• Published 21st Aug 2018
  • 8,367 Views, 98 Comments

Like a Phoenix - Pyro Kittens In Suits

A series of hopeful short stories based on the Anon - a - Miss storyline

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Of Muffins and Cupcakes

“How did you know to find me here?”

Sunset held a bewildered expression as she stared at the duo in front of her. The winter cold battering at them from their positions in front of Canterlot High, as Candy Drake and Dawn Blossom wore pleasant smiles, a hopeful gleam in their eyes they looked expectantly at the fiery haired girl.

“Would you believe a lucky guess?” Candy said, grinning awkwardly.

The lack of a response was answer enough.

“Alright, we have no idea where you were so we just hoped to get lucky by coming here.” Candy said with a pout. “Though I don’t think either of us have seen you anywhere else.”

“Regardless,” Dawn interjected. “We hoped you would come with us to eat, our treat!”

Just two weeks ago, Sunset would have jumped at the chance to be able to share time with her friends. Yet now she felt unsure of letting herself leave the safety of the school’s library, even if she had left in the first place for purpose of finding lunch. Though her options were already limited as is, from what funds she had been able to carry over from Equestria had finally started to diminish leaving her only hopes of further support with the few job interviews she had conducted. Even then, she couldn’t shake the turmoil that ensnared her from that last bitter sting she still felt from the previous fallout she had with her former friends. The last thing she wanted was to walk down that path all over again, it was best to keep any new companions at arms length.

“Still,” She thought to herself as her stomach began to grumble. “Maybe one free lunch couldn’t hurt.”

“Ok,” She finally relented. “Just a quick stop though, right?”

“Sure,” Candy said. “C’mon, Dawn has this place she’s been wanting to go to and I promised to finally take her.” Sweeping her arm in a gesture to come along, Sunset tagged along just behind the other two.

The three of them started down the sidewalk, Sunset making occasional idle chatter as her newest partners discussed various topics. Being so caught up in either her own mind, or in responding to any questions her companions tried in order to gather her into the conversation, she hadn’t noticed the familiar route until the tell tale sign of an aroma of baked goods, along with the distinct pink colors adorning the outside. She froze midway towards the doorway, her head just barely peeking around the side window as her stomach dropped to see five disgruntled girls talking to each other inside at one of the tables.

“You okay, Sunset?” Candy inquired, noticing the sudden odd behavior.

“I - I’m just not that hungry,” She lied, her mind swirling on the prospect of having to face her former friends. “Maybe you two should just go in without me, I can pick something up on the way back home.”

“Really?” Candy asked skeptically. “You were completely fine with us until two seconds ago, what’s eating at ya?”

The usually confident girl bit her tongue as she noticed Dawn glancing into the windows of the bakery, her face lightly contorting as Sunset was sure she realized the issue.

“Um, perhaps it has something to do with the five girls sitting inside?” The pink haired student tensed up as she talked, afterwards whispering to her friend. “The ones that Sunset had that whole falling out with.”

“Ooooh,” Candy said in realization. “Well sucks for them then, come on you two.” She concluded before walking towards the doors again.

“Candy, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” Said Dawn as she looked back at the shaken girl with concern. “Maybe we can just find somewhere else to go, I probably should have realized this was a bad place to go anyhow.” She chastised herself.

The Crystal Prep student let out a huff, before turning back to the others, staring straight at Sunset.

“If you don’t want to push yourself to deal with them yet, I can understand that. We can go to Dawn’s and I’s regular place a block from here.” Candy quickly continuing before Sunset could express her relief. “But if you’re letting fear make this decision for you, don’t. Trust me and the pink tower here to keep you safe from them. You have to learn to live with them, and besides, I’ve dealt with far worse before.” She finished with a devilish smile and a wink, one Sunset wasn’t sure of the intention was.

Taking a moment to think as she snuck another peek at the five Canterlot High students as they seemed to angrily grumble to each other, Sunset felt a sense of alarm rise up in her as she unwillingly recalled that moment Applejack had cast her aside with the rest of the group. But beneath that feeling she realized she had felt something else. Something she had buried under all the guilt she accumulated as she stared at her former so called family.


