• Published 15th Jul 2019
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The Centurion Project - TheEighthDayofNight

Elias "Rubrum Aquilae" Bright, the former leader of the Legio I Americana, on the run from his past, finds himself thrown into the conflicts of Equestria.

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Chapter 15: Dying to Heal

Luna trotted cheerfully down the long corridors of the castle. In her wake flew a carefully assembled stack of books and notes that were the culmination of several extremely fruitful days and nights of labor. Nightshade had informed her that Elias was making friends, three in fact! The two incidents she had dealt with personally had confirmed it. Night Flash and Book Binder were the perfect ponies for the job of helping tame the human, and according to all of the reports were making immense strides in progress. Why she had not thought of them earlier, she did not know, but she couldn’t have been happier with the initial results.

While the human had not been witnessed initiating public displays of friendship, he had been on the receiving end of many, and despite a few grumbles, had been witnessed returning most of them. Besides the one notable incident with the Solar Guard, Shoe Shiner she believed it was, Elias’ record had remained quite clean. He was viewed smiling and talking with his new friends, while being slightly more amicable with his fellow guards. It wasn’t anything overtly significant, but it was progress, and Luna felt extremely comfortable beginning her own infiltration of his personal life. With the good work of Night Flash and Book Binder, she had a perfect foundation to help the human solve his deepest issues.

Normally, Luna would focus only on the night terrors, but Elias’ case was somewhat more complex than extremely bad dreams. It wasn’t a simple case of severe stress, or nerves, or mild paranoia. While these symptoms did occur in the human, they were just that, symptoms. There was a much larger issue at play, and Luna was bound and determined to fix it. She had consulted with leading psychologists from across Equestria, seeking opinions on Elias’ mental state. Even with the limited records they had of his history, many of the ponies had jumped upon the opportunity to study such an extreme mental case, especially that of a new species. Each and every one thought they would find some creature locked in a padded cell, but they were all left in a state of shock when she led them to a scrying room, from which they watched Elias functioning almost like a regular pony.

Due to her nigh continuous watching of the human, she had quickly picked up on the small things, and it didn’t take any of the mind doctors long to figure the human out either. His large-scale panic attacks were few and far between, but if one knew what to look for as she did, they could very clearly see a man running on fumes. He kept an excellent public face that rarely slipped, but sometimes he would reveal himself, particularly through his eyes. Luna loved watching those blue eyes, but she hated when she saw panic, or fear, or anger in them. His eyes were always moving, rarely watching one thing at a time. Only when his friends were physically close, particularly when Flash would try to sneak a hug in, would she see true relaxation in his eyes. Though he outwardly hid it, Luna could tell clearly that he greatly enjoyed the physical affections of her night guards.

While she was the expert on Elias’ behavior, she was not the expert on mental states, no matter how much she studied. Each evening when her night court hit a lull, she would visit the scrying room, joining the psychologists as they studied the motions of the human, making notes as they wrote down every little aspect of Elias’ behavior.

After nearly a month of study, they had reached a conclusion. Everything; his over-defensiveness, his unwillingness to open up, even to those he trusted, the anger in his eyes, the panic attacks, the night terrors, all were the culmination of one great failure. Whatever the event was, it had led Elias to drive away anyone who got close, not because he feared letting them in, but because he feared losing them.

The first step on his road to recovery had already been overcome. He had, albeit slowly, begun letting others inside his heart. Now he had a select friend group, and they were steadily chipping away at the walls of his heart. They weren’t completely inside yet, but they were slowly worming deeper, making Elias more and more comfortable with his life, and with those around him. As far along as they were now, Luna was sure that she could use them to comfort the human, to make Elias see that he was completely safe, and that whatever he feared would never come to pass again. It simply wouldn’t happen.

Luna hummed and smiled, feeling almost giddy. She was used to her sister’s protégé saving all of the broken, hurt ponies, herself included, but now all of her effort would allow her to pass the favor to someone else! She could finally help someone like she had been helped. The doors leading to the training grounds came into view, and Luna quickened her pace, eager to get started. All of her observations had made it clear that it was Elias’ favorite place to be when he wasn’t on duty. Luna swung open the doors, hoping to find the human still training lightly with his friends, or even better, they had dragged him to the ground and collapsed on top of him in a pile, that would be a sight.

What she decidedly did not want to find was Elias stumbling away from Royal Guard Captain Midnight Chaser, clutching at a brilliant knife that was buried to the hilt in his stomach. Even from where she was, Luna could see the blood pouring down from the man, could see the trail that led to a circle of staring ponies. Elias turned and said something to Chaser before collapsing, falling limply into the dirt. Luna felt panic flash in her mind. Was the idiotic fool really going to die right when she finished preparing to help him?

Anger overcame the panic and Luna growled. With a flash of magic, two things happened. The books she had been carrying vanished, dropping lightly into her bedroom with a soft pop. Second, the lunar princess appeared above the bleeding human, quickly summoning a storm cloud above the training grounds as her rage manifested. Lightning flashed and thunder cracked as the grey clouds grew into a roiling storm. The guard ponies flinched and cowered as she bellowed loudly.

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS FOLLY?!?” she shouted, making full use of the Royal Canterlot voice.

Most of the guards flinched back, avoiding her harsh gaze as they remained silent. One pegasus, who Luna recognized as Night Flash, charged forward, running past her with a cry as he slid in beside the fallen Elias. The pegasus pressed his hooves against one of the numerous wounds decorating the human’s body as he tried vainly to staunch the blood flow. A pair of shouts echoed across the training field, and Luna watched as two more ponies charged from where they had been watching at a distance. Book Binder and Scarlet Shield looked at Elias in horror as they joined Night Flash in trying to slow the blood spilling from his body.

“Flash, what the buck happened?” Book Binder cried. “I thought that maybe there was a hoof fight, not whatever this is!”

Flash whimpered, barely holding back tears as red flowed past his hooves.

“I-I’m sorry, I-… I- Red almost walked away… but-…”

The guardspony looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown as tears welled up in his eyes. Book Binder lightly touched the pegasus’ wing.

“We’ll talk about it later. Right now, we need to get him to the infirmary.”

She looked to Luna for permission, which the alicorn granted in an instant.

“See to it immediately. I shall follow in a moment.”

Lifting Elias in her magic, Book Binder set him on Flash’s back, and then the trio raced away, leaving a clear trail of blood in their wake. Luna coolly looked back to her still frozen guards, with her eyes falling squarely on the Royal Guard Captain that stood at their center. She hoped that he could see the barely contained anger in her eyes. He didn’t even seem to notice her however; he was still staring in open mouthed shock at the long lines of blood that stained the dirt of the training grounds. Luna snorted in disgust and disappointment. She looked to the guards around him, her mouth set in a hard frown.

