We are going to the Apple Family Reunion. Did you forget that it’s tomorrow?”

Applejack was so distracted by all that happened that she forgot all about it. “Sorry. I’ve been a little busy these past few days. I don’t think I will be going this time.”

They all stopped and had a collective gasp. Granny asked, “Now why would you not come to the reunion!?”

Applejack answered, “I haven’t exactly been well these past few days. I barely get any sleep and I am not well. I would just be a downer there.”

They wanted to object, but just looking at her it was obvious she was right. They let her stay home and they decided continue preparations. Applejack decided to check on her friends to see how they were doing.

She reached Sugarcube Corner and noticed the odd amount of purple and green around the bakery. “Pinkie? You alright?”

Pinkie darted up after messing around with some icing on the table. “Yeah! Of course!”

Applejack could tell that was a lie. “Pinkie.”

“No I guess not...” Pinkie should have realized that it’s hard to lie to the element of honesty.

“How about we gather everyone and try to do something?” Applejack suggested.

Pinkie suddenly sparked up! “How about a Slumber Party!?”

Applejack remembered the slumber party with Rarity. That turned out to be crazy, but it would be what they need right now. “Alright Pinkie. We should have it at Twilight’s place.”

“We could go SURPRISE her!!” Pinkie jumped around happily.

“Alright then. I’ll go tell Rarity and you go get Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.”

“Okie-dokie.” Pinkie said. She zoomed off immediately leaving a little afterimage of herself.

Applejack purposely went to Rarity’s. She noticed Rarity was acting odd this entire time ever since the incident. Rarity is definitely hiding something, but she couldn’t just interrogate her. Applejack entered the shop. She was nowhere in sight, but Applejack could hear a noise upstairs.

She saw a crack of light in her workshop and heard sobbing. Applejack was about to open the door, but stopped as she heard Rarity say, “If only we didn’t find that stupid thing.”

Applejack thought to herself, ‘What is she talking about?’ She then opened the door and gained Rarity’s attention.

Rarity surprised asked, “What are you doing here!?”

Applejack kept that suspicious piece of info to herself and decided to answer her. “I came here to invite you to a slumber party. Everyone else is coming to Twilight’s place to cheer her up and to be honest ourselves too.”

Rarity was a little hesitant, “I don’t know. I guess I could go.”

Applejack tried a little harder to convince her. “Rarity. You of all people need to relax and what better way than with friends.”

Rarity surrendered fairly easily. “Alright. I’ll go. I guess I better get ready and close up shop early.”

Applejack was content with that and decided to head home and get ready herself.

They all met up in the late afternoon at Twilight’s place ready to surprise Twilight. They knocked on the door and heard no reply. They were beginning to feel worried. They knocked again when the door magically opened. They were shocked at how bad Twilight looked.

Her eyes were starting to have a little baggage on them. It looked like she had been crying and not getting any sleep since they returned. She looked a little thinner and weaker than before as well.

Applejack asked, “Twilight, are you alright?”

She weakly tried to speak, but passed out in front.

They all yelled “TWILIGHT!” and immediately came to her care. When she woke up, the library was back to normal. She was confused at what happened.

Rainbow noticed she was awake first. “Twilight! You’re finally awake!”

The others then gathered around her telling her how worried they were about her. Twilight tried to calm them down, but they were full of emotion.

Twilight then asked, “Why is everypony here?”

Pinkie answered excitedly, “We came here to have a Surprise Slumber Party!”

Applejack added, “Pinkie and I thought everyone needed a little friendship.”

Twilight smiled for the first time all week. Twilight pulled out her little book for slumber parties and they partied into the late evening. As they were all around the lantern in the middle of the room telling ghost stories, they heard a frantic knocking at the door. Pinkie and Fluttershy jumped when they heard it.

Applejack opened up the door and saw a flustered out Applebloom with a note. She was out of breath and just handed over the note. She read the note and was filled with both shock and happiness.

Applejack turned to her friends and announced, “Braeburn found Spike in Appleoosa!!”

All of them cheered and immediately went to the train station. Rarity lacked behind, but only Applejack seemed to notice. Once they got there they got lucky and got the last ticket to Appleoosa for the day. They got on the train and headed to Appleoosa determined to bring Spike home.

They all went to sleep, but Rarity only could stare at the moon. Applejack noticed this, but decided it was only beneficial to go rest so they can have the stamina to keep up with Spike this time and earn his forgiveness.

Rarity was the last pony to go to sleep. She noticed another train passing by in the opposite direction and in one quick glimpse thought she saw Spike, but that was impossible. Spike wouldn’t head back to Ponyville. She decided to go to bed thinking she was staying up too late and seeing things.

Author's Note:

These were two short chapters and I didn't want to make you all wait so I decided to combine them into one. It does seem a little off with that break in the middle though. Also I'm looking back at older chapters and editing all the glaring mistakes I've done. It won't change the story for those who already read the past chapters. Just look a lot nicer for the new readers.