“Let’s eat here.”

“Are you sure?” Dawn’s eyes furrowed in worry, but Sunset steeled her stomach in turn putting on a determined face.

“You heard her.” Candy commented before turning back to Sunset. “Stick close to us, and let us do the talking if you’re not feeling up for it.”

As the two positioned themselves one each side of Sunset, they kept her close as the three began to enter the warm atmosphere of the cafe. The low voices of the few patrons increased in volume as they opened the door, a sudden envelopment of baking bread and sugary treats now stronger than ever hitting them as they set foot into the building. Candy leading the others as Dawn rounded up the end, sticking close to Sunset’s back the entire time.

Refusing to drag her eyes away from the checkered flooring, the fiery haired girl had hoped the others would simply ignore her presence as she entered. Or better yet not notice her at all even as she tried to prevent herself from comically hiding behind the shorter figure of Candy.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash’s voice screeched over the now shattered peace, Sunset was already sure it was directed at her. “Who said that you were welcome here!?”

Sunset took a deep breath, trying to think of what to respond, of what to say to prove her innocence, of how to get them to believe her. Even if she already knew they had long given up on hearing her out, she had to say something to get them to at least stop calling her out with cruel comments.

“Ah, quit your moaning, ya harpy.” Candy’s voice cut through her thoughts, as she looked up to see the girl’s snarling face, resembling a tense guard dog staring at the athlete. “You aren’t the owners of this building and there’s nothing saying none of us can be here. So stop your complaining already.”

In response Rainbow looked over expectantly at Mrs. Cake, surely wanting her to throw out the three. The baker at first looking uneasy between the two groups before giving Rainbow a stern, disapproving look.

“I know you’ve all been having issues with each other lately, but Sunset has not done anything to prove herself unwelcome here yet. And having no evidence of this Anon - a - Miss situation being linked to her, she has a right to be here just as much as the rest of you.” The older woman finished putting her hands on her hips, locking down on the five girl’s irritable looks.

Rainbow sputtered for a moment trying to think of something else to say, before finally sliding back down in her seat with nothing more than a “Humph.” Mrs.Cake turning to address her newest customers with a sugar sweet smile.

“What can I get you girls today?”

Sunset’s mind temporarily went blank as she tried to reassess the situation, her thoughts suddenly being interrupted as she was snapped back by Dawn’s arm linking with her’s along with a gentle smile.

“Do you recommend anything?” She asked Sunset. Candy talking away with Mrs. Cake, asking various questions on the pastries littered below the countertop.

“I’m actually not usually one for sweets.” Sunset said, shifting her mind to the display case. “But I always liked to go with a chocolate muffin and the smoothie of the day.”

“I might actually go for a cupcake or two,” Dawn replied, her eyes stuck on the multicolored confections. “I’m a bit of a sugar fiend.”

Giggling lightly, Sunset smiled at the memory of Dawn’s excitement at the prospect of a danish. Doing her best to ignore the sound of a suppressed groan coming from behind her, she instead chose to pay her attention on Candy’s cheerful expression as she turned to her.

“Everyone decided yet?” She said.

“Oooh, could I have a chocolate muffin and the smoothie of the day, please?” Dawn spoke first, before glancing at her companion beside her.

“I’ll have the same as her.” Sunset answered next.

“I could go for a decaf caramel frappe and one of your best cupcakes myself.” Candy finished up the order.

After having Candy pay for the three, and quickly doing so before Sunset could add any protest, the girls decided to situate themselves on the opposite side of the cafe to the other patrons. Both Candy and Dawn quickly taking the seats facing towards the other five customers, Sunset not bothering to argue about the arrangement as she sat down.

“Do you think Wallflower would like this place?” Dawn said, looking around at the establishment and then at Sunset as she sipped on her smoothie.