“Anyone who bore witness to the inciting actions leading up to this… event, shall submit a detailed report, under a truth spell. Anyone caught attempting to lie on said reports will be evicted from the guard, and will be put on a permanent watch list. I expect these reports submitted by midnight, tonight.”

She looked with distaste, and more than a little discomfort, at the blood on the ground.

“Clean this mess up. Scrub the grounds clean with bleach if you must. It will be a suitable punishment for standing by and watching a fellow guard collapse in a pool of his own blood.”

A few of the guards flinched, and even more looked away in shame. Luna walked forward, grabbing hold of Midnight Chaser in her magic, dragging him so that they were nose to nose. The pony finally looked at her, though the horror never left his eyes.

“As for you, Captain, you will wait in the throne room, at attention, in silence, until I arrive. I have half a mind to throw you from the mountain to test your current flight capabilities,” she growled, pointedly looking down at his marred wing, “but as a princess, that would reflect poorly on me. You should more than know better than to pick fights with another guard, however antagonistic they may be. I shall be checking your report very clearly.”

Chaser nodded dumbly, and Luna dropped the pony. She noted the bloody injuries that he sported, and sighed internally. He looked like he had been on the receiving end of a mauling by a manticore. She couldn’t let two of her guards bleed to death, now could she? She picked out the first pony that made eye contact with her, a pegasus with a pink mane.

“Royal Guard Lucky Swing, see to the Captain’s injuries. Bandages only, no numbing spells, no magic healing. He can stew with his glory wounds for a bit.”

Lucky Swing nodded and saluted before laying a hoof on Chaser’s shoulders.

“C’mon Cap let’s get you cleaned up,” she said, her voice calm.

Satisfied that the situation would soon be remedied, Luna strode quickly toward the doors leading into the castle. Even if she had no idea where the infirmary was, the trail of blood was clear and easy to follow. As she rushed inside, she saw several members of the cleaning staff staring at the red line that skated across the carpets. Luna would have to apologize to them, again. With the arrival of Elias, this sort of bloody incident was happening more often, and as a result, the carpets were being cleaned much more frequently. It put strain on the castle staff who had to spend hours scrubbing and magically removing the red stains. For some reason, the human’s blood carried a nasty tendency to stain anything it touched, and the normal, magical methods of removing it proved somewhat ineffective. Short of replacing the entire carpet, Luna had pressed that the servants find an alternative way to remove it, and while they had succeeded in doing so, it was a long and arduous process that involved a great deal of lemon juice and soap.

‘Maybe we should move the infirmary closer to the training field’, Luna thought to herself as she trotted past another stunned maid.

The trail of blood seemed to diminish as she approached the infirmary, and Luna knew that it was a good sign when she heard loud yelling coming from behind the closed doors. She pushed them open with her magic, and Luna felt a small smile creep onto her face as she bore the sight.

Elias also looked like he had been mauled by a manticore, but the human seemed awake and alert. His armor lay stacked in a bloody pile in the corner. Scarlet Shield had a rag in hoof and was doing his best to wipe away the blood staining the blue steel. Elias’ chest lay bare, with heavy white bandages wrapped around his midsection. Luna could see blood peeking through the bandages, but in truth, it didn’t look that bad. That couldn’t be said for other parts of his body.

Half of Elias’ face had swollen up, sealing one eye shut. A thick white bandage covered his eyebrow, and Luna could see the bandage wrapped partially around his head. The other eye was focused on a pair of ponies who seemed to be trading off who was yelling at the man, and who was treating his wounds. The one yelling currently was Scalpel, while Book Binder just glared at the human while wrapping a bandage firmly around a cut on his leg.

“I mean really Elias, do you have an actual death wish, or did you get hit on the head recently? Because if it isn’t either of those, then I have no idea what is the matter with you! What part of getting your nose broken said to you, “Hm, you know what’s a good idea? Picking a fight with the Captain of the Royal bucking Guard!””

Elias opened his mouth to respond, but all that escaped was a grunt as Book Binder tightened the bandage aggressively. He glared at the unicorn, who glared back even more fiercely.

“Don’t give me that look, you’re more than welcome to do this yourself.”

The human lifted his right hand and gave Book Binder what Luna imagined was an obscene gesture. She had limited exposure to the fingered species since her return, so in truth, the gesture could mean anything. When the human didn’t reach down however, something she fully expected given his usual stubborn mentality, Luna quickly looked to see if he had sustained a major injury to his arms, preventing any motion. What she saw almost made her laugh.

Night Flash was doing his best impression of a stuffed animal as he snuggled tightly around Elias’ left arm. The pegasus was smiling cheerfully now, a far cry from the near breakdown she had seen only a few minutes ago. His grip seemed like a vise, and any twitch of the arm saw the pegasus clinging tighter as he prevented movement. Luna had no doubt that Elias had the strength to push the pegasus away, but she knew from the glances the man would occasionally put toward the pony that he wouldn’t do that, likely ever.

Tying the bandage off, Book Binder got to her feet, and Scalpel made his way to the bedside as he began wrapping a nasty looking cut on Elias’ neck. The wound had already been cleaned, and even from the entrance of the infirmary Luna could see that it had already received some magical healing, as it bled no longer. Still, it ran the length of his neck in a bright red line.

Book Binder growled loudly.

“And why exactly did you stop walking away? Night Flash was right beside you, and you were coming back toward Scarlet and I, but then you stopped and whipped around. Why?”

Elias growled softly. He opened his mouth to respond, but Scalpel put a hoof over his mouth.

“No talking, I need you still while I wrap this.”

Scalpel gently tilted Elias’ head to the left, which had the effect of making Elias grimace, while making Night Flash coo softly as the human’s chin ended up on his back. The pegasus nuzzled Elias’ cheek and sighed contently. The motion also brought the human’s eye to the infirmary doors, where Luna was still standing silently, watching the whole affair with amusement. Elias tried to nudge Scalpel, but the unicorn ignored him. When he opened his mouth to speak again, Scalpel covered it with a hoof once more.

“I said no talking. You can explain yourself when we’re through with you.”

Elias issued another low growl. He grabbed Scalpel’s jaw, then forced his head to turn to where Luna was standing. The unicorn let out a squeak of surprise, then Elias released him. Scalpel quickly finished wrapping Elias’ neck wound as Luna walked through the infirmary toward the human’s bed. Book Binder’s tail flicked back and forth as she looked at Luna, and though Luna saw anger there, she could tell it wasn’t directed at her. Scarlet Shield set down his rag and fell in beside the unicorn, and the two saluted sharply. Luna waved them down as she smiled at the third guard who seemed to either be willfully ignoring her presence, or dead asleep. Book Binder followed her eyes and she gently nudged Night Flash. The pegasus only curled tighter around Elias’ arm.

