Sunset wouldn’t wish public transportation on her worst enemy.
As she sat on a uncomftorbale wooden bench waiting for a bus that may have been a complete fabrication for how long it was taking, she thought about how she almost missed having Flash Sentry around just so he could drive her places. Though she dared not think further into that, the plenty of unpacking to do in that old relationship alone was for another time. For now she just had to manage her patience in anticipation of that metal monster finally rounding the corner. This work interview was already churning her stomach in anxiety, the last thing she needed was a ill reminder of past mistakes to finish the job. After all if she succeeded in being able to work minimum wage at the local mall, confined within the task of cleaning up clothes and sorting piles, she reassured herself that it would end up leading somewhere. Hopefully an actual apartment.
“Ugh.” She moaned, moving her hands deeper into her jacket pockets. She was so intent with taking her mind off of the cold, amongst other deeply buried things, she had almost missed the telltale sign of music.
A series of steady beats, low pitched and muffled started to sound louder and louder as the sound closed in. Sunset whipped her head around to find the source, and spotted the school’s famous dubstep artist, Vinyl Scratch coming to a stop by the bench placed at the bus stop. The musician wearing her signature headphones, along with a rather puffy white coat, which would have completely blended her into the background if not for her neon highlights spaced around her design.
She shifted to the electric sounds surrounding her ears, smiling as she saw Sunset while giving a small wave in acknowledgement. Sunset did the same in return, Vinyl having been one for always being cordial to her despite whatever rumor came out.
Quickly returning her hand into her pocket, soaking up the warmth before it threatened to freeze, Sunset lost herself in her mind again. She was sure she was grimacing slightly, watching her breath icing over as she let out a small sigh, but she had not expected anyone to take notice of it. Especially not the girl who had always seemed complacent in blocking out all sounds in substitution for her own soundtrack.
Lost in thought again, Sunset nearly jumped as she realized Vinyl’s hand was waving in the corner of her vision. Looking up she saw her, and the rare sight of her headphones placed around her shoulders, looking down through magenta colored glasses with a worried smile as she pointed to Sunset before motioning confusion.
“You’re asking me what’s wrong?” Sunset guessed.
Vinyl nodded in return.
“Well beside the whole Anon - a - Miss disaster,” She said repressing another moan, she would have liked to think the whole thing would have finally blown over. But the situation only proved to be growing worse as the school seemed to be bursting with negativity, ranging from simple gossiping to all out fights. “I’m just nervous about a job interview I’m going on.”
In response Vinyl gave a thumbs up, one which Sunset took as a sign of encouragement.
“Thanks, I’m hoping for the best on this. But I guess this past week or two has had me tensed up, not the best way of walking into an interview.”
Sunset watched as Vinyl’s face turned contemplative, her features scrunching in thought before suddenly lighting up as she snapped her fingers. Reaching into her coat pocket, she retrieved a small rectangular device Sunset recognized as a music player. Scrolling through it for a moment, Vinyl carefully removed her headphones before offering it over to the fiery haired girl.
“You want me to take these?”
Vinyl nodded her head, using one hand to motion putting them on her head. Sunset followed her instructions, gently placing them onto her ears and waited for sound. In turn the DJ clicked on her device, starting a stream of electronic beats to flow forth.
While Sunset didn’t have any one particular taste in music, though arguably she had started to prefer rock after she had been able to perform against the sirens, she couldn’t deny the immediate excitement she had felt when the sudden introduction of synthetic melody graced her mind and overtook her. It was a calmer tempo than most of the musician’s regular music Sunset had overheard blasting from the DJ’s headphones, but she was grateful for that as she allowed herself to be lost within the cadence of the music.
When the song finally ended, Sunset realized that she had been silent for some time, lost in a peaceful bliss of little thought. Turning to over to Vinyl, she saw the expecting smile on her face as she waited for Sunset’s opinion.
“That was,” Sunset paused and thought of how to say what she felt. “That was just what I needed. Thank you.”
Vinyl waved her hand in a gesture of saying it was of no trouble. Accepting back the headphones as Sunset delicately removed them and returned them to their owner.
“Did you make that song yourself?” Sunset asked.
Vinyl nodded in return, standing just a bit taller than before.
“I knew you were one for music,” Sunset continued. “The whole incident with the Sirens can at least tell me that much. But I never knew you were able to write compositions like that.”
There was a hint of blush across the DJ’s face, as she simply shrugged her shoulders as if to say that it wasn’t a big deal.
“Well for what it’s worth, thanks for sharing this with me. And also for helping with the Sirens, I don’t know if we ever got to properly thank you for that.”
Vinyl nodded, a bright grin across her face. She then held up a finger to signal pause, before beginning to root through her bag in search of something. Sunset looked curiously as it took a moment before the musician was finally able to grasp the item and pull it out for her to see. A clear case along with a CD marked DJ - PON3 in blue maker, enclosed inside shined faintly in the faint sunlight that managed to shine through the clouds. Closing up her bag again, Vinyl offered over the disc to Sunset and motioned for her to take it.
“You want me to have this?”
Vinyl shook her head yes, incling for Sunset to accept the gift.
“I - Thank you, Vinyl. I’ll definitely listen to these when I can.”
The DJ gave a passionate thumbs up in response, before perking up at the abrupt interruption of a running motor swerved closer to the two. Looking up herself, Sunset spotted her long awaited ride as a bus drove up to the curb.
Lifting herself up from the cold bench, she turned to her companion.
“My ride’s here,” She said motioning to the oncoming vehicle. “Are you getting on this one, too?”
She felt a pang of disappointment as Vinyl shook her head. The bus now stopping at the sidewalk and opening its doors with a soft squeak. Walking to board the bus, Sunset turned and waved to her fellow student before entering.
“See you later, Vinyl.”
The girl waved in response as the doors closed, Sunset then paying her fare and taking an open seat near the front as she watched the scenery pass by. Vinyl’s song played in her head the whole ride, Sunset only feeling a small sense of surprise when her stomach remained calm as she arrived at the interview.
First Candy Drake, then Dawn Blossom, and now Vinyl! Sunset is getting more and more friends
! Also, is Vinyl mute
I personally headcanon, with I believe a large number of other fans, that Vinyl is indeed mute. Seeing as all appearances of her in the show and movies never show her ever talking, singing, or otherwise I went along with the idea to be close to as what is probably canon as possible.
Agreeing with someone via their head means they nod, not shake.
I like to think of her as someone who CAN talk but chooses not to when body language can do the job most of the time.
I once again enjoy stories like this were Vinyl is a total sweet and kind girl, definitely not one to hold grudges against those like Sunset as Vinyl is definitely someone I buy being one of the nicest students at the school, and one of the happiest!