• Published 21st Aug 2018
  • 8,367 Views, 98 Comments

Like a Phoenix - Pyro Kittens In Suits

A series of hopeful short stories based on the Anon - a - Miss storyline

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Still In Hibernation

The frosted remains of long dormant grass crunched under Sunset’s boots as she walked along the outside walls of Canterlot High. The snowed over soccer field lay to her side as her eyes wandered over the field for some place to wait out the remaining hour of lunch.

“Guess I could always retreat back to the lost archives of the library.” She mused to herself as she sauntered over to the icy bleachers. “Maybe those students finally realized I’m not returning there when they’re constantly patrolling it now.”

She hesitantly laid her hand over the steel benches and instantly regretted her actions, the cold metal froze her fingers at the touch as she reeled them away.

“Guess sitting out here is out of the question.” Sunset thought to herself, as her gaze took notice of a small grove past the field and through the trees. A small garden area currently with it’s plant residents in hibernation due to the layer of sleet cast over the vegetation and rocks. “That's odd, I don't think I ever remember there being a garden at the school.”

Curiosity overcoming her, Sunset slowly made her way over the snowy school ground and towards the empty space between the trees. The small grotto proved at least proved to be some degrees warmer than standing in the barren field, not to mention the few evergreens that remained kept the ground less frozen over than the rest of the school’s property. Settling down on the one stone bench after brushing off the snow, Sunset pulled off her backpack and retrieved her simple lunch. She ate in silence as very few birds remained in such cold conditions, and the sound of students arguing and yelling over the new Anon - a - Miss post were far from earshot.

“Despite being frozen out here, at least it’s more peaceful than being inside.” Sunset muttered to herself between bites of sandwich.

“I guess that’s one way to look at it.” A female voice came from the opening of the garden.

Looking up from her lunch, Sunset spotted another Canterlot student dressed in a light brown striped sweater, matching the shades of her green skin and darker toned hair.

“I hate seeing all the plants either dead or asleep, but it’s still a nice place to escape to.” The girl said. “I’m Wallflower Blush.”

“Sunset Shimmer.”

“I know,” Wallflower said, a hint of agitation in her voice. “Everyone at school knows who you are.”

“R-right.” Sunset stuttered, fixing her gaze back downwards. “Being a terrifying demon, a past member of the Rainbooms, and a supposed Anon - a - Miss, take your pick.”

“Is it really you though?” Looking up at Wallflower, Sunset’s gaze was met with a curious look as she realized that maybe not everyone at Canterlot High was swept up in the rumor frenzy as to rush to conclusions. “I mean, I guess you had done some pretty bad things in the past. But it doesn’t make sense why the sudden change back into a villian, if all it means is sitting alone in the cold outside.”

“I mean if I had a choice, I’d take my winter months someplace warmer.” She continued, walking over to the bench and brushing away another patch of snow as she sat down next to Sunset. She let out a sigh rubbing hands together before talking again. “But I guess the plants are the only things that ever really want me around. That sounded less lonely in my head.” She sighed again.

“I’m guessing you spend a lot of time out here then?” Sunset asked, packing the rest of her uneaten lunch away into her backpack. Her appetite didn't ever seem to be there anymore.

“I’m the president of the school’s gardening club. I also founded it, and also the only member. And up until this point the only person who's ever been here, or has asked about it.” Wallflower chuckled awkwardly.

“Guess I’m not the only lonely person at this school then.” Sunset laughed bitterly, though immediately regretted it as the silence filled in the gaps between their conversation. “Sorry, that was a bad joke.”

“It’s fine,” Wallflower snapped back sternly. “I guess I just wished I could just talk to people better. Or that someone might actually notice me for more than five seconds.”

“Well, for what it’s worth from the main suspect of being Anon - a - Miss,” Sunset said. “I’m having a good time talking to you right now. Probably one of the better moments of my week.”

In response Wallflower only tensed in her seat, her hands gripping her jeans as her face slowly contorted in a rising anger. The tranquility of the garden around them turning into an uneasy atmosphere as Sunset waited for her to make any kind of remark on her previous comment.

“Maybe we should start hea-”

“I wish it was you.” Wallflower finally outburst, her voice a hissing whisper.

“...What?” Sunset said quietly in surprise.

“I wish it was you!” The timid girl yelled, jumping out of her seat and staring down Sunset with glaring eyes. “You ignore me all the time, and you got to be so popular and loved by everyone despite you bullying everyone, and when it finally seems it showed your true nature again, it’s not even you! You’re not Anon - a - Miss and I hate you for that!”