Book Binder smiled and looked to Luna.

“Sorry Princess, he’s been like this since Elias woke up. For some reason he blames himself for what happened, rather than the actual guilty party,” she said, shooting a glare at Elias.

He grunted.

“Don’t look at me, I told him the same thing. It’s not my fault he won’t listen.”

Night Flash nuzzled his neck.

“Shh, Red. I know it isn’t your fault. You were just doing what you thought was right.”

Elias sighed, and Luna thought for a moment that he would shove the pony away when his right arm lifted up, but she relaxed when he just began to scratch Flash’s ears. The pegasus smiled and shifted slightly, keeping Elias’ left arm thoroughly pinned. The human shook his head and watched the pegasus, a small smile touching his wounded face. Luna felt her heart warm at the sight. The Elias of a month ago wouldn’t have smiled like that. Despite this setback, she could probably still try to work with him. Especially if he was a captive audience…

Luna looked to Scalpel.

“Tell me Doctor, will he survive?”

Scalpel snorted and looked at Elias like he wanted to smack the man.

“He shouldn’t, but he will. I did a few scans of his body, and if I studied my human anatomy right, Chaser missed anything vital. He’s got a broken nose, severe lacerations, and he almost nicked an artery in his neck, but otherwise he’s stable.” He growled at Elias. “Which means I’m going to spend the next three bucking days caring for your stupid butt, because you,” he jabbed his hoof at Elias, “seem to enjoy getting hurt! We talked about this, you don’t need a stab wound to come and visit! You can just walk in!”

Elias snorted in what Luna assumed was a laugh. She noted a bit of blood pouring from his nose.

“It’s too far Doc,” he replied. “Why walk when you can get someone to carry you?”

He snorted again as his chest shuddered with laughter. That laugh quickly turned into a cough, and Elias began to choke as he clutched the wound in his stomach. Any anger on Scalpel and Binder’s faces vanished instantly, replaced with concern. Flash also poked his head up, watching Elias intently as the man rubbed at his chest to alleviate the irritation. Scalpel charged up his horn, and a cloud of yellow energy dropped onto Elias’ chest. With a few more coughs his lungs seemed to calm down, and Elias flopped back on the pillows, his eye staring at the ceiling. He cleared his throat.

“What can I do for you Princess?” Elias asked, his voice hoarse.

Luna sighed.

“I am merely here to check on your condition. I will need more time to determine fault, but rest assured, Captain Chaser shall receive punishment for his actions today. It is beneath his position and he should have kn-“

“No,” Elias cut in.

Luna blinked in surprise. Nobody interrupted her, ever. And they certainly didn’t do so while deliberately countering her intentions.

“Excuse you?” she said, her voice holding a touch of anger.

Elias winced slightly as he turned his head to look at her.

“You can’t, and you won’t. It will sour the relationship we just established, and all of this blood will have meant nothing. Do absolutely nothing, the situation has been resolved.”

Luna frowned.

“And what exactly does that mean? You nearly died Elias, and Captain Chaser is solely responsible for that. You may have injured him, but in no way did you achieve anything in your fight.”

Elias smirked.

“I disagree, I think we’ll get on just swimmingly now.”

He chuckled softly, coughing a few times. Scalpel charged his horn again, but Elias waved the pony down as he got his breathing under control. The human smiled at Luna.

“A question for you Princess, how many alphas does a pack of wolves have?”

“One,” she answered, confusion seeping into her tone. “But I do not see what that has to do with your current situation, or why I should not punish Captain Chaser.”

“I’m getting there,” Elias said. “Next question, how would you describe Captain Nightshade, or Captain Chaser? Would you say they are more aggressive than the average pony, or less?”

“More. Much more,” Luna responded.

Elias snapped his fingers.

“Exactly. But since they are the head of their “pack” that aggression is used to keep the troops in line. They sit on their little thrones overlooking their little domains where they rule. While you ultimately have the last say, would I be wrong if I said that you almost never question their authority?”

"Of course we don't question them," Luna said with a nod. "We chose them for a reason. It is rare that they are ever involved in incidents such as this. Their records are nearly spotless.”

“So, what is it about me that has gotten me in a fight with each of them?” Elias asked, tilting his head slightly.

“Besides the fact that you intentionally antagonize everypony you meet?” Scalpel grumbled. “Coupled with a reputation for anger, cruelty, and overall meanness, I have no idea at all.”

Night Flash popped his head up from Elias’ shoulder.

“Hey! Don’t say that, Red is super nice!”

Elias snorted and scratched the pony behind the ear.

“No, I’m not,” he said.

Flash looked up at him with big eyes.

“But you do all kinds of nice things,” the pegasus refuted. “You keep White Shine away; you’re helping Book Binder and I train for the big exercise! Heck, the only reason you got in that fight is because you were trying to get Scarlet a better teacher. All of that stuff is nice.”

“Those are things I do for my friends,” Elias said. “Otherwise, I’m not a nice person at all. Remember rule one?”

Night Flash frowned and he looked down in thought. He grunted in agreement after a moment of thinking. He laid his head back down on Elias’ shoulder.

“I guess you’re right, but you could be a lot worse.”

Elias shrugged, resuming his scratching of the pegasus.

“Maybe, but that isn’t the point. Everything Scalpel said is true, and those are all important factors to consider, because the big question here is, why? Why do my actions so thoroughly antagonize the guard captains to the point that we fight?”

Elias looked around the room as if he was a schoolteacher looking for somepony with their hoof raised. Luna held back a snort of amusement as she tried to imagine the human teaching foals. He was more likely to eat them than teach them. Though on second thought, she did remember how fond he was of talking about his race’s history. Perhaps she could picture it, though in all likelihood it would end with the human giving all of the children wooden swords to attack each other with. She smiled at the thought of thirty colts and fillies running around a classroom causing pandemonium while Elias watched them fight with pride. He’d probably even give them fighting tips.

“It’s because I’m a challenger to their positions,” Elias continued when nobody answered. “The alphas of each guard group are facing down an outsider who is every bit as aggressive and capable to lead as them, and they see me as a threat. A lone wolf challenging the established order. Give it enough time, I’m sure Captain Armor and I will fight each other as well.”

He rubbed his neck lightly.

“Though I hope I actually win that fight,” Elias grumbled.

“So, what you’re saying is that both Captain Chaser, and Captain Nightshade provoked fights with you because they thought you would steal their jobs?” Book Binder asked in disbelief. “That sounds a bit crazy, don’t you think? I mean, if that’s the case, why haven’t you gotten in a fight with Princess Luna or Princess Celestia?”

