• Published 21st Aug 2018
  • 8,376 Views, 98 Comments

Like a Phoenix - Pyro Kittens In Suits

A series of hopeful short stories based on the Anon - a - Miss storyline

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A Chilly Start

Bitter cold swept through Sunset Shimmer’s frame as she cursed her thin clothes for failing to protect her from the winter temperatures. She let out a sigh as her breath turned to frost, tightening the grasp around the arms of her leather jacket as she waited outside the building of Canterlot High.

“Won’t be much longer and I can go inside,” She reassured herself, tugging her jacket tighter again. “Just have to wait for security to clear out.”

Another biting chill snapped at Sunset as she uncontrollably shivered once again, the cold stones against her back beginning to seep through her jacket as she did her best to tough out the feeling. Ever since this whole mess with the new Anon - A - Miss ever began the principals seemed almost lost as what to do with the situation, it was apparent they were at a loss on how to calm the student body when they’re first solution was to temporarily ramp up security for after school hours. Mostly likely to further prevent any graffiti that littered lockers and the occasional brawl that popped up during and after school. But she had little choice but to remain in the school building instead of returning to her previous lodgings in the nearby clock tower. As while it was plenty cool during the warmer seasons, as well as comfier with the gym mat she occasionally "borrowed," staying there in the current winter conditions could mean freezing herself.

Yet the worst of all of it was Sunset’s desertion by her once beloved friends. As much as she despised to admit to it, a part of herself couldn't blame them for their suspicion considering her past streak of deception and blackmailing. Yet she had hoped her work on making right for her past mistakes would have at least merited some level of trust from her companions. Though regardless, instead of being warm surrounded by the friendly chatter of Sugar Cube Corner, she was left becoming a orange popsicle outside the school building.

“Ugghhh.” Sunset let out a frustrated groan, silently cursing at the sting in her eyes causing tears to begin to well up.

“I hear that.”

Sunset snapped her head up at the sudden introduction of a new voice, her eyes meeting up with bright blue eyes attached to a soft purple skin, all obstructed by short strands of darker pink hair. A girl dressed in a deep purple uniform, one Sunset recognized as the designated Crystal Prep outfit hidden under the girl’s jacket and scarf, stared back with a slightly amused expression. But what really struck her was the small straight scar that ragged across her nose.

“I'd guess exams, but getting a better look at you I'm thinking more mini skirt and freezing temperatures.”

“Wh - what?” Sunset stuttered, her face struck between confusion and another flinch from the cold.

“The groaning, the moaning, and the sour expression on your face.” The girl said casually. “Figured it's either the snow or the final school gauntlet before winter break that was making you so miserable out here. Or the fact that everyone calls you Anon-a-Miss.”

Though she tried to suppress her surprise, Sunset couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows as she looked at the pair of neutral eyes that stared back at her.

“How?” Sunset questioned.

“Got a friend on the inside,” She replied nonchalantly, not at all perturbed by Sunset’s now slightly aggressive demeanor. “Tells me all the juicy gossip that goes on here.”

“I guess you're here to get even with me for posting something on them then.” Sunset said with little resistance in her voice. She was already plenty tired from the constant assault from the day, and all she could think about was returning to the warmer school building and to her relatively comfy book bed. “Just get it over with then.”

While she was prepared for a vile remark in return, Sunset was once again surprised when she heard a snort followed by laughter from in front of her. The girl shoving a arm in front of her face as she tried to hide her growing smile before her giggling died down.
“Trust me,” She said as she stared Sunset straight in the eye with a crooked smirk. “If I were here for that, you'd know it in an instant.”

Sunset wasn't sure whether to be relieved or unsettled by the statement, as that scar mirrored her smile as it stuck out parallel above her nose. But one thing was certain, as the girl motioned closer and climbed the stairs to stand next to her, she was far shorter than Sunset originally guessed.

“Candy Drake.” The girl stared over at Sunset.

“Sunset Shimmer.”

“Nice to meet you, Sunset. Stand outside in freezing weather often?”

“Uh, no. I'm just, waiting for my ride to get here.”

“Yeah, same, here to walk my friend home.”

“She goes to Canterlot High?”

“Yep, Dawn Blossom, you probably haven't seen her though. She's so quiet she tends to morph into the backdrop.” She smiled as she gave a small huff that frosted as she released her breath. “Probably why this Anon-a-Miss is completely overlooking her, same as the rest of the students.”

“You don't think it's me?” Sunset shot a side glance at her new acquaintance, their face not even slightly changed from its amused look.

“Pffff, who calls themselves anonymous but puts the Mystable page to their hair colors and gives it all away with their silhouette as the avatar? If you wanted to pull the strings without being noticed you blame it on someone else. It's amateur work if it's yours.” Her expression took a more serious tone as her mouth worked itself into a small sneer. “People will take any excuse to gang up on someone so they have an outlet for their feelings. Rational thought tends to get thrown out when someone’s emotions get riled up enough.”

Unsure of how to respond to Candy’s now tense stance, Sunset let the silence fall on them as she focused on the settings around them to distract herself from the cold. Though it never helped that a rather gut wrenching feeling always seemed to appear whenever her eyes scanned over the Wondercolts statue, a reminder to ask Twilight’s advice on this horrible situation.

The silence was finally broken by the sound of a ringing bell, the source soon to be discovered as Candy pulled out her phone from her jacket pocket, smiling as she stared at the screen.

“That's my que for a pickup,” She said, lifting herself from the wall and moving towards the door. “But before I go…”

“Heads up.” Sunset snapped to attention as something soft hit her face, her hands grasping at cloth as she pulled the projectile away from her face. She took in the white scarf as she could already feel her hands warm up from the garment, curiously looking over at the thrower.

“You look so cold, and since I know I probably can't convince you to take my jacket, I figured my scarf is the next best thing.” Candy said. “At least to keep some part of you warm.”

“I - I can't just take this from you.” Sunset disagreed, only for her argument to be cut short.

“I have two sister’s worth of hand me downs and presents,” Candy said. “I'd bet you by the time I see you again I'll have a whole ‘nother scarf. With pom poms.”

As her hands soaked in the heat that the fleece generated, Sunset gave a quiet sigh as she carefully wrapped the garment around her neck, basking in the comfort of new relief from the cold.

“Thanks.” She said, rubbing the scarf gently onto her cheeks to restore feeling to her numb face.

“It’s no problem.” Candy said in response, putting her hand on the door handle as she pulled it open, taking a brief pause before entering. “If you’re ever freezing your legs off in front of the school again at this time, maybe we can talk again. I could even throw in a pair of mittens, or even maybe some thick leggings if you want.”

Sunset thought about the idea before answering.

“I’ll consider it.”

“All I ask. See you around then, Sunset.”

As the door closed with a soft click behind her, Candy disappeared into the building and out of sight. Sunset waited five minutes before following after her, assured that the very least the new security would have finished with the patrol around the library by now. She absentmindedly tugged the scarf closer to her, and wandered the empty halls.

Author's Note:

Some Fun Facts About Candy Drake! (You can just skip these if you're not interested, it won't affect the story at all.)

  • She's Asexual, sex repulsed, and Aromantic.
  • She's currently in a platonic but slightly romantic relationship with her mentioned friend.
  • She's part of the fencing team at Crystal Prep and her favorite class is Physics.