“I actually hadn’t thought about it,” Sunset mused. “But I think she would if we came along with her.” She smiled lightly, brushing away a stray strand of hair from her face. Though the quiet girl had seemed to thrive best in her garden, Sunset could already see the nervous yet eager expression on her face at being invited somewhere beyond the school grounds.

“You mean that girl whose in charge of that gardening club you were consider joining?” Candy asked.

“The one and the same.” Dawn happily responded.

“So sewing and gardening then, add cooking and your already shaping up to be a stereotypical housewife.”

“Pff, I doubt that’s going to happen anytime soon.”

“I think we can both agree on that,” Candy pretended to not notice the amused glare Dawn was sending her, and instead looked over at Sunset peacefully picking at her muffin. “So any interests in clubs this year, Shim Sham?”

“I’m not sure yet,” Sunset said, taking a moment to give Candy a confused stare at the sudden nickname. “I had thought of joining yearbook, Wallflower was talking to us about it. But I’m not sure who else is going to be in it…” She hadn’t needed to look behind her to know Pinkie Pie was surely upset at the idea of their suspected Anon - a - Miss target gathering with her in the same club room. Undoubtedly, or at least in Sunset’s mind, presuming her interest in Yearbook was just to be used for her own benefit.

“If it’s not too much work, maybe we both join together along with Wallflower?” Dawn’s sympathetic gaze looked at Sunset’s uneasy expression. “I can already sew kind of well, so I don’t mind forgoing the sewing club this time.”

“Well now that you’ve made me this wonderfully cute scarf,” Candy said, twirling one of the large, soft, pink pom poms attached to the garment around her neck. “I I’d have to agree that you’ve peaked on your sewing talent.”

The other two girls giggled at the comment, Sunset finally able to divert her mind from the uneasy silence growing from the rest of the cafe. The rest of the time they spent diverted from eating the rest of their pastries to talking about various topics, a few other number of people coming and going from the cafe. Including both Vinyl Scratch and Ditzy Doo, whom Sunset happily waved to as they came and left.

It was only after their pastries were nothing left but crumbs that the three realized how late in the day it had gotten. The all too familiar ring of a phone rang out as Candy pulled her device from her pocket, pouting slightly as she studied the screen.

“My sisters are telling me to come home.” She sighed. “Probably need me for something.”

“I should probably start heading back soon, too.” Said Dawn, looking faintly downcast. “Do you want us to walk you home, Sunset?”

“Huh?” The fiery haired girl perked up at the suggestion. “Oh, no thanks, I can walk back by myself just fine.”

“You sure, we really don’t mind.” Dawn pushed again.

“Yeah, I’m alright.” Sunset continued. “I’d rather not slow you two down.”

“We’ll ask again next time,” Candy said to the two as she moved to stand. “But for now let’s get going.”

Cleaning up after themselves and exiting the building with the chime of a bell, Sunset gave her goodbyes to her companions before going off on her own. She dared not look back at the cafe’s windows as she walked, unable to think of how she would react if five pairs of eyes would stare angrily back. Yet despite the unsettling idea she couldn't deny the pleasant feeling of being able to have enjoyed a enjoyable lunch, perhaps one of the better ones she’s had in some time.

As Sunset slowly went out of view from the shop, five girls went silent as they fidgeted in their seats, eventually having a timid voice speak up at the silence.

“She didn’t seem like her old self.” Fluttershy said, her friends staring at each other in thought before another spoke out.

“If she’s been able to act all friendly with us before, I can’t see why she wouldn’t be able to do so now.” Applejack said, her face cross.

“Who were those girls she was with, though?” Rarity commented. “I can’t ever remember seeing them around school.”

“Dawn Blossom and her friend from Crystal Prep, Candy Drake.” Pinkie piped up. “I’ve seen them walking home together before.”

“But why are they all buddy buddy with that secret stealer?” Rainbow prompted to the group.

They fell silent as their minds twisted in thought. The only sound being the ambience of the cafe’s few patrons. They remained lost in their heads for some time, before a question raised from the quietest member of the party said what they were all now wondering.

“Do you think she actually might not be Anon - a - Miss?”