Elias shrugged.

“Probably because that’s a different fight entirely. While maybe not as strong as a fighter, I have the capabilities and experience to be a small-scale leader like Captain Chaser or Captain Nightshade. This was seen as a threat by them.” Elias blew air through his teeth. “If they had bothered to ask, they would have found there was nothing to worry about, because this lone wolf tried being the pack alpha once, and he will not do so again.”

He looked at the ceiling.

“As for why the princesses and I haven’t come to blows; it's probably because they have likely seen this whole song and dance before. If all of the stories I have read are true, they are centuries old, and whatever little mortals like myself do is beneath them on a grand scale. I’m no more a threat to them than a match is to an ocean.”

Elias looked to Luna.

“Which brings us full circle. This fight was that of an alpha defending his pack, whatever the situation was that provoked it. The fight was going to happen at some point, whether today, or in two years, it was bound to occur.”

He smiled widely.

“And I think I came out of it pretty well if I do say so myself.”

Book Binder sighed and face hoofed.

“If you weren’t in a hospital bed right now, I would smack you upside the head Elias.”

Elias didn’t look away from Luna.

“But that’s why you can’t punish Chaser, because if you do, you show the pack, the Royal Guards, that you support an upstart lone wolf rather than the pack leader. He was doing the right thing, even if he was completely wrong and an utter ass about it. If you punish him, the pack is going to get nasty, and you better believe that this bed is going to see a whole lot more of me.”

He spread his hand.

“But, if he goes with a little slap on the wrist, then this whole thing goes away. We shared a moment of respect; so as far as I see it, we’re done, just like Captain Nightshade and I. Give him something small, like cleaning toilets for a week, that will establish your authority as his alpha, while also letting him know that you understand why he did what he did.”

Luna took his explanation apart piece by piece in her mind, and she felt more than a little frustrated when she realized he was absolutely right. By giving Chaser a severe punishment like he deserved, say throwing him in a cell, then the Royal Guard would come after Elias for revenge. The last thing she needed was for more ponies in the hospital, or Keeper’s forbid dead ponies. She also didn’t want to wake up one evening to find a dead human in a gutter. She had put so much work into finding a solution to Elias’ mental issues, and she would see it to fruition.

She sighed and shook her head.

“Fine Elias, I shall give him only a light punishment.”

Elias nodded once and laid back, letting out a breath of air as he relaxed slightly.

“That’s all I ask Princess.”

Luna stared at the human for a moment, before saying;

“You are quite the creature Elias. You are wise far beyond your extremely young age. What is your secret?”

Elias snorted.

“Experience. That whole alpha versus lone wolf speech? It isn’t the first time I’ve been beaten to within an inch of my life by someone I should have had complete trust in.”

Elias’ mood darkened significantly.

“I’ve challenged more than one alpha in my life, and it was even worse then. Tristan made these wounds look like child’s play.”

Luna cocked her head.

“Tristan? Who is this Tristan?”

Elias flinched visibly. Luna watched as he began to shake violently. He seemed to grow pale, and his hands clenched and unclenched, over and over again. His eye closed and he shook his head slowly.


The human was interrupted by Night Flash shoving him roughly. As Elias cried out in shock, the pony pounced on his chest, nuzzling him aggressively in the face. Elias spat as he tried to pry the pegasus off of him. Undeterred by the flailing human, Flash kept up his assault of snuggles. His wings flapped out, slapping Elias repeatedly in the face as the pegasus twirled in a circle. Luna couldn’t help but giggle in confusion as Night Flash did his strange dance across the human, leaping up and down the bed as Elias tried to grab the suddenly crazy pony.

Eventually, Night Flash moved just a hair too slow, and Elias snagged his hind legs. With a yelp from Night Flash, the human flipped him over and held him firmly in both hands, Elias’ face contorted in a mixture of irritation, confusion, and a touch of concern.

“In the politest way I can possibly think of;” Elias said slowly, “what the fuck was that Flash?”

The pony grinned sheepishly, not even trying to squirm away from Elias’ grip.

“I may have gone overboard on the distraction, but it worked didn’t it? You’re fine?”

Elias blinked stupidly at the pony. His fingers loosened as he stared at the pony.

“Huh,” was all the human said.

Night Flash sat on his chest for a moment, then looked pointedly at Elias’ left arm. The human raised it dumbly. Night Flash grinned and dove under it, resuming his former position around the limb as he got comfortable against the human. Elias’ hand dropped on his head and began scratching his ears. Flash chirped happily as he settled, looking out happily at all of the stunned ponies in the room.

“Is- is it really that simple?” Scalpel asked. “A bit of minor aggravation as a distraction, and just like that, no more panic?”

Night Flash snorted.

“Of course not. It’s a useful trick, but it won’t always work, especially if you can’t see the signs like I did. I just got lucky is all, and it worked out.” He looked to Luna. “Princess, can we avoid the T-word from now on please?”

She nodded.

“Of course. It shall be driven from my mind.”

Oh, it was perfect. Night Flash exceeded her expectations, and Luna had no doubt that now Book Binder was formulating her own methods for distracting the human if her face was any indication. The two of them could likely calm Elias down from anything, and the longer they were together as friends, Luna suspected that ability would only grow stronger. Luna could see in real time how the pieces were beginning to fit together. She did her best not to squeal in excitement. She mostly succeeded, though she had a goofy looking smile on her face.

Elias was the first to notice it, and he matched it with a scowl.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, trying to put a growl in his voice.

Luna snorted softly.

“I think I am beginning to understand how you are only nineteen years old, a foal by Equestrian standards, yet have so much experience. Your life is constantly shifting, you never seem to stop going forward.”

Elias nodded in agreement, sighing loudly. Luna heard a squeak, and noticed Book Binder twitch slightly out of the corner of her eye, but she decided to ignore the motion. It was likely nothing.

“Yeah, I can never catch a fucking break,” he grumbled.

“P-Princess?” Book Binder stuttered.

Luna looked at the unicorn, and quickly noticed that the pony looked like she was on the verge of exploding. Her whole body was on end, and her tail flicked back and forth at a vigorous pace. An aura of energy seemed to glow around the pony in a vaguely familiar manner. Luna couldn’t tell if she should feel nervous around the pony, so she took a cautionary step back. Following the unicorn’s eyes, she noticed that they were fixed squarely on Elias, who was beginning to shift nervously in his bed. Luna shot a glance to Scalpel, who quickly moved away from the bed as well.

“Yes, Guardspony Book Binder?” Luna responded cautiously.

“Y-you said Elias i-is nineteen?” Book Binder’s eye twitched slightly, and her forelegs inched forward. “A-as in... years?” she squeaked.