As her voice fell and the small green enclave grew silent again, Sunset didn’t know what to make of the girl in front of her. Wallflower’s lightly heaving body towering above her seated figure was tense as her hands balled up into fists, but her expression betrayed the rest of her form as tears began to well up in her eyes. It was only a moment before she broke, the water streaming down her cheeks as she snapped her head downward in a futile attempt to hide them from her pronounced enemy.

“I’m sorry.”

Neither girl moved from their spot as Sunset’s soft spoken apology barely scratched the surface of the heavy silence.

“You don’t deserve it, any of it.” Sunset continued in hushed tones, her eyes taking a determined gleam as she dared tried to make contact with Wallflower’s glossy gaze. “I always thought I could make amends to what I’ve done, to promise myself that I’ve never hurt anyone ever again after what I did. But I guess I even messed that up.”

Gathering up her courage and wiping her eyes on her sleeve, Wallflower looked down to see the forced neutral look upon Sunset’s face and felt a pang of guilt for what she said.

“I guess I really haven’t changed after all,” Sunset continued. “So no wonder no one believes me when I tell them I’m not Anon - a - Miss. Not even my friends.” She suddenly felt something warm trickle down her cheek, but didn’t let it distract her from continuing. “Guess in the end all that talk of friendship just turned out to be built on false notions, and now it all came crumbling down.” She felt her whole start to freeze up as she realized something wet was now covering her face, reaching a hand up she realized she was crying as tears poured over from her eyes without her realizing it.

She let out another bitter laugh, “Just look at me now,” Sunset said, Wallflower’s once hard expression softening into a concerned look. “I’ve already been dethroned, now all that’s left for me is banishment.”

Whatever tears Sunset’s eyes had managed to hold back now broke their dams as she felt the sudden feeling of regret and misery hit her with a painful force. Before she knew it, she could hear her voice crying out in echoing sobs as she clenched her head in her hands. Though the last thing she had expected to do today was violently bawl in a garden out back from the school, she also hadn’t expected a warm embrace to suddenly wrap her up as she continued to cry into someone’s now damp shoulder.

Wallflower and Sunset remained clenched together for some time, before the latter could finally restrain her outbreak and even out her breathing. Her face now a red mess with strands of hair stuck to her cheeks, along with her breaths coming out in hiccups.

“I - I’m sorry.” Wallflower said, slowly letting go of the hug. “I should have realized you were feeling so miserable. I guess I was always a little jealous of you being so popular, but that doesn’t mean you deserve this. Any of of this.”

Sunset took a deep breath, calming her wheezing as she retrieved a tissue from her backpack. Wiping off her soaked cheeks, as well as rubbing at her eyes hoping they weren't too obviously puffy.

“Its,” Sunset hiccuped. “Its fine. I probably deserved this anyway. It's punishment for thinking I could move on from everything.”

“No it's not!” Wallflower raised her voice again. “You changed as a person and become better, you did things I'd always wish I could do. But just because I was maybe jealous of that didn't make it right to yell at you.” Slightly flinching as she realized she was yelling again, she lowered her voice as she continued. “You're not a bad person, I can see that clearly now. And I'd rather be quiet and forgotten than become a bully myself.”

Getting out the last of her sniffling, Sunset rubbed away at the rest of her tear stained cheeks before turning to talk to Wallflower again.

“Thanks for that, I guess.” She pressed an uneasy smile on her face. “But I am sorry if you felt I ever ignored you. It was never my intention to.”

“That's okay, most people do anyway.”

“Is that why you said you spend so much time out here?”

“Uh, yeah. I like caring for all the plants here. Or at least when they're all not in hibernation.”

“So it must be something to see in the springtime then.”

“Yeah, it's when I can start planting the marigolds. I just love seeing them in full bloom with their colors. Also…”

Sunset nodded thoughtfully along as Wallflower started to go into a long winded talk about her favorite seeds to sow, what flowers grew best, and how she wanted to compose the layout of the garden. She even found herself politely laughing along with Wallflower over a joke and being impressed with how much thought she put into making the space as beautiful as it could be.

The two had gotten so caught up in their discussion about it, they barely caught the loud echoing of the school's bell, ending their lunch period.

“Guess it's time for class.” Wallflower was the first to comment.

“At least the classrooms will be warm.” Sunset responded.

The two stood up from their seats, carefully stepping out of the garden and walked back towards the school building.

“Hey,” Wallflower broke the silence as the two continued towards the school. “If you want, you can always sit in the garden if you need somewhere quiet.”

Sunset smiled in response. “And if you need someone to talk to, my schedule is open.”

Wallflower smiled back as the two reached the doors of Canterlot High, reveling in the warmth as they entered and gave their goodbyes as they wandered into the halls.

Though still slightly cold from having sat so long outside, Sunset couldn't deny feeling just a little lighter as she bounded off to science class.