• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,800 Views, 178 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

Spinel's mistake

Twilight was making her way into the castle with Flurry when a drop of water dripped on her, Twilight rubbed at the spot in a moment of confusion before groaning, the ceiling, walls, and floors of the castle had water dripping everywhere.

"Why are gems so difficult?" She muttered as she took Flurry out of the stroller. Flurry made a few noises and Twilight pulled out one of the bottles left in the bottom of the stroller and gave it to Flurry, who happily started drinking it. Twilight carried Flurry through the wet halls and followed the wet trail to the cutie map room, the doors where open and the gems where inside, Spinel was once again juggling, this time on the cutie map, while Lapis was keeping a set of water rings floating around her for added effects. The first thing that came to Twilight's mind as she watched this was that Trixie would love this, she shook the thought away and cleared her throat to get their attention.

"Hi Twilight," Spinel waved "Hi Baby not Twilight, what happened to the Dad and Not Twilight.

"Spinel do you not know their names?" Twilight asked as Flurry squealed in delight at the sight of Spinel

"Are you surprised by that?" Spinel asked.

"Not really, Spinel this is Flurry Heart-" was all Twilight managed to say before Flurry lit her horn and encased Spinel in her magic.

"Oh she want's to play," Spinel said turning to Flurry and getting conked over the head with her own juggling orbs, Flurry laughed as Spinel was struck to more times and her eyes began rolling around in her head, Flurry squealed and shook Spinel with her magic. Lapis and Twilight watched as Flurry pulled Spinel to her and started playing with her, Twilight started laughing as Spinel was twisted up.

"I think she thinks your a toy," Twilight giggled as Flurry let Spinel go and watched as she spun around the room like a top before landing face first on the cutie map, hey eyes spinning in her head. Flurry once again squealed in delight and Spinel smiled.

"Who am I to disagree?" Spinel asked as she got back to her feet dizzily, her eye's still rolling around in her head. Twilight made her way to Lapis, who had changed directions with her water and had shaped it like little fish and set it swirling around Flurries carriage who was loving every second of it as Spinel began juggling for her again.

"So?" Twilight asked as she looked at Lapis, who was sitting in Twilight's chair sideways, resting her head against one of it's arm rests. "Lapis looked up at Twilight before returning her focus to the fish.

"So," Lapis replied bluntly.

"You can manipulate water?" Twilight noted as she watched the fish turn into a set of tiny ponies dancing around Flurry, who was living the dream.

"It would appear that way," Lapis replied.

"How much can you use at a time?" Twilight asked curiously.

"What're we talking about?" Spinel asked, Twilight looked at her, then to where she had been juggling, Spinels had stretched her legs out and was using them to keep the act up while talking to Twilight.

"She was asking me stuff," Lapis replied "and to answer your question, if I so chose to I could summon every drop of Water on your planet and make a Pillar into Space." Twilight stared at Lapis for a moment.

"Your not mentally unstable are you?" She asked with a noticeable tone of worry in her voice.

"Not at the moment," Lapis replied without a shift in her tone, Spinel was about to say something but was interrupted when Flurry decided she wanted to play a new game and light her horn, Twilight and Lapis watched as Spinel was squished into the shape of a cube by Flurries magic, Twilight and Lapis watched for a moment as Flurry squashed and stretched Spinel into multiple shaped until Spinel finally cried out for help.

"OK Flurry," Twilight called as she made her way to ther niece "Play nice, you don't wanna break Spinel do you," Flurry let go of Spinel and Spinel fell to the floor in silence as Flurry waved her hooves at her aunt who happily gave her attention. "Don't worry, I have a whole room set aside just for when you come for a surprise visit," Twilight started rolling Flurry out of the room before calling to the gems. "Lapis I'd like to talk with you for a short while, would you mind staying her for a minute or two?"

"I'm not moving until I wanna move, and I don't feel like moving so your in luck,".

"Spinel?" Twilight asked turning to the Gem who got to her feet, Twilight noticed that Spinels jolly nature had died down and she seemed a little shaken. "Could you watch Flurry for just a few minutes while I talk to Lapis?" She pleaded.

"OK," Spinel said Nervously, her entire body was sore after what Flurry had just done to her, "I can do that," Spinel followed Twilight to a room that was any child's dream, there was a tiny slide, a little play house, mountains of toys and other play things spread across the entire room, and unlike every other room in the castle the walls floors and ceiling where all padded down and soft, Spinel looked around the room as Flurry immediately started playing with the first thing she could get her hooves on.

"Have fun you two, I'll be right back," Twilight made her way out of the room and back to Lapis to talk about what her long term plan for staying in Equestria was, Spinel sat down and watched as Flurry began playing with a rock a stack. Flurry started chewing on the smaller ring for a short while, having a blast with it before sneezing and sending it rolling away. Flurry babbled for a moment as she looked for her next toy and settled on a bead ring Spinel watched with a smile as she started playing with it.

"This isn't so bad," she thought "She's just playing with her toys, and I guess I'm an honorary one at the-" Spinel's thoughts cut off as Flurry hit the bead on the floor and sent them flying across the room, Flurry was still waggling her hooves happily, unaware she had just destroyed her toy.

"I don't wanna be a toy," Spinel decided as she got up, as she did this Flurry came to the realization that her toy was gone she frowned and began looking for the next one when Spinel made her mistake, as soon as Spinel took a step she let out a loud Squeak and Flurry looked over at her and started smiling again.

Author's Note:

I started watching the Pixar short Tin Toy on a loop, does it show?

I'm gonna have fun with the next chapter, I really am.