Elias shot Luna a glance.

“Princess, please do not answer that question. I’ve seen that look, and god damn it, I have had enough hugs today from one pony, I don’t need a second one on me.”

Luna doubted that, in fact, he likely needed many more pony hugs. They had so far done wonders for the human. What could telling Book Binder his age really do? It wasn’t like she could seriously injure him, and they were already in the infirmary! Luna smiled slightly as she prepared to repeat his age. Evidently someone else had the same idea.

Night Flash snorted softly into Elias’ ribs.

“Yes Bindey, Red is indeed nineteen years old, you heard the princess right.”

Book Binder’s pupils consumed her entire eye, and she began to quiver violently. Elias looked at Night Flash with hatred in his eyes.

“You fucking traitor,” he said softly.

Night Flash grinned and settled back into the crook of Elias’ arm, his eyes watching Book Binder.

“Love you too Red.”

Then the unicorn struck. With a loud cry, she seemed to fly through the air, an amazing feat given her lack of wings. She landed on the bedspread to Elias’ right, with just enough time down to springboard off of the bed and latch onto the human’s head. It happened in the blink of an eye, and Luna couldn’t suppress a guffaw as she looked at Elias, who was trying to pry a now weeping Book Binder from the side of his head. The unicorn didn’t budge as she stroked his hair with her hoof.

“My baby boy!” she cried. “Don’t worry, momma’s here!”

Elias opened his mouth, only to find her tail flapping in his face. He spit out the hair as he growled, still trying to push her away.

“What is wrong with you people!” he tried to yell. “I’m still the same age I was five minutes ago when you dragged my bleeding ass in here!”

Book Binder’s eyes snapped open and she looked at the bloody wounds decorating every part of Elias’ body. As if she was seeing the injuries for the first time, she squealed in horror. She stroked his hair harder.

“Don’t worry baby boy, we’ll make sure Doctor Scalpel gets you all fixed up, good as new. Momma will be here the entire time.”

Elias looked out from beneath the unicorn in visible confusion.

“Have I missed something?” he said. “Where is this “momma” stuff coming from?”

He looked to Scarlet and Scalpel, who both shrugged in confusion. His eyes stopped only momentarily on Night Flash, who he realized was whispering in Book Binder’s ear, goading her on. That left one pony in the room. Elias looked to Luna.

“Princess, what is going on? Have I done something? Friends is one thing, but what just happened? What is currently happen- Book Binder god damn it stop petting me!”

The unicorn tutted and taped him lightly on the back of the head.

“Now now, don’t use that language young man. Just let momma spoil you for a few minutes.”

And then she immediately resumed her snuggling of his head. Elias looked at Luna again in desperation. The alicorn giggled as she watched Book Binder play with Elias’ hair.

“I believe I know the cause of this sudden, motherly affection,” she said calmly.

Book Binder shifted, perching herself on Elias’ shoulders as she tsked and conjured a magical brush. Untying the string that kept Elias’ hair tied together, the unicorn fluffed it out and began combing it with the conjured brush. Elias had the look of someone who was being physically tortured. His face was a beet red, though whether that was from genuine anger or just embarrassment, Luna did not know. Elias gestured silently for her to continue, so she did so, a smile decorating her face as Book Binder fretted over the human’s hair.

“In the time before my banishment, wars were extremely uncommon, but small-scale skirmishes and raids were not. Many towns were sacked with their adult population taken or killed.” Luna shuddered in memory of burning buildings and razed towns. “Suffice to say that widespread peace was tentative at best. Regardless, many a foal was left orphaned in these outlying communities, and despite my sister and I’s best efforts, we simply could not find homes quickly enough. Certain communities were attacked more than others, and it was a struggle to keep the towns themselves safe, let alone locate adequate homes for all of the abandoned foals.”

Book Binder frowned.

“Elias, you really need to take better care of your mane. It’s all knotted and tangled. Are you brushing it regularly?”

“No,” Elias growled. “I wash it and tie it back. It’s all the hair care I need.” He looked to Luna. “Please continue Princess. I am eager how this story relates to whatever this is,” he said, pointing at Book Binder as she yanked at a stubborn knot of hair.

Luna enjoyed watching the mare fret over the human, and she had half a mind to remain silent just to watch it. She wondered briefly if she should get a camera. The expression on Elias’ face told her that it would likely be a bad idea at the time. She cleared her throat and continued.

“By comparison, certain interior communities were stricken with a different ailment. Whether through disease or,” she growled slightly at the memories of a certain chaotic entity, “magical means, many mares were left barren, unable to produce the children they so desperately wanted. It took us a few years, but eventually we realized that these two problems had one very simple solution.”

Elias leaned forward as he tried to look back at Book Binder in disgust.

“Did you just lick me?”

Book Binder seized his head in her hooves and dragged him back.

“Hush, it got the tangle undone, didn’t it?”

Scalpel snorted with laughter, and Elias’ eyes immediately found the pony. He pointed a finger at the unicorn.

“You’re lucky I don’t have anything to throw.”

He quickly found a bundle of bandages floating in front of his hand. Elias glanced back at Book Binder, who smiled back.

“I can’t let my baby boy get mocked by the other ponies, now can I?”

Elias grumbled softly in thanks, then looked dangerously at Scalpel. The unicorn doctor snorted.

“Oh please, it’s a roll of gauze, do you really think you can make that hu…-?”

He yelped as the roll of bandages drilled him in the nose. Luna was surprised when she saw his nose begin bleed slightly. Scalpel pressed his hoof to his bloody nose and looked with wide eyes at the human who was staring smugly back.

“What the buck Elias?” he shouted. “That really hurt!”

Elias snorted.

“Serves you right. Besides, you act like I didn’t also give you the tool to solve the problem.”

Scalpel growled and the roll of bandages raised in his magic, ready to throw back at the human, when Book Binder hopped on top off of Elias’ head, growling loudly at the doctor.

“Don’t you dare Scalpel,” she said, her horn charging with crackling green energy.

Scalpel paled and nodded dumbly. He unrolled a length of bandage and pressed it against his nose, levitating the rest of the bundle elsewhere. Only once his horn stopped glowing did Book Binder return to her chipper, mothering self as she began to brush Elias’ hair anew. Elias looked with his one eye at Luna.

“So, this solution of yours, what was it?”

“My sister and I crafted a simple, but powerful runic spell,” Luna said. “We laid it across Equestria with one purpose, draw loving parents to abandoned foals. A sort of adoption at first sight.”

She gestured to Book Binder.

“Upon first contact, the mother would smother the foal with love and affection, solidifying their place as a parent in the foal’s heart.” She smiled wistfully. “Twas a wonderful thing to witness in my day. I only wish that I could have witnessed what 'Tia was like when she adopted our fair niece. It must have been the most ridiculous sight.”

Luna paused wistfully, then sighed.

“I am getting off track.” She looked to Elias. “Due to the relative peace of the last thousand years, the rune has remained largely unused, as there are few foals who are orphaned that are not immediately scooped up by dotting parents, primarily due to the improvements made to our adoption systems. Since you physically appear to be a grown adult Elias, this reaction is likely a delayed one. Book Binder must have tapped into the old runic magic in some form. Night Flash, you two have recently begun a romantic relationship, correct?”

Night Flash nodded happily.

“Yep! We’ve already begun talking about how we want everything to work out. Proposals, engagement, marriage,” the pegasus flushed red. “Having kids of our own.”

Luna smiled widely.

“Indeed. You have my congratulations.” She looked back to Elias, who frowned deeply.

“But I’m not a child,” the man said. “Even if we just go by age, I am a grown adult by human standards.”

“Not by Equestrian standards, however,” Luna replied. “For ponies, full maturity is only reached at the age of twenty-five. Most ponies do not leave home permanently until they are just short of thirty years. I believe the magic is based purely on years lived, and so Book Binder has identified you as an orphaned foal that is need of love and care.”

Elias twitched slightly.

“So, is all of this purely the result of some random magic? That seems…” his frown deepened. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”

Luna could see the conflict in his eyes. She imagined it was likely the same internal fight he had when deciding to make friends again. This, however, was a much more serious situation. Luna took a few more steps forward and laid a hoof on his leg, seeking to comfort him.

“Elias, these feelings, while provoked through magical means, were within Book Binder the entire time. Everything she feels for you is absolutely genuine, they are just being temporarily amplified by the spell. These feelings will still exist after the rune wears off.”

Elias flinched slightly. Luna wondered briefly if her words had made things worse. Book Binder, however, didn’t seem to notice his rapidly depressing mood, as she hummed happily as she ran the comb through Elias’ hair.

“You know, we should really get your mane cut Elias. Yours is all long and unstylish. How are you going to ever find a respectable mare to bring home to us?”

Elias snorted, trying to force himself back to a calmer state of mind.

“Pretending I didn’t hear the second part; my hair is fine. I keep it clean, and that’s what matters.”

Book Binder huffed.

“Cleaning it is only part of the job, you have to make it look good! I’m thinking braids, one big one down the back. Oh! Maybe a few beads as well! That will have the mares positively swooning over you.”

“You are not putting beads in my hair. It’s fine as it is,” Elias growled, and Luna believed the mild banter had successfully pulled him away from whatever dark place his mind was drifting toward.

“Hush you,” Book Binder scoffed. “No son of mine is going to run around looking like some sort of degenerate.”

Luna watched Elias’ face shift through a range of emotions as his mouth flapped wordlessly. His body grew tense, and his face paled slightly. Book Binder must have felt him stiffen, because she stopped combing his hair.

“Elias? Baby, are you alright?” she asked, her voice tinged with fear.

Night Flash sat up, studying Elias’ face.

“Red? Is this another…?”

Elias shook his head.

“No…” he said softly. “I… I think this is something else.”

Book Binder climbed off his shoulders and onto his chest. She tried to make eye contact, but Elias’ eyes seemed to stare into nothing. She whimpered softly.

“Elias? Please speak to me. I’m sorry if I got carried away. I…”

Elias blinked once. His mouth drifted open slowly before her spoke, his eyes still looking elsewhere.

“I-… I think I need to…”

Book Binder crawled off of him as he rolled onto his side, staring blankly at the wall. Tears streamed down Book Binders face as Night Flash rose, rubbing her back softly.

“I’m sorry Elias, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just…” she sobbed lightly.

Luna’s heart went out to the mare. She had seen something like this happen before as well. A foal who simply had no interest in being adopted, a small mistake by the rune that left a broken-hearted parent with nobody to shower with love. She frowned at Elias’ back, her anger flashing briefly at the human. How dare he reject such powerful love.

Book Binder sniffed, rubbing at her eyes.

“I-I’ll go. I know you don’t want to see me right now, and I can understand if y- eep!”

She squirmed slightly as Elias’ arm reached over and scooped her up, carrying the pony to his front. Luna shifted slightly so she could see, and she smiled widely as she saw that Book Binder was being hugged tightly against the human’s chest, his large arms keeping her from moving anywhere. His eyes were only half open, as if he was struggling to stay awake.

“Nobody said you could go anywhere,” Elias growled softly, his eyes drifting closed.

Book Binder watched as he seemed to nod off, and she smiled, nuzzling into his chest. She seemed to relish the warmth the human’s body gave off. Book Binder motioned for Night Flash to join her. The pegasus climbed atop Elias’ side and settled there before letting his wings hang down, covering them like a blanket. Luna watched as the pair of ponies sighed happily before their eyes closed as well. They began to snore lightly, a sign that they were completely asleep.

Luna was amazed. She had no idea what to think of the encounter. She prayed desperately that it would stick, that Elias would accept the family that had just unofficially adopted him. Friends were extremely important, but she had never even considered how missing a family might affect the human. Luna needed to rethink her approach, needed to consult with the doctors that were watching even now. As the three settled completely and the snores began to grow in intensity, she motioned for Scalpel and Scarlet to follow her out of the infirmary.

“Come,” she said softly, “let us leave them to rest in peace. Doctor, please try to keep as many ponies away from here as possible. Even if Elias accepts this relationship, he will be embarrassed if too many ponies know of it. He might try to push them away, and that is the absolute last thing we want.”

Scalpel nodded as he cast a glance back at the sleeping ponies and human.

“Of course, Princess, my lips are sealed.”

Luna nodded and smiled. They closed the doors quietly.

“Good. Scarlet Shield, please report to Captain Nightshade and alert her that Night Flash and Book Binder on an important mission for me and will miss their regular guard shift. If she wants more information than that, she can come to me.”

The pegasus saluted.

“Yes Princess,” he said.

Luna waited for him to race off, but Scarlet stood in place, looking as if he wanted to say something. Luna tilted her head slightly.

“Is there something else Guardspony?”

The red pegasus sighed and looked down, his expression turning dejected.

“I just wanted to tell you that all of this is my fault. Elias went over to the Royal Guards because he was trying to find my old combat trainer. If it wasn’t for me, none of this would have happened.”

Luna smiled.

“You are correct, and it is for that reason I must thank you.”

The pegasus looked at her in confusion.

“B-but Elias got hurt! Shouldn’t I be punished or something?”

Luna snorted.

“Elias was right about one thing, he was going to get in a fight with Captain Chaser, and in all likelihood, he will continue to pick fights and get injured. While his metaphor was a bit… odd, it rings true. Elias is a little troublemaker, and so trouble will continue to find him, and he will continue to get hurt.”

She looked to the closed doors.

“But it seems that through his physical suffering, he is beginning to find the basis for emotional peace. If all goes well, Elias now has a loving pair of parents that will help him to stay out of trouble. This is a direct result of the situation he finds himself in, and so, you have my thanks Scarlet Shield. Perhaps Elias needs to be hurt to find his peace.”

Luna cleared her throat, straightening to her full stature.

“Regardless, you shall not be punished. Carry out your orders to Captain Nightshade.” She growled softly. “I have one more pony to see today. Scalpel, post a sign on the door, I need you with me in the throne room.”


Luna walked briskly toward the throne room, anger on her mind. While she realized the wisdom of Elias’ words, she also knew that his definition of “light” punishment and her own were very different. A message needed to be sent, alpha or not. Midnight Chaser needed a sufficient punishment.

As she approached the small side door that led behind her throne, Luna felt her ears twitch as she realized she heard yelling. She quickened her pace as she opened the door before her, revealing the throne room. Of particular note were three ponies. First, her sister was sitting on her throne, staring down with an expression of shock and confusion at the other two. Luna quickly noted the source of the yelling, a white maned pegasus named Ice Blossom. The pegasus was standing in front of Captain Chaser, yelling, and occasionally smacking the guard captain as he simply took the abuse, a look of silent acceptance on his face. Even with the bandages decorating his body, Chaser looked like he had been through the ringer. His eyes seemed glazed, and even standing at attention as she had ordered, his shoulders were slumped. He would flinch occasionally at the verbal abuse his sister was throwing at him, but otherwise, he was still. He didn’t even seem to notice the second princess now in the room.

Luna listened to Ice Blossom as she climbed the steps to her throne, sitting next her sister silently.

“And another thing! Are you bucking serious? You couldn’t just let things end, oh no. I was right there Chase! Why the buck did you call the human a coward when his friend convinced him to walk away? Are you dense? Are you actually bucking stupid? The situation was done, but no, not for you! You just had to insult the human, right there, in front of everypony!”

She slapped him, the sound echoing through the throne room.

“Of all the stupid things Chase! He was asking for a bucking trainer! He wasn’t trying to overthrow Equestria! He wasn’t trying to rut your marefriend! He was asking for help, and that’s another thing, the human asked Chase. Why the buck didn’t you just let me go help him?” She slapped him again. “You know what? I don’t care, because you didn’t let ,me, like some kind of idiot!”

“So that’s what caused it,” Celestia said softly.

Luna glanced at her sister. Celestia looked to her with visible confusion.

“What has happened this afternoon Luna? One moment I am concluding my day court, and the next Captain Chaser is being led in by Ice Blossom, covered in battle wounds. Shouldn’t he be in the infirmary?”

Luna gestured for Doctor Scalpel to go begin working on Chaser. The unicorn nodded silently, and he levitated a small array of tools behind him as he began to silently prod at Chaser’s bandages. Ice Blossom either didn’t notice, or didn’t care as she continued laying into her brother.

“And let’s not talk about how you almost lost the bucking fight. Really Chase? One little human was too much for our fearless Captain? You should have been able to take him down in two hits! And quietly! But no, Mister Bigshot here wants to try and make a fool out of the human, so what does he do? Duels him with wingblades! In the process, you seem to have forgotten that wingblades CUT THINGS!”

She slapped him a third time.

“And then you didn’t even win with them Chase! You had to use the human’s own knife to put him down. Should I be submitting a resignation Chase? Did I go to the wrong stallion for help with my Royal Guard exams? Because if I did, I need to know, so that I can tell Princess Celestia why she shouldn’t throw our entire family onto the moon for being bucking deranged!”

Luna snorted softly, nudging Celestia with her wing.

“How about it 'Tia? Do you want to throw some of our subjects onto the moon?”

Celestia sighed, shaking her head.

“I have no idea where they keep coming with the idea that the moon is my solution for everything. It was one time Luna, one time!”

Luna snorted again as Celestia seemed to realize who she was talking to. Her sister grinned sheepishly.

“Sorry Lulu, I know it must still be a bit of a sensitive subject.”

Luna waved her hoof dismissively.

“Nonsense sister, it has been several years since my return. I have atoned, I am princess once more, and I have you back. It is all in the past and shall remain there.”

She looked down at the ponies before her.

“This, however, is in the present, and must be dealt with. Fear not sister, I shall handle it swiftly.”

Luna cleared her throat loudly, and for a second, Ice Blossom whirled on her in anger, her mouth open as if she would snap on the princess for interrupting her tirade. When she saw who she was about to mouth off at, she froze in shock, then straightened into a quick salute.

“My apologies Princess, I was just trying to educate my brother on why the decisions he made today were incorrect.”

Luna kept an even expression on her face.

“Quite. Regardless, I need you elsewhere.”

Ice Blossom bowed her head.

“I apologize in full Princess. I knew my brother had a mean prideful streak, and loved his reputation as the best fighter in the guard, but I did nothing to stop him, nor did I make any reports about his...” her eyes flicked backward "character flaws. I am ready for whatever punishment you think I deserve. It's going to be the easiest thing about today."

Her last words were a barely audible mutter, and Luna noticed the pegasus shoot a small glance at Chaser. She let the motion slide without comment.

“That is unnecessary Guardspony," Luna said. "Report to Captain Nightshade on my order. This whole debacle was started over one of my guards not having adequate combat training, and the situation must be remedied immediately. Have Captain Nightshade schedule training hours for yourself and Guardspony Scarlet Shield. Know that I will be personally checking on his progress daily.”

Ice Blossom nodded and saluted once more. She turned around, glaring at Chaser one more time before she trotted from the throne room. Luna waited calmly for the doors to shut before she looked at the pegasus before her.

“Stand before the judgement of your princesses Captain. We have much to talk about.”

Chaser flinched slightly, but did as she commanded. He limped forward, standing attention before the throne.

“I submit myself fully to whatever judgement you pass upon me Princess,” he said confidently. “I know I have committed a horrible act, and I know that the fault for this incident lies squarely on my shoulders.”

Luna rose from her throne, walking slowly down the steps so that she could stare directly into his eyes, towering over the pony.

“I am completely aware of who is at fault Captain, remain silent,” she growled. “It is that waggling tongue of yours that has brought this incident to a head, and I will not have it continue.”

Chaser nodded silently. Luna took a deep breath, and she began to pace slowly around the pegasus.

“Captain, answer each question honestly and as concisely as possible. Am I clear?”

Chaser nodded.

“Yes Princess.”

Luna inspected the wound on his wing as Scalpel peeled back the hastily applied bandages. Elias had managed to clip the joint, and Chaser was lucky that the human had not swung harder. If he had, the limb might have fully been detached.

“Did you, or did you not attack Guardsman Bright first?”

Chaser drooped slightly.

“I did Princess. I thought if I could knock him down, he would leave well enough alone.”

“If that is the case, then why did you provoke him again when Guardspony Night Flash had talked the human into walking away?”

“I…” his ears pinned to the side of his head. “I don’t know Princess. I just felt... angry when I saw the human. Like… Like he had done something wrong, even though he didn’t.” Chaser frowned, then shook his head. “That isn’t it either, I just… I can’t explain it.”

Luna nodded as she prodded at a nasty looking cut on his foreleg.

“Would it be sufficient to say that you felt threatened by Guardsman Bright? That he somehow challenged you, by reputation or otherwise?”

Chaser remained silent in thought for a moment before he nodded slowly.

“I suppose so Princess.”

Luna sighed deeply.

“Damn that man,” she grumbled. “What a silly, yet accurate metaphor, and from one so young no less.”

Scalpel snorted and Luna spotted a small smirk on his face.

“It’s probably because he’s an adult by experience in the body of a teenager. He's wise beyond his years, even if Elias is an adult by human standards, it’s apparent on all of my scans that he is still growing. Maybe the humans just made their age laws strange.” Scalpel snorted again. “Which makes me wonder just how he spent such a short time learning so much about the way of the world.”

Chaser looked at the unicorn in confusion.

“H-how old is he?” he asked.

Luna walked directly in front of Chaser, and the stallion snapped his gaze forward, falling back into attention. Luna stared at the stallion for a moment before she smiled.

“Nineteen years old Captain. You decided to brawl with a nineteen-year-old today, and though you came out on top,” she looked pointedly at his injuries, “I believe that the young human did more than well enough for himself.”

Chaser looked at her in open-mouthed horror. After a minute of silence, his jaw clamped closed.

“Princess, I would request your permission to resign my command, I am not worthy of the position of Captain and I-..”

“Denied Captain,” Luna cut in. “It is the first part of your punishment. You will continue to serve as Royal Guard Captain with the knowledge that you instigated a fight with one who could still be legally considered a foal. If it makes you feel better, by his human standards, Guardsman Bright is an adult.” She snorted. “Though I think we both know that his standards do not matter here in any sort of manner, legal or otherwise.”

Chaser sighed and nodded. Luna appreciated how guilty and horrified he still looked. It was a good sign; it meant he would likely put forth genuine effort to change his behavior.

“If I may Princess,” Chaser said, his voice low and submissive, “what is the rest of my punishment?”

Luna frowned and resumed her pacing.

“To be truthful with you Captain, I do not know. While I have a fair list of punishments that I think would match the crime, Guardsman Bright has personally requested that you remain largely unpunished. Some silly notion about the guard services as wolf packs or some such.”

Scalpel snorted again, but remained silent when Luna shot him a glare. The unicorn just shook his head with a smile as he rewrapped Chaser’s injuries, applying minor healing spells as he went. Luna made a full cycle around Chaser as she continued.

“To sum his metaphor, Guardsman Bright believes that he is, and will continue to be, an instigative threat against all of our guard captains. Since he has fought, and lost, to two already, he believes that any hostilities have been resolved now that you have “claimed” your right to lead. The notion is utterly ridiculous, and I am curious if it is not a result of his injuries…” she paused and looked Chaser up and down, “but I will respect his theory. We shall see in the coming weeks if it is correct.”

“As such,” she continued, “I need to devise a punishment suitable to shame you for your actions, while also ensuring that the Royal Guard does not pursue Guardsman Bright with some sort of foolhardy vendetta. I have made great personal effort into making that human healthy, and I will not see it thrown away because of some silly notion of pack mentality.”

Luna paused once more in front of Captain Chaser. The pony wisely kept his mouth shut as she stared at him. Her thoughts were blank on the perfect punishment, something that was an oddity for her. She had designed the Canterlot torture chambers after all, this should be a breeze. As she combed through her ideas, a scroll popped into the air at her side.

Luna caught it with her magic, and she unrolled it, scanning the words quickly. It was the first of what she imagined would be many witness reports. Ah, from Guardspony Night Flash, excellent. Despite his intimate friendship with Elias, he was not the fibbing type, and was likely one of the more credible sources. As she read through the report thoroughly, a devious smile spread across Luna’s face. Oh, she had a punishment all right.

Rolling the scroll closed, Luna resumed her normal, blank demeanor. Though he did well to hide it, Luna could see a bit of nervousness in Captain Chaser’s eyes. Luna smiled lightly, which made the pony even more nervous.

“I have just been inspired Captain,” she proclaimed. She waved the scroll in her magic. “This is Guardspony Night Flash's report, and I must say once more, the inciting incident is something that shouldn’t have caused such issue. I think that perhaps Guardsman Bright got it wrong. Perhaps you weren’t angry because the human was a threat, but rather because you were jealous that he asked for a different Royal Guardspony to help train Scarlet Shield.”

Chaser opened his mouth to protest, but a nasty glare from Luna warned him to remain silent. His jaw snapped shut, and she continued.

“As such, I think your punishment will be simple,” she said with a smile. "Your sister shows a very good measure of control, something I think that you lack Captain. As such, you will report to Captain Nightshade and will request that you be allowed to join Ice Blossom's training sessions. She will teach you about managing your pride while she teaches Scarlet Shield combat techniques. For the benefit of all of course.”

Luna could tell that the pegasus wanted to protest, but after a moment of silent thinking, he sighed and nodded.

“Of course, Princess. I shall be sure to attend each and every one of Ice Blossom's training sessions.”

Luna nodded.

“Good. As soon as Scalpel is finished you are free to go.”

Chaser nodded and saluted stiffly, grunting in pain as a wound on his foreleg bent. Scalpel backed away.

“I’m as finished as I’m going to be until tomorrow. Come to the infirmary first thing and I’ll get you sorted out.”

Chaser nodded and bowed to Luna and Celestia before leaving. His head wasn’t quite held high, but neither was he looking quite as ashamed as he was when she walked in. Luna shook her head. She had no idea how, but Elias was proving to be absolutely right. She needed to get close to the human soon, Luna decided. She smiled slightly as she thought about Elias, likely still curled around a pony in the infirmary. He would rest first, then she would strike.

Author's Note:

EDIT 2022: Here is the fifteenth part 1 & fifteenth part 2 chapter in the official Centurion Project reading

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